.16.- BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1904, have not as yet begun their active cam- Rev. J. F. Heilenman. pastor of the paign work. AGED RESIDENTS DEAD. Bradley Beach Methodist church. Mr. SLASHED!!!!: t The Republicans are counting on hav- and Mrs. Brown were preparing to cele- ing a campaign fund of about $30,000. DEATH CLAIMS BENJAMIN W. brate their golden wedding. AMATAWANNEG:-.'.' I. The amount the Democrats will have is VANDERVEER. IN RED •' .»'l BOTH SIDES GETTING READYFOR THE STRUGGLE not yet known, but it is not likely to be ffe Hud Lived at Shrewsbury for THE COSMOSERS LOSE. After Fill in a Hlttthft. •--..." ;,-.-- .;..,*. ON ELECTION 'DAY. above $10,00J) and it may not be more Many Veai-H-ltpath of Mra. Ame- He (ittes On tin , i t >.r I. V < than $fi,000 or $7,500. Two years ago, lie Little, a Ilrnideiit of Eaton, Beaten bu the Belford Nine by the Samuel Smith Cu:-*:••• .'it.. , ? when a senator and sheriff were to be town for iialfu Century. Heore, of S to S. to Jail, The Mepuhlicans Are Far Ahead of the Democrats in the Matter of elected, the Republican campaign fund Benjamin Woodward VanDerveer. of In their last game of the season last William Akin of Ifatawan came ' ? Organization—The Township Majorities on County Clerk in 1899 was $31,000, while the Democratic cam- Shrewsbury died on Thursday of pleu- Saturday the Cosmos baseball team of Red Bank last week and after fiH'T —Some of the Changes in the Vote This Year From Five Years paign fuud was only about $13,000. risy. He haJ been in delicate health Red Bank were beaten by the Belford himself up withrum and slashing atot...." for some time and about two weeks ago team by the score of 8 to 5. The game Ago-Not Much Interest Taken in Meetings This Year. Experience has shown that a campaign with a razor was arrested and seat f fund of $18,000 ia about all that can bewas taken with the disease which caused was played at Red Bank. Beekman and the county jail. After arriving in to>" The campaign in Honcdoutli county years/go Rufus Blodgettof Ocean town- spent. Anything more than that simply his death. Mr. VanDerveer was born Bray were the battery for the Costnos Akin accosted Bertha D&waou ou'€'•'• lias begun earlier than usual this year, ship was for the; straight Republican goes into the pockets of election money atltnlaystown on July 2.0th, 1824, andclub and Bennett and Davis were the tral avenue and made an Improper pro- 1 owing to the primary lft w, which elects tiefket frona lop to bottom. Charleti Asa thieves aud stays there. .' was therefore eighty years old. Hebattery for the Belford nine. The game posal to her. The woman resented i" the delegates to the various conventions Francis was the candidate for senator. Already in a number of'places in thewas educated at Lenox academy. Lenox, was lost mainly through the bad fielding insult, whereupon Akin threatened -- 5 a month earlier than was formerly the The Republican machine and the Demo- county Republicans are clamorous for Massachusetts. In 1345 he, with his of the Cosmosers. cut her throat. She finally eucc;«edei it. custom. Already through the county cratic machine in Ocean township united money. Even in townships where Re- father's family, moved to Poplar, now The Cosmos team have played nine- escaping from him. the campaign is taking definite shape. their forces, with the result that Mr. publican prospects are brightest there called Deal. When a young man Mr.teen games during the season aud won Akin then went to March Smiti' There seems to be a general swing McDermott received over 600 majority are Republican " worker's," from the VanDerveer spent some years in Wiscon- twelve of them. house. He had a quart battle of r-s t toward the Democratic ticket. This in that township. Ocean township is county committeemen down, who aresin, engaged in mercantile business, but and he invited everybody in the house '• movemerft has been going on for two or naturallv Democratic by 200 or 300.declaring that things are in a bad shape later gave it up for farming. In 1860 drink with him. Tho extra quantity <- three years past. Two years ago the This ye|| the Democrats there are united in their township and that money ought he married Hannah Hutchin Larzelere RANDOLPHJEARD FROM. rum that Akin imbibed'made tba a., . Eepublican party in Monmouth county and they claim that the township will to be sent to them to get things right. of Burlington, N. J. He leaves two more wild than ever. He took out . was solidly united on the senatorial give at least 200 majority for the full This is a very old gag and it has daughters and one son, Misses