EASTERN STATES ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION ALABAMA NEW YORK CONNECTICUT NORTH CAROLINA DELAWARE ONTARIO, CANADA FLORIDA PENNSYLVANIA GEORGIA QUEBEC,CANADA MAINE RHODE ISLAND MARYLAND SOUTH CAROLINA MASSACHUSETTS TENNESSEE MICHIGAN VIRGINIA NEW HAMPSHIRE WEST VIRGINIA NEW JERSEY BULLETIN NO. 24 • MAY, 1965 ·· ·· ·-·--··----------------------:------------------1 EASTERN STATES ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION Page Three Chairman of each Chapter; that this meeting recommend the setting-up of a committee, which may include the Membership Chairman, to re­ BULLETIN examine and recommend the criteria for membership in the Eastern States Archeological Federation; that the 1965 Annual Meeting be OF THE held at Trenton, New Jersey, November 6 and 7. Kathryn B. Greywacz, Corresponding Secretary, reported that she handled the follow-up correspondence for the 1963 Annual Meet­ EASTERN STATES ing; prepared and mailed Federation meeting announcements to the Executive Board and to presidents and secretaries of the member ARCHEOLOGICAL FEDERATION societies, and chapter heads; arranged for shipping in bulk Bulletin 23 to secretaries of the member societies for distribution to their No. 24 May, 1965 membership; arranged for printing "An Anthropological Bibliography of the Eastern Seaboard," Research Series No.2, and received 4,000 W. FRED KINSEY, J. ALDEN MASON, copies from the printer; handled all Federation publications and sent Corresponding Secretary Editorial Chairman receipts to the Treasurer. The Federation Directory was revised; mimeographed and distributed, and continual revision was kept up Franklin and Marshall College, University Museum; through the year and officers notified. In the Directory it was noted Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. if societies published bulletins and/or news letters, in addition to the date of the Annual Meeting. The total membership of the Federation as reported to the Corresponding SecI'etary as of October 31, 1964, is 6,686. Don W. Dragoo, Treasurer, reported a balance on hand of $749.07 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING in the general account as of November 2, 1964. Receipts during the year included $247.89 registr.ation bal~n~e from the 1963 Annual M~e~­ The Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archeological Fed­ ing $655.43 dues from affihated societies, $10.50 from sale of B1bh­ eration was held Saturday and Sunday, November 7 and 8, 1964, at og;aphy No.1, $1.50 from sale of Bulletins, and t~e follo~ing dona­ Attleboro, Massachusetts. tions: $20.50 from the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, $5 ..00 Registration for members and guests began at 9 :00 A.M., Satur­ from John L. Cotter, and $11.15 <:oll.ected at t~e 1963 meeting. I?IS~ day, at the Holiday Inn, South Attleboro. bursements included $587.90 for pnntmg Bullehn 23, $79.50 for prmt­ Joffre L. Coe, President, opened the meeting at 9:50 A.M. by ing 1963 meeting announcements, $62.75 for printing 1963 programs, introducing Harold F. Nye, President of the Massachusetts Archaeo­ $9.00 for printing 1963 dinner tickets, $32.75 for printing stationery, logical Society. Mr. Nye stated that the Federation had met at Attle­ $10.50 for expense of Local Arrangements Committee, 1963 meeting, boro in 1945 with 70 persons from five states attending, asmal1 $0.93 discount debit on Canadian check, $4.75 debit on improper check, representation compared to the present meeting. He then introduced and $0.94 for bank service char~e. Dr. Dragoo <l;lso repo~ted a balance Cyril K. Brennan, Mayor of Attleboro, who welcomed the Federation in the Bibliography No.2 SpeCial account (NatIOnal SCience Founda­ .on behalf of the citizens of that city. He said he was proud we had tion). Receipts included $250.00 from the University of Oklahoma selected this locus for the meeting and pointed out there were many N.S.F. Fund for distribution of Bibliography No.2, $50.00 from sale universities and colleges nearby, creating an academic atmosphere. of Bibliography No.2, $8.90 from handling charges on Biblio graphy A session of contributed papers fol1owed, with Maurice Robbins No.2. Disbursements included $52.08 for typing, $26.90 for 2,000 presiding. The following papers were presented: "The Orchid Site mailing envelopes, $15.70 for 100 Jiffy bags, $23.05 for announcements Ossuary, Fort Erie, Ontario," by Marian E. White, Buffalo Museum of Bibliography No.2, $28.51 for New Jersey State Museum postage. of Science (read by title); "Wooden Bowl Remains at an Archaic Maurice Robbins, Research Chairman, reported that there was Site Associated with Steatite Bowl Sherds, Including Their Recogni­ no research program this year. tion, and the Technique Developed for Removing Them from the J. Alden Mason, Editorial Chairman, reported by letter that for Ground for Preservation" (illustrated), by Karl S. Dodge, Massa­ the third successive year he regrets his absence from the Annual chusetts Archaeological Society; "The Hanotak Rock-Shelter," by Meeting, and for the same reason-absence from the country. He Louis A. Brennan, N ew York State ' Archeological