Thursday, October 8, 2020 perthnow.com.au/community-news INSIDE TRAFFIC RELIEF BRAND IN SIGHT BLUE DAY Page 3 Man in court MULTI-MILLION after stabbing DOLLAR UPGRADE A MAN has been accused fight the victim, a 38-year- of wounding a person he old man, received several knew during a violent wounds to his body and FOR WELSHPOOL fight at a Langford home was rushed to Royal Perth on Monday night. Hospital for treatment. PAGE 3 Police said a physical The 25-year-old man ROAD altercation took place be- has been charged with tween the two men about two counts of criminal 8pm at a house on God- damage or destruction of dard Way. property, one count of A 25-year-old Langford grievous bodily harm and man allegedly damaged a one count of threatening bedroom door and to kill. smashed the windscreen He was scheduled to of a car parked at the appear before the Perth home. Magistrate’s Court on It is alleged during the Tuesday. CAN 2 NEWS October 8, 2020 NEWS ...................................................................... P2-9 FILM .......................................................................... P10 LIFESTYLE ................................................................ P12 Millions for Manning YOUR STORY FEATURE........................................... P13 COURSES AND CLASSES FEATURE....................... P14 A PRIVATE investor from TRADES DIRECTORY........................................... P15-17 Sydney has snapped up a DRIVEWAY ............................................................... P18 commercial property in Manning for just more than SPORT ....................................................................... P19 $2 million. The property at 19 Welwyn Avenue came with a 201.6sq m building size and was leased to Woolworths (oper- INSIDE ating as BWS) on a five-year lease with five options of five years each. Ray White Commercial BWS Manning has sold for more than $2 million. (WA) property advisor Brett Editorial Director: Amanda Keenan Wilkins said the property portunity for investors seek- the City of South Perth, Wel- was in an enviable position News Production: David Friedlos generated strong interest. ing the security of a wyn Avenue has attracted with its proximity to Curtin Design: Carly Pilton “The auction campaign Woolworths lease to buy into multiple high-profile ten- University and the Perth Features Editor: Arylene Westlake-Jennings generated 45 enquiries and a pretty neighbourhood ants including Woolworths CBD. Digital Editor: Alison Middleton we received six offers for the strip centre. Group Limited, Australia “Manning is seriously property,” he said. “In an established suburb Post and IGA.” under-supplied with retail,” General inquiries: 9237 1000 “This was the perfect op- within the municipality of Mr Wilkins said Manning he said. Email: [email protected] Reporters: Carmelle Wilkinson 9237 1464 (Canning, South Perth) Sarah Brookes 9237 1455 (Belmont, Victoria Park) Photographers: David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie Group Sales Director: Max Wilson 0420 927511 Business Development Managers: Martin Graham 0466 318996 Contact Centre/Trades: Ilsa Yates 9237 1465 Distribution 1800 811 855 Published by: Community Newspaper Group 50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017. CONTACT US CONTACT Printed by Colourpress 54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017. CAN October 8, 2020 NEWS 3 Safety key to big road project Sarah Brookes roads, especially for trucks, as well as improved access to ONE of the City of Can- driveways for residents. ning’s largest infrastructure Mayor Patrick Hall said projects for the past finan- with 25,000 vehicles travell- cial year to improve conges- ing along Welshpool Road tion and safety along one of every day, the project would its major arterial roads has make a vast difference. been completed. “Not only will this impor- The $4.2 million project tant project improve driver extended the dual carriage- safety and reduce conges- way along Welshpool Road tion, but it has also and provided safer turning increased the connectivity options, wider intersections and accessibility of the City and greater access to proper- of Canning, particularly for ties. residents and business own- The section from Pilbara ers in our eastern corridor,” Street to Kewdale Road was he said. upgraded to a four-lane New energy-efficient LED divided road, with improve- street lights have also been ments to Pilbara Street and installed to increase visibil- Mills Street intersections. ity for night driving. The improvements were The project included high made to provide a better voltage power being moved road layout and alignment underground, improve- and reduce traffic conges- ments to the road drainage Eddie Evans, from Lions Club of Canning City, Mayor Patrick Hall and Lions District Governor Mick Wainright. tion. system and the relocation of The creation of wider bus stops for increased pas- turning