Bet you It/s Ground Hog didn/t know --- CaliforniaTech Day today! Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology Volume LVIII. Pasadena, California, Thursday, February 2, 1967 Number 16 Special By-laws Vote! Lilly Talks on AlDendlDent Would Allow So,ph-Jr Prexy Interlocution Monday night's BOD meeting 270 signees quickly surpassed the expressed hope that candidates from running. Fleming's Randy saw the introduction of a peti­ required 25% of the student would learn more about their of­ Harslem thinks there should be tion initiated by Joe Rhodes, to body. The sheets were headed fice if they were contested. no limitations since few enough With Dolphins the effect that over 270 members with the names of the seven Dabney's John Eyler blandly people are running as it is. of ASCIT feel that sophomores House presidents as Well as oth­ expressed agreement with the Ben Cooper, Blacker president Dr. John C. Lilly lectured to a should be allowed to run for the er student notables' and Meo. reasons stated on the petition, who introduced the petition into capacity crowd in Beckman Aud­ offices of ASCIT president and When interviewed, the House but admitted he was not per­ the meeting, feels that there is itorium Monday night on at­ vice-president. This petition re­ presidents gave varying reasons sonally satisfied with the current probably more political talent in tempts by man to communicate quests a revision of the By-laws for signing. candidates. the sophomore class than in the with dolphins. The author of of the Corporation, and thus ne­ Greg Shuptrine of' Ruddock Tony Gharrett, Ricketts House junior class, but that a junior the book Man and Dolphin men­ cessitates a vote by the Corpora­ feels that the present "dynamic" Prexy, signed purely to give the would be elected in most cases tioned that he was happy to re­ tion at large. leadership in the higher ASCIT student body a choice in the mat­ anyway, while Schnuelle of Page turn to Caltech, where he was an The petition was posted in the offices will encourage more can­ ter, although he did not imply doesn't see why anyone can't run undergraduate from 1933 to 1938. Student Houses on Monday af­ didates if the possible sources of support for any particular sopho­ who wants to. Vive Ie difference! ternoon and was collected only presidential and vice-presidential more candidate. Bob Piccioni of Lamb set the election for this Lilly commented that differ­ four hours later, but more than candidates are enlarged. He also Lloyd felt that if the student Monday night: if the By-law re­ ences exist between porpoises ~~~~~--~~~~~--~~~-- body wanted a particular sopho­ vision is passed, any sophomore and dolphins'. The porpoises have more for president, there is no candidate must file with the brains smaller than a chimpan­ reason why he should be barred BOD by that night's meeting. zee's, whereas a dolphin's brain is considerably larger and more Poets Leave Caltech complex than a man's. Lilly pointed out that dolphins produce three types of sounds: whistles, slow clicking, and fast After Fruitful Stay clicking. Richard Brautigan and An­ Student Houses had about one Blowholes drew Hoyem visited Caltech last good cup in ten, but the poets' The sounds are produced by a week in an attempt to bring cul­ weren't sure that all of' the cof­ complicated arrangement of air ture to campus. The two are fee was from the kitchen. Sam­ sacs, membranes', and tongue­ lively young poets from the San pling the off-campus brews, re­ like organs near the blowhole. Francisco area, and one is part sults were better; apparently Computer analysis of the sounds owner of one of the finest about 50% of the off-campus stu­ showed that they approximated ('though small) presses in Cali­ dents made excellent coffee. Wose produced by resonant cavi­ fornia. Both poets gave their full sup­ ties driven by a regular series of The handful of students who port to the Coffeehouse effort. pulses, a fundamental tone plus' emerged from their pits to listen Equal and opposite several varibale overtones. In found the experience very stim­ Commenting on their thoughts the human vocal apparatus, the ulating. The poets expressed about Caltech, Hoyem s aid, vocal cords provide the funda­ regret that almost no faculty "Well, it's certainly not like read­ mental and the shape of the ,members came to the readings. ing to a hip group in San Fran­ mouth and nasal cavities vary They did meet Nobel Laureate cisco, but we were pleased with the overtones; in a dolphin, the Richard F.eynman, however, who the reactions we got." The stu­ tongue-like organs by the blow­ mentioned that he, too, had po­ dent reaction was good, though hole provide the fundamental etic inclinations. Feynman said varied. "Do poems ever