Additiotrsl FNo.l 101 5/4(19Y201 S-Grant Government of lndia Miristry of Tribal Affairs August Kranti Bhawan, New Delhi-l10115 Dated: 20!h February, 2019 To The Pay & Accounts Officer, Minisfy of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-l 101 15. Subject: GHnts under Proviso to Article 275(l) of Constitution duritrg 201E-19 to the State of Odilha as additiotral gradts (Capital-Non-Recurring). Sir, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of India for approval of Rs. 3563.00 lakh and r€lease ofan amount ofRs. 11,00O0,000/- (Rupees Eleven Crore Only)' as additional Grants to the Govemment of Odisht towards Creation of Capital Assets (CCA) for Grants under Article 275(1)of the Constitrtion for the year 2018-19 to carry out the activities (as Annexed) approved/finalized by competent authority: Summary of Relesse (Rs. in hkn) Total Amount approved by PAC for 2018-19 (i) Annual Plan 14856.97 (iD Music competition 10.175 (iii) AdditionalProposals 6310.00 Totil 21177.145 R Amount abeady released 2007'7.145 c Amount to be released now under the head of Creation of Capital I 100.00 Assets as additional qrants 2. You may please transfer the amount immediately to the Govemment of Odisha and advise RBI, CAS, Nagpur for crediting the above mentioned amount to the accounts of the State Govemment of Odisha in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Ministry ofFinance's OM No. 2(45/ 76-Spl. dated 30.8.1976 as modified by OM of even number dated 16.9.1976 under intimation to Progmmme Division of the Ministry. 3. No UC is due for rendition. 4. The expenditure to the tune ofRs. 11,00,00,000/- (Rupees EleveD Crore Only), is debitable to the MajorHead'3601' Grants-in-aid to State Govemments Sub-major Head 0E Other Transfer/Gmnts to States Minor Head 796 Tribal Arca Sub-Plan 05 Welfare of Scheduled Tribes - Gmnts under Proviso to Article 275 (1) ofthe Constitution. 0t Gmnts under Proviso to Article 275(l) ofthe Constitution (Charged) Gort i: l .. 05.01.35 Grants for creation ofcapital assets (Voted) Demand No. 96 for 2018-19 oflhe Ministry of Tribal Affairs 5. The State Government will implement the projects within the amount released by the Ministry during 2018-19 and keeping in view the spirit of the provisions contained under Operational Guidelines for Inter-State allocation of funds and implementation ofProgmmmes / Activities under Proviso to Article 275(1) of Constitution of India, issued by Ministry of Tribal Affairs vide this Ministry's letter NO. 11015/01/2016-SG-I dated 20.6.2016 and other relevant instructions issued from time to time. 6. tuticle 275(l) Gmnts is an additive to State Plan funds and efforts for Tribal Development. Funds under Article 275(1) Grants must be utilized for mising socio-economic level of Schedule Tribes commensumte with objectives enshrined in para 2.2 read with para 3.2 of revised guidelines dated 20.06.2016. 7. Atticle 275(1) crants shall be utilized primarily for activities of non-recurring nature (including infrastructure and equipment with at least thrce years life time). Fund for recurring component of such progmmmes / Schemes shall be bome by State funds / TSP allocation. Priority shall be accorded in accordance with the provision contain€d in para 6 of revised guidelines dated 20.06.2016. Major infiashucture sector, like road connectivity, electricity, drinking water, major irrigation projects, housing would not be funded under Article 275(1) Grants, as substantive part of State Plan funds go into these progmmmes. 8. Fund allocation for the prograrnmes of ITDPS / tTDAs / MADA packets / Clusters / Dispersed tribals and Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Croups (PVTCS) shall be done in accordance with provisions contained in pam 5 of revis€d guidelines dated 20.06.2016. 9. The State Govemment shall ensure that concemed Panchayati Raj lnstitutions (PRIS) should be duly about the projects / Programmes relating to Tribal Development to be implemented in the area ofjurisdiction. 10. The State Govemment has to ensure that gant-in-aid is used for the purpose for which it is sanctioned after following due procedure in a fansparcnt manner and after obtaining all necessary clearances as required under the various Centray State Acts, Rules, regulations, etc. In case of construction of infrastructure facilities, norms and Schedule of Rates (SOR) fixed by the State Govemment should be followed. 11. The progress reports of every quarter should be fumished indicating the physical and financial progress as per prescribed format already circulatd and revised time to time. A Certificate of actual utilization of the grants re€€ived for the purpose for which it was received, may be fumished to the Ministry r,r'ithin 12 months of the closure of the financial year by the State Government. 