/ .. ^ • ' r ■ s ■ I, Tlhbl EWSWMAGICWUEJ^CON — —5 & - c G?nc& n c ------- — ~ ^ Twin Falls, Idaho/99EhI year,r NT r r s s s. — l ^ c s d aayT-NoTCmbei^OH - 1 ^ 2 8 0 '! — --------- G o o d m o3 u R N IN G fudge gives s . , : ' . - ' i s e l u s ■ • W e a t h e r /ater deal( loofes sive bb^ikrobbeie r Today:ly: MosOy wells had aU must get t aagreements, legisla- v i dyand. ByMlBPeiPence tiveIve com m ittee trying to avoic)id a hit, diougli. deep W( 2 0 y e a r s ourt flghf charged aliead MoIon- . ready been pokedc d Into th e tion a n d finfinancing arranged by ^ • H igh29, Tlma^New!IW9 w riter • com ■ . ® Sd!*?; ——------ ^ ^ day lay when members met asas if aquifer tliat took nmorc water, Mjuch 15.15 .11iat Is die d e a d lin e . ly0 y Rebecca Meany 1 by die governor, Leg- jf_ low 20. ; - Lead negotiators for :lhh e c deal wlU b e cinched by' lllhe out of It tliah wasas 'being put agreed to b] Imes-New» w riter BOISE- and water users. After -t- _____ '■ i rage nz surface wwater user§, spring »ni(Ime tlie 2005 Legislature co:on* back In. Additiomdl)jdly, d ie state Islature anc m'cnes in January. also has agreed to.!0 .send more that, thele commercial fish ■ BOISEi - A federal judgejs sei e n - a n d ■ g ro u n d w a te r veim u s e rs ai nake River in hatcheries.cs, which started the • , * s w hose livelihood de* TlThey discussed howr to) fi- w ater dow n ih e Sna: enced a Boise m a n to 20 yeayears t 5e salmon.re-—dispute,-an-aru-again-frec to der ... - — -M agigVaI: >n tlie”Eastern-Snake— »nnlance-a-poteniial-deal-to I - 1re—-order-to encourage ; n"prison on~Monday In coicon* ------------ rnand thelilelr full water rights, lln Aquifer say diey’re .dueluce the amount of watater productioa lectlon with a string of barban k . D ism issed : Prosecsecutors PMn icing taken from the aqulluifer The interim cor:ommlttee which woulould require tiie sliut* • * ____ suU not closedo to a deal to keep heir obberies In TWin Falls ana n d { dropacaseagainjlinst a man . everyone o liat Ts stressed from five yetears which includes lawmakers,li )oise. cout of court. , s trt oBicials - Pleasea s e see WATER. Page A2 a rre s te d in conne<n ec u o n But a spccialsp( Interim Icgisin* oi)f ddrought. Before the drougu ^ t lawyers and industr William n Auser, 58, of BolsJolse. w llh tw o b a n k robrobberies. hailad pleaded guilty to fiveve iof P ag e C l iiglit co u n ts against him ,, foifour I if wliich were for armed bsub:m k > obbery, acco rd in g to U.S.. DIDls* . I THEIBQQTE rict Couri documents. TtT h e . 1 o n e y B a g : k r o M --------- oth)ther co u n t to w hich lie plea<tiead- J ' 1\«ln Falls traffic;Ic; B ank e d guillu ilty ^ charged hiih i t f . I R ' is ^>th braib r a n - Dow a t B lu e Lakes R Jn dishing a ^ : Boulevard North, Falls firearm inII fufur* I A venue. therance ofo f a ^ P a g e B l K jSfiJIk:* crime or f^ v j o . - . - ' ^ lenc{>«*'*'^ dieI foifour MI h BIII q c o u n ts o f COMPUTEPE R S & B H a rm e d barb a n k , robbery, ludjJudge T e c h n oLXX}Y u VVMam Auser E dw ard Samsung deliversers: D uo- Lodge gaigave duJic d efendant 13 y ears for‘each eat Cam offers bestt o f tw o :ount. to ru n concurrendy,y, ara n d worlds. ■even y e a rs fo r th e fircarc arm Page B4 rount, to run consecutively,Iy, ffor i all1 total o f 2 0 years. Auser also vrill serve; fi'five S p O R 'IS yei/ears' supervised release! ara n d . mimust p ay $61,100 In restitudoid o n . Dashed dreams: i The maximum penalty;y fifor S tate’s BCS h o p>es es a dlltlie arm ed ro b b ery d ia rg e!is i s 2 : 5 h it M onday. /enrs' imprisonment andJ fi’five /ears’ supervised rclease.. TlTlie PageBS iircarm ch arg e carrics a. ma>maxi- mim um p enalty o fllfe in prison.so n . I Auser e n tered guilty pleasla s o< n O p i n i o n Se‘Sept. 20. Weighing water l! The • plea agreement dde- scribes tlie sequence of everjv e n is sh o u ld SCI Id a h o le^ slato rs^ ththat led to charges agairg a in s t ' vyony over pumpn p e r p la n AlAusen in s te a d o f do mlestic e s wells, Please see ROBBER. PageageA2 to d ay 's e d ito r!^^ s s a y s . PageA6 eodTim*i/i>»Tin.