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This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional In a second aspect, the invention provides in part a recom Application No. 61/209,917, filed Mar. 11, 2009, which binant microorganism producing 6-aminocaproic acid from application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. lysine, and the recombinant microorganism includes at least 10 one nucleic acid encoding a polypeptide that catalyzes a FIELD OF INVENTION Substrate to product conversion Such as: i) lysine to beta-lysine, Aspects of the invention relate to methods for the produc ii) beta-lysine to 3,6-diaminohexanoyl-CoA, tion of difunctional alkanes in microorganisms. In particular, iii) 3,6-diaminohexanoyl-CoA to 6-aminohex-2-enoyl aspects of the invention describe enzymes, and nucleic acids 15 CoA, encoding Such enzymes, associated with the difunctional iv) 6-aminohex-2-enoyl-CoA to 6-aminohex-2-enoic acid, alkane production from carbohydrates feedstocks in micro O organisms. More specifically, aspects of the invention V) 6-aminohex-2-enoic acid to 6-aminocaproic acid.
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