i wm Ge Sky High T«bMTNr<WM flirti ef M b Tri S« crtpiiii IM rttblybfl The B utler ÌCollegian Dispose §t « M r Bollir University, Indianapolis, Indiana, Wednesday, April I, 1949 No. M Girls Fly High I Fa ir Scribes Easter Slay Today at 3 p.m. W ill Attemd To Be Retold S lg a u No. Kite Contest \ Matrix Table To Be Held so Campna In observance of Matrix Mile­ Between Bight Sororities 4 i t Convocation stone Week, members of Theta The question "How High the Sigma Phi, national honorary University Chair to Steg Moon?” may be answered today At Annual Program Held - when representatives from But­ fraternity for women in journal­ Tomorrow la Flsiaksros; ler's seven Green-setter sororities ism, plan to attend the Annual Morning Classes Shortened and Trianon contend in the annual Spring Matrix Table given by Sigma Nu kite flying «»test The The story of the triumphal en­ i — y the Franklin college chapter of try, crucifixion, and resurrection contest takes place at 3 p.m. on the fraternity at Franklin, Ind­ the campus grounds north.of the will be told by Grover Gordon, iana, Thursday night, April 7 Jeanne McCoy, and Lawrence • Sigma Nu house and directly east The group will be sponsored by of Jordan hall. Sweeney at the en»m«i Easter Mrs. Rosamond RiSser Jones, fac­ convocation to be held Thursday, The Tri Delts will be trying to ulty sponsor, and Mrs. DeForest April 7, at 11 am. in the Field- defend the title they won last O’Dell, alumni vf>onsor and presi­ house. year with a box kite. Any coed dent of the Indianapolis Alumnae Miss Gertrude Irestone will pre­ organization is eligible to com­ Group of Theta Sigma Phi sent an organ prelude, and a mus­ pete for the trophy and each org­ n Margaret Weymouth Jackson, ical call to worship will be given anization will be allowed fw o Indiana author who has had more by a trumpet quartet composed of home-made kites and a ground than 300 short stories published, Paul Coleman, Paul Johnson, Tom -crew of two girls. Rules for the will be the principal speaker. McClamon, and Arthur Schats. contest appeared in yesterday’s Immediately preceding the trip A prayer in unison will follow Collegian. to Franklin, seven students and a the invocation by Deah Ray C. Judges for the event are J. faculty member will be initiated Friesner. Henry Miller, executive secretary into the Butler chapter of Theta The Butler university choir un­ of the north branch YMCA; John Sigma Phi Those who will be der the direction of Richard Whit­ C. Appel, assistant professor of initiated are: Mrs. Naomi A. tington will sing selected anthems history; and Naomi Whitesell in­ Whitesell, Butler journalism in­ alternately with the presentation structor in the journalism depart­ structor who will become an of the Easter story. Closing the m ent. Histone North Side Mansion associate member; Dorothy New- program will be the benediction The committee in charge of the burg, senior; Barbara Lovelle, by Dr. A. C. Watters, followed contest includes Clem B. Moor­ senior; Mavis king, senior; Patty by a choral response and an organ man and Charles D. Owens, co- Recalls Hlustrions Statesman Smith, senior; Rosemary Ron- postlude. chairmen; and pledges Jack Ol- “Boy, what a house. I’ll bet they have a pipeline to Fort Knox sheim, senior; Midge McKay, jun­ Class schedule for Thursday ivey, Donald Brown, Bob White, ior; and Alice Robertson, junior, will be shortened as follows; and Lee Hadin. to pay the upkeep on the place.” Uudoubtedly that statement has been made by many a passerby The initiates were chosen on the basis of personality and outstand­ 8:00 — 8:00 8:38 when they saw the big mansion that stands on the corner of 9:00 — 8:40 and Thirtieth streets. Oh, you know the place......the home of the ing achievement in journalism. 9:15 British Film 10:00 — Indianapolis Life Insurance com-' Attend Matrix Table at DePauw 9:20 9:55 11:00 — 10:00 Presented Today pany Mrs. Jones and Mrs. O’Dell also 10:30 Built By Vice-President Dr. Rice to Attend accompanied Mrs. Frank D. Walk­ 12:00 — 12:20 1:10 The British film, “Dead of It may be taken for granted er on a trip to the Matrix Table 1:00 — i..« 2:05 Night,” will be presented today in that many people have looked at Speech Conference | given by the DePauw chapter 2:00 — ' 2:10 3:00 Room 131 at 2, 4, and 8 o’clock. the old mansion in wonderment, last night at DePauw, university, 3:00 _ 3:05 3:55 “Dead of Night” stars Micheál but it is a sure bet that few have Dr. George P. Rice, Jr., profess­ Greencastle. Mrs. Walker, presi­ 4:00 — 4:00 4:50 Redgrave and an all English cast ever looked into the history of or of speech, will represent But dent of Walker Research and ex­ under the direction of J. A rthur.