Knoodl.comKnoodl.com SemanticSemantic WikiWiki CreatingCreating andand usingusing OWLOWL vocabulariesvocabularies inin aa wikiwiki MichaelMichael LangLang RevelytixRevelytix JuneJune 18,18, 20072007 AgendaAgenda ► WhatWhat isis aa SemanticSemantic WikiWiki ► BuildingBuilding thethe SemanticSemantic ModelsModels ► BootstrappingBootstrapping COICOI basedbased vocabulariesvocabularies . WithWith WordNetWordNet contextcontext andand descriptiondescription ► COICOI vocabulariesvocabularies inin aa semanticsemantic WikiWiki . OWLOWL modelsmodels ► SemanticSemantic WikiWiki WikiWiki ►AA websitewebsite wherewhere anyoneanyone cancan editedit thethe contentcontent ofof thethe sitesite easilyeasily ►Wiki’sWiki’s areare nownow establishedestablished asas mainstreammainstream technologytechnology forfor collaborationcollaboration . OnOn thethe worldworld widewide webweb . WithinWithin thethe enterpriseenterprise ►AlsoAlso managingmanaging aa lotlot ofof contentcontent . ManyMany kindskinds ofof filesfiles cancan bebe linkedlinked toto oror embeddedembedded intointo thethe wikiwiki WikiWiki DrawbacksDrawbacks ►InformationInformation isis organizedorganized inin aa mannermanner similarsimilar toto aa filefile systemsystem . ItIt cancan bebe veryvery difficultdifficult toto findfind documentsdocuments onon aa wikiwiki afterafter thethe wikiwiki reachesreaches aa certaincertain sizesize . JustJust likelike thethe filefile systemsystem onon youryour personalpersonal computercomputer ►Except:Except: youyou organizedorganized everythingeverything onon youryour laptoplaptop ►EveryoneEveryone elseelse organizedorganized contentcontent onon thethe wikiwiki WikiWiki DrawbacksDrawbacks ►EvenEven thoughthough wikiswikis areare collaborationcollaboration andand contentcontent managementmanagement systemssystems . ThereThere isis nono informationinformation modelmodel thatthat cancan bebe usedused toto managemanage thethe contentcontent . WikisWikis containcontain structured,structured, unstructuredunstructured andand othersothers sortssorts ofof contentcontent SemanticSemantic WikiWiki 1.01.0 ►AA wikiwiki basedbased tooltool forfor buildingbuilding formalformal semanticssemantics . CommunityCommunity based,based, collaborativecollaborative . BothBoth structuredstructured andand unstructuredunstructured contentcontent isis managedmanaged inin thethe samesame collaborativecollaborative frameworkframework . ImportsImports andand exportsexports OWLOWL . AccessibleAccessible byby nonnon domaindomain expertsexperts SemanticSemantic WikiWiki 2.02.0 ►AA wikiwiki thatthat enablesenables anyany content,content, structuredstructured andand unstructured,unstructured, toto bebe “tagged”“tagged” soso thethe contentcontent cancan bebe queriedqueried andand reasonedreasoned overover . TaggedTagged meansmeans addingadding contentcontent toto anan OWLOWL basedbased ontologyontology ►AnAn integratedintegrated andand queryablequeryable knowledgebaseknowledgebase . QueryQuery isis veryvery differentdifferent fromfrom searchsearch . QueriesQueries cancan bebe embeddedembedded intointo thethe wikitextwikitext WikiWiki VocabulariesVocabularies WikiWiki VocabulariesVocabularies ► TheThe semanticssemantics forfor anyany domaindomain areare createdcreated withinwithin thethe wikiwiki asas anan OWLOWL vocabularyvocabulary . Project management, event management, social networks, logistics,logistics, acquisition,acquisition, bioinformatics,bioinformatics, CRMCRM ► MultipleMultiple domaindomain modelsmodels mightmight bebe availableavailable concurrentlyconcurrently ► OnceOnce thethe vocabularyvocabulary isis createdcreated andand publishedpublished thethe semanticssemantics cancan bebe leveragedleveraged toto achieveachieve . Interoperability . Integration . Discovery . Semantic matching . Semantic Wikis BootstrappingBootstrapping COICOI VocabulariesVocabularies inin aa SemanticSemantic WikiWiki BootstrappingBootstrapping OntologiesOntologies ► StepStep 1:1: StartStart atat thethe bottombottom . Build vocabularies from existing physical systems ► StepStep 2:2: CollaborateCollaborate . The community can document, review, discuss and change . Human-readable documentation and formal ontology definition ► StepStep 3:3: ShareShare andand UseUse . People access the vocabularies through web browsers to view the natural language documentation and navigate formal relationships . Machines can download OWL ontologies and use for automated reasoning StepStep 1:1: StartStart atat thethe BottomBottom ► BootstrapBootstrap fromfrom existingexisting systemssystems andand modelsmodels . Import the schemas from databases to start building the terms in the vocabulary . Messages, Excel, metadata repositories ► UseUse aa semanticallysemantically enabledenabled matchingmatching tooltool toto associateassociate