35644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE November 1, 1973 the hands of that distinguished com­ people and present it to my colleagues executive officer of each State with respect mittee, I think it is important that we for their careful consideration. to such vacancy. have a proper succession machinery es­ H.R. 11214 "(2) Except as provided by paragraph (S), electors of the President shall be chosen in tablished before we vote on impeach­ A blll to amend title 3 of the United States each State on the first Tuesday after the first ment. I believe that this is a good bill Code to provide for the order of succession Monday in November following the da.te of which solves serious political and con­ in the case of a vacancy both in the office notification under paragraph (1). stitutional problems in the proper, demo­ of Presdent and office of the Vice Presi­ "(3) If there are less than two months be­ cratic tradition. dent, to provide for a special election pro­ tween the date of notification under para­ cedure in the case of such vacancy, and for graph ( 1) and the first Tuesday after the But I am anxious to see thorough hear­ other purposes ings at which the Judiciary Conunittee first Monday in November, and 1f the terms Be it enacted. by the Senate and. House of of the most recent President and Vice Presi­ could hear the opinions of the best legal Representatives of the United. _ States of dent does not expire on the twentieth day and constitutional minds in this country. America in Congress assembled., Tha.t section of January next succeeding the date of such Professor Berger and his Harvard col­ 19 of title 3 United States Code is amended notification, then the Secretary of State shall league Prof. Paul Freund have both in­ to read as follows: specify in such notification tha.t electors of formed me that the concept of special "~ 19. Vacancy ln offices of both President the President shall be chosen on the first elections lies on sound constitutional and Vice President, officers eligible Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem­ ground. If they and other experts offer to act; special election ber in the calendar year next succeeding the improvements on this legislation, I for "(a) In any case of removal, death, resig­ date of such notification. "(4) The electors (appointed or) chosen one would be more than happy to see nation, or inability both of the President and the Vice President, the Speaker of the under paragraph {2) or paragraph (S) shall the best thinking available to the Judi­ meet and give their votes on the first Monday ciary Committee used in preparing this House of Representatives (or, in any case in which the office of the Speaker of the House after the second Wednesday in De<:ember fol­ legislation for enactment. I am anxious of Representatives is vacant, the President lowing their selection." to see the Judiciary hear from the con­ pro tempore of the Senate of the United SEc. 2. The table of sections for chapter stitutional scholars of this country and States) shall act as President until such in­ 1 of title 3, United States Code, is amended this bill seems to me to be the best means ability is removed or a President is elected. by striking out the item relating to section 19 and inserting in lieu thereof the follow­ of obtaining such hearings. "(b) {1) In the case in which both the ing: I therefore invite support for this leg­ office of the President and the office of Vice " 19. Vacancy in offices of both President islation in a truly bipartisan spirit of President are vacant, the Secretary of State and Vice President; officers eligible to act; returning the choice to the American of the United StBJtes shall notify the chief special election." HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, November 1, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Reverend and Mrs. Odum are visiting grand juries pursuant to Rule 6 of the Fed­ Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor, Long Avenue in the Nation's Capital with their son, eral Rules of Criminal Procedure and 28 Baptist Church, Port St. Joe, Fla., of­ Capt. David Odum of the Army, and U.S.C. 1651, it is by the Court hereby Ordered: fered the iollowing prayer: their daughter-in-law and grandchil­ 1. The transcripts of testimony taken be­ Almighty God, accept our grateful dren. Reverend Odum's family are seated fore the above-captioned grand juries, all in the gallery at this time enjoying with thanksgiving for the heritage of faith reporters' notes of such testimony, all ex­ us this special moment of dedication, and freedom that ours. We ask for hibits introduced before the grand juries, is which is always such an important part Your blessings to continue upon our Na­ and all writings, memoranda, notes, and of the procedure of the Congress. I know other files containing information derived tion. Help us be true to those great to the House joins me in a warm welcome from such testimony or exhibits or secured ideals that have made our Nation great. to each of them. pursuant to grand jury subpena, and located We ask for providential guidance not within the office of the former Watergate only for our Nation, but for all nations Special Prosecution Force, 8th and 9th and people of this world which You have DISCHARGING COMMITI'EE ON THE floors, 1425 K Street, NW., Washington, D.C., created. Deliver us from all bitterness JUDICIARY FROM FURTHER CON­ are declared to be in the custody of this Court. and misunderstanding. SIDERATION OF HOUSE RESOLU­ Especially do we beseech Thee in be­ 2. The Administrator of the General Serv­ TION 634, INQUIRY PAPERS IN ices Administration is directed to instruct half of those to whom You have commit­ CUSTODY OF SPECIAL PROSECU­ all officers of the Federal Protective Service ted the authority of Government. Grant TOR assigned to security functions at the above unto them the wisdom of Your counsel described offices of the foregoing provision in their work today. This we ask in the Mr. McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask and not to permit the removal of any tran­ name of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus the unanimous consent that the Committee scripts, exhibits, memoranda, files, or other Christ. Amen. on the Judiciary be discharged from the writings from those offices except in the pos­ further consideration of House Resolu­ session of an attorney employed by the tion 634 and that the resolution be laid Watergate Special Prosecution Force as of THE JOURNAL upon the table. the close of business on October 19, 1973. Ex­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to cept for personal papers, such attorneys may The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ remove such materials only for the purpose the request of the gentleman from Cali­ of conducting legal proceedings, interview­ ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ fornia? ceedings and announces to the House his ing witnesses, or otherwise discharging their There was no objection. official duties. In addition, Henry E. Peter­ approval thereof. Mr. McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, I have Without objection, the Journal stands sen, Assistant Attorney General in charge requested the discharge of the Judiciary of the Criminal Division, may remove copies approved. of such materials for the same purposes. There was no objection. Committee from further consideration of House Resolution 634 by reason of the 3. No materials shall be removed from the above described offices by any person unless order of Chief Judge Silica dated Octo­ a true and exact copy of all such materials THE REVEREND J_ C. ODUM ber 26, 1973, in which he orders court is left in the customary file in those offices. custody of the documents and exhibits (Mr. SIKES asked and was given per­ 4. The provisions of this order shall re­ mission to address the House for 1 min­ in the possession of the Watergate special main in full force and effect pending fur­ prosecution force. A copy of that order is ther order of the Court, either on application ute, to revise and extend his remarks, of the movants, the Acting Attorney Gen­ and to include extraneous matter.) set forth in full: eral, the Assistant Attorney General ln Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, the prayer in [U.S. District Court for the District of charge of the Criminal Division, or upon the Columbia] the House today was offered by the Court's own motion. Reverend J. C. Odum, of the Long Avenue IN RE INVESTIGATIONS BY JUNE 5, 1972, 5 . The United States Marshal for the Dis­ GRAND JURY AND AUGUST 13, 1973, trict of Columbia is directed to serve forth­ Baptist Church of Port St. Joe, Fla., in GRAND JURY-MISCELLANEous Nos. 47-73 with certified copies of foregoing order and my congressional district. Reverend AND 108-73 moving papers upon the Administrator of the Odum has an enviable reputation for ORDER General Services Administration, the Direc­ sound and constructive service in God's Upon consideration of the motion dated tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, work over a period of many years. October 25, 1973, submitted on behalf of the the Director of the United States Marshals November 1, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 35645 Service, or the Acting Assistant Attorney aries. The government is proposed for so . there ought to be something to con­ General for Administration, Department of individuals. The expression "We the People fine the power of this government within Justice. of the United States" shows that this gov­ its proper boundaries...
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