--------------------------------------------------------------------~ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 43: ISSUE 63 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4. 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Students mixed on Weis' return CatholicTV come here that's qualified to By IRENA ZAJICKOVA and run the program. It's not like televises JOHN TIERNEY we can get Urban Meyer." News Writers Sophomore Kristin Gales agreed, and said that Weis' Basilica Despite losing 15 games in talents in the recruiting arena two seasons - the most loss­ are perhaps a reason why his es for any Notre Dame coach job is, for now, safe. in that time period - Charlie "l am disappointed in how Masses Weis will be retained as the this season went, but I under­ head coach of the Fighting stand that there are many Irish for the 2009 s!:'ason. factors involved in retaining By EMMA DRISCOLL The decision has garnered or dismissing a head coach," News Writer mixed feelings from Notre Gales said. "Weis has proven Dame students. Some feel to be an excellent recruiter Once again, people do not that impulsively firing Weis and while that is only one have to be South Bend locals or would be a mistake, especial­ part of the job, it is a relevant students in order to celebrate ly if there are no high-caliber part of his job performance Mass along with worshipers at coaches available to replace and perhaps a reason for the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. him. optimism in the future." CatholicTV, formerly called "You don't want to be too Senior James Butler said Boston Catholic Television, quick about this," said Weis' recruiting prowess is a began airing the 10 a.m. Michael Augsberger. a junior. key reason vvhy he should be JESSICA LEE!The Observer Sunday Basilica Mass live last "Look at the coaching market. Student reaction is mixed at the news that Irish coach Sunday, according to Associate There's no one that wants to see WEIS/page 4 Charlie Weis will be retained for another year. Director of Liturgy Fr. Peter Rocca. CatholicTV has been provid­ ing Catholic television program­ ming for 50 years and covers the East Coast, some Southern NDSP using cameras in Stadium states and some of the Comcast eastern region, Rocca said. "I know it will be a big hit, so Alert posted on scoreboard after the thrawing of snowballs, 1narshmallows during Nov. 22 game to speak, especially in the New England area [because] there Residence Life, said that the are a lot of Catholics there. I By JOHN-PAUL WITT cameras are nothing new. think as the word spreads it will News Writer "The Notre Dame Security become a pretty well known Police (NDSP) Department does Mass to watch," Ron~a said. If you're considering throw­ employ video cameras for Comcast, Verizon, Full ing a snowball (or something crime prevention, safety and Channel and HCN Cable else) at a football game next security purposes in the stadi­ providers in the New England season - watch out. because Ulll and elsewhere on campus area carry provide CatholicTV, you're probably on camera. and has done so for many Hocca said. Following the throwing of years - since about the early CatholicTV can be accessed snowballs from the student 1990's," Kirk said, "NDSP con­ nationally on the Sky Angel section onto the field during trols the use of the cameras." IPTV and online at the Nov. 22 Syracuse-Notre Although NDSP and the www.CatholicTV.eom, Rocca Dame game, the message "You Office of Residence Life often said. are being filmed for future dis­ work together, the use of video "We're very pleased that cipline" was displayed on is normally restricted to mat­ CatholicTV is doing this," Rocca Stadium scoreboards. ters of more serious concern said. DAN JACOBS!Tne Observer This was a surprise to many than violation of University The Hallmark Channel broad- Students throwing marshmallows and snowballs were recorded on students, but Bill Kirk, associ­ video by Notre Dame Security Police during the Nov. 22 game. ate vice president for see VIDEO/page 4 see MASS/page 4 STUDENT SENATE BOARD OF GOVERNANCE Grab 'N' Go options discussed Groups ask Board Senators debate dining preferences revealed in recent survey for trip funding By JOSEPH McMAHON Assistant News F.diror other college students from By ASHLEY CHARNLEY around the eountry. The Student Senate dis­ News Writer Erin Horvath, president of cussed the expansion of Grab College Hepublicans, would like 'N' Go options in their weekly College Republicans attended to use this opportunity to bring meeting Wednesday, after the Board of Governance (BOG) more conservative speakers to receiving the results of a meeting Wednesday night in campus. recent survey