Northwestern College, Iowa NWCommons The lC assic, 1960-1969 The lC assic Fall 1967 The lC assic, Fall 1967 Public Relations Northwestern College - Orange City Follow this and additional works at: https://nwcommons.nwciowa.edu/classic1960 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The lC assic at NWCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The lC assic, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of NWCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FALt / .. "47 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 1 ... -IIIIIIII......... - ... ---,.,---,-- of the committed," and vitally con- cerned that each student entering campus may be trained towards ma- turation in things both cosmic and faculty editorial eternal. Entering a college like North- western implies submission not only to the standards of an accrediting as- sociation, but also the larger discipline WHY TEACH pothesis towards the unknown dark- ness. In Christ, these same efforts take of the Church of Christ. But this is no AT NORTHWESTERN? on the nature of a personal pilgrimage, offense to the man freed in Christ, it is only an avenue towards personal REv. L. L. VANDER WERFF part of the larger movement of His Department of Religion people in His-story. and vocational fulfillment. Much is heard these days about Another attractive feature on this Some may question the decision to "academic freedom"! Some advocate campus is the caliber and outlook of accept a teaching post at a small mid- the stripping away of all norms or its students. Like their counterparts western Christian liberal arts college guidelines both in their epistemologi- everywhere, they face the frustrations sucb as Northwestern. Yet in my esti- cal pursuits and their ethical encoun- of modem life. It is a temptation to mate, it possesses all the necessary ters. Yet this is to equate freedom become an educated exploiter or to components, provides the setting, in with nonconfinement . doomed to opt out altogether in contemporary which students and faculty alike can failure. No sight is as pitiful as the society. Yet these sophisticated or as- experience and express personal man lost in an unmarked desert or cetic philosophies find little appeal in growth in both knowledge and faith. sea. Again much of the cry for "aca- as much as our incoming students are This is no accident, but springs from demic freedom" is incongruous, for inclined towards service, towards the the College's basic aims. First, edu- human institutions and scholastic con- transformation of society. With such cation at Northwestern is seen not ventions in themselves never liberate. students, one confidently shares the simply as man's frantic search for data Only when institutions are joyfully best of ideas and methods, assured and the acquisition of technical captive to a great ideal or figure can that they will be used to the benefit skills, but as an opportunity to en- they meaningfully interpret Man's ori- of many. counter and respond to Christ as the gin, destiny, and life. Commitment to One hopes that the College func- fullest expression of Cod's Truth about the One who is Alpha and Omega has tions in other ways than simply as a reality and ourselves. Second, those this effect on persons and institutions center of learning. First, that it might who have made that decision of faith alike. One is right to be wary of char- provide a prophetic voice, at one with are encouraged to gain a world view ters, governments, civil leaders and the Church in purpose, yet as a ser- and a sense of vocation (mission) even intellectual giants who pledge vant on the perimeter, ever challeng- which will pervade and purposefully complete autonomy and liberty for a ing all to fuller realization of the new direct acquired academic skills to- given institution, because it is a hu- life in Christ. As such the College wards the larger goals of humanity's man tendency to subtly impose the must promote growth through disci- redemption and God's glory. will of one upon others. Being a hu- plined study and by offering healthy The context of teaching at North- man institution, Northwestern shares criticism of every tradition which en- western is shaped by a double com- some of these same problems, but its slaves in accord with the words of the mitment. First, her faculty are called admission that allegiance ultimately "Magna Charta" of the New Testa- to an allegiance to Jesus as Lord in belongs to Christ the Lord provides a ment: the belief that He alone can reign basis for continual review and re- For freedom, Christ has set us over the total realm of human affairs formation. It is the redemptive power free; stand fast therefore, and do for the enlightenment and enrichment of Christ in our midst that creates not submit again to the yoke of of all men. Second, there is commit- and re-creates true liberty. This is the slavery. (Gal. 5:1) ment to