Universita` degli Studi di Milano Dipartimento di Matematica Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica IX Ciclo Tesi di Dottorato L-functions: Siegel-type theorems and structure theorems Giuseppe Molteni Relatore: Alberto Perelli (Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici, Universit`adi Genova) Giuseppe Molteni Dipartimento di Matematica Universit`adegli Studi di Milano Via Saldini, 50 20133 Milano — Italy email: [email protected] Acknowledgments I wish to thank my thesis advisor, Prof. Alberto Perelli. During these years he has been an helpful teacher and a sure guide. I wish to thank Prof. C. Viola and R. Dvornicich of University of Pisa, Prof. U. Zannier of University of Venezia and Prof. J. Kaczorowski of University of Pozna`nfor many interesting and useful discussions. I wish to thank dr. A. Languasco of University of Padova and dr. A. Zaccagnini of University of Parma for their suggestions and friendship. Contents Notation iii Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Arithmetical relations coming from Euler products 3 1.1. Explicit computations 3 1.2. An Ω-result 5 1.3. An interesting identity 6 1.4. Estimates for products of coefficients of Dirichlet series with Euler product 9 1.5. The ”fudge factor” and Rankin-Selberg convolution 13 Chapter 2. The Siegel zero 21 2.1. Introduction 21 2.2. The axiomatic L∗-classes 26 2.3. Siegel-type theorems 44 Chapter 3. Existence of a singularity for certain functions of degree 1 55 3.1. Introduction 55 3.2. Definitions and results 55 3.3. Proof of lemma 58 3.4. Appendix 62 Chapter 4. About the Selberg class Sd, 0 ≤ d ≤ 1 65 4.1. Introduction and results 65 4.2. First proof 66 4.3. Second proof 67 Bibliography 69 i Notation s = σ + it with s ∈ C, σ = <s, t = =s. [x],{x} interger and fractional part of x. Q 1 φ(·) Euler totient function: φ(n) = n p|n(1 − p ). #A cardinality of the set A. f(x) = O(g(x)) for x → x0 means that there exists a positive constant c such that |f(x)| ≤ c|g(x)| in a neighborhood of x0; f(x) g(x) is an equivalent expression for this statement. Moreover, if f depends of a parameter ρ, f(x) = Oρ(g(x)) means that the O-estimate holds with c = c(ρ). f(x) = Ω(g(x)) for x → x0 means that there exists a positive constant c and a sequence xn → x0 such that |f(xn)| ≥ c|g(xn)|. f(x) g(x) for x → x0 means that there exist positive constants c1 and c2 such that c1|f(x)| ≤ |g(x)| ≤ c2|f(x)| in a neighborhood of x0. (Z/qZ)∗ group of invertible elements of Z/qZ. (a, b) for a, b ∈ N, the greatest common divisor of a and b. χ Dirichlet character. χ0 principal character: χ0(n) = 1 for every n ∈ N. τ(χ) Gauss sum for the character χ. χD Kronecker symbol; when D is a fundamental discriminant, the Kronecker sym- bol is a real primitive character modulo D. d degree of a polynomial Euler product. sn(α) the n-th elementary symmetric polynomial of the α1, . , αd variables: s (α) := P α ··· α . n 1≤j1<···<jn≤d j1 jn a+m−1 P Pm(a) the polynomial m−1 , equal to c1+···+cm=a 1 when a ∈ N. ci≥0 A, B complex square matrices. F(s, A, B) the ”fudge factor”. QA, WA main parameter and weight of L(s, A). dA, dA arithmetic and analytic degree of L(s, A). iii iv NOTATION PA,B exceptional set for the Rankin-Selberg convolution L(s, A ⊗ B). Λn(A) generalized von Mangoldt function. ¯ RA regular component of L(s, A ⊗ A). sym2 sym2 symmetric square map: GL(2) → GL(3), diag (α, β) −→ diag(α2, αβ, β2). Cd a class of L-functions with arithmetic degree d. S, Sd Selberg class and subset of elements with analytic degree d. ] ] S , Sd a class of L-functions similar to S and Sd respectively, without Euler product. R σ>a ds integral over a vertical line σ = σ0 with σ0 > a. a b Γ0(N) Hecke congruence group of level N: {( c d ) ∈ SL(2, Z), with c ≡ 0(N)}. Introduction The theory of L-functions provides powerful methods to study various arithmetical problems, and hence several such functions have been associated with arithmetical, alge- braic and geometric objects. The Hecke and Artin L-functions associated with algebraic number fields, the L-functions associated with automorphic representations of GL(r) and the L-functions of elliptic curves are some examples. It has been observed that most L-functions arising in number theory share some basic analytic properties, namely: ∗ when normalized, a representation as Dirichlet series ∞ X −s L(s) := ann n=1 exists for <s > 1, and a representation as Euler product Y L(s) = Lp(s) p holds, where p runs over the primes; ∗ L(s) has