.. "/ .. VOL. 74, !\I'UMBER' 7 www.scsu.baruch.cuny.edu. NOVEMBER 25,1998 I EducatoreSpeak Out To SupportRemediation By Bryan Fleck What was scheduled to' be a City Council meeting on the economic 'impact ofthe City University of New York on New York City turned out to. resemble a support session for open admissions and remediation. The Nov. 18 meeting in .the Council Chambers of City Hall was presided over by Helen M. Marshall, chair­ woman for the Committee on Higher Education. ," . .' After hearing testimony from entors for Students .... experts in the fields of labor, indus­ •'. alestate majors work . t~ and education, it was apparent that the underlying message was the ilongsideprofessionals' need for the City Council to do ,page:4 ·-.--everything in its-power to overturn recent rulings that will phase out .. ertoRicanDay. ' remediation on many CUNY cam­ puses. "The mandate of the City .. oliticalprisoner talks: myths University of New York was, and . d reality .. page.G 4 still is, to educate all," Marshall said Yehuda Amichai (fourth from the right) and his friends· at the in her opening comments. Sidney Harmon poetry reading. Other poets and colfeg'uesz-ead Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr., the for­ Amichai poems since he lost his.voice that day. Story page 4 mer President of Bronx Community College, used his allotted time to press the committee to use whatever Library to Open 24 Hours political clout they have to reverse the trend of ending remediation at - By-Hvmr j90MooD '. -- ..., after-hours is·~·.the' policy may . CU'NY~" 4Ending -remediation}" is an The mainfloor ofthe Newman Library expand and perhaps become penna­ attempt to raise standards,-but it at 25thstreetwill openfor 24hours dur­ nent, according to Downing. actually lowers standards," Brown '.' llekt~ain? ing the last two weeks ofthis semester. Last semester, The Ticker made a said. According to a representative lev.at6tsfr~m lu~11 . page 12 Only Baruch College students will be request to the library and to then from the Comptrollers O:ftiee_. , .:.;~.);~: allowed to stay after midnight and " stu­ Provost, Lois Cronholm (afternumerous approximately one-half of etiNY . dents should be prepared to show their students expressed desire for an students are foreign born. Brown ian Rec()very J.D.," accordingto ArthurDowning, chief overnight study area in school), to have explained that many .of these stu­ eis~~~ariCenter holds: dis- librarian. Security officers will regularly the library open for 24 hours, but the dents come to Baruch with strong .... skills in one discipline, but are weak ··:1.l.SSipD. 'on financial.'woes" .'. make the rounds to check identification. Media Center was open instead. This In addition, the cafeteria on the first semester, the Day Session Student in another. He believes that by end­ , page'15·· floor of the library building will also be Government has followed up, and ing remediation, colleges are deny­ available.to students. DruveshBechu, vice-president ofDSSG, ing entrance to some of its most tal­ - '-'ltJI~U--~OCr:tE,.U--· -'" -.--------.. ~ -ThiSnew policybegins-on Dee. Iiand- -came through on one of his campaign ented potential _students. Marshall ends Dec. 22, according to Downing. promises to openthe libraryfor 24 hours agreed, saying, "Clearly, this policy If attendance at the library during during finals. attacks the most exclusive [stu­ dents]." Dr. James P. Murphy, a member of CUNY's Board of Trustees for 21 Jerry Springer years (and chairman for 16 of those years), noted that he cast a dissent­ An Interview with the Ringmaster ing vote for phasing out remediation. By Spaceman Sy the new movie. Springer's humble Murphy cited a study by David E. Your daughter did what with your nature and nonchalant attitude Lavin and David Hylle, which, husband? Your best girlfriend is 'try­ toward his success was quite sur­ drawn out over a 25-year period, ing to steal your man? Only one man pnsmg. showed that more than one-half of can remedy such situations: Jerry CUNY students who entered under Springer, the ringmaster himself. Spaceman Sy: Jerry, I've got to say, open admissions received, a bache­ .November is a busy month for I'm a huge fan ofyours. lor's degree. This was dramatically Springer, talk' show giant and higher than a previous study that American icon. Besides his many Jerry Springer: (laughs) Oh my, reported only one-third receiving a videos, fans maynow blow their cash . you poor thing! bachelor's degree. Murphy suggest­ on Springer's new book, ed that instead of attacking remedi­ Ringmaster. This somewhat auto­ Sy: Hey! (laughs) Congratulations ation, a closer look at N.Y.'s public biographical work gives fans arid on your completing your first film. schools is in order. "Remediation'in critics a behind-the-scenes look at CuNY has been necessary over the the making of the Jerry Springer Jerry: Well thanks! It was a lot of past 25 years because the public Show. fun to do. schoolaareturnmg out ilt~-.. That's not all, however. Springer is students," he said. Murphy then set to unveilhis big screen debut in "Sy: I understand that it's a fictional made a plea to the committee for Ringmaster, the.movie. The film, account of what happens on the more funds, saying, "CUNY has unlike the book ofthe same title, is a Jerry Springer Show. Tell me, been grossly under funded by the fictional account of one particular was it different-working with actors city and the state." Springer episode. Springer was kind Phasing out remediation in eol- enough tohave a chat with me about continued on page 27 . continued on·page 6 c,.. 