, . -. ( Page Six THE JEWISH POST Thursday, February 2, 1967 Thursday, February 2, 1967 THB .JBWISH POST. Page Seven If!IT"f IIlf lfiTT IIlfJ!) / AT41& "7Ir' lIJLi" ~ pating. Other countries are expected Thau (Tiajuanas), Gerry Koffman cal enemies by calling them "No­ Zionist National Meet Set 'fL,~ €fJLJ .Ill. 4'" ¥if.JlI' .JIl lIl'CICJI - to join in before plans are finalized YWI HA SWteefhearf Ball Saturday (El Dorados), CecUe Schwemer (Co­ LETTER vember-criminals." CITY CHAPTER OF for this unique Centennial Year quattes) , Hershy Jacob (Ramblers), (5) Foreign Policy: The NPD to attend the three-day meeting I\UNA HOLLENBERG CHAPTER GARDEN Twenty-one candidates will rep­ Barbie Shukster (Odds 'N' Ends), (Cont. from page 3) project. Sandy Kaplan (X.L.'s), Dave Ner­ opposes any and all Atlantic links which will bring to a close the 60th of National Council of Jewish: B'nai B'rith Women will mee<! resen t their clubs Saturday evening, Sid Shoib (Panthers), Joanne Gross­ "genuine authori ty of command and Fashion show co-ordinators, Mrs. man (Imperials), Clarine Ostrov& (In for Germany. Under the motto anniversary celebrations of the Women will hold a bingo Monday, Monday, Feb. 6, at 8:30 p.m. at the Feb. 4 in the annual Sweetheart man (Purple Pussycats), Adrianne subordination." Sovereignty doe s A. Lowe and !Mrs. N. Spigelman, Kids), 'Rory Paul (Mustangs), Susan "Europe for the Europeans" it de­ Canadian Movement. Feb. 13, at 8:30 p.m. at Council. horne of Mrs. Syd Hendin, 10 Prim- Ball to be sponsored by the YiMHA's Kettner (Ridettes), Reesa Sorokin not reside in the aggregate of citi­ , ha ve recruited local celebrities as Tessler (Just Us), 'Mark Malkin mands the withdrawal of the United Chairman of the convention is House, 410 Pritchard Avenue. There Irose Crescent. There will be a dis- teen . division, program advisory (Top Teens), Charlotte Zucker (So­ cens. Instead, the state exerts models. These already include Miss States and the Unitcd Kingdom Sam Broder of Montreal, national will be free refreshments and a· play of saris and authentic (East) committee (PAC). phistikats), Sid Baumel (Camaros), (Golden Hawks), Gerald Paul sovereignty over the individual and Manitoba, Joanne Holm; Miss Blue from the European continent. It I treasurer of the movement. door prize. Convenors are Mrs. F. Indian jewellery and footwear by The Sweetheart King and Queen Mark Rayter (Viscounts), Isaac (Stingrays). the community. The individual Bomber, Myrna Kuskewich: actor bows toward Gaullism but, at the Labor Zionist Youth and Pioneer Altman and M,·s. B. Hirt. Tickets Mrs. Kahn. Hostesses are Mrs. Ben will compete in two major areas- citizen is excluded from the role of Edward Evanko, and hockey player same time, raises territorial de­ Women will meet separately the day at $1 may be obtained at the door Billinkoff and 'Mrs. Syd Zipursky. holder or co-holder of sovereignty. Carl Brewer. Red Alix, of radio publicity Iby sponsoring clubs will Plan Federated Zionist Confab mands, which are bound to worry before the official registration of the or by phoning Mrs. G. Shapera at .....-- account for 20 per cent and will be -- Anrich thus advocates the totali- • station CJOB, will share the com­ France deeply. delegates at the Queen Elizabeth 339-5939. judged by Arnie Cohen, adult pro- Toronto - A businessman and ing convention of the new instru­ tarian state, the "people's democ­ mcntator's role with Mrs. Spigel­ If the NPD were enabled to im­ Hotel. gram director, Don Billinkoff and volunteer in the Toronto Jewish mentality, the Federated Organiza­ racy'l of the right, as it were, Von MIRIAM CHAPTER, HADASSAH, Weizmann Chapl. man. Hairstyles ,by Julius, North­ Bernie Simkin, past PAC presidents. community, Eric Exton, ha, been tion of Canada. The five groups are: plement these policies Germany gate Plaza: makeup by The M"gic' Thadden's professed allegiance to will meet Monday, Feb. 6, at . Club skit~, songs, cheers and stunts appoihted chainnan of the Feder­ Achdut Ha-Avoda-Poale Zion; would be totally and irrevocably PlansFashion'61 Room, and' hats hy Maria's Hat the democratic principle thus prliv<:s 1:30 p.m. at Hadassah Headquarters. at a rally January 30 were judged ated Zionist Organization of Can­ Friends of Pioneering Israel; Labor i~obtcd. 