: . COLD ..' ; ::: Llttlo lomporaturo chango until C 'I co/clor Saturday; warmor ( •' ,.p ,j.') Sunday with ::omo snow, ,. ' . ' ' I '.. (',' ., f.') , .. ,., .. .. ' ,, . (',") ~/I' 10¢ per copy in May ! I Heading the wanted Jlst of the Mason police department will ·be the dogs roaming the streets and yards In Mason Voters Will Get New Proposal In defiance of the 12·month Mason d?g quarantine. : · Board Trims Request Pollee Chief Tim Stolz warn· ed Monday that more and Hol·y Week more dog complaints are com· Fo.r Bonding Proposal lng In, esp,eclally at the early Mason sciiool patrons are ex­ morning and late · ev.enlng don elementary school and for Rites Set pected to be asked to vote on a new elementary building, ·hours when dog owners are a proposed $400,000 bonding is­ Under this plan, $2001000 would apparently turning their dog· Mason Kiwanis and Lions clubs sue for school construction soan. gle friends loose. in cooperation with the Mason They turned down a $600,000 be de 1e ted from the previous Ministerial association have bond issue March 9 by 2 votes. election bond Issue by ellm!nat­ The ordinance calls for all scheduled union Good Friday and ln g the addition to the ·enlor high dogs to be on leash or penned. The new election date is expect­ Easter sunrise services again ed to be sometime in May. school, School attar~. ~ys said Dogs found roaming wlJI be this year. the plan would thus be ,·hanged .piclted up nnd owners will The Mason board of education The Good Friday service w!ll and members oflts'cltlzenscom­ sufficiently to make possi!Jle an have to come up with hard be March 27 at Mason Church mlttee meeting last Wednesday early election. cash in order to redeem their of the Nazarene between the hours animals. · night at the senior high school "Since we wish to present to of 1:15 and 2:45 p.m. Mason decided that banding Is the best the people at the ear llest date stores will close during this In addition owners of dogs method to follow If the school dis­ possible a proposal, It is neces­ period to enable employes and trict is to build soon. sary to change the porposal sub­ running at large can hn pros· any others to attend. ecuted with fines of the gull· The purpose oft he meeting was mitted to voters at the last el­ Easter Sunday morning, March to discuss the school situation ty running up to $100 plus ection," VanderVen explained. 29, at 7 a,m, ·sunrise services and try to reach a decision re­ costs, according to the Mason wlll be conducted at Mason Pres­ garding school bullding·s, The board of education plans ordinance. byterian church, A proposal to raise money for to meet before the end of this Individual churches have sche­ building by extending the build­ month to adopt a formal resolu­ duled other services throughout ing and site sinking fund which tion setting up an election and the Holy Week preceding Easter. expired last December or by determining its purpose, plans Burners A Palm ounaay breakfast for bonding was discussed at length, and date, the men of the Presbyterian and James H. Vander Yen, super­ Methadslt churches wlll be ser­ intendent of schools, put up a ved In the new educational bulld­ strong argument that the thing to Receive; lr,g of the Presbyterian church do now Is promote a building next Sunday, March 22, program through bonding, which Jail Sewers The event, scheduled for 8 a.m. he said Is the most practical, will feature Rev, Albert Raloff fair and eQuitable method. Bids Asked Warning of the Methodist church as speak­ It was generally a greed by Extreme dryness, abcence er. both the members of the school Another step toward pro· of new green growth-and On Palm SUnday, the MYF of board and the citizens eommlttee vi ding storm and sanitary carelessness a r e causing the Methodist church will conduct that an election be set In May that sewers for the new county jail damage, endangering proper· a special service, "Eight Great would ask for a $400,000 bond on Cedar street was talcen ty and keeping area fire de· Days," at 7 p.m. Issue for an addition to the Alate- Monday night. partments on the run. Councilmen set a date for ~The Methodist Youth Fellow­ accepting bids for the exten- As a result Conservation Of· ship will sponsor an Easter sun­ fleer Walter Mutchler has Is· Dart Is 3,316t h sionaftheMasanstreetstorm rise service and breakfast on ' sewer and sanitary sewer sued a warning that violators Easter morning, The service will of the state fire law will be take place on the Ia wn at the 0 U t of 13,511 which will cross the railroad tracks to the county property. prosecuted. rear of the Methodist church, with. State law requires a burning Dart National banlt which The bids will be received and breakfast following In the church :;:;:;:; :;:;:;:; reported deposits of $9,516,948, opened Tuesday night, April permit for. open fires. Thcs~ dining rocim,.:; ....k!"'':""' · permits are available from ,., ' ~~llljlj :jjjjjjj. , Decem~~r, · 31,, .gaine_cl . 