E E E E E ACCOMMODATIONACCOMMO & TOURINGDATION MAP & TOURING MAP E R R FOR THEA CCOMMOOUTBAFORCKD ATHETION OUTB & TOURINGACK MAP R F F FOR THE OUTBACK F Outback Adaval Augathella Injune WINDORAH ...Stay in the Outback with Friends 7th map produced - 6th map produced - 1800 005 2981800Langlo Crossingwww. o005utback b298eds.comw.awuw.outbackbeds.com.au Beds CHESTERTON RANGE A2 NATIONAL PARK T 6th map produced - www.outbackbeds.com.au Adaval o o To Charleville To Eromanga Toompine To Eromanga Toompine To Charleville 1800 005 298 To Birdsville To Birdsville To Windorah To Windorah Wyandra Eromanga is home to the largest Dinosaur & To QuilpieEromanga is home to the largest Dinosaur & Toompine WyandraTo Quilpie To Charleville Creek T Creek MI T 253 253 MI 90 To Birdsville To Eromanga e CHARLEVILLE WARREGO HWY Lake Yamma YammaMegafauna sites in Australia. Visit the world class 118 Megafauna sites in Australia. Visit the world class 118 Wyandra CHELL 160 160 Eromanga is home to the largest Dinosaur & CHELL To Quilpie 88 Creek Eromanga Natural History Museum located on the T Eromanga253 Natural History Museum located on the 106 MI r r e e Megafauna sites in Australia. VisitQUILPIE the world class MORVEN MITCHELL p eastern edge of the Channelp Country andCooper’s see eastern edge of the Channel Country and see 118 o o 160 76 CHEEPIE 136 CHELL Co Co EROMANGA Eromanga Natural History Museum located on the Australia’s largest Dinosaurr fossils displayedCountry on Lodgesite. Australia’s largest Dinosaur fossils displayed on site. View the outback wonders of the night sky at the 89 Dig Tree Dig Tree e p eastern edge of the Channel Country and see ROMA Jackson Oil Field o Jackson Oil Field Charleville Cosmos Centre and Observatory and 86 ADVENTURE Co ADVENTURE Australia’s largest Dinosaur fossilsMoble displayed on site. meander along the heritage trail to see many impressive A2 To Innaminka 20 To InnaminkaDig Tree Eromanga120, Australia’s most exciting and prolific dinosaur20 site 120 In Quilpie, fossick for exquisite Boulder Opal, visit St Finbarr’s 81 and the furthest town from the sea,Jackson visit the Oil Natural Field History Museum Homestead examples of pioneer architecture in this large QLD town. Noccundra WAY Noccundra ADVENTURE WAY Catholic Church to marvel at the opal altar, or visit the local Gallery Jackson To Innaminka for a hands-on experience including fossil digs, fossil preparation20 120 and admire locally featured art. Take an energetic climb up Baldy Top and dinosaur tag along tours While in town stop for a beverage at Yowah lookout for panoramicYowah views, or stroll along the Bulloo River Walk. The historic, sandstone Noccundra Hotel is the only The historic, sandstone Noccundra Hotel is the only Noccundra Opal Mining WAY Opal Mining Noccundra the historic Royal Hotel. Noccundra HWY 124 Dunkeld remaining building in this remote township, once boasting remaining building in this remote township, once boasting To Roma Hotel Hotel Yowah THRUSHTON To Roma THRUSHTON 6 named roads, a post office, store and police station, and 6 namedThe historic, roads, sandstonea post office, Noccundra THARGOMINDAHstore and Hotel police is thestation, only and THARGOMINDAH Opal Mining NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL PARK remaining building in this remote township, once boasting LAKE BINDEGOLNoccundraLY LAKE75BINDEGOLLY has been serving beer since 1882. Located on has been serving beer since 1882. Located on NATIONAL PARKHotel NATIONAL PARK ADVENTURE Cunnamulla71 ADVENTURE THRUSHTON To Roma 6 named roads, a post office, store and police station, and THARGOMINDAHCunnamulla 49 WAY 49 WAY NATIONAL PARK 197 Nockatunga Station opposite the Noccundra Waterhole in Nockatunga Station opposite the Noccundra Waterhole in LAKE BINDEGOLLY 290 290 ToompinHWY e HWY has been serving beer since 1882. Located on 127 65 NATIONA127 L PARK 65 ADVENTURE the Wilson River – an ideal place to fish, catch yabbies, the WilsonTo Birdsville River – an ideal place to fish, catchk yabbies, River Cunnamulla WAY Nockatunga Station oppositeRiver theThargomindah Noccundra Waterhole, on the banksin of the Bulloo River, was settled as Thargomindah, on the banks of the Bulloo River,At the was intersection settled as of two major stock routes, CunnamullaWyandra BollonAt the intersection of two major stock routes, Cunnamulla 49 Bollon ree 290 kayak, bird watch or just enjoy the peace. kayak, bird watch or just enjoy the peace. HWY C 65 253 Eulo is located127 on the Warrego riverEulo course. Cunnamulla isMI an aboriginal is located on the Warrego river course.St George Cunnamulla is an aboriginal St George the Wilson River – an ideal placeThargomindah to fish, catch yabbies,Station in 1865. Visit the hand made, mud brick 1888 RiverThargomindah Station in 1865. Visit the hand made, mud brick 1888 HELL 118 TC termAt forthe long intersection stretch of of water. two major A great stock place routes, for boating Cunnamulla kayak, bird watchBulloo or just enjoy theoriginal peace. hospital and the hydro electric160 power scheme generatedBullooThargomindah by , on originalthe