COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 4, 2020 9:00AM 1.1 Meeting called to order 1.2 Approval of the Agenda Staff recommendation: THAT Council approve the agenda. 4 1.3 Passing of the previous meeting minutes Staff recommendation: THAT the Minutes of February 5, 2020 are approved. 1.4 Declaration of pecuniary interest 1.5 Fifteen-minute question period 2.0 PUBLIC MEETINGS - none 3.0 DEPUTATIONS AND INVITATIONS 8 3.1 9:15 am – Chris Wallace – Site Plan Exemption request for On-Farm Diversified use 10 3.2 9:50 am - e-Solutions Website Proposal 37 3.3 1:30 pm- Joe Miedema – Mansfield Water System Staff Recommendation: THAT Council receives and approves the 2019 annual and summary reports of the Mansfield Well Supply under the Drinking Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170 as submitted by Joe Miedema, P. Eng. General Manager of Dufferin Water Co. Ltd. 4.0 PUBLIC WORKS 50 4.1 2020 Spring Tender and Quotation Results Staff Recommendation: THAT Council receives the report of John Willmetts, Director of Public Works, 2020 Spring Tender and Quotation Results. 4.2 Paid Duty Speed Enforcement of Roads (discussion) Recommendation: THAT Council direct paid duty speed enforcement on the following road section, _________________ 5.0 TREASURY 52 5.1 Community Grant Applications Staff Recommendation: THAT Council approve the grant applications as follows: Headwaters Food & Farming Alliance for $500; Matthews House Hospice for $500; Primrose Elementary School $35; and Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation $500. 6.0 ADMINISTRATION 60 6.1 2021 Council Meeting Dates Staff Recommendation: THAT Council receive and approve the report of Tracey Atkinson, 2021 Council Meeting Dates as presented. 61 6.2 Committee of Adjustment, Mileage and Training Staff Recommendation: THAT Council continue as the approval authority for consent and minor variance applications; AND THAT Council direct staff as to the preferred method to deliver video modular or in-house planning sessions. 63 6.3 Single Use Plastics Staff Recommendation: THAT Council receive and approve the Single Use Plastic report. 65 6.4 Honeywood Cemetery Staff Recommendation: THAT Council appoint the following to the Honeywood Cemetery Board: Glenn Laverty, Ron Wilson, Harold Ritchie, Kimberlee Adams and Elizabeth Weatherall with the Clerk and the Mayor of the Township of Mulmur. 67 6.5 Energy Plan Feedback 6.6 April 4th Town Hall Agenda (Discussion) 73 6.7 Excerpt of Human Resources Hiring Policy (Discussion) 77 6.8 Dispatch Procurement Staff Recommendation: THAT Council authorize Chief Davison to participate in a co- operative purchase venture to secure Emergency Dispatch Services for the Mulmur- Melancthon Fire Department alongside the Shelburne & District Fire Department and Grand Valley & District Fire Department. AND THAT Mulmur Council grant one-time authority to the Mulmur-Melancthon Fire Board to enter into a co-operative contract for the purchase of dispatch services. 80 6.9 New Tecumseth Library Agreement, 2020 Staff Recommendation: THAT Council approve the 2020 New Tecumseth Public Library Board agreement for 90 users at $35.15 per user for a total of $3,163.43 and authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the agreement. 7.0 PLANNING 82 7.1 Township Initiated Official Plan Amendments Staff Recommendation: THAT Council direct staff to schedule the recommended engagement meetings and social media outreach to gather input from the public, participate in Municipal Comprehensive Review and draft policies for future consideration as part of a larger Official Plan Review. 8.0 COMMITTEE MINUTES AND SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 8.1 Dufferin County Council (verbal update only) 96 8.2 Mulmur Events Committee DRAFT Minutes (January 29, 2020) 98 8.3 Mulmur-Melancthon Fire Board Minutes, January 13, 2020 101 8.4 Mulmur-Melancthon Fire Board DRAFT Minutes, February 11, 2020 104 8.5 North Dufferin Community Centre Minutes, January 14 and 21, 2020 108 8.6 Economic Development Committee DRAFT Minutes, February 20, 2020 111 8.7 NVCA 60th Annual General Meeting Highlights, January 24, 2020 113 8.8 Shelburne Library Minutes, December 17, 2019 115 8.9 ROMA Conference Report, January 2020 118 8.10 Mansfield Community Parks Advisory Board Minutes, Feb 11, 2020 9.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 120 9.1 County Modernization Report and Service List 152 9.2 Bill 156: An act to protect Ontario’s farm and farm animals from trespassers and other forms of interference and to prevent contamination of Ontario’s food supply 162 9.3 Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services on Poverty Reduction Strategy 163 9.4 Rosemont Fire Board, Fire Chief’s Year End Report, 2019 192 9.5 Emergency Management Compliance Letter, 2019 193 9.6 Township of Greater Madawaska re electronic delegation 195 9.7 Council Remuneration, 2019 197 9.8 Annual Statement of Development Charge Reserve Funds, 2019 199 9.9 Annual Investment Activity, 2019 Staff Recommendation: THAT Council receives the information items as copied and circulated and that the following items be endorsed:_________________________ 10.0 CLOSED SESSION (2:00pm) Section 239 (2) (b) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, re (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and (f) advice that is subject to solicitor client privilege and approving the previous closed session meeting minutes. 