eonducted by the search of funds for their "I don't think the school does Senate Committee on upcoming trip to the a good job of bringing both Hesidenee Life. Conservative Political Action sides on campus, and so we are Senate Committee on Conference (CPAC). taking that responsibility on Residence Life Chair Joy The conference will be held ourselves," Horvath said. Hwang said Food Serviees rep­ Feb. 26-28, 2009 at the Omni She also believes the confer­ resentativPs Wf~re adamant Shoreham Hotel in Washington ence will bfl a great chance for that Grab 'N' Go food options D.C. Seven students, including the students attending to net- Student body president Bob Reish, left, and vice president Grant four executives will be attend­ see SENATE/page 4 Schmidt at Wednesday's Senate meeting. ing the event along with 6,000 see BOG/page 6 page 2 The Observer + PAGE 2 Thursday, December 4, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CHARLIE WEIS COMING BACK NEXT YEAR? Who is responsible? Deans of the College of Arts and Letters, I am a sophomore PLS major who Alex Korenstra Chris Anderson Dan Dansdlll Michael Call Michael Rodlo takes his education very seriously. Being a PLS sophomore, but desiring freshman freshman freshman senior freshman to study abroad next spring, I decided Keenan Keenan Alumni Stanford Keenan to take two seminars instead of one, the norm for all "!think we "There weren't "He deserves "I think he'll do 'Jis long as he students in PLS. Each is a four- Eric Prlster should give him any good another year. a better job. " is recruiting credit course, put- a chance to coaches out He doubled our Kerri Hanks as ting my credit total prove himself" wins. the new at 17 (ineluding Sports Writer there and it three other three- would cost too quarterback. " credit elasses), the much money to total number that I am ·allowed as a let him go sophomore in the College of Arts and Letters. However, in preparation for anyways. " graduate school (something that you have often criticized the PLS depart­ ment for not doing), Professor Candida Moss, a Bible scholar, gener­ ously offered to begin teaching me IN BRIEF Biblical Greek, a course which is not offen~d by the University. In order to The Silent Night Silent do so, I wished to sign up for a direct­ Auction hosted by Pasquerilla ed reading course with Professor East will take place in Moss, which would put me at 20 en~dit LaFortune Ballroom tonight hours. from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. With this goal in mind, I went into Proceeds raised at the auetion your ofl"iee ,:m Monday to apply for an will support Building for overload. I spoke to a very nice Tomorrow. woman at one of the desks in the main lobby of your o!'l'iee, who listened to Community Celebration of an extremely abridged version of my the 60th Anniversary of the plan for next semester. After hearing Universal Declaration of my plan, she went to speak to one of Human Rights will be held at you. She returned about twenty-five UAW Local #5 at 1426 S. seconds later with the answer that Main St. south of downtown under no cireumstances are sopho­ South Bend. The Celebration mores allowed to overload. will take place on Saturday Later that dav. a fellow Arts and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Letters sophomore wPnt to your o!Tiee with a similar goal in mind. She Please bring a donation for accepted a job with ND Vision this the Food Bank. summer, a program whieh requires its Members of Saint Mary's counselors to take a three-credit prep Women's Choir will perform course in the spring semester before at the College's 36th annual they take thP. job. If she were to take Madrigal Dinners this week­ her normal course load and also take TOM LAfThe Observer end. Performances are the Vision class, she would have eight­ A student sells gifts and trinkets in Lafortune as part of the AVON fundraiser Friday and Saturday at 7 een eredit hours. or aecording to you, to support the Saint Joseph's County Spay Neuter Assistance Program. p.m. and Saturday and an overload. She also described her Sunday at 2 p.m. Tiekets are situation, and was given the same $40 for evening performanc­ answer. Under no eireumstances are es, $35 for matinee perform­ sophomores allowed to overload. am~es and $15 for children. What frustrates me about these Axperienees is that sophomores in the OFFBEAT Circle K. Knott Hall and the College of Arts and Letters are the Class of 2009 will make only people who eannot overload. Man uses candy cane to people gathered on the them he was teaching his fleece blankets to donate to Juniors and sPniors in the same col­ subdue attacker lawn.
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