Association; "Pre­ edited Bulletin No. 23 which was distributed to all members. The liminary Report, Ram Pasture I, a Stratified Site on Nantucket Island, "Bibliography of Archaeological Periodicals" prepared by Edward C. Massachusetts" (illustrated), by Bernard H. Stockley, Massachusetts Boss of Allegheny Chapter No.1, Society for Pennsylvania Archae­ Archaeological Society; "The Posnick Site, Henrico County, Vir­ ology, has been compiled, after th~ expenditure of a great amount .of ginia" (illustrated), by Randolph Owen and Howard A. MacCOrd, time and considerable money. Copies have been sent to the secretanes Archeological Society of Virginia; "Photography in Archeology" of member societies and chapters of the Federation as well as to its (illustrated), by Robert E. Ashley, Massachusetts Archaeological officers and staff chairman. Mr. Boss intends to send copies also to Society. leading archeological museums and libraries. He would be glad to Donald C. Wilder presided at the afternoon session of illustrated mimeograph more copies for wider distribution if the necessary funds contributed papers. These included: "Investigations at a Paleo-Indian therefor could be found. He also plans to issue supplements as more Site in Stewart County, Tennessee," by Don W. Dragoo, Carnegie pUblications are brought to his attention or changes made in ones Museum; "The Goddard Site, a Coastal Site in Northeastern Maine, already noted. The coverage, however, is practically complete. The 1956 through 1964," by Guy Mellgren and Edward Runge, Massachu­ Bibliography consists of forty pages, with complete data on each of setts Archaeological Society; "The Miele Site-an Archaic Horizon," the 122 publications, and an index and several maps. They .are. di­ by Thomas J. Smith, Jr., Archeological Society of New Jersey; vided into Regional and Non-Local, and the RegIOnal publications "Initial Archaeological Investigations in Old Bethlehem, Pennsyl­ are listed under seven geographical areas of the United States' and vania," by Vincent P. Foley, COlumbia University. adjacent Canada and Mexico. The Non-Local publications are the . After the session a trip was made to the Bronson Museum, Attle­ journals of museums, societies, federations, conferences, and other boro, with transportation furnished by the host society. organizations of national scope, and archeological magazines. Mr. The dinner was held at the Holiday Inn, after which a tribute Boss deserves the sincere thanks of the Federation and of its members to Mrs. Kathryn B. Greywacz, composed by Louis A. Brennan, was for his accomplishment of this enormous task. read by Sigfus Olafson. Then Junius Bird, American Museum of Alfred K. Guthe, Special Editor, reported by letter that the pub­ Natural History, gave an illustrated address on "The Vikings." lication of "An Anthropological Bibliography of the Eastern Sea­ The Business Meeting was opened by Joffre L. Coe, President, board," Volume I, as Research Publication No.2 of the Eastern States Sunday, November 8, at 9 :40 A.M. at the Holiday Inn. Archeological Federation, completes the project upon which this re~ The minutes of the Philadelphia meeting, November 9 and 10, port is prepared. Notice of its publication has been sent to the member 1963, were accepted as printed in the Federation Bulletin No. 23. state societies. Dr. Guthe is pleased to note that some of the News­ Dorothy Cross, Recording Secretary, reported the following rec­ letters of these groups have already included comments regarding .its ommendations of the Executive Board: that the 1965 membership dues availability. The price for Volume II is $1.50, and 25 cents is re­ of the Federation be the same as last year, $10.00 for societies of 100 quested for handling. This Bibliography Supplement was multilithed or less members, and $7.50 for each additional 100 members or frac­ by Braun and Brumfield of Ann Arbor, Michigan, who also prepared tion thereof, plus $1.00 for each chapter which belongs to that organi­ the master sheets required for the job. The National Science Founda­ zation; that the · Directory .list only the name of the President or tion funds, which financed this publication, were administered through ----------_._-------::----------------:------------ Page Four BULLETIN No. 24, 1965 the University of Oklahoma Research Institute. The format and KATHRYN B. GREYWACZ organization of the entries are essentially the same as in the first vC!l­ ume' this was done to facilitate the use of the two volumes as a pair. As ~ith all such publications they could never be complete. Omissions A Tribute are known but were made necessary by the inaccuracy of data at hand when the time to submit copy arrived. Errors are believed to be few, WHEREAS, Kathryn Greywacz has efficiently and devotedly served the Eastern States Archeological Federation for 31 years, incredible but corrections would be gratefully accepted. In cl?sing it should be as this may seem in view of her unfaded youth and equability of noted that income from the sales of Volume II dunng the first three temperament; and years must be sent to the National Science Found!ltion.
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