»») GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS . (- CG Our Gifts a Proof of World Brotherhood A Message From the Treasurer of the General Conference By W. E. NELSON - . N ALL the teachings of Jesus there is one thread that runs throughout and that is the universal brotherhood of mankind. His was a world-wide I work. He came to seek and save the lost, not of Palestine only but of the whole human race. His commission, or assignment of work, to His followers was, Go into all the world and make Christians of all who will listen. When that task is completed, then the second coming of Christ will take place. The great motive power in the proclamation of the gospel, the good news of salvation, is the presence of Christ with His followers as represented by the Holy Spirit, but, since creation, in the work of God He has always used material things as well as His Spirit to accomplish His purposes. During His first advent, He fed the thousands by the sea and, ministered to the physical needs of the people in a very definite way. He healed the sick, the halt, the lame, and the blind, and when He went away He gaVe to every, man his work. There are no exceptions recorded. In the organization of the Great Advent Movement this principle must be kept in mind. All. are to share in the responsibility of spreading the glad tidings of Jesus' second coming. The giving and gathering of money is part of the gospel work, and where done according to God's plan is as truly a spiritual work as any other part of the Advent Movement, and all can share in this phase of the message. The payment of tithes and offerings and special gifts to aid our world work has increased in a very gratifying way, but the increased need of funds has far exceeded, the increase in giving. The whole sum received is very large. However, when these funds are distributed throughout the whole world, we are led to exclaim as did Andrew when Jesus told the disciples to feed the multitude, What are these' among so many? But with the blessing of God resting upon His people to stir them to sacrificial liberality, we know the Advent message will be given to all the world in this generation. The Treasury Department of the General Conference is pledged to do all in its power to aid and strengthen all phases of the work that seeks to extend the kingdom of God on earth and make a people ready for the coming of the Lord. VOL. 124, NO. 23 JUNE 5, 1947 are concerned with the effects of liquor on the nation's women, and with other practical issues. Hospitals, divorce courts and In This Issue jails are filled with the consequences of drink—and taxpayers EDITORIAL - Page 3 are paying the bills." The Faith That Saves—Hastening the Light on the Judg- ment Hour—"If Thou Hadst Known!"—The Progressive A NATION-WIDE co-operative effort by religious radio forces to "evangelize" Americans over the air was proposed by Dr. Fall of the Churches—World Trends Franklin Dunham, Washington, D.C., chief of the radio divi- GENERAL ARTICLES - - - Page 7 sion, U.S. Office of Education, in a meeting held in Columbus, The Last Message to the Last Church—A Larger Place in Ohio. Addressing the first annual meeting of the newly formed Missionary Work—Origin of the Different Kinds of Plants Religious Radio Association, Dunham urged that the goal and Animals—Ten Minutes With Your Bible—Inspired of the joint evangelistic campaign be to make Americans con- Messages—New Testament Words scious of their "dependence upon God." THE ADVENTIST HOME CIRCLE - - Page 13 THE Methodist Church gained 370,467 in church school en- The Homes From Which They Come—"Think on These rollment during the past two years, "the largest gain made by Things" any denomination for the same period within the past 25 years," according to a report submitted to the Methodist Coun- REPORTS FROM ALL LANDS - Page 15 cil of Bishops by Dr. J. Q. Schisler, executive secretary of the Providential Openings in India—Good News From An- Division of the Local Church, Methodist General Board of cient Persia—Our Army of Youth—M. V. Ambon Sails Education of Nashville, Tennessee. He reported also that 208,- for the Solomons—A Week of Prayer at Atlantic Union 114 church school pupils joined the• church on profession of College—Winston-Salem N.C., Evangelistic Effort— faith in the past two years. Course in Health Evangelism and Tropical Hygiene— New Sabbath Schools in Trinidad—Overseas Spot News ¶ ANNOUNCEMENT of the first successful treatment of leprosy —North, American Spot News was made in Honolulu, Hawaii, at an anniversary celebration honoring Father Damien, Belgian missionary to the leper col- POETRY