Ella and HIS WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN razor and began, to cut at Saia Suss* ••. candidate. Every Republican in the Democratic ticket except possiWy for been used so often that the Republican Maria VanDerveer and Robert H. Van- FOR FIVE TEARS PAST. wife, who was calling at the house. ••' county worked enthusiastically for him, some of the local city candidates. If managers are not likely to pay much Derveer, all of whom live at home. The the first slash the razor cat a big stif •• funeral was held on Sunday at the Formerly a Little Silver Boy aiul and a number of Democrats were like- that should prove to be the case nearly attention to it. They know from past A'ow a Resident of Providence, Mrs. Smith's dress. A second j&b ti -.'u wise enlisted in his favor. Yet Senator experience that money paid out in this house and the service was conducted by Rhode g&lnnd-aia Varied Experi- the razor resulted in a deep cut ia . • two-thirds of Mr. McDermott's majority Rev. S. D. Price, pastor of the Shrews Brown carried the county by only 143, of five years ago would disappear in way does not do anybody any good ences in a Foreiyn Country. woman's leg. although the year before the Republican except the man who gets it. So far asbury Presbyterian church, Mr. Van. George Randolph, who was brought that one township. Derveer had been a member of the Pres- The Smiths thought that things * ... majority was 773. Last year, with a very known the wails that " things are going up at Little Silver and whose where- getting entirely too worm and oae of Uv. • light vote out, the Democrats carried the Mr. McDermott admits that he will wrong"' has had no effect on the holders byterian church for over fifty years. abouts have been unknown for the past s lose in Howell. His friends think that The body was fcjuried in the Presbyterian went to Charles H. Border's asjd. av * county by an average majority of'800. of the Republican money bag. five years, has been heard from. Ran- out a warrant for Akin's arreat. C" Tne swing to the Democratic ticket lie may possibly quit square in that cemetery at Shrewsbury. The pall- dolph was brought up by his grandpar- township, but even that would be a loss There is very little betting on the elec- bearers were Randolph and Ashbel W. stable E. M^Oonk weufc to the hoase •» v eeerus to be still going on. tion so far. One man wbo put up $50 at ent!', Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Morrell. Eight arrested Akin. He clapped & pair • •" of 43 votes. Mr. McDonald's friends.say. Borden, Joseph W. Johnston, R. F. years ago be left Little Silver and went The Republicans in the county are lie will carry the township by over 1.00. "th"e* Sfierictan hotel a couple of weeks Hopper, J. K. Shoemaker and Joseph V. handcuffs on his prisoner ami then f.'. aware of this swing to the Democratic ago, to be placed on McDermott, with- to sea. He was then about fifteen years the razor away from. him. Akin !sa • I Both "sides claim Matawan. One of Holmes. side, and they are perfecting their drew it a few days later. A Red Bank old. For three years he wrote home oc- hearing before Justice Borden, who Ci'--' Mr. McDermott'a friends who was_ in organizations in every township. Among -lsrwyerifatrRaid that he' would bring casionally, but for the past five years no mitted him to the county jail to «•&.>'' Red Bank last .Saturday declared that Mrs. Amelia Little. the politicians on each side, the interest $50 from Freehold to be placed on Mc- tidings whatever concerning him or his the action of the grand jury. ,many Democrats there were going to Mrs. Amelia Little of Eatontown died is centered on the county clerkship. ! Dermott against $35 on McDonald; The whereabouts had been received by his •vote for him, and that he was certain of Among the voters who take little interest money has not materialized, though sev- on Sunday at the age of 74 years. Her relatives. at least 25 majority. Henry S. Terhune WILL LEAVE I8ED in politics except to go and vote, the in- eral persons are waiting to cover the death was due to cancer of the bowels. Last week Randolph's uncle, David stated on Monday that the Democrats . terest is centered on the governorship money as soon as it gets here. One Mrs. Little was the widow of Charles Moore of Little Silver, received word Hilsdorf Brothers to Give 7.V would carrv Matawan by fully 125, and nesa J7er?> and the equal taxation question which is small bet on McDermott' was made by Little, who has been dead about twelve that he was at Providence, Rhode Island.
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