March 6, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 5533 for a term of 4 years, vice Maj. Gen. David IN THE ARMY T he following-named officer of the Marine S. Parker. T he following-named officer to be placed C orps R eserve for permanent appointment ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT on the retired list in grade indicated under to the grade of brigadier general: the provisions of title 10, U nited States C ode, H ugh W. H ardy R obert W. Fri, of Maryland, to be Deputy section 3962: A dministrator of E nergy R esearch and De- velopment (new position) . To be lieutenant general James L . L iverman, of Maryland, to be L t. Gen. Walter James Woolwine, xxx-xx-x... C O N FIR MA TIO N A ssistant A dministrator of E nergy R esearch xxx... 3, A rmy of the U nited States (major gen- E xecutive nomination confirmed by and Development (new position) . eral, U .S. A rmy). John M. T eem, of C onnecticut, to be A s- IN THE MARINE CORPS the Senate March 6, 1975: sistant A dministrator of E nergy R esearch T he following-named officers of the Marine DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and Development (new position) . C orps for permanent appointment to the John T . Dunlop, of Massachusetts, to be grade of brigadier general: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Secretary of L abor. John R . De Barr John H . Miller (T he above nominations were approved R ichard C . A tkinson, of C alifornia, to be H erbert J. Blaha H arold A . H atch subject to the nominees' commitment to Deputy Director of the N ational Science Philip D. Shutler E dward J. Bronars respond to requests to appear and testify Foundation, vice R aymond L . Bisplinghoff, R ichard E . C arey Warren R . Johnson before any duly constituted committee of resigned. George W. Smith Paul X. Kelley the Senate.) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, March 6, 1975 T he H ouse met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. YOUNG, Mr. BROOKE, Mr. HATFIELD, contractors, performing the research Dr. Joseph I. C hapman, executive min- Mr. STEVENS, and Mr. MATHIAS to be the and development work on the Space ister of the O hio Baptist C onvention, conferees on the part of the Senate. Shuttle over the years. L et me state un- Granville, O hio, offered the following T he message also announced that, equivocally the Space Shuttle is on prayer: pursuant to Public L aw 93-443, the ma- schedule and w ithin the cost com - O ur gracious, loving H eavenly Father, jority leader, Mr. MA N SFIE L D, recom- mitments made by N A SA . we pray T hy special blessing upon this mends the name of T homas E . H arris for T he Space Shuttle is a new low-cost body as they endeavor to fulfill the re- confirmation to be a member of the space transportation system. I t is dif- sponsibilities of their high office. Federal E lection C ommission; and the ficult for me to understand why the gen- May their understanding and percep- minority leader, Mr. SC O T T of Pennsyl- tleman from Wisconsin is opposed to tion of the complex issues of our N a- vania, recommends the name of Joan D. providing a low-cost space vehicle which tion be guided by T hy H oly Spirit. A ilcens for confirmation to be a member will enlarge our already great use of May the decisions they reach, the ac- of the same C ommission. space for the benefit of this country and tions they take, the work they do, be A nd that the V ice President, pursuant the world. T he Space Shuttle like any pleasing in T hy sight. to Public L aw 85-474, appointed Mr. research and development program en- E ven as man cannot live by bread WILLIAMS, Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. BAYH, and counters and conquers day-to-day prob- alone, neither can we reach our highest Mr. STAFFORD to attend, on the part of lems as the work progresses. T he Space potential in leadership and decision- the S enate, the I nterparliam entary Shuttle is no exception. T he manage- making except as we receive guidance U nion Meeting to be held in Sri L anka, ment of the Space Shuttle in both Gov- from T hee. May each and every Member March 31 to A pril 5, 1975. ernment and industry have faced these of this august body so live this day that normal development problems with en- thusiasm and skill. T hey have sur- they may fulfill their responsibilities ac- PE R MISSIO N FO R C O MMIT T E E O N ceptably and be at peace with themselves mounted these problems to this point IN T E R IO R A N D IN SU L A R A FFA IR S just as I am confident they will sur- and w ith T hee. T O FI L E A R E PO R T O N H.R. 25 T his is our prayer in the Saviour's mount them in the future. N otw ith- name. A men. Mr. H A L E Y . Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- standing the gentleman's comments on mous consent that the C ommittee on In- the General A ccounting O ffice report, no terior and Insular A ffairs have until mid- amount of back-of-the-envelope cal- T H E JO U R N A L night tonight to file its report on H .R . culations of potential cost increases T he SPE A KE R . T he C hair has exam- 25. which do not materialize can change the ined the Journal of the last day's pro- T he SPE A KE R . Is there objection to success of the Space Shuttle program ceedings and announces to the H ouse the request of the gentleman from Flor- to date. his approval thereof. ida? Dr. James C . Fletcher, A dministrator Without objection, the Journal stands T here was no objection. of N A SA , sums it up well in his letter in approved. reply to the General A ccounting O ffice T here was no objection. report cited by Senator PR O XMIR E . Dr. SPA C E SH U T T L E WIL L IMPR O V E Fletcher says and I quote: QU A L IT Y O F L IFE O N E A R T H I have no reason to anticipate cost over- ME SSA GE FR O M T H E SE N A T E (Mr. FR E Y asked and was given per- runs above the $5.2 billion commitment, 1971 dollars. A message from the Senate by Mr. mission to address the H ouse for 1 min- Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced ute and to revise and extend his re- Space Shuttle will make space a place that the Senate had passed with amend- marks.) of commerce for our N ation just as our ments in which the concurrence of the Mr. FR E Y . Mr. Speaker, I must com- original satellite developments made H ouse is requested, a joint resolution of ment today on the grossly inaccurate space a place of communications for our the H ouse of the following title: statement which has been released by N ation and the world. In my opinion it the distinguished senior Senator from H .J. R es. 219. Joint resolution making fur- will improve the quality of life on E arth ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal Wisconsin. T he gentleman's statement more in its first 20 years of operation year 1975, and for other purposes. continues to describe the Space Shuttle than any other scientific advancement to as a program which is destined to be date. T he message also announced that the overrun in cost and fall short in its op- Senate insists upon its amendments to erational goal based on a General A c- the joint resolution (H .J. R es. 219) en- counting O ffice report just released. T his PE R MISSIO N FO R C O MMIT 'T 'E E O N titled "joint resolution making further appears to be an annual event. A PPR O PR IA T IO N S T O H A V E U N T IL continuing appropriations for the fiscal A s a member of the C ommittee on Sci- MIDN IGH T , FR IDA Y , MA R C H 7, year 1975, and for other purposes," re- ence and T echnology and a member of 1975, T O FIL E PR IV IL E GE D R E PO R T quests a conference with the H ouse on the Subcommittee on Space Science and O N A BIL L MA KIN G E ME R GE N C Y the disagreeing votes of the two H ouses A pplications, it has been my privilege E MPL O Y ME N T A PPR O PR IA T IO N S thereon, and appoints Mr. IN O U Y E , Mr. to participate in intensive and detailed Mr. MA H O N . Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- MAGNUSON, Mr. MCGEE, Mr. PROXMIRE, hearings in W ashington. at the key imous consent that the C ommittee on Mr. MOITTOYA, Mr. CHILES, Mr. JOHNSTON, N A SA space centers and key industrial A ppropriations may have until midnight, 5534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ·HOUSE Mar ch 6, 1975 Friday, Mar~h 7, to file a privileged re­ Mr.
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