semanticssemantics withwith thethe bootstrappedbootstrapped termsterms . Combine the terms used with knowledge bases to discover and assign semantics to information . Store the terms, definitions and semantics in vocabularies . Built-in knowledge base is WordNet, but can also use custom domain-specific VocabularyVocabulary ManagementManagement Step 1: Extract semantics from existing data DB DB DB XML XML VocabularyVocabulary ManagementManagement Step 2: Create bootstrapped vocabulary OWL OWLOWL StepStep 2:2: CollaborateCollaborate ► CreatingCreating vocabulariesvocabularies isis naturallynaturally collaborativecollaborative . identify,identify, define,define, document,document, standardize,standardize, edit,edit, revireview,ew, auditaudit . InvolveInvolve thethe rightright peoplepeople . ReuseReuse otherother vocabularies:vocabularies: benefitbenefit fromfrom thethe expertsexperts ► Community-orientedCommunity-oriented . AA communitycommunity consistsconsists ofof membersmembers thatthat shareshare experience,experience, expertiseexpertise andand interestinterest inin aa particularparticular domaindomain . CommunitiesCommunities managemanage memberships,memberships, content,content, andand accessaccess privilegesprivileges ► SemanticSemantic WikiWiki . CapturesCaptures thethe effortsefforts ofof manymany overover timetime . AddsAdds semanticsemantic richnessrichness toto wikiwiki markupmarkup languagelanguage VocabularyVocabulary DevelopmentDevelopment MatchIT: semantic matching OEM: Third- party Export Import modeling and data relational Vocabulary Matching Knoodl.com integration match sets models & Discovery Algorithms (ontologies) technology XSDs stacks Client Server Download Upload domain common ontologies terms & defs Import Files Knoodl.com: web-based ontology editor Vocabularies Export Web 2.0 Ontology / Matching or Community Model Inferencing / OWL Applications Repository / and Mash- Formal Governance Validation Reasoning Registry ups files Ontologies Hosted or Appliance StepStep 3:3: ShareShare andand UseUse ► MachinesMachines useuse ontologiesontologies . The vocabularies are represented with formalism that are rich and precise enough for software . Vocabularies can be downloaded as OWL ontologies ► PeoplePeople useuse naturalnatural languagelanguage . (Most) People don’t understand XML, OWL, RDF, or even HTML . People understand text, images, tables, charts, links . Follow existing web paradigms that people are comfortable with (browsers, links, pages, addresses, search, discussions, etc.) ► KeepKeep thethe twotwo partsparts togethertogether . People have to understand the vocabulary to maintain and use it . If parts are kept separate, more difficult to diverge . It’s simply easier this way! (Manually aligning documentation with models is too much work) SemanticSemantic WikiWiki Knoodl.comKnoodl.com ► UsesUses thethe WikiWiki paradigmparadigm toto enableenable thethe developmentdevelopment andand useuse ofof OWLOWL vocabulariesvocabularies byby CommunitiesCommunities ofof InterestInterest (COIs)(COIs) . W3C-basedW3C-based OWLOWL editor,editor, registry/repositoryregistry/repository . FacilitateFacilitate sharingsharing Knoodl.comKnoodl.com isis …… ► AnAn internetinternet applicationapplication wherewhere peoplepeople cancan collaboratecollaborate withwith othersothers inin theirtheir communitiescommunities ofof interestinterest toto . Create, edit, share and find . Vocabularies / ontologies ► OWLOWL RepositoryRepository . Free, but licensing controlled by COI’s ► InstitutionalInstitutional KnowledgeKnowledge ManagementManagement . Users contribute content and benefit from the content . Vocabularies capture much of the institutional knowledge of an enterprise or community . Gain value over time Knoodl.comKnoodl.com ►KnoodlKnoodl isis aa collaborativecollaborative frameworkframework ►WeWe needneed threethree groupsgroups ofof stakeholdersstakeholders contributingcontributing toto thethe descriptiondescription andand contextcontext ofof thethe domaindomain ►BusinesspeopleBusinesspeople ►TechnicalTechnical peoplepeople ►DataData peoplepeople . KnoodlKnoodl providesprovides thethe featuresfeatures forfor thethe businessbusiness peoplepeople toto participateparticipate VocabularyVocabulary ManagementManagement Evolve vocabulary collaboratively VocabularyVocabulary ManagementManagement Use vocabulary to understand SemanticSemantic WikiWiki ►IncorporateIncorporate formalformal semanticsemantic technologytechnology intointo thethe preeminentpreeminent collaborationcollaboration technologytechnology . FeaturesFeatures thatthat facilitatefacilitate thethe constructionconstruction ofof formalformal semanticsemantic modelsmodels . FeaturesFeatures thatthat makemake itit simplesimple andand eveneven
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