Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 / Dec. 3 1973 And you heard Gary talking about itÐDe- it's more important than ever before forÐ cember of '91, or October of '91, I appeared the Governors shape how we cover children before the Democratic chairs who were here. and health insurance; the Governors shape David Wilhelm from Chicago became my how we implement welfare reform; the Gov- campaign manager, went to become chair- ernors shape how we pursue the economic man of our party. Many people from Illinois and educational initiatives that I'm trying to have come in and out of our administration. lead the country toward. It's a big deal. So A lot of them are here todayÐMinyon I want you to be for whomever you choose, Moore from Chicago, here with me today, but when it's over, unite behind the one who who set up our race townhall meeting in wins and give Illinois a Democratic Governor Akron; and of course, Secretary Daley, our in this next election year. Secretary of Commerce, who is doing a ter- Lastly, let me say, I know that I will not rific job; and Rahm Emanuel and my old be on the ballot again, but I will be working friends Kevin O'Keefe and Avis Lavelle and for our party and our candidates and, more others who were in the administration who importantly, for our ideas and our values, till are here. Illinois has been very special to me. the last minute of the last day of my Presi- What Chicago did for Hillary on her 50th dency and beyond. We have done a lot in birthday almost made her forget her age. the last 5 years, but we have 3 years more [Laughter] It was an act of uncommon kind- to go, and I believe we can get more done ness and generosity. And I want you to know in the next 3 years than we have in the last that we're looking to you; we're looking to 5 if we will stay together, walk hand in hand, you. remember who sent us there, and keep work- Illinois is better than it was 5 years ago. ing to make America what it ought to beÐ And all the fights we had and all the com- a land of opportunity for every single citizen. promise we made that were principled re- Thank you, and God bless you. flected the values, the ideas, and the future of the Democratic Party. When we passed NOTE: The President spoke at 7:35 p.m. in Fes- this balanced budget last year, which party tival Hall at Navy Pier at a combined Illinois State Democratic Party and Democratic Congressional do you think it was that was arguing the hard- Campaign Committee reception. est to target our tax cuts to education and kids, rather than to those of us who were doing well already? When we passed that bal- Remarks to the Democratic Business anced budget last year, we guaranteed a Council in Chicago $1,500 a yearÐa yearÐtax credit for the first December 3, 1997 2 years of college, tax deductions for the last 2 years of college for graduate school and Thank you very much. Lew, that was so for working people that have to go back and nice I felt almost like it was a eulogy. [Laugh- further training. We opened the doors of col- ter] I started to say, I'm not done yet; I'm lege to all Americans, the biggest increase not done yet. since the GI bill 50 years ago. Who do you I want to thank Lew and Susan for their think was doing that? It was the Democrats role in this tonight. And, thank you, Phil, and that were fighting for that, and I'm proud thanks to all of the people here at this table of that. When we agreed over the next few and all the rest of you who helped to put years to add 5 million more children in work- together this wonderfully successful evening ing families to the ranks of those with health for our party. insurance, who was really fighting for that? Lew and Susan, we go back a long time Our Democratic Party was fighting for that. in this, and I can't help butÐjust listening So I say to you, you've got most of the to them reminisce, I'd like to say something Democratic candidates for Governor here. I I said when Gary LaPaille and I were down know there's a lot of them, but you've got at the other event with Senator Moseley- to patient with them. I had that job for 12 Braun and Senator Durbin, and I don't know years; that's a good job. [Laughter] I don't if Congressmen Davis and Rush are here, but blame them for running. It's a good job. And they were with us at the other event. VerDate 28-OCT-97 08:06 Dec 10, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P49DE4.004 p49de4 1974 Dec. 3 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1997 I'll never forget the first conversation I had none of you can every know, what knowing with Al Gore after I became a candidate for that Illinois would always be there for us has President. Now, this was when I was the meant to usÐto Al Gore and to Hillary and fifth-best known candidate in New Hamp- to me, in two Presidential campaigns and the shire. [Laughter] And only my mother really administrations and the times when we were thought I had a chance to win. [Laughter] down as well as when we were up, and how And I was over in Tennessee with my friend it changed the entire landscape of electoral the then-Governor of Tennessee, Ned Ray politics of the last several years, knowing that McWherter, who is a marvelous old-fash- it would always be there. I cannot thank you ioned political leader and was a great Gov- enough. ernor. And he wanted to get me and Al Gore I also want to say a special word of thanks together. And Al had run for President in to Gary LaPaille as he ends 8 years as head '88 and decided not to run in '92. And so of the Democratic Party here. That's a hard we were sitting alone in this room. job. I can't imagine anybody doing that job And he said, ``You know what happened for 8 years; that's what people say to me. to me? I did real well in the South on Super [Laughter] If I weren't term-limited, I'd Tuesday, but,'' he said, ``I didn't do so well probably run again. [Laughter] But Gary's after that.'' He said, ``What's your theory done a great job, and I thank him for what about how you're going to become the nomi- he's done and also for his leadership as the nee of the Democratic Party?'' And I looked head of all the State party chairs in the coun- at him and I gave him a one-word answer. try. I said ``Illinois.'' And he said, ``Why?'' And I want to thank Steve Grossman, who I said, ``Well, because of Hillary, because southern Illinois is south of Richmond and spoke so beautifully here earlier, for his lead- looks just like north Arkansas.'' [Laughter] ership. This wasÐhe was not exactly buying ``And I've been there, and it feels just like high when he agreed to become chairman north Arkansas.'' [Laughter] And I said, ``and of the Democratic Party in America. And he's besides that, half the people who live in Chi- done a superb job. And his friend and our cago are from Arkansas''Ð[laughter]Ð good friend, Alan Solomont, for being our ``Danne Davis, John Stroger, John JohnsonÐ finance director. And I want to thank Senator need I go onÐScottie Pippen, yeah.'' Durbin for many things, but especiallyÐall [Laughter] I'm not sure he was in the picture of you know this, but I want to reiterate itÐ in the same way there as he is now. [Laugh- I hope and believe that next year, even ter] though it's an election year, we will pass leg- But anywayÐand, you know, I came here islation which will embody the best parts of in October of '91, and spoke. Gary hosted that settlement in the tobacco case and do the chairs of the Democratic Party, and I some other things which will go beyond what spoke. And then we went to Navy Pier and the settlement does to dramatically reduce announced that David Wilhelm was going to the exposure of young children to tobacco, be my campaign manager. And then I just which is still our number one public health kept getting people from Chicago in my op- problem. And if we are successful in that, erationÐKevin O'Keefe, Rahm Emanuel, it will be in no small measure due to the Laura and Bridgette Hardigan, Minyon year-in and year-out, dogged determination MooreÐthere's a lot of other peopleÐAvis of Dick Durbin. And I really appreciate that. Lavelle, Dave and Deegee both worked for I'd also like to say a special word, put in meÐBill Daley's now the Secretary of Com- a special plug for Carol Moseley-Bruan. I ex- merce. pect to be back here campaigning for her And of course, when Chicago turned out on several occasions in this next year.
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