The Morristown Morris Township Library North Jersey History and Genealogy Center: Inventory of Maps and Surveys CALL NO. TITLE DATE SCALE SIZE DETAILS COPY NO. US MAPS From sketches by Theodore R. Davis; US-1-1 Bird's-eye view of Philadelphia 1872 Not given 32 x 23'' Copy 1 removed from Harper's Weekly 2/21/92. Sold by Tho. Basset in Fleet Street and US-1-2 A map of New England and New York 1650(?) 1" = 30 mi. 17"x21" Richard Chiswell in St. Paul's church Copy 1 Copy 2 yard. Text on reverse of Copy 1. A new and accurate map of the province of New York By J. Bew, Peter MasterRow. London. and part of the Jerseys, New England and Canada, US-1-3 1780 Not given 15"x11" Published as the Act Directs Oct 31st Copy 1 showing the scenes of our military operations during 1780. Original cloth backed. the present war; also the new erect state of Vermont New Netherlands, with a view of New Amsterdam (now US-1-4 1656 Not given 12" x 7" By A. Vander Donck. Copy 1 New York) Patroonships, manors and seigniories in New York US-1-5 [Rhode Island and Massachusetts] recognized the Order 1932 1" = 20 mi. 12"x8" By Max Mayer. Copy 1 of Colonial Lords of Manors United States, territories and insular possessions: Compiled from official surveys…Harry showing the extent of public surveys, Indian, military US-1-6 1899 Not given Not noted King, c.e. -- U.S. Dept of the Interior, Copy 1 and forest reservations, rail roads, canals and other General Land Office. Cataloged 12/4/91. details Carte réduite des côtes orientales de l'Amérique septentrionale, contenant partie du Nouveau Jersey, la US-1-7 1778 Not given 25"x38" By Petit (graveur). Copy 1 Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline Septentrionale, la Caroline Meridionale, et la Georgie National Geographic Society. Includes insets of New York and the lower US-1-8 A map of the travels of George Washington 1931 1" = 39.5 mi. 29"x20" Copy 1 Copy 2 Hudson; tidewater Virginia; Philadelphia; Boston; Mt. Vernon. Lotter, Tobias Conrad. Reproduction courtesy of New Jersey Historical Pensylvania, Nova Jersey et Nova York cum regionibus Society, published as part of New Jersey US-1-9 ca.1756 Not given 20"x23" Copy 1 Copy 2 ad fluvium Delaware in America sitis historic map portfolio by Afton Pub Co. Booklet accompanying portfolio in HS New Map. Page 1 11/8/2017 The Morristown Morris Township Library North Jersey History and Genealogy Center: Inventory of Maps and Surveys CALL NO. TITLE DATE SCALE SIZE DETAILS COPY NO. Visscher, Nikolaas J. Reprinted 1983. Reproduction courtesy of New Jersey Novi Belgii NoVaeque Angliae nec non partis Virginiae Historical society, published as part of US-1-10 tabula multis in locis emendata a Nicolao Joannis 1656 Not given 23"x20" Copy 1 New Jersey historic map portfolio by Visschero Afton Pub Co. Booklet accompanying portfolio in HS New Map. Novi Belgii NoVaeque Angliae nec non partis Virginiae / Visscher, Nikolaas, J. [Convent Station, US-1-11 tabula multis in locis emendata a Nicolao Joannis 196-? Not given 19"x16" NJ]: General Drafting Co., [Reprinted 196- Copy 1 Visschero ?]. Gift of J. Larkin; cataloged 12/87. Map removed from book: History of US-1-12 Ancient Windham County [Connecticut] [17--?] Not given 24"x21" Windham County, Connecticut , by Ellen Copy 1 D. Larned, published 1874. Written at the Literary School Morris by US-1-13 The United States of America 1818 1'' = 60 miles 29 x 22'' Copy 1 Lucinda Lee, 1818. [Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad and Removed from Pen & pencil pictures on US-1-14 branches showing New York, New Jersey and 1874 1" = 12 mi 19''x15'' the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Copy 1 Pennsylvania] Railroad by J.K. Hoyt (H2 Hoy) The southern part of the province of New York, with Includes New Jersey, Connecticut, Copy 1 Copy 2 US-2-1 1778 1" = 17 mi. 11 x 8.1/2'' part of the adjoining colonies Massachusetts. Copy 3 Colton's map of the cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey US-2-2 1886 1" = 2400' 27"x18" Reproduction. Shows railroads. Copy 1 City, Hoboken, etc. The Strangers Mercantile guide map of the cities of Reproduction. Shows railroads. Similar US-2-3 1890 1" = 2400' 27"x18" Copy 1 New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, etc. to US-2-2. Reproduction. Includes parts of Jersey 2 sheets, ea. US-2-4 Map of New York and vicinity 1865 1" = 1/4 