**»«« ■ N ew usTracker; r . e Jamesr play on'the tire } Bliss Sehool bulidliig as theirrir tbacldroplldndergartflers AlAtex Henson, left, Cameron1 L<LdchlOT, center, ah^'M cble ( p O M l N C : I Friday to fund a new school.lol. A similar bond Issue ■ Last we knew: Wiiiiamllam rG: OP• iwlrjg durituring recess Monday. The Blissss iSchlol District wlll hold a> i$2.5 million bond election Fi F. Auser pleaded guilty in1 failed InI May by six votes. U.S. District Court to fiveJ counts in connection withh 3 at fundinng for new school bank robberies in Twin Fallsalls H I B lisiss takes ari(fioQier Stab and Boise. In exchange, = 1 desks eververy fe\v weeks to put prosecutors dismissed B yK artnKn Kowalski ~ differentIt youngsters in the itiree other counts. nmes-Newilews writer \ W hliere ( to vote front. LastAst yenr she had diree ■ The latest: The defen:}fr (»• If the 20-year bond Isi V(Voters In t h e \ l s s School Dt»- m o „.so coicond i graders a n d w h en dant was sentenced Mon­V ' . BUSSS - Teaching second trict can vote V trie Bliss It would cost a taxpayBoycrwitha onu lufl. sl , sh e w:is sad to se c h e r • day in U.S. District Courtllo lo g ra d e injAngelaOverturrsclass- Ai School’se cafeteJfe frgm noon1 tto 8 $75,000 home andaonomeown- a pupil go.3. b ut she WJIS really ex* 2 0 years in prison. room isladiallenge. a < p.m.' Friday. \ cr's exemption S141.iU .60 per year. t i . i d l o hhave a some extra spacc. ■ Auser L space is nonexistent I "h w as just awful." Overturf What’s next: a n d noise■ise - from tlie adjacent '— was turned over to the Bu­lu- ws of rectangular toomi wldiw an odd- sal<l I. ccafeteria a n d th e up* pupilspu; spread In tht^rov« jmall rooms used to be reau or Prisons lo begin . S h e shaped co m er forr storage si and a stairs scicclencc room - Is a con* de:desks about 1 foot ajWt. : ® adequate,te. Ovenurfsald, but In serving his term. S lant com)m panIon. ■ likesliki to let the children wiuIu k l n desk. she rearranges PieiPlease see BUSS. Page A2 _ Red seacare O" moi'Ionday. O verturf h a d 15 grcgroups, hut that's hard In'iNhe Overturf said slu ROFILE I------------------------- Bad w eatherer 1has left to m a to e s a t apreiwuma p |(e||olo ^ boss tappedI fifor Commerce " ^ C o n c c:erns oveer stun gi[unsgrovw - a n d p rice!S s ssp an n g . President Bushush chose C uban native Carloslos ry. The Assocfatad Prei'ress . ■______ Wednesda(day in ' Gutierrez, 51.il, tto b e C om m erce secretary, Use of force Incidents TheTimes^ss^ews E ducationon ■- Studied business PHOENDC-l-ronimiTtBoaiayyr ShOocking ( force i\t the O range County. Fla.. admlnlstrat!(ration at Monterrey Institute of0* fli^it crtnvs to U.SJ.S. p o Iice 3 n tk .M * J^ se rInr Internaiional l Inc., the ShSheriffs Office T asers were the most prevalent force option, I n d e x Technology,)gy, Queretaro, Mexico corrections officers.•rs to b eat cops 'm lhMu Oot stun w eapons, h as me Experienceic e - Kellogg de Mexico: salesBS lnBriiaIn.tlieordenlers are pouring watchbdnld ils stock soar am idst coiwnstltuting 6 8 percenl of all use*jse* Classified............................ 0 3 ^ represeniatlitatlve to general manager, in for stun ^ n s niimade liy 'Ikser growisgifg concerns about . of-of-force Inddents in 20 0 2 . C om ics....................................... 1975-89:: KeKellogg Canada president andId intem adonal Inc. w hett^f the w eapons are a s qo«x>( HTasor' icutlve, 1989-90: Kellogg USA:A:. Tlie Scottsdale cocompanyeven, non-lith•that a s advertised. In a ^ Community ...... chief dxecut 500 □ All Olhor corporatee vice president to general recently laundietled a metro report■j releasedre Tuesday. 400 ■ ' . Computers ............. .B4 r of cereal division. 1990-94:; Phoenix ad campnpaign urging Amndst^isty International say s Crossword . —................... C5 H g i l1 l ^ ^ ^ ^ Kellogg Asi<Asia-Pacilic president, 1994* private dtbx’n s to10 ann them* gtgn |unslyr aro being abus^ ^ _ 201I-’’:"-":' 96: Kellogg>gg USA: executive vice selves’witli tlie weahreapons, w hich t,y DearAbby................................
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