RED ANK REGISTER VOLUME LXV, NO. 33. RED BANE, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1943. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Walter B. Scott Rumson's Tax Highlands PTA Ballots Temporarily Mine Washed On Red Cross County War In South Pacific Rate Drops To Marks Founders "Dont worry, we're going places," Sea Bright Beach writes Walter B. Scott from "some- Considerable Interest and ex- Missing In Recount where In tho South Pacific" to hU $3.76 Per $100 Day At Session citement was occasioned Sunday Fund Goal Is $250,000 mother, Mrs. Margaret Scott of Mid- at Sea Bright when a mine was dletown. The letter was written Jan- washed ashore at the public uary 12. Wounded in the first World Amount to be Raised Playlet Presented beach. Freehold Township District war while serving with the 42d Di- Fort Hancock authorities were Mrs. G. L. VanDeusen, Area Chairman- vision, he Is once more In the thick By Taxation $16,583 By Five Members notified, and were soon at the UBed Two Small Boxes of things, fighting for his country.. Less Than Last Year Of Local Group scene with a derrick. The mine, Before he was sent to the war weighing about 1,000 pounds, General H. S. Borden District Head +• zone he was stationed in Virginia, was holBted on an army truck -•• The Storner-Donahay recount, where he took a course In purifica- The borough of Rumson, which The 46th anniversary of the found- and taken to the fort on Sandy Mrs. George L. VanDeuaen of which has already produced all the Camden county as explained to him ing of the Parent-Teacher associa- Hook. 'by members of that county's board. tion of water. His sister, Mrs. Fred has had a tax rate among the ten Fort. Monmouth has been named * drama possible In the form of mlss- Hurst of Mlddletown, also received lowest in the county for a number of tion was appropriately observed by ing unused ballots and. discrepancies He even dashed with Mr. Leffer- chairman of the northern area for a letter from him recently. years and which was in eighth po- the Highlands group Tuesday night the annual war fund drive of tho in district and county tallies, yielded, son as .to the procedure to be fol- sition last year, will have a lower at a meeting ln the school attended still a new wrinkle late Tuesday af- lowed in questioning the district county Red Cross _ chapter In tax rate in 1043 than' in 1942. The by close to 50 members. A large Farm Prices March. Announcement of Mrs. Van- ternoon when 216 perfectly good board members before their - boxes municipal budget was passed on its cake with 46 candles was prepared votea, 121 of them cast for Surro- are opened. Mr. Price objected to for the "occasion. Deusen'a appointment was made at Parsons To Speak first reading by the mayor and coun- a recent meeting of the war fund gate Joaeph L. Dpnahay, were mlss- everyone crowding around the boxes cil last Thursday night and Is print- A playlet on Founders day was Continue Rise iHB for about IB minutes. to peer Into them and Insisted on executive commltteeby the general' — remaining at the table and lining up At YMeAl)inner ed in its entirety In legal form else- presented by Miss May O'Neil, Mrs. chairman, Edwin L. Beet of Shrews- . ' - The. quarter hour which ejapsed where In this Issue. A hearing on Maxlno Wright, Mrs. Marjqrle Mc- Monthly Report beforo the ballots were found was the district board members opposite the budget will take place Thursday Connell, Mrs. Ruth VoorHees and bury. long enough to produce some of the him so that they could be questioned Opening Event of night, February 25, at which time an Mrs." Ann Barrett. Refreshments For New Jersey The county war fund goal is $250,- sharpest exchanges of the recount; by himself and his colleagues on the opportunity will be given to the pub- were served ln the new cafeteria, 000, and because of the global de- now In Its third month. Principals county board as well as by the sev- lic to be heard. where Miss Anna V. Drew answered mands on Red Croas wartlmn ser- in the argument that ensued were eral lawyers. Maintenance Drive New Jersey farm prices continued vices the campaign ln this county, various questions In telling of Its suc- :heir upward swing during the per- Prosecutor John J. Qulnn and Harry V. Barkalow, a member of The estimated tax rate for 1043 Is cussful operation thus far and how as throughout the nation, will b* Frank E. Price, secretary of the Freehold township's second district Theodoro D. Parsons will be the $3.70 as compared with $3.00 In 1942, iod from December 15 to January 15, the most Intensive ever conducted, well It has been received by both pu- according to the Federal-State Crop county board of elections. Mr. Qulnn board, prepared the county board for principal speaker at the opening din- or a decrease of 14 cents per $100 pils and parents. with a national goal of J125.000.