Physica Scripta. Vol. T15, 78-88, 1987. A New Formulation of String Theory D. Friedan Enrico Fermi and James Franck Institutes and Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A. Received August 29, I986 Abstract A traditional approach to nonperturbative string theory starts by writing a classical field theory of string and then Quantum string theory is written as integrable analytic geometry on the universal moduli space of Riemann surfaces. attempts semi-classical calculations. We have not taken this approach, although string field theory was useful as a trial ground for thinking about the abstract structure of string 1. Introduction theory [6].The main drawback of string field theory is that it In this lecture I describe recent work of Stephen Shenker and turns away from the most beautiful aspect of string theory, myself, reformulating two dimensional conformally invariant duality, which can be interpreted as conformal invariance of quantum field theory [l] and string theory [2]. This work grew the string world surface. A second drawback of string field out of a line of investigation of string theory whose begin- theory is that it makes arbitrary and unnecessary extrpolation nings were reported in Ref. [3]. Our main goal is to express from the on-shell content of string theory to obtain an off- string theory in an abstract geometric language which makes shell formulation. This is unnecessary because string theory is no reference to spacetime, motivated by the expectation that a self-contained, potentially complete theory of physics. string theory, as a theory of quantum gravity, will produce Our starting point is the equivalence between the string spacetime dynamically. equation of motion and the condition of conformal invari- String theory is interesting, despite any direct experimental ance on the two dimensional quantum field theory of the contact with feality, because it is the only available theory string world surface. Solving the string equation of motion is which seems both self-consistent and capable of exhibiting analogous to the problem of finding all two dimensional the basic features of the low energy world: quantum mech- conformal field theories [7-lo]. In particular, we take guid- anics, gravity, gauge forces, light fermions, chiral asymmetry ance from the unitary discrete series [9, 101 of conformal field and so on. But string theory as presently understood is an theories which describe universality classes of two dimen- incomplete theory. It is limited to perturbation theory in sional critical phenomena. We learn from their properties weakly curved spacetimes; it requires an a priori choice of how to reformulate two dimensional conformal field as (partially compactified) spacetime and it permits too many analytic geometry on the space of Riemann surfaces [I 13. A such choices. geometric formulation of perturbative string theory then There is apparently no direct experimental data on the follows immediately. As the setting we define the universal process of string compactification. For the moment, we are moduli space of Reimann surfaces, written I?. The universal forced to do what Nambu has called postmodern physics [4]. moduli space contains all compact but not necessarily con- In such a remarkable circumstance, having an incomplete nected Reimann surfaces, without punctures or boundaries. theory so far in advance of experiment, the most promising I? is an effectively compact and connected analytic space, so strategy is to investigate the formal structure of the existing its global analytic geometry is highly constrained. The funda- theory so as to expose its most fundamental properties, in the mental object of abstract string theory is a hermitian metric hope that this will lead to effective methods of extracting hirbin an infinite dimensional holomorphic vector bundle W predictions from the theory and perhaps even to new ways of over I?. The covariant derivative D associated with the metric doing theoretical physics. We should look for formal models h is defined by Dh = 0 or ah,b - h,,Ai = 0 (a covariant which might provide guidance, playing a role in this post- derivative in W has the form D = a + A, b = 8 where A is modern physics analogous to that performed, for example, by the connection (1, 0)-form). The quantum equation of motion superconductivity in electo-weak theory. of string is the condition of zero curvature: We would especially like to rewrite string theory so as to F = [D,D] = 8A = 0. (1) have some hope of being able to control it mathematically, as This means that, in principle, quantum string theory is inte- an integrable quantum system, for example. Debatable pre- grable. judices about the goal of physics aside, it is becoming difficult To do nonperturbative string theory it will be necessary to imagine explaining the smallness of the cosmological con- to construct a completion of the universal moduli space. stant without such precise mathematical control. Making such a completion might be