V; Dally OmdsUota ■aotal ef JWy, USS 6,161 /*Mmtxhetikkr ■■ 'A CRy ,o/ VWage Charm kdverifatag aa Faga U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. AUGUST 10, 1939 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PUCE THREE CENIl^ VOL. LVnL, NO. 166 Two Army F lien Killed in Crash ^ X Body of Missing Italy and Reich W ill ^ Girl Found; Hold ^ Consider Joint Plans ‘Scout’ as Killer Shot Three, Tim es and h stolen Whiskey stored At Ministers’ Stabbed Tw ice; Blond Under Noaes of Police I Chum W alks Into Fire | DBteton, Aug. 10.—(g)—Patnri* j man George F. Harnols peeked ^ I SboaM B moim Afrioui Ciano and Von Department Station; In the window of a South End United States, i Dodger in Sideshow trap to M eet Soon In H ysterical Condi- garage today and found a ten- ton truck loaded with S3 barrels I Hutchinaoo, Kaa., Aug. 10.—, SaU m ig <m tion to T ell Story. of whiskey which had been the France Assert (PI—Hars'a Doniphan Zumalt'a Of Common Pol object at an eight-state bunt b y ; I explanation of bow ha eeoaped Boca Raton, Fla., Aug. 10—<F>— poUce and Federal agents ainea , aerloua tajury by thq Ughtaung German Claim to tbat bowM blm ovar. they were reported stolen Tuet* China Interest ’ o f Um body of RuUt Fran* day. I •1 aaw It oomtaig.” the Ifi- zif to Be 'baa Dunn, 17, at a coeetel ewxmp The garage aleo la used to year-old youth excltadly told ^ S& ject of aad the arreet of a aeU-etyied "tal- perk two police cnileing cars Tell Japan They Are Con- I phyalciana, ”and I do<biied.” ent aoout” wbo had promlaad her a from the South Boeton steUon. | ------- ^^ May Discnas tb—trtcal career eUmaxad today cerned with Econom ic i ^ y hunt for two ml wing Miami • Problems of W ar; Japs BolsUat glrta. Axis Demands H o p ^ for movie fame, Mlaa Dunn, Demand Parley Haste. and a mill acbool ebum, blonde Jean Hold Up Head Bolton, It, left Miami Monday with Takyo, Aug. 10—(Pi—Tba United a man wbo ebrimed a wide back- Are Rejected Of Stamford Statea and rraaca ware reported to- ground in film, radio aad atege work, a S4*yaar*e|d alx*footar known day to bava dtetared to Japan their troR M m u I aiaKr Bari Ito aa Chariaa R Jaffaraon. tatereet ta eoenomte probleiha aria- By Yugoslavs Nuda, ahot three ttanca and atab* Firm for 87000 tag from the war ta China, adding a bed twice, Mlaa Dunn waa found eompUeatlon to .tha alreiidy atala* dead cn a Umeyr beach road Prem ier Flies to Noilly mlloa nerih at Boca Raton n mated BriUak-Japaaaaa coofarenea. Bandits in Two Cars Rob houra after Mlaa Bolton, byateribal It WM Iwllevad hy ohaarvara that Rome* Berlin Tk« and with brulaad Upa, walkad tato J. M. W right’in Front tha quarilon of taeludtag otbar pew* Cannot Use Hia Conn^ tho fira department atatlen bora and men kUIed were Serond L t M. B. Tbomaa, at Hemp atead, L. I„ and Private AnUtony R Gerrlty, at Scran* ara fat eonaldaratloa at announoad aha bad been held a Of His Factory; Five in ton. Pa. twaan Graat Britain and Japan had For Purposes of W ar. prlaoiMr throughout tbe period. Gang Make Getaway. baeoma a aaw barrtm to rooumptien win Jaffaraon waa arraatad aa ha walk of tto ♦*■*>■ Balgnda. Tgritovta. Ai«. Ifa— ad, unarinad, aloag a highway. Sir Robert LaaUa Cralgte, Um M t* Stamford, Aug., 10—<g>—Baadjta, ' DatoeUvo U aut B. W. Malriiea of h ambaaandor, has taalstod that (P) Oarmag and ttaUan dm aa ^ Miami announoad tka priaoiwr, alao operating ta fun view ef m an y fu * Orders Placed Britain eouM not wUhdnw aiipport far un of Yugoriav tofritacy Is poltay at tto atato (etoe) I Batad by many other namea, con* tory workers, bald up John M. Defense Says Brown from Um oeutral chtaan Govern* warttma man ropartod authoritm n had beu m faaaad orally in the preemee of two Wright, presideiM of Um Blectric ment’a eumney heoaun other pow* to tto i doaan detoctivea and nawapaper men For Thousand Uvaly today to t o n b ou Mtae autetlvM Specialty Company, today aa ba a n w en eonoernad. Ito abducted the glrla with Um Idea AuthoriteUn aounae, towavac, by Yugoatavta. aad otdon won to- aiightad from a taxi In front o f Um of bolding them for ranaom. crimta* Concealed Real- Facts Mid dolnwatBM *^1^t**i JOpOMi# nQy aaaaultod Mlaa Dunn Monday plant and aacapsd with a payion ef War Airplanes mlnlator-at-largo ta Chin j7.oei.e5. B in t aad kUlad her to alienee bar praosad Japan’a dirin far n •litertaa. As tha taxi rolled up to tba curb Slade M aintains State { A t t it lld i* naumpUan af tto nagottatioM wito took off riwrtly baton aeme,.y KiBaa fw aa automobUa blocked the path, an* Britain at hla third masting with ”He aald ha k|M Mtan Dima ba* oUmt pulled alongride and two man Contracts for 85 Million Accoontant Failed to L). ta an army km Bir Rehartta tone daya. Fluma, m te . From b u n I oauaa aba eriad faTsbatp and hacniiM tliruat pistola tbrou^ tha windowa Dollars Worth Award- Report W ork Done hyaterteal dai^to hbi warabig that oa ritbar aids, ooa of tbam ordartng ato/to aalnumitotaty to On Foreigners Jap raT laritteiy nmutlat an *wto ■Vtl' they ware to ramata quiet,” the Wrigbt: ”Doa't mova a muada or ed Today; Many Go to By Kingsley Company. liimMriitti MU you.” uae from TIantatorKeto mu nid to to tto Bautenant ratatod. 1 to t o n wnrnod, n n datarmtead to Ttaa glrt’a bote waa eovorad 'Hiay aalaad a laatlwr bag ooataUi' PariijBe Go^Mt Concerns. nnoftod tag tha weekly payroll, which BoBotiiil Now S tiffer raturn to Chtan rnilaae th an o n aras aald to hgr a rata eoat Har throat was ot ai n w taption wlthhi ItWM Witaht had Juat brought from tba Waahingto^ Aug. 10—(P)—Tha Wataritary, Ang. OW Jamaa ef ItoBan Her eonpaalea. now a nigbt^ eiub tto ”nbir futara.” (Tto_ atager, waa a t her boma ' Flrai NaUooal Bank, puneturad a War Dapartmeotxthraw tha axpaa* D. C. Mnrray, ytaadlag .far Me Tha prase daelarad they wmrid n * Oouat Qalinma Omm the eara ef a nbyrirtan, Ura ea Uni cab aad drove off while toyhadd .iimm, FrankNew Ineidenti at Tient* ntmn to Tu ayea «f tke foxtaatiy aotUlad aloB of Armx air Ifareoi k|{o high UayMb.ltal ton WMwtawy mm- M gjtm idnir and a n id jb ^ lta jl pn» vena aad akto to tok Bin--1BBpsalBd t A n ^ ' bempleto-SHer’aC * “ goar today with an award rt oob-- Ttatoa WaM hi Oar It « u Mpoftid Tba two had hoai nroihlwd they trnete totalUag • 65,08,^ tor air- Spokasniiin Dem ands would have pbptognphs madf at Polioa aald lator tiuea mao waited craft ana angliwo.' Loulo Jqlmaaa, ta Um two bandit eara during the ralm Baaeh a^tho OrM atep toward aettag aaerataiy of war, onld-Uwy Britain Define Stand. Tto a>Hiafe dor tol moria ~ holdup. rapraaentad tha targaat peacaUma 'it, about 70. aald be had to have rspkad to Kate that final ta* ^ Jaffa It fltat daelarad ha had anna ordara TlanUta, Ang* 10—(P)—Naw ta* atroetleu from Lendan atni wan trip from the bank to tba Including equipment, which will nat to aaU Ma legi cldeats tadicatod MAf that tto pudtiqt and that to had ao kaoad- Tto pnmfar'a nn of tto Mafahan rapottod the oEh admit- factoiy, loeatod imar the SJamfard be providad by the government, for ratoar far n ”Mghar and i na|y railraad staUan/ far a long Ume nqr boy- Japanaaa aray bad jRafanad Ua at- adga mton they would eeoaa. Ha m u " u n eymtol ef tto m « ril ted ha drava at coca from Miami to whldt oeparato -wntracte ara to bo ooldto t o n orguad that ht tto ba- without moleetathm. Ha waa ta Um bssd M ate knsw has I kay Bbihaa eountry to koon an Um lonety arts, bound Um giris' let, ffiora than $100,000,000 waa rap* tituda towsM fartigaara ta Uria gtaaliM aad that, ttonfiata, H m u Nd aad ririet aautnnty. handa bahtod them and knocked it with Winiam a . McKenna reaented, Um War Departmant aald. dans no wIrtoog.’ " North Chian eliy. at Um wheel when the bandlte ap* taoeuafiteat far tto J a a a u u gdr* Mlao Dnan uneonaelous with a ptatol The largaat atagla eoatraet arant A White Rnariaa woman toM of anmsat ta aapact BriOte to aaato butt baemaa aba aeraamad. Than, paarad. to Um Glaaa L. MarjUa Opmpany, Waterbwty, —Aug. 10—<P)— batog datetaad fiva houra baton rim OiM gunman covered the drti ha said, Jrifaraon dragged tba girl BalUmora, for two-engine bombera, dafanaa lawyar aaaerted today that waa parnritted to enter tto MUab an raga Twa.) Tto a ffwet distance off: tba road. and the other on the oppoalte aide ef ekargsa agalnat raan .on trial ta Um ooncassloB. Rantrlctloao on paraona Me l u e u t t r i p t o 1 eoettag $15Bie,000. To Whan Um moanad aad eriad after Um vehicle menaoed Wright, who Wateriniry inunicl^ fraud eaat going tato and eomlog from -tto that they mould budi waa reachbig into a pocket tor the For an imdlai?loaad munber of tha 04U rite maii .toto cm Ngaimag rawartouanaaa.
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