—the ----old -------home.- The .Indianapolis..... let at the annual Eastern Public ecutive secretary of the Advertis­ Rank. Mr. Redgrave recently play-1 Life Insurance company did not Speaking conference in New York ing club of Indianapolis, was the Vets A it e s s g ed opposite Rosalind Russell in I build the place. To be sure, it City, A pril 7, 8 and 9. featured speaker at the dinner. the screen version of the O’Neilllhas a far more glamorous history Dr. Rice is organizer and will Theta Sigma Phi State da£ will Rent Content play, “Mourning Becomes Elec- than that of just a place of busi- be chairman of the first general be held Saturday at Indiana uni­ tra,” and is regarded as one of I ness. It fact it was built by a session on Rhetoric and Public versity, under the direction of The acute need for low rental the leading players in the British] Vice-President of the United address which the conference has veto-an housing in Indianapolis cinema. j States of America Prof. Gretchen Kemp, former sponsored. The theme of the meet Manual high school journalism will be discussed fay Martin L. “Dead of Night” is a psycho-1 In 1910 Charles Warren Fair' ing will be, “Speech and the En Lamer regional chairman for logical drama involving a ven- j banks came back to Indiana af- teacher. Representatives of Theta terprise of learning.” An attempt Sigma Phi chapters throughout the American Veterans .com­ triloquist who suffers hallucina-1 ter an extended trip around the will be made to criticize the mittee, and C. B. Camp, housing tions and strange supernatural world. He and his wife had made the state are expected to attend courses of study, methods of the program of round table dis­ advisor to the late Mayor Tyn- experiences. The film has been | this journey after Mr. Fair bank’s teacher training and. fields of re cussions and other features. oall’ at 11 a. m. today in Room recommended for its realistic term of office as Vice-President search in speech from the points All Theta Sigma Phi festivities loz. The announcement of the explorations into the realm of the | bad expired in 1909. Now, upon of view of scholars in history, human mind. of the week are in observance meeting was made by El vet C. bis return, the illustrious gentle literature, classics and philosophy. of the fortieth anniversary of the Jones, chairman of the Butler The picture was released in man from Indiana decided to national fraternity. chapter of the AVC. 1948, and has since received fav­ build a showplace. , orable review s from Time, T.ifo, The discussion is one of sever­ Started in 1911 al planned by the four local AVC Look, and the New Yorker mag­ Under Mr. Fairbanks, the ven School Faces azines. Cities Gains Top Spot chapters to be held in various ture was started in the latter part Perts of the city preceding a The Foreign------------ UP —Film ——— seriesvwasvs isM ■ Iof ------1910.-- -------- The- -- 31 *room W ill UUUSC|house, whichW lUV.il Early Hoars non-profit enterprise, sponsored Icost $2,500 a month to maintain In BMOC C harity Race conference to be held at the The “early to work” movement World War memorial, April 33, by Sigma Tau Delta, for the rec­ was finally finished two years Ronald Giles, Phi Delta Theta, reation and enjoyment of Butler later. Upon its completion the as a substitute for daylight saving from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. time appears to be gaining favor is currently leading other candi­ The formation of an inHianap- students and Instructors. building was truly the height oi dates for the title of BMOC. The fashion in the ultra-rich north in Indianapolis today. The city olis housing authority and a total since the contest began is detailed study on low rental side residential district has taken no official action on $70.41. the voluntary version of daylight housing need* of the city are the Sfldeiy M ay See Kelly; The contest for “Big Man On saving, although six organizations chief goals of the conference, Campus” sponsored by Alpha Phi SoAê W on’t W ant To A re Alpha Chi’s D ating have petitioned Mayor Feeney to •ccording to Bob Long «y| Irwin help bring about the movement Omega, national scouting fratern­ Katz, local AVC leaders. Ivan A Kelly, a member___ ______ of| Sm aller M en Thip Y ear? The early time plan would prob­ ity will continue until Thursday, If a city housing authority can file staff of the Collector of In­ ably go into effect April 34, the it was revealed by Paul Salzman, bt formed, it would be »«giM? Eleven thousand, eight hund general chairman of the contest ternal,___ Revnue,.
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