2 . TICKER NEWS. NOVl1MBER 25, 1998 ._--- - -------~ -- - -- ------------ ~---- . -"------ . " --0 TICKER NEWS NOVEMBER 25, 1998 3 . - By Bryan Fleck " dents and professionals, including In its opening conference in May According to 1990 statistics from Guillermo Linares, a member of the 1997, with the theme, "Inter-Group the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 28.4 New York City Council, and Somini Relations and Public Policy," the percent of the population of New Sengupta, a New York Times immi­ Center held two panel discussions York City is foreign born. Similarly, gration reporter. and heard from Reverend James P. Baruch College, of the City Noting the importance of this Morton, Dean Emeritus ofCathedral University of New York, has one of workshop, White'"warned, "There is St. John the Divine and president of the most diversified student bodies not a lot of tolerance in this society the Interfaith Center ofNew York. of any school of higher learning in for immigrants." One question that A broad theme of the first confer­ the United States. Together, these will be addressed is why immigrants ence was business 'and its role in attributes make Baruch an ideal often do not participate in American promoting coexistence, and more institution .to raise issues of toler­ civic culture, such as voting. specifically on the state of affirma­ ance, and to facilitate dialogue In future events, the Coexistence tive action after charges ofracial dis­ between diverse people and groups. Center will conduct a second work­ crimination were lev-eled against Enter Douglas M. White, director of shop on Feb. 25, 1999, titled, Texaco. Included in the panel"were the Coexistence Center at Baruch "American Civic Culture: Values, representatives from The Chase College. Myths and Realities," and will hold Manhattan Bank (who cosponsored The stated mission ofthe center is its annual conference on April 13, the conference) and NYNEX. "The to be a leader regarding "issues sur­ 1999. In addition, Interim President id-ea is to bring [businesses] in and rounding racial, ethnic and religious Lois Cronholm announced make them a part of the Baruch diversity and equity," as well as "Coexistence Day," on May 13, 1999. experience," said White. being an initiator of the "formation On this day, all classes will suspend The second annual conference, of constnictive public policy." Since their normal routines, and discuss held May 5, 1998, dealt with the its inception in 1996, the ideas of coexistence and related theme, "Institutional Responses to Coexistence Center has worked themes. Conflict in the Community," and alongside an extensive" advisory Although the Coexistence Center expanded to three panel discussions, board consisting of business, educa­ has made great strides in its short bringing together leaders in the aca­ tional, political, religious .and social existence, White still has worries, demic, business, political and reli­ leaders in the community. most notably with funding. ' The gious comrmmrties: Among the dis­ In keeping with its goals and Center has many ambitious pro­ cussions were the complexity of agenda, the Coexistence Center has grams it would like to implement, policing communities in a multicul­ hosted panel discussions, brought in such as the student peer assistant tural society. The assembled panel distinguished lecturers and moder­ training program. "We are trying to included, among others, Wilbur L. ated dialogue between groups dis­ get it funded," said White. "We've Chapman, Chief of Patrol for the seminated across vast ideological had a couple major turn downs, but New York City Police Department, plains. we're still at it." and Hon. Milton Mollen, Chair ofthe The Coexistence Center's next White would also like to see a police watch group, the Committee project will be on Dec. 2, 1998, when, scholar-in-residence program in; con­ to Investigate Allegations of Police­ in conjunction with The New York nection with the Coexiste~ Corruption. Chapter of The American Jewish but admits that such a {program is The coexistence project obtained Committee, it will host a workshop' not in the immediate works. He its initial funding with an endow­ entitled, "Immigrants, Identity and . noted, however, that the Center'has mentfrorn the proceeds of ~ tribute American Civic Culture." The made a concerted effort in lieu of a to Baruch alumnus, Leonard Marks.
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