146.73-, 147.13+, 147.075+, 447.000-, 52.68-; Pkt 146.7-, 145.05 Jan ‘Ø2 pg.1 -1- 1,621 also ATV & Palomar Amateur Radio Club Inc. 4 Autopatches Scope (USPS #076530)Vol.XXVIII No.1, Jan. 2ØØ1, published monthly by PARC, 1651 Mesa Verde Dr., Vista, CA, 92084. Periodicals postage pd. at Vista, CA 92085. Dues $12/yr or $21/family/yr (includes newsletter subscription) Editor: Stan Rohrer W9FQN, 30311 Circle R Lane, Valley Center CA 92082 Send $12 Dues To: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCOPE, P.O.Box 73, Vista CA 92085-0073. PARC, Box 73 See pg. 12: PARC Frequencies, Club Officers, and PARC Nets. Vista CA 92085-0073 to the 2002 Board: temporary basis SCOPE will be Club Meeting NN3V - Charlie Ristorcelli - President prepared by a back-up team to Mark Raptis [email protected] KF6WTN - Mark Raptis - VPresident (Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday ensure it is published monthly. of each month at the Carlsbad Safety KB6NMK - Jo Ashley - Treasurer Center in Carlsbad at 7:30 p.m. although KB5MU - Paul Williamson - Secretary BUT WE MUST FIND most come at 7:00. See map on page 12 NN6X - Paul M. DeCicco - Director #1 A NEW EDITOR! for directions -Ed) NE6O - Jim Cooper - Director #2 I solicit anyone interested in January Program. - helping to contact any PARC Board Stuart Downs, formerly W6PDP Member IMMEDIATELY. now WY6EE, wrote an article for Goodie Table Without your help, and the volun- QEX magazine regarding teerism of a new editor, we will not be Wow, we really had lots of low cal able to assure continued, consistent elimination of noise sources in things to eat at the Christmas party. mobile rigs. The article can be publication of SCOPE. Many many thanks to those bring- Skills for editor are modest found on the ARRL website and ing items: W6GNIAl, KB6YHYAnita, the complete text can be found in (obviously, no one can just step in to K6MLJim, W6ABE, N6TCBJerry, replace Stan's legendary work). PDF format on the K2BJ.com W6YOOHarry, KF6MYEJerry, But as with all things, we have to website in the noise section. WB6PKKMarvin, W8LOVJoe, move forward. We are looking for Stu has contacted 35 countries KE6ZLYGlenn, and KF6WTNMark. someone who is computer knowledge- from the car and has no engine You all received one (1) participa- able in desktop publishing, and who noise. He is a full time electrical tion point for your efforts. will work with the Board to develop a engineer and teacher at Palomar KD6TUJDennis and W6SSTJim process for continued editing of College. The discussion will handled the goodie table both months. SCOPE. 73 DE NN3V contain a general overview of electromagnetics and how to "get rid of the WANTED: Message stuff you don't want." President’s ONE GOOD EDITOR! Charlie Ristorcelli [email protected] See you at the meeting, HELP HELP HELP HELP HAPPY NEW YEAR PARC! KF6WTN HELP HELP HELP In this my first "President's Mes- Charlie Ristorcelli [email protected] sage", please accept my best wishes After MANY, MANY, MANY for a prosperous New Year 2002, Coming Events. years of service as SCOPE Editor, and my hope that you enjoyed a W9FQN (Stan) announced he is Jan.1st Happy New Year wonderful Holiday Season with taking a break and will no longer family and loved ones (and that edit SCOPE, effective with the Santa surprised you with all your (update) February edition. Club Election desired Ham Radio toys). The following club members were For the immediate future, begin- I am thankful for the opportunity elected at the December Club meeting ning with the February issues, on a 2 to serve as PARC President, and you tried the digital modes yet? in Club activities? Why so long? thank those who preceded me for Have you actively explored the PARC is blessed with a core of the fine job they accomplished in satellite bands? Have you at least hams who give, and give, and give. making PARC such an interesting listened to the International Space But, in a voluntary organization, a and effective Radio Club. Station ham radio operators "core" of people always doing the There are interesting times ahead (NA1SS)? If you haven't done any same things brings about a in our hobby, as well as much of these things, why not, and what repetitiveness that can overlook change. Have you considered how are you waiting for? many exciting and new these events will affect you and After all, in an era where opportunities. PARC? "hardware home brewing" is So I challenge you to volunteer Changes abound aplenty in our probably reserved for only a few, it your skills and energy in