- Is associated with Ward Kromcr and one thing it will find Friday when ner of the annual Y. M. C, A. main- of assessed valuation. This was ac- Report IgnBervlce. Eggs, one of the 000. An effort will be made to reach complished despite the fact that the Mrs. Ivlns Voorhees as president two commodities which dropped In Joseph, Mattlce as counsel for Mr. that district is reached, Mr. Bark- tenance fund campaign to be held conducted the business session at every citizen of the county durlnjr Donuhay. alow explained that the printer had borough lost $171,000 ln ratables last price, registered a much smaller sea- which Mrs. Florence Corse was re- sonal decline than usual for the per- the campaign through the press, failed to number ten or eleven' bal- year. The council this year aUo ap- radio, motion picture theaters, civlo Tho excitement came in mid-after- propriated approximately $4,600 to ceived as a new member. The presi- iod. In mid-January they were two lots while several others were BO dent spoke of the identification tags and religious organizations, wom- noon and was prefaced by a bitter poorly marked that the numbers provide a bonus for borough em- cents lower per dozen than in mid- argument between the Democratic ployees. The borough will pay ten for children project of the New Jer- December. Every • commodity was en's clubs, schools, by personal con- had to be retraced In pencltl. This sey Congress of Parents and Teach- tact In houso to house solicitation, attorneys, led by Mr. Kremer, and matter had been called to the atten- per cent of the first $1,500 of wages returning more money per unit to Mr. Price, as to who Is running the and salaries, and five per cent upon ers, which Is being sponsored by farmers January 15 than it was a and by public exhibitions • and dem- tion of Mr. Irons, the township clerk, many of the P. T. A. groups through- onstrations of the work and ser- recount. Mr. Price finally prevailed Mr. Barkalow said. The mistakes any additional compensation above year ago. after William F\ Lefferson, chairman out the state. vices of the Red Cross. were not dlsocvored until the bal- this figure. Chickens 'were selling for an aver- MRS. GEORGE L. VAN DEUSEN. of the board, had Indicated his wil- These tags carry the child's and Mrs. VanDeusen is the wife of lots were reached by the voters since The amount to be raised by taxa- age of 29 cents per pound, a gain of lingness to go along with Mr. Kre- they were about In tho middle of the parents' names and address and their 1.3 cents over the previous month. Brig. Gen. VanDeuaen, commandant mer, who had objected to recounting tion for municipal purposes this year value in an emergency is apparent. of the eastern Signal corps training; district's allotment. Is $85,140.05, which Is $10,583.CO less Turkeys were one-half of a cent low- more than three districts during the To secure these tags the first order er in price. center at Fort Monmouth. She has day. Districts recounted since last week than last year. must be for 500. After that tags may Valentines To Be been actively interested ln Red The council ended the year with The wholesale price of milk was At Mr. Price's insistence, anally follows: be secured in lots of 50 at the same Cross work, having assisted ln Red District Donahay Rtcount Dafarred a cash surplus of $36,633,62, due to price of five cents apiece. It was the same—$3.70 per hundredweight. agreed to by Mr. Kremer, the board Last year's figure waa $3.37. For the Sold For. Fitkin Cross roll call drives In former High. 1 178 178 2 the payment of a large proportion of pointed out that no money is to be years. She is a member of the turned to the first district of Free- High. 2 175 - 175 1 the current levy of taxes and the entire 1942 season, milk producers hold township, one of the smallest to made through the sale of these tags, county chapter motor corps and High. 8 1«8 148 Nona liquidation of a large percentage of the sole purpose being for the Iden- realized a return of $3.40 per hun- be recounted.
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