analytic continuation to C as a meromorphic function with a pole at s = 1 at most, and satisfies a functional equation of the following standard type Qsγ(s)L(s) = ωQ1−sγ¯(1 − s)L¯(1 − s), γ(s) being a product of Γ-factors, Q > 0 and |ω| = 1. The well known Selberg class S, see [56], and the L-class introduced by Carletti, Monti-Bragadin and Perelli [7] are attempts to axiomatically define a class including most L-functions of number-theoretical interest. In S and L the above properties of the L-functions are postulated, but some further conditions are imposed. For example, in S the Ramanujan hypothesis in the form an n is assumed, and in L ⊂ S, moreover, the Euler product has a polynomial form, i.e., −1 −s Lp(s) = Pp (p ) with Pp(x) ∈ C[x]. The Ramanujan hypothesis is conjectured for every L-function of number-theoretical interest, but it is not proved in general. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate an axiomatic class of L-functions where such hypothesis is replaced by weaker conditions. This will be done in Chapter 2, in the framework of certain L∗-classes. 1 2 INTRODUCTION The results that in L are proved independently of the Ramanujan hypothesis extend almost immediately to L∗. However, the usual approach to some important results, such as upper-bounds of type L(1) Q , depends heavily on the Ramanujan hypothesis: new techniques are necessary in the setting of L∗-classes. An essential ingredient of these techniques is the particular form of the multiplicative law satisfied by the coefficients an, depending on the polynomial form of the Euler product. In Chapter 1, a preliminary chapter for the whole thesis, this law is extensively investigated. A classical zero-free region holds for L∗-classes and, as in the original case of Dirichlet L-functions, the ”Siegel zero phenomenon” arises. Actually, it is conjectured that the Siegel zero β˜ does not exist, and this has recently been proved for cuspidal automor- phic forms on GL(2) and GL(3) by Goldfeld, Hoffstein and Lieman [20], Hoffstein and Ramakrishnan [25] and Banks [1]. Moreover, several results show that its existence is an extraordinary event. Therefore, it is an important and non-trivial problem to find a ”Siegel zero-free region”, as large as possible. For the classical Dirichlet L-functions, the best result in this direction is the famous Siegel theorem, stating that 1 − β˜ q− . In Chapter 2 we prove Siegel-type theorems for L∗-classes. These theorems ex- tend several known results, such as the classical Siegel theorem, that of Golubeva and Fomenko [21, 22] for holomorphic cusp forms and Hoffstein and Lockhart’s [24] result for the symmetric square of a Maass forms. Moreover, new results for the symmetric cube and other L-functions connected with holomorphic or Maass cusp forms are deduced from general principles. In Chapter 3, another class, denoted by C and inspired by the work of Duke and Iwaniec [14], is defined and investigated. In C, the exact form of the functional equation is not important and only some conditions about the growth on vertical lines are assumed. Moreover, the existence of the twisted functions ∞ X −s Lχ(s) := χ(n)ann χ primitive Dirichlet character n=1 is assumed. A polynomial Euler product is also assumed, so that Cd denotes the subclass of C of the elements with deg Pp(x) ≤ d, for every p. In C we prove an interesting phenomenon: the existence of an L-function L(s) of Cd, for some d ≥ 2, for which Lχ(s) is entire for every primitive character, is an obstruction to the existence of an analogous L-function of C1. In other words: every element of C1 has a twist with a pole at s = 1. This agrees with the conjecture that the Dirichlet L-functions and their shifts exhaust C1. Finally, it is well known that in the Selberg class an analytic notion of degree can be introduced; it is an important and unproved conjecture that the degree actually assumes only integer values. In accordance with this conjecture, it has been proved by several authors that the Selberg class Sd, the subset of functions with analytic degree d, is empty for 0 < d < 1. In Chapter 4 we give two new proofs of this result. CHAPTER 1 Arithmetical relations coming from Euler products The Dirichlet series arising from number theory usually have an Euler product of polynomial type, i.e., they satisfy an identity of the form ∞ d −1 X an Y Y αj(p) L(s) = = 1 − ns ps n=1 p j=1 in some right half-plane σ > σ0.
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