Bothalia 36,1 (2006) 69 by Ecklon & Zeyher (1837) for a different taxon from Nomenclature (Saint Louis code). Regnum vegetabile 138. southern Africa, Schumann proposed a new (yet superflu­ Koeltz Scientific Books, Kónigstein. KING. G. & GAMBLE. J.S. 1904. Canthium pauciflorum. Journal of ous) name for the latter, namely Plectronia klotzschiana the Asiatic Society of Bengal 73: 58. K.Schum. KUNTZE. C.E.O. 1898. Revisio generum plantarum. part 3. Felix. Leipzig. PITARD. J. 1924. Rubiaceae. In M.H. Lecomte, Flore générale de REFERENCES l lndo-Chine. vol. 3, fasc. 3: 289-432. Masson. Paris. BAILLON, M.E. 1878. Canthium pauciflorum. Adansonia 12: 189. SCHUMACHER. C.F. & THONNING. P. 1827. Phaliaria spinosa. Beskrivelse a f Guineeiske planter. 113. Popp. Copenhagen. BENTHAM. G. 1849. Canthium thonningii. In W.J. Hooker. Niger SCHUMANN. K. 1897. Beitrage zur Flora von Afrika XIII. Rubiaceae Flora: 410. Hippolyte Bailliére, London. africanae. Botanische Jahrbucher 23: 412-470. BLANCO, F.M. 1837. Canthium pauciflorum. Flora de Filipinos, edn SONDER. O.W. 1865. Order LXXIII Rubiaceae Juss. In W.H. Harvey 1: 165. Manila. & O.W7. Sonder, Flora capensis 3: 1-39. Reeve. London. BRIDSON, D M. 1992. The genus Canthium (Rubiaceae-Vangueneae) in tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 47: 353-401. TILNEY, P.M. 1986. The taxonomic significance o f anatomical and BRIDSON, D M. 1998. Rubiaceae (tribe Vanguerieae). In G.V. Pope. morphological characters in the southern African species o f Canthium Lam. <Rubiaceae). Ph.D. thesis. University o f Flora zamhesiaca 5,2: 211-377. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Pretoria. London. DIETRICH. D.N.F. 1839. Synopsis plantarum. vol. 1. Bernard Friedrich Voight, Weimar. P.M. TILNEY* and A.E. VAN WYK** ECKLON, C.F. & ZEYHER, K.L.P. 1837. Enumeratio plantarum afri- cae australis extratropicae, part 3. Perthes & Besser. Hamburg. * Department of Botany. University o f Johannesburg. P.O. Box 524. GREUTER. W„ MCNEILL, J., BARRIE. F.R.. BURDET. H.M.. 2006 Auckland Park. Johannesburg. DEMOULIN, V., FILGUEIRAS, T.S., NICOLSON, D.H.. ** H.G.W'.J. Schweickerdt Herbarium. Department o f Botany, Univer­ SILVA. PC., SKOG. J.E., TREHANE. P.. TURLAND. N.J. & sity o f Pretoria. 0002 Pretoria. HAWKSWORTH. D.L. 2000. International Code o f Botanical MS. received: 2005-07-13. POACEAE CONCEPT OF ST1PAGROSTIS UNIPLUMIS VAR. UNIPLUMIS REDEFINED TO INCLUDE SPECIMENS WITH HAIRY GLUMES At present, following Smook (1990), the varieties of from S. hirtigluma are the hairs on the callus (see above) Stipagrostis uniplumis (Licht.) De Winter and S. hir- and the presence of a distinct pencil of hairs at the branch­ tigluma (Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter in the Flora of south­ ing point of the awns in the former. In the latter species, the ern Africa (FSA) region are characterized as follows: column is sometimes hairy, but without a distinct pencil of hairs. Stipagrostis uniplumis var.: Perennials with hairs on the glumes and a uniplumis- uniplumis: perennial; inflorescence with spikelets type callus have been referred to as a hybrid, Stipagrostis numerous; glumes glabrous, up to 10 mm long; callus of uniplumis x hirtigluma—see De Winter (1965) and note the uniplumis-xype (short hairs continuous from naked under S. uniplumis var. intermedia in couplet 30 of the tip up entire length of callus to long hairs at junction of key in Smook (1990). callus and lemma); widespread in FSA region. neesii (Trin. & Rupr.) De Winter: perennial; inflor- Re-examination of all the specimens at PRE that key rescence with spikelets few; glumes glabrous, usually out as Stipagrostis uniplumis x hirtigluma showed that a longer than 10 mm; callus of the uniplumis-type; occurs large number of the specimens fitted the description of S. in northwestern Northern Cape, western Free State, uniplumis var. uniplumis except for the hairs present on North-West and adjoining area of Botswana and extreme the glumes. It is therefore proposed, for the reasons given northern Limpopo. below, that the description of var. uniplumis be expanded to accommodate those specimens that fulfill all the other intermedia (Schweick.) De Winter: annual; inflor­ criteria for S. uniplumis var. uniplumis but have hairs on escence with spikelets numerous; glumes hairy, usually the glumes: up to 8 mm long; callus of the uniplumis-Xype; dry north­ western Namibia. 