S.R.C. Whea lector** kite worn SPORTING GOODS HARRY HOPMAN'S SPORTS STORE wfclt • g—tli Lager are ukjacl to • Cmmm im pmwm»4 mmd mmIk 10% OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SYDNEY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL HARRY HOPMAN'S UNVERSffY HOTEL SPORTS STORE Vol. II., No. MARCH 17. 1930. U Marti. Pkce. : FRESHERS' SPECIAL To-Day is Freshman's Day. Students' V ce-Chancellor's Message (As the S.R.C. Sees It.) Representative Council To Freshers:— Secretary Appointed "I shall have an opportunity of DONT FEEL STRANGE OR SHY addressing you at the Ceremony of A New Era. • At the lajit m«-«*tiriK < Matriculation mi March ;6. but I am Uepresentativo Council. glad to ncc-pt the invitation of the ARRANGEMENTS TO MAKE YOU FEEL AT HOME I Hill. A.C.I.S.. A.A.A.. Kdiior of "Hniii Soil" IO extend to pent-nil wen lary. you. at the ow ning of term, a cordial Whereas. in previous years, t* brunt of the welcome to Freshers Lent Term. 1930, opens to-day with great promise for students welcome in*" "in- midst. I hope you will epcedilv f—I <|iiite at home, as 1 has been mainly borne by the Clmtian Union, the recently-formed and of the University of Sydney. Organised into a corporate whole for that fill all-powerful Students' Representative Council has decided to establish the first time in its history, the student body has before it a future in I'nivei life. the first day of Lent Term as f icrhman's Day. which it can, if it will, take its proper place in the life of the Alma "The best advice I can give you is Mater. To-day senior students will extend themselves in an attem]>t to o enter whole-heartedly into all the make you feel at home. We hope you will be pro|>er!y grateful! activities of the I'niversity. its sports, It had become increasingly evident, during recent years, that there ts Societies, and to make the very AT 10 A.M.. all fresh. r-. im-n UKI I At the I'niverslty offices an INFiill- "was something rotten in the State of Denmark." The climax was >e*t of the few short years of your women, will ASSKMllI.K IN THE jMATION BL'HEAl' has been estab- reached last year, when preparations which would have made the Fes- indorgraduate course. For the men IN ION HALL. Short ad.li.-ses «,ll IO lished. Wise and learned (but not. we students. I should call attention to the k tival of 1929 one of the best ever produced in Sydney, were brought to d' llvt*nil by the I'resltlems ..t tru- ho|ie, too wise or too learned i scholars itiractions of the I'niversity liegiment. st mien ts' Representative Council < Mr. have lieen securi*d after a diligent: an abrupt end. It is not intended to revive thoughts of that fiasco which 1 "It may not be amiss to remind you J. M. CIUHIIPI'). I'n.lergraihiate* search. They claim CI Boastful Ones! > contained some of the elements of tragedy. Suffice it to say that out hai the larger freedom which a I'ni- Association (Mr. A. G. Smiih ability to read and understand the Uni- ; of evil has came good. ,'ersity confers on its students, as Women Cndergraduates' A»*» ation versity Calendar! Ask them to ex-' -ompared with the Schools, carries i Miss Lorraine Snyder). Sport- nion |M>und its mysteries! The Students' Representative Council has been formed, been five* vlth it its own responsibilities and <Mr. Vernon Treatt. H.C.I.. >. \\ ai-ns' »bligations. Sports Association iMins K tuivie), Information concerning fees (those official sanction, and commenced its work. Already it has shown that Christian I'nion (Mr. I'raiti rod terrible im|>ositions) and courses will it is endowed with vigourous growth. Through it the student body can. "The good name of the I'niversity Woman's Christian L'nion i.Miss I. .mne h<- given to all seeking them. for the first time, speak with one voice. Its constitution is elastic, but is now in your keeping, and I have Iloed the advice of the seers! They •very confidence that it will be safe Wood). provides adequate safeguards. It faces a bright future. With a Mew At the (.inclusion of the >ie.hcs know, because they have been through here." (guaranteed to be shorn, fn ttnen the mil'.. dignity, impossible under former conditions, it is now in a position to R. S. WALLACE. are asked to arrange iliems.-lvet in assert the rights of undrni»du»ln It must, however, always keep Vice-Chancellor. Manning House (the den of woman groups. aeeordinic to their Faculiiet. At before stafats the fact that rights and pwileges cannot exist without intervals around the Hall, notice* »?ar- students! will stage a bumi>er welcome duties. And the primary duty of students is to uphold the dignity of iiiK the names of the Faculties «Si be in the Assembly Hall at 1 p.m. A displayed. Senior students from .