MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM Contributions . In BIOLOGY and GEOLOGY Jumber 58 October 1, 1984 Type Specimens in the Insect Collections of the Milwaukee Public Museum Gerald R. Noonan MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM Contributions In BIOLOGY and GEOLOGY Number 58 October 1, 1984 Type Specimens in the Insect Collections of the Milwaukee Public Museum Gerald R. Noonan REVIEWERS FOR mIS PUBLICATION Douglas C. Ferguson, Smithsonian Institution Ronald W. Hodges, Smithsonian Institution Minter J. Westfall Jr., University of Florida ISBN 0-89326-105-X © 1984 Milwaukee Public Museum Published by the order of the Board of Trustees This paper is the first list of type-material to be published for the insect collections of the Invertebrate Zoology Section of the Mil- waukee Public Museum. The value of such a list is shown by recom- mendation 72 D of the International Code of Zoological Nomelclature (1964)which states that institutions with collections containing type material should publish lists of it. Systematists at universities and at other museums use such lists to locate types of species in which they are interested. Such lists also provide an accounting of type- material and establish a baseline on which a museum can measure future growth and on which subsequent acquisitions can be recorded and published. The origins of the museum's insect collections can be traced back to private citizens who assembled collections before or approximately simultaneously with the opening ofthe museum a century ago. These individuals ultimately donated their holdings to the museum, and as the insect collections grew, curators were hired to care for and to augment them. During the early part of this century the collections grew rapidly, and curators such as C. T. Brues and S. Graenicher added considerable type and non-type material. The depression caused a hiatus in the development of the collections. This was fol- lowed by a period in which curators necessarily spent much of their time planning for the construction of the present building occupied by the museum and then in helping fill its public areas with new exhibits. The present building was opened in 1963, and by the 1970s it was possible for curators to again devote a substantial portion of their time to curation. The insect collections presently total approximately 400,000 speci- mens, with about half of these having been added since 1975. These collections contain 60 holotypes, syntypes of 55 species, and allotypes or paratypes of 67 more species. Holotypes, syntypes and allotypes are maintained separately from the general collections. "Allotype" in this paper means a paratype of the sex opposite to that of the holotype. The following list of type-specimens is aranged alphabetically by taxa. Taxa are listed by their original generic and specific names; no attempt is made to list any recombinations of names or synonymies which may have occurred since the original descriptions. The complete citations of original descriptions are provided in the Literature Cited section. ORDER COLEOPTERA FAMILY BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora melanotum Muttkowski, R. A. 1910a:135-136.holotype. FAMILY CARABIDAE Cicindela fulgoris albilata Acciavatti, R. E. 1980:238-240. 