academic excellence, in the testimony of John's Gospel: belief that God has delegated author- Second, this College can contribute to ity to man to have dominion over the If you continue in my word, you the larger life of humanity by witness- earth. This implies a responsible stew- are truly my disciples, and you ing to Christ amidst the field of edu- ardship not only of materials, but of will know the truth and the cation. Here is one of the many fron- tiers where "mission" must come alive. ideas, documents, human resources truth will make you free.... So and social patterns. The Heidelberg if the Son makes you free, you The rising number of "religion de- Catechism discerningly notes that will be free indeed. (John 8:31- partments" on secular campuses (often "trust" and "knowledge" must be 32, 36) by popular demand) is an admission linked together for faithful living. In .academic circles it is frequently that man, even the university, is in- Northwestern shares with secular in- inferred that knowledge or truth lib- complete without "religion." Yet the stitutions a zeal for scholarship and erates men. With this there can be no real danger is that religion will only methodology, but this, she asserts, quarrel, if one realizes that truth is be pigeonholed or programed into a must be matched by a commitment to ultimately not propositional, but per- narrow slot in the console of knowl- Christ lest it lead to scholasticism and sonal. This is the point of Christ's edge. It is the task of Christian edu- social manipulation. Only commitment claim: "1 am the way, the truth and cators everywhere to attest to the fact to the Master delivers man from his the life" (John 14:6). that the God who is sovereign resists own cleverness. Without God, man Thus it is a pleasure to be part of such confinement, claiming instead can only move from hypothesis to hy- a faculty that is also a "community Continued on page 12 2 a sponsor of the Northwestern College Chapter of the Student ISEA. The emblem is worn only by those who have made outstanding contributions faculty to the organized professional associa- tion. Miss Huffman has been the sponsor a Teacher's Institute on October 5. of Kappa Beta Kappa, now known as the Student ISEA, since 1956. At the Similarly, she conducted a workshop present time, the local college profes- Faculty Notes and demonstration by the Choral Readers at South Dakota Teacher's sional organization has grown from DIVISION OF NATURAL SCIENCE less than 20 members to a member- Conference on October 13. GORDON BRUMELS, Professor of Students in Dr. England's Play Di- ship of 158. Under her sponsorship, the chapter affiliated with the State Mathematics, attended a Control Data rection class conducted a workshop in Education Association and joined the Corporation three-day seminar in Min- Religious Drama at the Central Re- neapolis in order to investigate the formed Church in Grand Rapids, National Education Association. possibility of Northwestern offering a Michigan, on November 3 and 4. ADMINISTRATION computer programming course, using An article written by Dr. England FORREST VAN OSS, Dean of Stu- a plan set up by Control Data Corp. on the Festivals of Europe Study Tour dents at Northwestern, attended a Mr. Brumels also served as consul- in which she participated is published Student Personnel Workshop spon- tant for Tri-County Institutes held in in Dimensions, Religious Dra11W sored by the University of Detroit and Missouri Valley, Sac City, Spencer, Newsletter, and Educauonoi Theatre held at Wheeling College, Wheeling, Sibley, and LeMars. He conducted Journal. West Virginia. The theme of the work- sessions for elementary teachers on shop was "The Climate of Learning the topic, "Structure of the Number DIVISION OF EDUCATION in Church Related Colleges" and all System." Miss FLORENCE HUFFMAN, As- of the participants were from either G. HENRY VELDHUIS, Professor sociate Professor in Elementary Edu- Catholic- or Protestant-affiliated lib- of Physics, attended a National Sci- cation at Northwestern, was recently eral arts colleges with emollments of ence Foundation-Atomic Energy Com- awarded the Salisbury House Pin in less than three thousand students. mission Institute at the Philadelphia recognition of her years of service as College of Pharmacy and Science. The topic of. study was Radioisotope Bible study conducted at the home of Methodology and different phases of Ben Gurian. it. Mr. Veldhuis also went on an in- Department of Religion Since 1963,Dr. Scorza has been do- spection trip to Brookhaven National DR. SYLVIO SCORZA, who came ing summer graduate study in linguis- Laboratory, L.I., N.Y., where he stud- to Northwestern in 1959 as Professor tics at Colorado University, UCLA, ied different reactors and the cyclo- of Greek, received a Bachelor of Di- and the University of Illinois; last year tron.
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