thought of as adding to The crucial constraint in this enterprise is that an abstract the moduli space some appropriate class of infinite genus reformulation must exactly reproduce the mathematical surfaces. The integrable form of the abstract string equation structure of the existing recipe for perturbatively calculating of motion (1) will remain unchanged. Solving string theory the string S-matrix in weakly curved spacetimes by integrat- will then be reduced, in principle, to algebra. The hardest ing the partition function of the conformally invariant string problem will be to extract useful information from an world surface over the moduli space of all Riemann surfaces abstract solution; to find, for example, a concrete semi- 151. classical interpretation in terms of spacetime geometry. We Physica Scripta TI5 A New formulation of String Theory 19 must hope that the integrability of the theory will allow some ate z on the surface m, so the intrinsic surface metric takes the encouraging exact results in advance of a complete solution. form d? = ef@) ldzI2. A surface in spacetime is written For example, we might imagine using topological properties xg(I, z). For each Riemann surface m, the integral over maps of the completion of universal moduli space to demonstrate into spacetime has the form nonperturbatively the exact vanishing of the cosmological constant. .zS,(fi,m) = jDX D = ddX(z, z), (2) :Emn For the present, we have expressed as analytic geometry on universal moduli space only the bosonic string pertur- where A[x] is a local functional of the map xp((z,z). The most bation theory and ordinary conformal field theory on finite general local action functional has the form genus Riemann surfaces. The perturbative bosonic string theory is only formal, because the quantum corrections are A[x] = (m d(z dz g,,(x)8xp8xv + . 1. (3) divergent. Supersymmetric string theories, on the other hand, are expected to have finite perturbative expansions. But for- The functional integral (2) is the partition function of the mal study of the bosonic theory provides all the basic ideas general two dimensional nonlinear model, the two dimen- we need. To write fermionic string theory as analytic geo- sional quantum field theory whose action is A[x], The metry, it is only necessary to replace two dimensional confor- spacetime metric T-’g,,(x) appears as a coupling in the mal field theory by two dimensional superconformal field two dimensional field theory. The infinitely many couplings theory, and ordinary Riemann surfaces by super Riemann indicated by the ellipse are tensor fields on spacetime, of surfaces; the formal structure remains the same. The bosonic higher and higher rank as more and more derivatives of string theory as integrable analytic geometry on universal xp((z,z) appear in the action. The couplings in the surface moduli space will be transcribed directly into fermionic string action A[x] express the background in which the strings move theory as integrable super analytic geometry on the universal and interact. This is the only point in the calculation of the super moduli space of super Riemann surfaces [12]. S-matrix where the background enters. This reformulation of conformal field theory has potential In conformal gauge the string partition function also applications beyond string theory, because two dimensional includes a contribution from the surface ghost fields: conformal field theory is the underlying calculus of several Z(fi, m) = Zgh(fi,m>Z,,(fi, m). (4) areas in physics and mathematics, including two dimensional critical phenomena, the representation theory of affine alge- The surface ghost fields are free chiral fermions b(z), c(z) and bras and sporadic groups and the classical geometry of Calabi- &I), E(.?). The ghost field c represents infinitesimal repara- Yau spaces. These can now be seen as aspects of a single metrizations of the surface and the field b represents infinitesi- subject - integrable analytic geometry on the universal mal variations of the conformal gauge slice. The zero modes moduli space of (super) Riemann surfaces of b correspond to the nontrivial variations of the gauge slice, While we were carrying out this work, several groups were which are the infinitesimal variations in moduli space. Since investigating string theory in flat spacetime in terms of the there is no coupling between the two chiralities, except analytic and algebraic geometry of moduli spaces of Riemann through the conformal anomaly, the ghost partition function surfaces [ 131 and Martinec was discussing several ideas is formally closely connected to aspects of the present work [14]. Zg,(fi,m) = I 1 DbDc e-lmbac12 2. string S-matrix The Because of the zero modes of the b field, the string partition The existing recipe for calculating perturbative string scatter- Z(fi, m) transforms as a density on the space of Reimann ing amplitudes calls for integrating the partition function of surfaces.
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