mi. City, Brooklyn, Hoboken. Shows Copy 1 27"x18" railroads. Goulding's directory map of New York City, including 2 sheets, ea. Reproduction. Shows Manhattan and US-2-5 1875 Not given Copy 1 the two recently annexed wards 27"x18" the Bronx. Shows railroads. Reproduction. Shows the Bronx, parts of New map of the borough of Manhattan, City of New 2 sheets, ea. US-2-6 1898 1" = 1900' Jersey City, Hoboken, Brooklyn. Shows Copy 1 York 27"x18" railroads. Map of the city and county of New York, engraved for 2 sheets, ea. Hayward, George. Shows railroads, fire US-2-7 1858 1" = 1300' Copy 1 D.T. Valentine's Manual 27"x18" districts, river depth soundings. Map of the consolidated city of Brooklyn, for Bishop's Brown, A., and Co. Reproduction. Shows US-2-8 1861 1" = 3/8 mi. 18"x27" Copy 1 Manual railroads. 2 sheets, ea. Reproduction. Shows railroads; fire US-2-9 Watson's new map of the city of Brooklyn and environs 1869 1" = 3/8 mi. Copy 1 Copy 2 27"x18" districts. Page 2 11/8/2017 The Morristown Morris Township Library North Jersey History and Genealogy Center: Inventory of Maps and Surveys CALL NO. TITLE DATE SCALE SIZE DETAILS COPY NO. Map of the enlarged city of Brooklyn from official 2 sheets, ea. Beers, J.B. and Co. Reproduction. Tables US-2-10 1897 1" = 3/8 mi. Copy 1 records and surveys 27"x18" of boundaries and railroads. 2 sheets, ea. US-2-11 Colton's new indexed map of the City of Brooklyn 1890 1" = 2/3 mi. Reproduction. Table of railroads. Copy 1 27"x18" Hudson River, sheet no. 1, from New York to Bache, A.D. Shows soundings, bottoms, US-2-12 Haverstraw, from a trigonometrical survey…of the 1865 1" = 1 mi. 42"x18" Copy 1 Copy 2 tides, navigational aids. survey of the Coast of the United States New York: Port Authority of New York US-2-13 The Port of New York - New Jersey 1986 Not given Not noted and New Jersey. Gift from Ron Copy 1 Weissman 11/21/90. By J.C. Sidney, c.e. -- Chester, NY: Orange Not noted; US-2-14 Orange County, NY, from actual surveys n.d. Not given county Genealogical Society. Direct Copy 1 4 sheets $12.00. 3/29/91. By David H. Burr. -- Chester, NY: Orange US-2-15 Orange and Rockland Counties, NY n.d. Not given Not noted County Genealogical Society. Direct Copy 1 $2.00. US-2-16 City of New York 1835 Not given Not noted Chapin, William. Cataloged 12/4/91. Copy 1 Lots in the Village of Newburgh, NY: belonging to Removed from Butterworth Collection US-2-17 1853 Not given Not noted Copy 1 Benjamin H. Mace & Samuel F. Butterworth 11/11/92. Sauthier, Claude Joseph. Compiled from A chorographical map of the Province of New York in actual surveys deposited in the Patent North America: divided into counties, manors, patents US-2-18 1779 Not given Not noted Office at New York. London: engraved Copy 1 and townships; exhibiting likewise all the private grants and published by William Fadden. Gift of land made and located in that Prov. 8/2/93. US-2-19 Green-wood cemetery 1886 1'' = 300' 16 x 24'' 11/20/1996. Copy 1 Rand McNally & Co., Albany, NY: Jonathan Sheppard Books. (Rand US-2-20 Brooklyn and vicinity [199-?] Not given Not noted Copy 1 McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world). Gift of Evelyn Huey 3/99. A.J. Johnson. -- Albany, NY: Jonathan US-2-21 Johnson's New York and Brooklyn [199-?] 1'' = 1/2mile 24 x 18'' Sheppard Books. Gift of Evelyn Huey Copy 1 3/99. Compiled for D.T. Valentine's Manual by G. Hayward. -- Albany, NY: Jonathan US-2-22 Map of the City of New-York [199-?] Not given Not noted Copy 1 Sheppard Books. Gift of Evelyn Huey 3/99. New York: August R. Ohman. Removed Map showing the Manhattan boundaries of the Town from book: New Harlem Past and US-2-23 [1903?] Not given Not noted Copy 1 of New Harlem Present by Carl Horton Pierce. Cataloged 6/26/2002. Page 3 11/8/2017 The Morristown Morris Township Library North Jersey History and Genealogy Center: Inventory of Maps and Surveys CALL NO. TITLE DATE SCALE SIZE DETAILS COPY NO. principal proposals of the Regional Plan of New York 28 cm x Text on verso of map. Color. New York: US-2-24 1933 1" = 4 mi. Copy 1 and its environs 24 cm Regional Plan Association. "Regional plan of New York and its environs." Includes inset map of the General plan of the railroad system for New York and 54 cm x US-2-25 1928 ca. 1:362,057 eastern end of Long Island with scale [ca. Copy 1 its environs 48 cm 1:460,800]. Color.
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