pockets has provid- senger safety. Verge and Trees wrapped in blue to spark talk ed better access to side paths were upgraded. TREES will be given a blue Course — in recognition of about mental health. the City was proud to be lease on life this month to Mental Health Awareness “Around 20 years ago I part of the project. spark conversation around Week from October 10 to 17. was in a very bad place and “We want the blue trees mental health as part of a The Massey Park tree I know from personal expe- to serve as a visual re- joint project between the will be in place for the next rience that it is hard,” he minder to everyone that it’s Lions Club of Canning 12 months before the City said. OK to not be OK and that City, Whaleback Golf looks at other locations to “We know there are there are always people to Course, Beaver Tree Ser- promote the cause. many people who are listen to you and support vices and the City of Can- Canning Town Hall will struggling at the moment. you,” he said. ning. also be lit up blue for the “This was one way the Li- A free community event About a dozen trees week. ons club felt we could give will be held on October 10, across Canning have been Lions Club of Canning back to the community and at Massey Park from 10am wrapped with blue fabric, City president Eddie Evans remind people that there is where people can make a while two trees will be acknowledged that many hope — you are not alone blue handprint on the tree. painted blue — one at Mas- people were doing it tough and support is there if you For more information, sey Park, Rossmoyne and and now, more than ever, need it.” visit the City’s Facebook one at Whaleback Golf people needed to be talking Mayor Patrick Hall said page. Work on the Welshpool Road upgrades. CAN 4 NEWS October 8, 2020 Coffee cash in every bottle Carmelle Wilkinson CANNING residents, com- munity groups and charities can now swap drink contain- ers for cash under WA’s new recycling campaign. Containers for Change is a container deposit scheme allowing people to exchange eligible empty drink con- tainers for 10 cents each. Local sports clubs, school P&Cs and other non-for- profit groups in Canning will also be able to use the initiative to raise much- needed funds. Canning Mayor Patrick Hall said the 10-cent refund for each eligible drink con- tainer will have a positive footprint on the environ- Most plastic water bottles can be exchanged for cash. ment and he hopes to see Canning lead the charge in drink containers each year board drink containers improving recycling rates in just WA alone, it’s actual- between 150ml and 3L are el- and reducing litter. ly very achievable for an in- igible for a refund. “I strongly encourage dividual or community Generally, ineligible con- Canning residents and local group.” tainers are those that are organisations to take advan- The scheme targets drink less than 150ml and greater tage of this wonderful initia- containers most commonly than 3L. tive and help create a cleaner seen as litter, including soft For more details on eligi- Canning while earning some drink cans and beer bottles. bility criteria and to find out spare change on the side,’’ he Beverage containers more about Containers for said. account for 44 per cent of WA Change, visit www.contai- “Every container counts – litter (by volume) despite nersforchange.com.au or in more ways than one. being made from recyclable look up @4changeWA on “Simply exchanging 45 eli- materials such as glass, plas- Facebook gible drink containers will tic, aluminium and card- Sporting clubs, schools, pay for your morning coffee. board. community groups and not- “It sounds like a lot to As part of the scheme, for-profits keen to become a round up, but given we use most aluminium, glass, plas- donation point can call 13 more than 1.3 billion eligible tic, steel and liquid paper- 4CHANGE (13 42 42) Save on your security HOME security is more with an additional 20 per enjoy the warmer weather, affordable thanks to the cent rebate given when a it’s a good time to check City of Canning’s ‘Be Safe Canning-based supplier your home security. and Save’ Security Incen- completes the works. “We want to help resi- tive Scheme. Canning Mayor Patrick dents — particularly Canning residents are Hall said it was great to see seniors —feel as safe as entitled to rebates for the give-back scheme sup- possible in their own security products includ- porting and working with homes.” ing CCTV, alarm systems, residents and local busi- Applications for the security screens, locks and nesses to make the com- Security Incentive Scheme sensor lights. munity safer for everyone. close November 30. Pensioners who are con- “Keeping our homes and Tax invoices dated from cession card holders will streets safe is always front July 1 will be accepted. receive a greater rebate. of mind for the City,’’ he For more information The Security Incentive said.
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