CANADIAN ADVENTIST January 1997 "Peopk who think the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become Seventh- day Adventists, and keep • Saturday holy." —We're Almost Home Heart to Heart "'Were- atIttaft -toltte-" by Karnik Doukmetzian, Legal and Public Affairs, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada s I write these words, white the United States. The document that during this past summer, snow, clean, fresh and went so far as to say that they would Senators in the United States sparkling, is gently falling not in the future attempt to prosely- unveiled what they called the "reli- outside my window. I can- tize each other's members. There is gious equality" amendment to the not help but think of how cleansing more. Pat Robertson, former U.S. U.S. Constitution. Although couched such a snow fall is on all the dirt and Presidential contender and founder in benign language, this proposal grime that litters the landscape. A of the 700 Club, one of the key fig- represented an attack on fundamen- new year is upon us and as the new ures behind the scenes of this coali- tal notions of religious liberty and fallen snow reminds us, we want to tion recently hand-delivered to the separation of church and state by start anew, with a clean slate. To Pope a letter containing these words: requiring government to subsidize some of us, the new year sneaked up "While there are some doctrinal dif- generally sectarian activities and enti- and caught us by surprise, for others ferences that separate us, I strongly ties while authorizing coercive prac- of us, we couldn't wait for the old believe the moral crisis facing society tices such as officially sanctioned year to be over and done with so we today and the obvious social break- school prayer and government recog- could start afresh. The coming of the down mandates a closer cooperation nition of religion. The effect of the new year is an opportunity for us to between people of faith including amendment would have been to jetti- stop and reflect on the events of the Evangelicals and Catholics." son the time honored practice of gov- past year and say as did the saints of Such language coming from an ernment neutrality toward religion old that we are one year closer to the influential Protestant religious leader and replace it with state favoritism of coming of the Lord. should not come as a surprise to us, religion. The amendment would have Surely the soon occurrence of that we are conclusively told by Ellen authorized government officials act- event should come as no surprise to White that Protestants in the United ing in their official capacity, to favour anyone looking at the dirt and grime States will be foremost in stretching one religious faith. that litters the earthly landscape. The their hands across the gulf to grasp While this amendment was even- signs are becoming more evident the hand of spiritualism, to reach tually not considered by the U.S. with each passing year. We only need over the abyss to clasp hands with Senate, its legislative introduction to look at what is happening south of the Church of Rome and under such raised a number of items of concern. us in the United States. In years past, a union, America will be at the fore- Firstly, it was introduced in rather we had reported the coming together front in trampling the rights of con- benign language, designed to be hid- of Protestants and Catholics to sign science. den among other legislative amend- an unprecedented landmark docu- The ultimate agenda of this coali- ments. Secondly, it came about very ment entitled "Protestants and tion and in particular of Pat quickly without much opportunity to Catholics Together" a document Robertson is not the traditional sepa- allow individuals opposed, to gather which expounded how these previ- ration of church and state for the in opposition. Thirdly, it evidenced ously antagonistic groups were now United States, but rather church-state the tremendous effectiveness of such going to work together to cure the establishment. So strong is this agen- groups as the Christian Coalition, moral and social ills which plague da and such a powerful driving force, Evangelicals and Catholics Together 2 Messenger/January 1997 — Cover : The Creator's Handbook for the World— Al Colleran & Robin Carby and the Religious Right to influence was not concocted by Adventists, but upon man's reverence and homage. politics in the United States. there has been a change of course The wicked will be distinguished by Amending the U.S. Constitution is over the past number of years by their efforts to tear down the a profoundly serious undertaking. most denominations, shying away Creator's memorial." Our Father Cares. One would have thought that in a from the exact interpretation of the p. 228. Should we be concerned about nation founded in large part on reli- Bible that we as Adventists adhere to. such a pronouncement by the Pope? gious freedom, rewriting the religion Then again, according to our Surely this is another signpost along clauses of the Constitution should be prophetic scenario, that should not the way. Note what was recently pub- approached with the greatest of cau- surprise us. lished in the newsletter of the Saint tion. This type of legislative initiative Catherine Catholic Church in should catch the attention of Seventh- Michigan. "The Church has always day Adventists everywhere given our had a strong sense of its own authority. insight into last day events as 'Whatever you bind on earth is bound described in the closing chapters of Take away God's in heaven', Jesus said. Perhaps the bold- The Great Controversy and the chapter est thing, the most revolutionary change on Religious Liberty in the book creative power and the Church ever did, happened in the Christian Service. first century. The holy day, the Sabbath Clearly, we were reminded by the you undermine our was changed from Saturday to Sunday. words penned by Ellen White over whore basis for the 'The Day of the Lord' (dies Dominica) 100 years ago that "when the leading was chosen, not from any direction churches of the United States, uniting Sabbath noted in Scriptures, but from the upon such points of doctrine as are Church's sense of power. The day of res- held by them in common, shall influ- urrection, the day of Pentecost, fifty ence the state to enforce their decrees days later, came on the first day of the and to sustain their institutions, then There's more. The headlines read week. So this would be the new Protestant America will have formed "Pope makes peace with evolution," Sabbath. People who think the an image of the Roman hierarchy, "Gives blessing to natural selection Scriptures should be the sole authority, and the infliction of civil penalties though man's soul remains beyond should logically become Seventh-day upon dissenters will inevitably result. science's reach." What was all the Adventists, and keep Saturday holy." (The Great Controversy p. 445) hoopla? The leader of the Roman Wow! That coming from the As if this wasn't enough evidence Catholic Church and claiming to be Catholic church! We should be that we are passing landmarks at "God's anointed" had decreed and encouraged by such comments. "warp speed", a spokesperson for the put the full authority of the Roman Recognition that what was done by United States Catholic Conference Catholic Church firmly behind the the Church is wrong and that the recently accused Seventh-day view that the human body may not Bible and God's Remnant are right. Adventists of bigotry and claimed have been the immediate creation of Recognition also that there are those that the growing dialog between God, but a product of gradual evolu- out in the world who discern the Protestants and Catholics would be tion. Not a big deal you might say? truth and will make a decision soon. I hurt by the publication of a book by Think of what such a statement says would like to think that the Priest the Adventists, "coming as it does about God our Creator. Not only was who wrote that article was sensitized from a major denomination". What the fourth commandment unilaterally to the Adventist view of the Bible and was the book they were referring to? changed but now we are confronted the Sabbath from reading Liberty None other than God's Answers to with a full frontal attack on God's cre- Magazine. I would like to think that Your Questions, a condensed version atorship. This was one aspect of God there are other thought leaders who of the book Bible Readings for the which consumed Satan. As an angel likewise have been sensitized to the Home. What was stated in the book he could do all things except create. Bible Sabbath by the ministry of that was found to be so offensive? Is this another way in the ongoing Liberty. Won't you remember those According to the spokesperson, it cosmic battle of chipping away at individuals in your prayers? Won't "likens the papacy to the beast in God's ultimate being? you support the ongoing ministry to Revelation, an ally of Satan in the Take away God's creative power these individuals by Liberty world's final day." This characteriza- and you undermine our whole basis Magazine as each issue reaches their tion should not have caught the for the Sabbath. We know beyond office? Please remember Religious Catholics by surprise, this interpreta- doubt that "God's last-day remnant Liberty Sabbath January 25 and tion began with Martin Luther and keep the fourth commandment.
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