87.3 7, at 8 o'claclc. ·.fire chiefs and from Mutchler. :::::::: :·:::·:· places m 1ts standing among At'. Monday. nighT's. council The law states that any per· ;:;:;:;: ::;:;:;: the 3400 largest commercial meeting a hearing date was son who willfully, negligently ;:;:;:;; ;:;:;:;; banks in the United States also set for April 13, at 8 p.m. or carelessly sets a fire which Supervisors :;:;:;:;. :;:;:;:; during 1963, and now ranks to hear objections and recom· injures or endangers the pro· :;:;:;:; :;:;:;:; as 3,316th largest in size com· mendations to a curb and gut· perty of another, may be as­ :;:;:;:; :;:;:;:; pared with 4,189 place at the ter and storm sewer project sessed a fin" of not more than To Study :;:;:;:; :;:;:;:; end of 1962. in Mason street, Center street $100. In addition costs for ;;:;:;:; · :;:;:;:; Deposits of the banlt total· and East street. The storm damages and for putting out ;:;:;:;: ;:;:;:;: ed $7,062,879 a year ago. This sewer job is a minor one. the fire can be assessed. Millage ;j;~;j:! ;j;j;~;~ is revealed in the 1964 annual Petitioners last year request· When the Ingham county board :::::::: :::::::: rail call of the 3,400 largest ed curb and gutter in the area. of supervisors assemble at :;:;:;:; :;:;:;;; banks in the United States Also on April 13, the council their next meeting April 14, ~;~:[::: Roy Has 99 Female Knitters on the Run :;:;:;:; published by the daily Amer- will have a hearing on the Jeffery 0 sborn they will choose a new chair­ :::::::: ;:;:;:;: ican Banlcer of New York. special assessment roll for the man. ;:::::::. B w· T K . A d :::::::: There arc 13,511 banlts in the McRoberts street storm Is Gallant Lad Miss Luelle Belen, Lan- :::::::: . oy lnS op ntttlng war :::::::: _un_i_te_d_st_a_te_s. ______s_ew_e_r_p_ro_je_c_t. ____ sing councilwoman and super­ This Is the story of a lit· visor, who has chaired theses­ Roy's mother is a 4·H club in photography, likes to play tie boy. sions of the Ingham county le­ knitting leader and the boy be· softball and do gym work and Christmas Tree Glows They taolt Jeffery Os· gislators for the past year, came interested in lmitting by farming. He can't play soft. born to the hospital Sun· concluded her term of office watching the lmitting project ball in the winter time, so in· day. It wasn't the first time. last Wednesday afternoon and in the 4·H club. The first year stead he knits, his mother said. For VietNam Soldier was given a rising vote of Roy is a student in the 8th But a hospital is the only he lmitted a scarf and mittens, decorated for the Yuletide hoi· thanks by members of the board. grade at Williamston junior When Darrell Southwell 'Place to go when your body the second year a sweater and idays. Before hearing a report of this year has knitted 3 sweat· high school. His ambition j.s came baclt from Viet N am runs out of blood as· it does early this month he found a "We ltept the Christmas tree in Jeffery's case. It has Daryl Minnis, county welfare ers. to be a school teacher when he trimmed and lighted Christ· up for him and sprayed it to ·been a desperate struggle director, which occupied most Roy has other projects be· grows up. mas tree waitin.g for him. keep it alive," Mrs. Balter said. ever since Jeffery was barn of the afternoon session, the sides knitting. He is interested board approved the appoint­ More 4-H Pictures pn A .s The tree was at the home "Weve taken it down now. We 2 'h years ago. Medical rec· ment of Ted Fay, Stockbridge of friends in Dansville. got so used to it that it seem· ords indicate he has been township supervisor as a mem­ Along last Christmas time ed li!{e part of the furniture living on borrowed time for ber of the policy committee on the Lawrence Baker family in in the house." the past 2 years .. land use of the Trl-County Plan­ Mason Chorus Car Hits Boy Dansville heard from South· Pfc Southwell is the son of Mrs. Lo'Janda Foster, his ning commission, Michael T. Samson, 12, son Davis Agency School Group well, who expected to be home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Southwell grandmother, looks after Four members of a com­ Will Perform of M1·. and Mrs.
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