'I'hat. Germany. ,incapable Shakespeare Weizmann Chapter of, Hadassah Design will also be featured, with to be in<;inccre~ :\. film will be shown and tea will be and accounted for 30 per cent. ada's founding national convention, Z ion i s t Organization; Mizrachi­ of learning the lessons of history will present "Fashion '67" Sunday, door prizes and refreshments as (3) Justice: The' NPD demands and of reforming. would quickly Opens af served. Judges were Marg Donaldson and when 1000 delegates will assemble Hapoel Hamizrachi, and the Zionist WlTe Feb. 26, at the Royal Alexandra added highlights. the immediate cessation of all "one- find herself involved in a Third Shakespeare returns to the Mani­ Avrim Namak of' the Y program from a<;ross Canada March 31 to Hevisionist Organization. MANITOBA CHAPTER OF B'NAI Hotel. In addition to the latest Additional "Fashion '67" commit­ , sided" war crimes trials and· at- World War. The inevitable outcome toba Theatre Centre Febrary 8 to staff. Flfteen per cent will be April 4, at the Royal York Hotel Guest speakers at the convention D'rith Women will hold an sl?ring styles for men and women, tee personnel include (Mesdames): tempts to balance crimes committed would be the toial destruction of 25 with Romeo and Juliet. The show awal·ded for additional publicity, in Toronto. will include leading figures from executive meeting Tuesday, Feb. 7, courtesy of Bryan's Fashions, Long's supervisor of models, I. Kraut: door by Germans against "crimes com- Germany and of the German people. stars John Fraser, of London, Eng­ including such things as' costumes, Mr. Exton, a director, of several North America aand abroad. Al- at the home of Mrs. J. Yaren, 240 Hats and A & M Hurtig Furs, prizes, E. Shell: program hook, M. mitted in other countries against The overwhelming majority of land.. His Juliet is Anna Shaler, of placards, skits, and "gimmicks." investment corporations, is active ready confirmed are two major per- R. Feldman will lead the Winni- Perth Avenue. Plans for the an- authentic traditional and contem- Greenberg and A. Bronstone: tick­ German men, women and children Germans who voted for the major New York. Voting will account for 35 per cent with the Jewish Home for the Aged, sonalities from the world of Zion­ nual wind-up will be discussed. porary native costumes from various ets, P. Granovsky and J. Rissett; by the millions." Characteristically, parties (92.6 per cent for CDU, peg delegation to the tenth trien- This is the fourth time Manitobans with members of the teen division Central Region's Canadian Jewish ism, Arieh L. Pincus of Jerusalem, nial national convention of the countries will be shown. PlaruS. t , M . W a;II d eeor, L . GIa- d leadlllg members of the NPD con-. SPD and FDP) know that the posi­ have been able to see Shakespeare attending the event eligible to cast I Congress, Joint Community Rela­ chairman of the Jewish Agency and GOLDA I\IEIR CHAPT., PIONEER Chairmen 'Mrs. F. Wein,eld and stone and M. Spigelman: publicity, duc:ed ~ memorial service at . the I tive developments in Germany after Labor Zionist Movement of Canada, on stage at the Theatre Centre. one ballot for a male candidate and: tions Committee, Mount Sinai Lodge chairman of the executive of the Rebruary 3 - 5, in Montreal. WOMEN, . will hold a ''Cafe Mrs. G. A. Ruskin have announced Wm. Goldberg andL. Morganstern. burwl sIte of executed war crimi-: the total military, political and cro­ Three seasons ago it was A Mid­ one ballot for a female candidate. I and Chapter of the Masonic Order, World Zionist Organization, and Accompanying Mr. Feldman to the Italiano" with Italian food, wine and that thus far countries such as Tickets are available at the sponsor­ nals at Landsberg (Bavaria). nomic collapse of 1945 were brought summer Night's Dream: two years A guest !M.C. for the Ball at the Y C and the board of governors of the Jon Kimche of London, England, setting, Saturday, Feb. 4, at 9 p.m. Greece, Mexico and India have ing finns or by telephoning 339-6355 (4) History:' The NPD is opposed! about by political decency, prompt convention will be B. Adelman, S. Centre Auditorium will introduce Israel Bond Organization. founder and editor of "The Jewish Block, iM. Bograd, G. Chafetz, Mr. ago, The Taming of the Shrew: last at the Peretz School, Aikins Street. indicated their interest in partici- or 339-6563. to an objective analysis of the causes fulfilment of treaty obligations and January, The Tempest. , the candidates. He' is past pre,ident of Eglinton Observer and Middle-East Review," d Mrs J Fre dm S G Reservations at $7 per couple may of ti,e Second World War. To quote loyal. co-operation. an .. e an, . ~w_reene, L I Th~ b ox 0 ff"Ice lS open f or b 00-k The new King and Queen will Lodge B'nai B'rith as well as past and author of such best - selling S Le !Mrs M N h be arranged through Mrs. R. Shrei­ the "manifesto": "We reject the The German (X'oplc are thus . szcz, .. ate, J.Y.L.n;. • f bo h hi" f . d' be crowned hy Don Smordin and chairman of the TorontoB'nai B'rith books as ''Seven Fallen Pillars," P d .M d Mrs B W l-'~-- mgs or t sc 00 s anu or ill 1- ber (338-1209) or Mrs.
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