any area of operating practices and equipment is the experimentation with new the hobby you find rewarding. It is capabilities. The time honored modes that offers that wonder of likely your interest will spark tradition of CW is facing significant "tinkering" from which our fondest someone else into a new area of ham changes. The digital modes are here memories of "days of yore" will radio that will be enjoyable for to stay and are expanding. Micro come about. If it is unfamiliarity them, and rewarding to you for miniaturization is about to saturate with the equipment needed for having helped. And I ask that you us with incredibly capable these new modes (yes, I am talking also consider providing KF6WTN equipment with features that to all you computer shy folks), why (Mark) with ideas about club surpass even today's amazing rigs not embark on an adventure with a programs you would enjoy, as he is (and for most hams, not home new ham? After all, you have a the new program chairman, and will repairable). If you are unaware of wealth of knowledge about the gladly try to satisfy your request. these matters, I recommend you CORE of our hobby that the new Feel free to e-mail me subscribe to one of the ham radio folks are earnestly looking for help ([email protected]), or call on the journals, or access the ARRL to understand, and many of them landline (619-686-5607) and tell me newsletter. have the computer skills we need to what about PARC satisfies you the This is no longer your childhood learn also. most, and what you believe would hobby, and there's a lot going on in Second, as a well established attract your effort as a volunteer in the world of ham radio! club with an envious record of order to spice up our activities. Add to that the changing bringing solid programs covering I look forward to seeing you at demographics of the hobby, and I both the technology of the hobby, the Club meeting in January, and for offer you a simple question: where as well as the operating practices those who arrive in Carlsbad early do you see yourself in all this? Or and outdoor opportunities of ham for the Club meeting, come out and perhaps I should ask, do you even radio, I ask you to help attract new join us in the eateries of the area for see yourself in all this? members to the Club. When was dinner and an eye-ball QSO. Talk-in I believe it is important PARC the last time you showed up at one on 146.730 Repeater. 73 de NN3V members play a role in shaping of the exam sessions to offer your PARC in the future, and how we help as an "Elmer" to some of the shape our hobby and personal new hams? How are they going to Club Membership learn the ham radio practices when Al Donlevy [email protected] enjoyment of the ham bands. Like it Good News: More New they have no "Elmer"? Do you or not, as the hobby changes we Members Joining PARC: KG6GYT, remember your "Elmer"? I either adapt to the changes and N7BFO, and KC9AJY; and remember mine. He walked me enjoy the opportunities, or else we KC6UHI sent in his renewal for 5 through the beginning contacts, the find a new hobby. years. Way to go Eugene, and unease of joining a pile-up, and the I for one do not see myself thanks. decision tree on what to buy as an dropping ham radio as a way of When you hear these calls on a initial rig. And from that moment relaxing, so I plan on adapting. I repeater, greet our new and renewed onward, I was "hooked" on ham therefore challenge each PARC members. radio. member who plans to continue Did you check your last months Third, I challenge PARC mem- "hamming", consider three things. label to see if the "Participation bers to ask yourselves: when was First, how have you risen to the Point" number looked right? No one the last time I volunteered to help new operating opportunities. Have contacted me about errors, so I must be perfect. Those three folks that had bring pleasure. So I will end my 65 issues pg.3 -3- one too many points credited didn’t This means that this January of the Scope with page 1,630 1,623 come forward either! If you think 2002 issue of the Scope will be of this January 2002 issue of that you have been shortchanged on my last issue as editor. the Scope. points, please send me e-mail at As president of the club in the From what I have been able to [email protected], or drop me a 80’s I provided the editor, Ralph determine Mable Field W6YZV, who note at the membership table during a K6HAV, with the president’s now lives in Fallbrook, was one of meeting.
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