S740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 13, 2021 under rule XXII, the Chair directs the rick J. Leahy, Brian Schatz, Chris- and the Legislative Reorganization Acts of clerk to read the motion. topher A. Coons, Jack Reed, Michael F. 1946 and of 1970 (as amended), shall govern The senior assistant legislative clerk Bennet, Debbie Stabenow, Chris Van the Committee. Hollen, Ron Wyden, Martin Heinrich, read as follows: Meetings Bernard Sanders, Edward J. Markey, CLOTURE MOTION Cory A. Booker. (a) The regular meeting day of the Com- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- f mittee shall be the first Wednesday of each ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the month unless otherwise directed by the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby ORDER OF PROCEDURE Chair. All other meetings may be called by move to bring to a close the debate on Cal- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I the Chair as he or she deems necessary, on 5 endar No. 10, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of ask unanimous consent that following business days notice where practicable. If at Louisiana, to be the Representative of the the reading of Washington’s Farewell least three Members of the Committee desire United States of America to the United Na- the Chair to call a special meeting, they may tions, with the rank and status of the Am- Address on Monday, February 22, the file in the office of the Committee a written bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Senate resume consideration of Cal- request therefore, addressed to the Chair. and the Representative of the United States endar No. 10; that the cloture motions Immediately thereafter, the Clerk of the of America in the Security Council of the ripen at 5:30 p.m., Monday, February Committee shall notify the Chair of such re- United Nations. 22; finally, that the mandatory quorum quest. If, within 3 calendar days after the fil- Charles E. Schumer, Robert Menendez, calls for the cloture motions filed ing of such request, the Chair fails to call Tina Smith, Tammy Baldwin, Thomas today, February 13, be waived. the requested special meeting, which is to be R. Carper, Sheldon Whitehouse, Pat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without held within 7 calendar days after the filing of rick J. Leahy, Brian Schatz, Chris- objection, it is so ordered. such request, a majority of the Committee topher A. Coons, Jack Reed, Michael F. Members may file in the Office of the Com- Bennet, Debbie Stabenow, Chris Van f mittee their written notice that a special Hollen, Ron Wyden, Martin Heinrich, LEGISLATIVE SESSION Committee meeting will be held, specifying Bernard Sanders, Edward J. Markey, the date, hour and place thereof, and the Cory A. Booker. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Committee shall meet at that time and f ask unanimous consent that the Sen- place. Immediately upon the filing of such ate resume legislative session. notice, the Clerk of the Committee shall no- LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tify all Committee Members that such spe- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. cial meeting will be held and inform them of its date, hour and place. If the Chair is not move to proceed to legislative session. f present at any regular, additional or special The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SENATE COMMITTEE ON SMALL meeting, such member of the Committee as question is on agreeing to the motion. BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEUR- the Chair shall designate shall preside. For The motion was agreed to. SHIP RULES OF PROCEDURE any meeting or hearing of the Committee, f the Ranking Member may delegate to any Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, I ask Minority Member the authority to serve as EXECUTIVE SESSION unanimous consent to have a copy of Ranking Member, and that Minority Member the Senate Committee on Small Busi- shall be afforded all the rights and respon- ness and Entrepreneurship rules of pro- sibilities of the Ranking Member for the du- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR cedure be printed in the RECORD. ration of that meeting or hearing. Notice of Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I There being no objection, the mate- any designation shall be provided to the move to proceed to executive session to rial was ordered to be printed in the Chief Clerk as early as practicable. consider Calendar No. 11. RECORD, as follows: (b) It shall not be in order for the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SENATE COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND mittee to consider any amendment in the first degree proposed to any measure under question is on agreeing to the motion. ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMMITTEE RULES— 117TH CONGRESS consideration by the Committee unless an The motion was agreed to. electronic copy of such amendment has been JURISDICTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The delivered to the Clerk of the Committee at clerk will report the nomination. Per Rule XXV(1) of the Standing Rules of least 2 business days prior to the meeting. The senior assistant legislative clerk the Senate: Following receipt of all amendments, the (1) Committee on Small Business and En- Clerk shall disseminate the amendments to read the nomination of Linda Thomas- trepreneurship to which committee shall be all Members of the Committee. This sub- Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be Rep- referred all proposed legislation, messages, section may be waived by agreement of the resentative of the United States of petitions, memorials, and other matters re- Chair and Ranking Member or by a majority America to the Sessions of the General lating to the Small Business Administration; vote of the members of the Committee. Assembly of the United Nations during (2) Any proposed legislation reported by her tenure of service as Representative such committee which relates to matters Quorums other than the functions of the Small Busi- of the United States of America to the (a)(1) A majority of the Members of the United Nations. ness Administration shall, at the request of the chairman of any standing committee Committee shall constitute a quorum for re- CLOTURE MOTION having jurisdiction over the subject matter porting any legislative measure or nomina- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I send extraneous to the functions of the Small tion. a cloture motion to the desk. Business Administration, be considered and (2) One-third of the Members of the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- reported by such standing committee prior mittee shall constitute a quorum for the to its consideration by the Senate; and like- transaction of routine business, provided ture motion having been presented that one Minority Member is present. The under rule XXII, the Chair directs the wise measures reported by other committees directly relating to the Small Business Ad- term ‘‘routine business’’ includes, but is not clerk to read the motion. ministration shall, at the request of the limited to, the consideration of legislation The senior assistant legislative clerk Chair of the Committee on Small Business pending before the Committee and any read as follows: and Entrepreneurship, be referred to the amendments thereto, and voting on such CLOTURE MOTION Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- amendments, and steps in an investigation including, but not limited to, authorizing We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- neurship for its consideration of any portion the issuance of a subpoena. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the of the measure dealing with the Small Busi- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby ness Administration and be reported by this (3) In hearings, whether in public or closed move to bring to a close the debate on Cal- committee prior to its consideration by the session, a quorum for the asking of testi- endar No. 11, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Senate. mony, including sworn testimony, shall con- (3) Such committee shall also study and Louisiana, to be Representative of the sist of one Member of the Committee. survey by means of research and investiga- United States of America to the Sessions of (b) Proxies will be permitted in voting tion all problems of American small business the General Assembly of the United Nations upon the business of the Committee. A Mem- enterprises, and report thereon from time to during her tenure of service as Representa- ber who is unable to attend a business meet- time. tive of the United States of America to the ing may submit a proxy vote on any matter, United Nations. RULES OF PROCEDURE in writing, or though oral or written per- Charles E. Schumer, Robert Menendez, General sonal instructions to a Member of the Com- Tina Smith, Tammy Baldwin, Thomas All applicable provisions of the Standing mittee or staff. Proxies shall in no case be R. Carper, Sheldon Whitehouse, Pat- Rules of the Senate, the Senate Resolutions, counted for establishing a quorum. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:34 Feb 14, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13FE6.042 S13FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE.
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