12. This sanction issues in exercise of the delegated powers in consultation with Integmted Finance ofthe Ministry ofTribal Affairs vide their rTS No. l197JS&FA,/2018 drted 19,02,2019, (t 13. Certified that this sanction has been noted at S.No. in the register of grants Yours (P.K. Sahoo) Under Secretary to the Govt. oflndia TeL 23013'709 Copy forwarded for information and necessa.ry action to:- Gc'/i '' L Director of Audit, Central Revenues, AGCR Building, ITO, New Delhi. 2. Accountant General, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. 3. The commissioner -rum-secretary, ST and SC Development Department, Govemment of Odisha Bhubaneswar 4. hincipal Secretary, Finance Deparhnent, Govemment of Odish4 Bhubaneswar. 5. Principal Secretary, Planning Department, Covemment of Odisha, Bhubaneswar 6. Resident Commissioner, Govemment ofOdisha, Odisha Bhawan, New Delhi. '7. NitiAayog, Plan Coordination Division, NitiAayog, New Delhi. 8. NitiAayog, BC Division, NitiAayog, New Delhi. 9. NitiAayog, SP Division, NitiAayog,, New Delhi. 10. Director, PFJ Division, Ministry ofFinance (Deptt. ofExpenditure), North Block, New Delhi. 11. The Secretary, National Commission for STs, LokNayakBhawan, New Delhi. 12. JS(Ay Dir(lFDy Hindi Section / Sanction Folder/ NIC. 13. Intemal Audit Wing, Principal Account Office, New Delhi. (P.K. Sahoo) Under Secreta.ry to the Co!,t. of lndia Tel23073709 Annexure (Rs. in lakh) Sundrrgrdh ITDA PROPOSALS UNDER ARTICLE- 275(1) FOR FY 2018-2019 Sl. No. Projects Village G.P Block Const. of50 seated ST. boys hostel at B.S Sundargarh Srmdargarh I Sundargarh 20.00 High school Municipality Municipality Const. of50 Seated Girls Hostel at Rani Sundargarh Sundargarh 2 Sundargarh 20.00 Janaki Cirls High School Municipality Municipality Const. of50 seated Girls hostel at St. Mery Sundargarh Sundargarh Sundargarh 20.00 Girls High school Municipality Municipality Sundargarh Sundargarh 4 Const. ofTraining Hall for Tribal Women Sundargarh 20.00 Municipalily Municipality Const. of50 seated Yatri Nivas near Gort Sundargarh Sundargarh s (a) Sundargarh 20.00 Hospital for Tribal people Municipality Municipality Compl ofC.C. for Oram Samaj al ward SundarSarh Sundargarh s (b) ward no-9 5.00 no-9 Municipality Municipality Const.ofboundary wall at Kukuda Rajgangpur 6 Kukuda Kukuda 5.00 tJP.School Sadar Const.ofboundary wall at Kukuda Memmdeg, Rajgangpur 7 Kukuda 5.00 Meramdega high school Kukuda Sadar Rajgangpur 8 Const.ofCC building at Pada,Jampal i PadaJampali Garvana 5.00 Sadar Const.ofCC building at Rajgangpur 9 Thopaberna Keshmmal 5.00 Thopabern4Khadia Samai Sadar Const.ofCC building at Carvana for Oram Rajgangpur l0 GaNana 5.00 Samaj Sadar Const.ofCC building at Laing Colony Rajgangpur tl Laing Laing 5.00 Kishan Samaj Sadar Const.ofCC building at Rajgangpur l2 Therlidhipa Laing 5.00 Therl;dhipa,Kishan Samai Sadar Const.ofCC building at Ch ngimali Chungimati Rajgangpur 5.00 t3 Chungimati,Kishan pada Sadar Const.ofCC building at Chungimati Chungimati Rajgangpur 5.00 l4 Nadipada,Chungimati Sadar Const.ofcc building for Kishan samaj at Sagjore Sagiore Rajgangpur 5.00 t5 Sag,ore,Judhistir Sadar Const.of CC building at Goddhasha,Oram Coddhasha Panposh Rajgangpur 5.00 t6 Samaj Sadar Const.ofCC building at Kadambahal fbr Kadambahal Panposh Rajgangpur 5.00 t'7 Kishan Samaj Sadar Const.of CC building at Laing,Kishan Laing Laing Rajgangpur s.00 18 Samaj Sadar Const.ofCC building at Laing Colony Laing Laing Rajgangpur 500 l9 Bhuyan Samai Sadrr Govt. oi liiira, l, r"' - Sundargadh ITD PRO POSALS I] I)ER ARTtcLE- 27s(t) F'OR FY 2018-20I9 t.N Projects Village G.P. Biock Amount ConslofCC building at Baipur Baipur 20 Jhagarpur Rajgangpur 5.00 Sadar Const.ofCC building at Jhagarpur,Kishan Jhagarpur Jhagarpur Rajgangpur 5.00 21 Samaj Sadar Const.of CC building ar Jampali,Kishan Jampali Garvana Rajgangpur 22 Samaj 10.00 Sadar Const.of CC building at Jareikela.Kand Jareikela Jareikela Rajgangpur 23 Samaj 5.00 Sadar Con srof CC building ar Jareikela,Harijan Jarcikela Jareikela Rajgangpur 5.00 24 Sam al Sadar Const.of CC building ar Chharam School Chhatam Chhatam Rajgangpur 25 pada s.00 Sadrr Const.ofCC bu ilding at Budhaam,Oram Budhaam Budhaam Rajgangpur 26 Samaj 5.00 Sadar Coost.ofCC building at Chinimahul Kutunia Rajgangpur 2"1 Chinimahul,Prabhupada 5.00 Sadar Con st.olCC building ar Dupuru,Kishan Kutunia Kutunia Rajgangpur 28 Samaj 5.00 Sadar Const.of CC building at Alanda,Kalo pada Alanda 29 Rajgangpur 5.00 Sadar Const.ofCC buildinB at Kuchenbahal Alanda Rajgangpur :]0 Kuchenbahal,Badaik 5.00 Samaj Sadrr Const.ofCC building at Bihabandh,Khadia Bihabandh Kukuda Rajgangpur 3l Samaj 5.00 Sadar ConslofCC buitding at Kukuda 32 Kukuda Rajgangpur 5.00 Kukuda,Sukhupada,Oram Samaj Sadar Const.of CC building at Dudi.Kishan 33 Malidihi Malidihi Rajgangpur 5.00 Samaj, Majhapada Sadar Const.ofCC building at B ijakhaman,Tanty Bijakhaman Buchkupada Rajgangpur 34 Samaj 5.00 Sadar Const.ofCC building ar Kurlukhaman Kurlukhaman 35 Raikakachhar Rajgangpur 5.00 Sadar Const.
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