ony of Molokai, whose canonization cause has been introduced Bought With a Price, p. 9—God's Love, p. 14. in Rome. Dr. Norman Sloan, medical director of Kalaupapa, on Molokai, revealed that a new drug, promin, has been found to give patients "a new lease on life." The drug was tested ITEMS OF INTEREST in the same settlement where Father Damien died in 1889. [The Review subscribes to Religious News Service, the well-known interde- nominational news gathering organization. Many of the items below are taken directly from this service.] ¶ NEGOTIATIONS for recognition of the Vatican state by Turkey, it was reported in Istanbul, have taken place in Paris between 1872 former Turkish Fdreign Minister Numan, Menemendjioglu, ¶ 0. A. OLSEN and J. C. Nielson have been holding meetings now ambassador to France, and Archbishop Angelo Roncalli, in the Norwegian and Danish settlement in the town of Ash- former apostolic delegate to Turkey, at present papal nuncio waubanon, Wisconsin. Five have begun to keep the Sabbath, to France. That Turkey will eventually recognize the Vatican. and many others are convinced of the truth. This is a new state is indicated, according to some sources, by the growing settlement, the oldest settlers having been here only about readiness of Arab states to establish diplomatic ties with the Holy See, and by the likelihood that Turk4h principles of four years. secularism may cease being a sufficient motive for the nation 1897 to continue unrepresented in Rome. ¶ LESS than two years ago there were only five or six scattered THE clergy shortage in the Church of England calls for Sabbathkeepers in Rochester, New York. A Seventh-day Ad- drastic mergers of parishes to meet modern needs, according ventist agent went there to get some assistants to handle his to Dr. Cyril Forster Garbett, Archbishop of York. He said goods. He told them that they must pray for the Lord's bless- the first step will be for dioceses to make surveys to decide ing in their work. An atheist, with whom he talked, laughed what parishes can be grouped together under existing law; at him, saying, "This praying is all a humbug." The Adventist and to recommend which parishes might be eventually united visited him every day, presenting to him the prophecies and if the law were amended. their fulfillment, until finally he was convinced of the truth and was baptized. Then, through his efforts and the work of ¶ SICK pastors and church workers, whose health deteriorated others, there was soon a company of twenty-five believers. because of the strains of war and subsequent conditions, will e enabled to take a health Cure through the efforts of the _1922 Reconstruction Department of the World Council of Churches. RECENTLY A. G. Daniells was asked if he recalled when it The patients will be helped in their own countries wherever was that a brother stated that it was preposterous to talk about possible through their own church reconstruction committees raising and expending a thousand dollars a day .for missions. and through provision of special food parcels and medicines He replied: "Yes; it was in 1903, in the autumn. I was attend- from the World Council. Other cases will be cared for by the ing a camp meeting in one of our States. That day I was health committee of the Reconstruction Department in to speak on foreign missions. I--got enthusiastic over the_-- Geneva. prospects, so I said, 'Why, brethren, the day is coming when ¶ LED by Mrs. Bessie Lee Cowie, 87-year-old W.C.T.U. mis- this denomination will raise and expend a thousand dollars a sionary, fifteen women entered "swanky" cocktail bars in day for foreign missions!' After the meeting, a brother stepped Pasadena, California, and demanded that "light be admitted, up to me and said, 'Brother Daniells, we are all in favor of spiritually and literally." They carried placards describing the foreign missions. We are with you, but you should keep within event as "A Woman's Prayer Crusade Against Drink," and some sort of sane limits. We will never do such a thing as asking onlookers to "sign the pledge." Said Mrs. Cowie: "We that, and to tell us such things overwhelms us.' That is what are not attempting any 'Carrie Nation' business. However, we he said; but, my friends, you see how it has come out." 2 REVIEW AND HERALD I %),. EDITORIAL I i• A 1, [ 1t. i [ 1. I The, Faith That Saves We must believe God, and deny our own feelings and senses, if need be, in order to claim the blessing of for- NUINE faith is everywhere conspicuous by its giveness and the fulfillment of God's pledged word.
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