( ery musical programme. afternoon tea. a the "Gram! nM "Vanity " A Date to faculty will then take charge ••• their few s|teeches (to which. Ladies, you Credit far most of the preliminary wort in connection with the need not listen I. and a spirit of good- May 22 respective group*. and conduct I !i<«n to establishment of the S.R.C. must he accorded to Mr. Murray Gosper, Charles 0. Hill. Ta futura students this data <1th e various departments, when- ilvice will to all men—er. we mean women, will be provided. All. including senior who has been henourrd by election as its first prnidrnt "Horn Sost." will bo ta tha University as July and a short description of ih.< ><urse Mr. Hill has. for the past four years, students, are invited to turn up and however, had no snaal part in the work. It placed before students all 4 is ts our American cousins. will be given. been secretary of the Sydney University make the function a happy and suc- Don't be afraid to ask qu—tlens— the proposals brought forward, and constantly endeavored to make sure Sports I'nion. Educated at the Sydney On this nifht will be hold tha cessful one. that Is what the senior studen - «":ll be it would be the canndtrrd Juiiiin tirammar School, where he had n "Uwdsrgrad.'s •all," aa done ta there fort trinnars of tha "light fantaatic." Men Keep Out! of a majority of itodinti. hi editorial committee is proud to have been brilliant spotting record. "Charlie" Hill as he is popularly known in 'Varsity Aa members of the talents' sporting circles, served throughout the XJ Council ara expert exponents of aa the oAcial journal of the Great War. and was wounded whilst tho 'Varsity Drag, dancing will be Sydney University Undergraduates" Aimiatiin. "Ham Sail" has lighting on the Itussian Front, after from • p.m. ts 2 a.m.. an inereaee S. J^C. Vice-chancellor. already known many viriintodn It is now the oftcial journal of the having won the Cross of St. George. ef ena hour en pravious years. A capable organiser, he is determined Students' Representative Cn—ril. and serves all itodinti. of to put the Student .self-governing body •ha Paiaia Royal ones again A N—» mi Onkawt sill house ths csntastaMs. The Inaugural Council statw, within the Uasversity of Sydney. Its watchword is service, on a sound business basis. the past it has not brntatrd to criticise, tvhere it has thou "I think what happened last year necessary, and that wiM c atiaai to be its policy—not criticism for Aftor t» with regard to the Commemoration unanimeosiy attested the proi»a the sake of criticism; not dritrurlion. but construction. CMMCM Office*. festivities was really a blessing in dis- The new offices of the Students' Cenetitutien if the Student Rene guise. and although It worried me at This issue is mainly iddiessed to Freshers. In it. we have sought i Noveeib Representative Council are situated at to give as much information for their guidance as possible. Elsewhere the I'nion end of the Botany School tiena loot no ti«no in electing their will be found words of welcome and advice from the leaders of each under the same roof as the Sports of the four associations which tamprist the organisation of the S.R.C. I'nion offices. In view af tho rocent discovery loT A1I communications must l»e ad- ! ef a iio-detocter which "winnewa —namely, the UndergraAOItt' AlWllMilW. iht Wumu Uniti- The Inaugural Council, « itli con- graAiates' .Association, the Evening Students' Association and the sists of twelve represctitath s and a At frequent intervale last year, Students' Representative Council. Coun- I probable invention of an inetru- president, held its first m. -Bng on a corrssnJndent from the Law Women Evening Students' Association^—and from the President of the Cll Offices, the I'niversity of Sydney. I ment which will automatically no- November 13. and electeii office- School submitted cony to "Moni S.R.C. "Hossi Soit" would like to add its own greetings. We hope Telephone. MW 1559. tify profeaaora when John Smith -Soit." under the nem do plume of answers for Prod. Brown, it is to bearers. they will become regular readers—as every other student is. It will The Council. "tern." be hoped the removal of the com- keep before them the claims of community life, and the great traditions A position awaits him on the TALKIES AT LAST pulses lecture system will render President.
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