1, hairy glumes are not unknown in S. uniplumis, also occurring in var. intermedia, an annual from the more Stipagrostis hirtigluma var.: arid northwest of Namibia; hirtigluma: annual; inflorescence narrow; glumes 2, the density of hairs, even the presence of hairs on the hairy; callus of the hirtigluma-type (with a distinct gla­ glumes, can van, on spikelets of the same inflorescence. brous break between short hairs on body of callus and The hairs are often difficult to see (a black background long hairs at junction of lemma and callus, best seen at makes them more visible). Hairiness appears not to be a back of callus). stable character in S. uniplumis. De Winter (1965) points pearsonii (Henrard) De Winter: annual: inflorescence out that the presence or absence of hairs on glumes has °pen; glumes hairy; callus of the hirtigluma-typc. proved to be diagnostically unreliable in other species of the genus. Therefore, not too much weight should be patula (Hack.) De Winter: perennial; inflorescence placed on this character: °Pen; glumes densely hairy; callus of the hirtigluma-type. 3, there are a large number of specimens from across the The main characters separating Stipagrostis uniplumis entire distribution area of var. uniplumis that differ from 70 Bothalia 36,1 (2006) the typical form only in having hairs on the glumes (see Inflorescence with a few spikelets; glumes 10 mm or longer; central awn bent at right angles .... 5. uniplumis var. neesii specimens examined below); 37 (35) Inflorescence subsecund, branched only in the lower part, spike­ 4, the callus is of the uniplumis-, not hirtigluma-type. lets in upper part solitary............continue key from couplet 35 in Gibbs Russell et al. (1990) advancing the numbers appro In the Flora zambesiaca region, Melderis (1971) also priately. placed most specimens from Botswana and Zimbabwe Specimens of S. uniplumis var. uniplumis with hairy differing only by hairy glumes in var. uniplumis, acknowl­ glumes examined: edging that some specimens in Namibia could possibly be hybrids. NAMIBIA.— 1714 (Ruacana Falls): Kaokoland, about 4 km S of Ombarundu, (—CC), Smook 7830. 1812 (Sanitatas): 8 miles W The new expanded description of S. uniplumis var. o f Orowanja Fountain on road to Orupembe, (-B A ), De Winter & uniplumis is as follows: perennial; inflorescence with Leistner 5649. 1813 (Ohopoho): Kaokoland, S of Opuwa on road to Sesfontein, (-DA), Smook 7841. 2014 (Welwitschia): Farm Driekrone spikelets many; spikelets 8—10(—11) mm long (measured OU 516, (-BC), Giess 7915. 2114 (Uis): Messumberge, (-AC), Giess from base of spikelet to apex of longest glume, excluding 9662. 2117 (Otjosondu): Farm Omupanda, (-D D ), Gibbs Russell & awns); tuft of hairs at branching point of awns and often Smook 5371. 2118 (Steinhausen): Farm Merx, (-A B ), Gibbs Russell & hairy partly down column, hairs longer than 1.5 mm; Smook 5408. 2216 (Otjimbingwe): Farm Friedenau, (-D B ), Muller & glumes glabrous or long-hairy, hairs dense to sparsely Kolberg 2112. 2317 (Rehoboth): 24 km S o f Rehoboth on main road to Kalkrand, (—CA), Gibbs Russell & Smook 5480. 2417 (Mariental): scattered but at least always present on margins; callus of 20 km W o f Mariental on road to Maltahóhe, (-D B ), Gibbs Russell c£ the uniplumis-type. Smook 5509A. There are still a number of perennial specimens with a BOTSWANA.— 1821 (Andara): Tsodilo Hills, (-DC), Guy 121\64. pencil of hairs at the branching point of the awns, hairy 1922 (Nokoneng): Mojeye area. (-CD), Smith 1302. 1923 (Maun): glumes and a callus of the uniplumis-type that are diffi­ Chiefs Island, (-CA), Biggs M462. 2021 (Koanaka Hills): on sides of Groot Laagte fossil river valley, (-CD), Smith 3205. cult to place in either var. neesii or the new extended var. uniplumis and will key out as the hybrid S. uniplumis x MPUMALANGA.— 2431 (Acomhoek): Farm Rietvley, (-AB). Zam- 5. hirtigluma (see key below). batis 573. 2331 (Phalaborwa): 15 km SE o f Shingwidsi, (-A B ), Ellis 537. The emended key in Gibbs Russell et al. (1990: 319, 320) is given below, starting at couplet 28 (22) of the LIMPOPO.— 2229 (Waterpoort): Langjan Nature Reserve, (-CC), Zwanziger 522. original key: 28(22) Glumes with long hairs, sometimes sparse and along margins NORTHERN CAPE.— 2820 (Kakamas): Augrabies National Park. o n ly .................................................................................................29 (-CB), Werger 378. 2824 (Kimberley): Olie River, (-CC), Leistner 1292. Glumes puberulous, scabrid or glabrous..................................35 29(28) Inflorescence spiciform, subsecund; culms not visibly or obviously striate, usually densely scrabid.................................. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ S. gonatostachys Inflorescence open or contracted but not spiciform; culms I wish to thank Ms E. du Plessis for helping with the obviously striate, sm ooth.............................................................30 text, G. Germishuizen for editing and the referees for 30(29) Callus with short hairs along entire length (except for na­ ked tip) until long hairs at junction o f lemma and callus their input. (uniplumis-typ e)..............................................................................31
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