11.0 ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 12.0 NOTICES OF MOTION (if any) 13.0 PASSING OF BY-LAWS Passing the following by-laws: 201 1) Appoint Clerk and Acting Deputy Clerk 202 2) Appoint By-law Enforcement Officer 203 3) Fee By-Law 208 4) Confirmatory By-Law Staff recommendation: THAT By-Laws 1 to 4 be approved. 14.0 MEETING ADJOURNMENT Staff Recommendation: THAT Council adjourns the meeting at _______ to meet again on Wednesday April 1st, 2020 or at the call of the Chair. COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2020 9:00 AM Present: Mayor Horner, Deputy Mayor Hawkins, Councillors Boxem, Clark and Cufaro Staff Present: Tracey Atkinson – CAO, Michelle Smibert – Clerk. 1.1 Meeting called to order at 9:00 am by Mayor Horner. Mayor Horner congratulated Tracey Atkinson for completing the Executive Diploma in Municipal Management offered by AMCTO. 1.2 Additions to the agenda. The Clerk advised of the following additions: 6.5 mileage and per diems paid for Rosemont Fire Training and Provincial Consultations regarding Police Service Boards and added by-law Z08-2019 (Mansfield Ski Club) 1.3 Passing of the previous meeting minutes Motion by Councillor Boxem and Councillor Clark THAT the Minutes of January 15, 2019 are approved. Carried 1.4 Declaration of pecuniary interest – none disclosed 1.5 Fifteen-minute question period There were comments on paid duty and proposed locations as well as some feedback about the new signage. Some people feel that the Mulmur logo isn’t visible enough. Another person asked if Council was aware that yellow notices were forwarded to residents noting that they could be in a tax sale position if their arrears are not paid up. In this case, this person was not in arrears and staff suggested that those residents affected should speak with the Treasurer. Council also allowed for the applicant of Z08- 2019 and the neighbor to speak to their position on the application before the consideration of the by-law later in the meeting. 2.0 PUBLIC MEETINGS - none 3.0 DEPUTATIONS AND INVITATIONS 3.1 Joanne Jordan of Family Transition Place Joanne was present to discuss the goals of their new Rural Response program which strives to break down unique barriers to accessing services for rural women. 3.2 Scott Burns, County of Dufferin, re garbage pickup concerns Mr. Burns noted he is aware of some of the concerns and that he has already talked with the contractor on measures that can be undertaken. Some of the measures include improved communications and early morning condition assessments. In cases where collection is called off due to weather then material may be able to picked up the next day in localized areas. The requirement to have snow tires on the garbage and recycling trucks was discussed and Scott noted they would take a look at this when the services go back out to tender. 3.3 Karren Wallace, re Audrey Phillips matter The delegation provided a package to the members of Council and provided an overview of the matter. Ms. Wallace noted some flaws as it relates to the Special Events By-Law and staff noted they are working on a new by-law. The delegation requested a council resolution to endorse the letter that was sent to Audrey Phillips which waived the 4 of 208 fees associated with an event that occurred in 2018. Staff noted that Council does not endorse their own letters and noted that the letter to waive the fees for Audrey Phillips is indeed a letter that the Township endorses and that no further action will be taken by the Township on this matter. 3.4 10:00 am – Jamie Lundy, re request to cut trees under Tree By-Law Motion by Deputy Mayor Hawkins and Councillor Boxem THAT Council authorizes the cutting of 2 hectares of trees on the Lundy potato lands as proposed by Jamie Lundy on the condition that the landowner makes best efforts to plant trees on other properties in Mulmur (ie 10th Sideroad). Carried 4.0 PUBLIC WORKS – no items 5.0 TREASURY – no items 6.0 ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Report, re Committee of Adjustment/Structure (as per last Council meeting) Council asked staff to bring back a report to address the additional training and the matter of conducting site visits for planning applications. 6.2 Community Energy Plan (as per the last Council meeting, this item is listed) Council will provide their comments on the plan to the CAO by February 24th and those comments will be forwarded to the March Council meeting for discussion.
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