Thargomindahbanks hospital of the Bulloo and, on theRiver, the hydro bankswas electricsettled of the as powerBulloo schemetermRiver, for was generatedlong settled stretch asby of water. A great place for boating Bollon r Eulo 81 is located on the Warrego river course. Cunnamulla is an aboriginal St George the pressuree of the artesian bore. Follow the 4WD DowlingThargomindah Track from Stationthe inThargomindah pressure 1865. Visit of the the Stationhand artesian made, in 1865.bore. mud FollowbrickVisit 1888the the hand 4WDfishing made, Dowling or mudswimming. Track brick from 1888 Stock up in Cunnamulla before heading west, fishing or swimming. Stock up in Cunnamulla before heading west, 227 227 original hospital and the hydro electric powerperhaps scheme to Yowahgenerated in search by of a splash of colour. perhapsterm forto Yowahlong stretch in search of water. of a splash A great of place colour. for boating 130 Bourke,Coop or the Adventure Way – 200kms west of Cunnamulla.originalBulloo hospital andBourke, the hydro or electric the Adventure power scheme Way –generated 200kms71 by west of Cunnamulla. 71 Dig Tree the pressure of the artesianthe pressure bore. Follow of thethe 4WDartesian Dowling bore. Track Follow from the 4WD Dowling Track from fishing or swimming. Stock up in Cunnamulla before heading west, 220 www.thargotourism.com.auJackson220 Oil Field www.thargotourism.com.au 55 55 D D ADVENTURE227 Bourke, or the AdventureBourke, Way – or200kms the Adventure west of Cunnamulla. Way – 200kms west of Cunnamulla. perhaps to Yowah in search of a splash of colour. To Innaminka 80 20 118 80 116 118 71 N 120 N www.thargotourism.com.au 155 155 www.thargotourism.com.auKilcowera Locals and visitors alike swearAt theby intersectionthe healing of powers two major of thestock mineral routes, rich Cunnamulla watersLocals and visitors alike swear by the healing powers of the mineral rich waters A 220 Kilcowera A The Wild Dog Fence is the longest fence in the world, a total distance of The Wild Dog Fence is the longestCURRAWIN fence inYA the world, aWAY total distance of CURRAWINYA 55 D Noccundra is located on the Warrego river course. Cunnamulla is an aboriginal L L Station NATIONAL PARK 80 Station NATIONAL PARK 118 of the Hot Bore Baths fed by the Great Artesian Basin. Try them yourself atof the Hot Bore Baths fed by the Great Artesian Basin. Try them yourself at 5614 kilometres from JimbourN in Queensland to the Great Australian Bight.5614 kilometres from Jimbour in Queensland to the Great Australian Bight. 155 Located on the banks of the mighty Balonne River, S term for long stretch of water. A great place for boating S Yowah Noccundra (Matilda The historic, sandstone Noccundra Hotel is the only (Matilda Kilcowera LightningLocals Ridgeand visitors and HWYBurren alike swearJunction. by the healing powers of the mineral rich waters HWY Originally built to keep rabbitsA out of SA, the fence is now maintained to preventOriginallyThe Wild built Dog to keepFence rabbits is the outlongest of SA, fence the fencein the isworld, now maintaineda total distance to prevent of OpalCURRAWIN Mining YA Lightning Ridge and Burren Junction. 162 St George is well renowned for excellent fishing,162 N N Hotel fishing or swimming. Stock up in Cunnamulla before heading west, L remaining building in this remote township, once boasting Lake LaStationke NATIONAL PARK of the Hot Bore Baths fed THRUSHTby the GreatON Artesian Basin. Try them yourself at E E dingoes entering sheep grazing areas. Staff residing in cottages at variousdingoes points5614 enteringkilometres sheep from grazing JimbourLake areas. in Queensland Staff residing Riverto the in cottagesGreat Australian at various Bight. points Lake River perhaps to Yowah in search of a splash of colour. To Moree an easy going laid back lifestyle and The Unique Egg, To Moree S 6 named roads, a post office, store and police station, andDowling Wyara Dowling Wyara (Matilda NATIONALPARK HWY E E Originally built to keep rabbitsNumall aout of SA, theTHARGOMINDAH fence is now maintained to prevent LAKEBINDEGOLLYNumalla LightningDirranbandi Ridge and Burren Junction. the world’s only display of carved, illuminatedDirranbandi emu eggs.162 along the border repair holesN in the two metre high netting, or clear sand along the border repair holes in the two metre high netting, or clear sand ADVENTURE U U 111 has been serving111 beer since 1882. Located on NATIONALPLaARkKe CUNNAMULLA W W E dingoes entering sheep grazing areas. Staff residing in cottages at various points Lake 91 River WAY To Moree which builds up along the base. which builds up along the base. Dowling 49 Q ay) Q Nockatunga Station opposite the Noccundra Waterhole in ay) Wyara E Numalla 290 Dirranbandi along the88 border repair holes in the two metre high netting, or clear sand 88 65 HWY Exquisite black opal is mined at Exquisite black opal is mined at U the Wilson River – 111an ideal place to fish, catch yabbies, 127 115 Dog W Warri Gate Dog Fence Hamilton GateWarri Gate Fencewhich builds up along the base.
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