rhyme and the air sacs control the over­ that when he was young he was any more?" "W hat poets?" tones. determined to name something "What poetry?" and "They look -photos by Engebretsen High sopranos he invented a Porange (rhymes like cops, man." FAMED WWI ACE mysteriously appears (left) on the north face of Firestone One of the major problems in with orange). Certainly, most students had over the weekend. He is obviously dreaming of the rustic hospitality he will communicating with dolphins, Coffeehouse needed difficulty in picking up much of find at the Coffeehouse (right). The Red Baron, however, was not so easily Lilly explained, was that the Hoyem and Brautigan, being what the poets said. But some caught off guard; the villain seeded the clouds Monday and washed our hero away. (Continued on page 4) connoisseurs of coffee, immedi­ of it sank in, and the duo's live­ ately stepped into the coffee­ ly and outgoing personalities' house campaign to help correct were a refreshing change. the lamentable coffee conditions Our thanks to John Crawford, on campus. The stuff at Chand­ instructor of English, who ar­ Fund Drive to Clear $4000 ler, they said, was hopeless. The ranged for the visit. The Coffeehouse fund drive cards to all students, faculty, and the film showing Jan. 21, totals concluded successfully with a tot­ staff members. $3764.06 but donations are still al haul of more than $3700, and The finance and publicity sub­ coming in. It's quite possible that the drive will exceed twice Huttenback Rescues Cross the Pasadena zoning variance committee, aided by the other its goal. came through yesterday. Now subcommittees, also made valiant we face the task of actually con­ attempts to advertise the fund The City Planning Commission From Ignominious Failure verting Prufrock House into The drive. Frequent forays late at has approved the zoning vari­ Coffeehouse, and this phase of night resulted in hortatory slog­ ance after a five-day waiting Dr. Huttenback confirmed Mon­ to provide the money if the the fight may well exceed the ans greeting the day. In this re­ span, and basic remodeling by day the California Tech's pro­ event were intercollegiate com­ fund drive in difficulty and ex­ spect we must thank Guggen­ posal of sending track star Pete petition, or if it were closer to the Tyler Construction firm un­ citement. heim and Firestone Labs for der contract to the Institute be­ Cross to run in the BAA mara­ Caltech. We set a minimum goal for the their solid support. gan today. Our job, however, is thon: "We'll try like hell to dig Promoters of the Cross for fund drive of $2000. The fin­ To date 390 pledge cards have not yet finished. BAA proposal next asked Dr. it (the money) up somewhere. ance and publicity SUbcommit­ come back. The pledge money, Robert Langmuir, chairman of I think he should go!" tee, under the leadership of Ira together with the profit from the We must still clean Prufrock faculty committee on Physical from ceiling to floor, refinish the About being s'ent as Caltech's Herskowitz, distributed pledge open house party on Jan. 14 and Education and Athletics about entire living room floor, and representative to the BAA this the possible sources of finance. make the many changes that year, Athlete of the Year Cross Although he was in favor of will convert Pruf'rock House into said that he would "love' to go" sending Cross, Langmuir ex­ BOC Considers Enlarging a viable Coffeehouse. The con­ and he would be ready for it "if plained that his committee has struction SUb-committee has pre­ someone wanted to send me." no "budget" and it does not have pared a work poll which will ap­ However, getting him to Boston the authority to make such allot­ Honor System Obligations pear Friday. We need people to seems to be a problem; $160 ments. He was not able to sug­ Because of the large inventory $4000 worth of dinnerware dis'­ donate time over the next two would take care of transporta­ gest any other possible sources', loss of dishes and silverware appeared during first term, the months to remodel the building, tion, but official budgets can't and upon being asked where the from the north and south dining possibility exists that a large per­ and the only requirement is will­ clear the way for the needed al­ centage of it remains in rooms in money might come from, Lang­ complexes, the Board of Control ingness. lotment. muir replied, "Now, that's an in­ the Student Houses. In fact, a met last week to try and devise Thin air teresting question, isn't it?" large number of pieces are col­ a solution to this apparently pe­ A candidate who doesn't Paul Barthel, trainer and dis-' End of rainbow lected by the maids at the end of rennial problem.
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