4 paratypes. Cylindera (Plectographa) nahuelbutae Pena, L. E. 1957: 35-39. 5 paratypes. Notiobia (Anisotarsus) aguilarorum Noonan, G. R. 1981: 11-14. holotype, allotype, and more than 500 paratypes. Notiobia (Anisotarsus) moffetti Noonan, G. R. 1981: 37-40. holotype, allotype, and more than 500 paratypes. FAMILY CLERIDAE Clerus muttkowskii Wolcott, A. B. 1909: 98. holotype. Cymatodera pubescens Wolcott, A. B. 1909: 94-95. holotype. Pelonium granulosum Wolcott, A. B. 1909: 100-101. holotype and paratype. FAMILY DYTISCIDAE Desmopachria aldessa Young, F. N. 1980: 312-313. 10 paratypes. Desmopachria auureus Young, F. N. 1980: 313-314. 10 paratypes. Neobidessus alvarengai Young, F. N. 1981: 336-337. 10 paratypes. ORDER DIPTERA FAMILY ACROCERIDAE Ogcodes_ (Ogcodes) adaptatus Schlinger, E. 1. 1960: 297-304. 2 paratypes. FAMILY BOMBYLIIDAE Anthrax nemakagonensis Graenicher, S. 1910b: 26-27.16 syntypes. FAMILY CECIDOMYIIDAE Asynapta antennariae Wheeler, W. M. 1889: 212-214. 1 syntype; also a second specimen which may be a syntype of this species or of Cecidomyia antennariae Wheeler. Cecidomyia antennariae Wheeler, W. M. 1889: 209-212. See remarks for Asynapta antennariae FAMILY CONOPIDAE Zodion lativentre Graenicher, S. 1910b: 26. holotype. FAMILY HELOMYZIDAE Anorostoma maculatum Darlington, P. S. 1908: 76-77.4 syntypes. FAMILY PHORIDAE Aphiochaeta braunsi Brues, C. T. 1907a: 390-392. 2 syntypes. Aphiochaeta longifrons Brues, C. T. 1906c: 100-101. holotype. Phora occidentalis Brues, C. T. 1908c: 200. 2 syntypes. Phora variabilis Brues, C. T. 1908c: 199-200. holotype and 1 paratype. Plastophorajuli Brues, C. T. 1908c: 201. 2 syntypes. 2 FAMILY SPHAEROCERIDAE Leptocera (Opacifrons) sciaspidis Spuler, A. 1924: 124-126. 1 paratype. Leptocera (Scotophilella) longicosta Spuler, A. 1925: 155-156. 4 paratypes. Leptocera (Scotophilella) ordinaria Spuler, A. 1925: 159-160. 1 paratype. FAMILY SYRPHIDAE Cheilosia (Cartosyrphus) wisconsinensis Fluke, C. L. and F. Hull 1947: 232-234. 1 allotype and 1 paratype. Helophilus bruesi Graenicher, S. 1910a: 40-41. holotype. Syrphus montivagus Snow, W. A. 1895: 236-237. 2 syntypes. FAMILY TABANIDAE Chrysops aberrans Philip, C. B. 1941: 122-126. 1 paratype. Chrysops asbestos Philip, C. B. 1950: 455-457. 1 paratype. Chrysops venus Philip, C. B. 1950: 457-458. 1 paratype. FAMILY TIPULIDAE Tipula dickinsoni Alexander, C. P. 1932: 240-242. holotype, allotype, and 1 paratype. ORDER HEMIPTERA FAMILY GERRIDAE Halobates acherontis Polhemus, J. T. 1982: 6-7. 2 paratypes. Rheumatobates aestuarius Polhemus, J. T. 1969: 509-511. 16 paratypes. Trepobates polhemi Kittle, P. D. 1982: 161-164. 4 paratypes. FAMILY VELIIDAE Rhagovelia atrispina Polhemus, J. T. 1977: 645-646. 16 paratypes. Rhagovelia chiapensis Polhemus, J. T. 1980: 311-313. 4 paratypes. Stridulivelia (Aenictovelia) secerna Polhemus, J. T. 1979: 46-50. 16 paratypes. ORDER HOMOPTERA FAMILY APHIDIDAE Cerosipha araliaeradicis Strom, L. G. 1938: 471-473. 5 paratypes. ORDER HYMENOPTERA FAMILY ANDRENIDAE Andrena albofoveata Graenicher, S. 1903: 166. 1 syntype. Andrena braccata Viereck, H. L.1907a: 284, 287. 3 possible syntypes. Andrena cockerelli Graenicher, S. 1903: 163-164. 