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The long- term stability of BiVO4/FeOOH/NiOOH was A Direct Quantitative Measure of tested by obtaining a J-t curve. A photocurrent density of 2.73 mA/cm2, obtained by applying Surface Mobility in a Glassy Polymer 0.6 V between the working and counter electrodes, was maintained for 48 hours without showing Y. Chai,1 T. Salez,3 J. D. McGraw,4* M. Benzaquen,3 K. Dalnoki-Veress,3,4 any sign of decay, proving its long-term stabil- E. Raphaël,3 J. A. Forrest1,2† ity (Fig. 4B). The O2 measurement made by using a fluorescence O sensor confirmed that the 2 Thin polymer films have striking dynamical properties that differ from their bulk counterparts. photocurrent generated at 0.6 V versus counter- With the simple geometry of a stepped polymer film on a substrate, we probe mobility above and electrode was mainly associated with O produc- 2 below the glass transition temperature T . Above T the entire film flows, whereas below T only tion (> 90% photocurrent-to-O conversion effi- g g g 2 the near-surface region responds to the excess interfacial energy. An analytical thin-film model for ciency) (Fig. 4C). The same results were obtained flow limited to the free surface region shows excellent agreement with sub-T data. The system when the measurement was performed at 0.6 V g transitions from whole-film flow to surface localized flow over a narrow temperature region versus RHE. H production at the Pt counter 2 near the bulk T . The experiments and model provide a measure of surface mobility in a simple electrode was also detected with gas chromatography g geometry where confinement and substrate effects are negligible. This fine control of the glassy (GC) (Fig. 4C). The molar ratio of the produced H : 2 rheology is of key interest to nanolithography among numerous other applications. O2 was 1.85:1. The slight deviation from the stoi- chiometric ratio of 2:1 is due to our imperfect manual sampling method of H2 for GC analysis. he last decades have seen a considerable cent efforts (1, 3–5) have focused on elucidating Because this outstanding performance was interest in the dynamical and rheological the nature of glassy dynamics both in the bulk 1 2 achieved by using simple, unmodified BiVO4 Tproperties of glassy materials ( , ). Re- and in systems, such as thin films or colloids, 994 28 FEBRUARY 2014 VOL 343 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org REPORTS h3 = where the interfaces play a dominant role and can result in Laplace pressure gradients that drive parameter describing the flow: g m 3hm.The induce strong dynamical heterogeneities. Higher viscous flows. When the height gradients are form of Eq. 2 is mathematically identical to the mobility near interfaces has often been suggested sufficiently small, and the typical height of the Mullins model (22) describing the evolution of as the cause of anomalous glass transition tem- profile is sufficiently smaller than its typical profiles by surface diffusion of molecules. How- perature (Tg) in thin polymer films (3–5). The width, the flow can be described by the Stokes ever, for flow of macromolecules where all the presence of a more mobile surface has practical equations in the lubrication approximation (27).
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