2 syntypes. Andrena crawfordi Viereck, H. L. 1909: 143-144. 2 paratypes. 3 Andrena fragariana Graenicher, S. 1904: 64-65. 2 syntypes. Andrena milwaukeensis Graenicher, S. 1903: 164-165. 1 syntype. Andrena nivaloides Graenicher, S. 1911: 235-236. holotype and 1 paratype. Andrena thaspii Graenicher, S. 1903: 162. 3 syntypes. Andrena weedi Viereck, H. L. 1907a: 284,288. 2 paratypes. Andrena wheeleri Graenicher, S. 1904: 65-66. 1 syntype. Andrena (Trachandrena) atlantica Mitchell, T. B. 1960: 178-179. 2 paratypes. Perdita citrinella Graenicher, S. 1910c: 103-104. holotype. Perdita cockerelli Crawford, J. C. 1906b: 282-283. 2 paratypes. Perdita maculipennis Graenicher, S. 1910c: 102-103. holotype and 2 paratypes. Perdita pallidipennis Graenicher, S. 1910c: 101-102. 2 syntypes. FAMIL Y ANTHOPHORIDAE Nomada cockerelli Graenicher, S. 1911: 240-241. holotype. Nomada wisconsinensis Graenicher, S. 1911: 239-240. 2 syntypes. Triepeolus obliteratus Graenicher, S. 1911: 242-243. 2 syntypes. FAMILY BETHYLIDAE Cephalonomia utahensis Brues, C. T. 1908c: 154. 1 paratype. Gonatopus capensis Brues, C. T. 1906b: 105-106. holotype. Gonatopus pilosipes Brues, C. T. 1906b: 104-105, plate 1. holotype. Gonatopus similis Brues, C. T. 1906b: 107. holotype. Gonatopus varipes Brues, C. T. 1906b: 106. holotype. Goniozus hortorum Brues, C. T. 1907e: 150-151. 1 syntype. Gynochelys braunsi Brues, C. T. 1906b: 108-109, plate 1. holotype. Mystrocnemis capensis Brues, C. T. 1906b: 103-104. holotype. Pristocera hyalina Brues, C. T. 1906d: 143. holotype. FAMILY BRACONIDAE Asobara barthii Brues, C. T. 1907c: 57-58. lectotype (designated by Fischer 1973: 260) and 4 paralectotypes. Calyptus collaris Brues, C. T. 1907e: 159-160. holotype. Helcon ferrugineus Brues, C. T. 1907e: 158-159. 2 syntypes. Helorimorpha melanderi Brues, C. T. 1908a: 363-364. holotype. Hormiopterus caudatus Brues, C. T. 1907c: 62. holotype. Orthostigma americana Brues, C. T. 1907c: 59-60. holotype. Pambolus dispar Brues, C. T. 1907d: 110-111. 1 syntype. FAMIL Y CERAPHRONIDAE Ceraphron brevicornis Brues, C. T. 1906d: 146-147. holotype. Ceraphron quissetensis Brues, C. T. 1906d: 147-148. holotype. 4 FAMILY COLLETIDAE Colletes vicinalis Graenicher, S. 1911: 228-229. holotype. FAMILY CRABONIDAE Crabro (Protothyreopus) dilectiformis Rohwer, S. A. 1909a: 146-147. holotype. FAMILY DIAPRIIDAE Galesus autumnalis Brues, C. T. 1906d: 151-152. holotype. FAMILY DRYINIDAE Aphelopus varicornis Brues, C. T. 1906d: 143-144. holotype. FAMIL Y ENCYRTIDAE Charitopus albopalpalis Brues, C. T. 1907b: 47-48. holotype. Metapelma mirabilis Brues, C. T. 1906b: 111-112. 2 syntypes. Parasolindenia aptera Brues, C. T. 1907b: 49-50. holotype. FAMIL Y EULOPHIDAE Chrysocharis aeneus Brues, C. T. 1909: 161. 6 syntypes. Nesomyia cimbicis Brues, C. T. 1909: 162. holotype and 2 paratypes. FAMILY EUPELMIDAE Eupelminus robustus Brues, C. T. 1907b: 50-51. holotype. Eupelmus cursor Brues, C. T. 1907b: 52-53. holotype. Eupelmus melanderi Brues, C. T. 1907c: 54-55. 3 syntypes. Eupelmus cursor Brues, C. T. 1907b: 52-53. holotype. Eupelmus melanderi Brues, C. T. 1907c: 54-55. 3 syntypes. Eupelmus nubifer Brues, C. T. 1907b: 51-52. holotype.
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