THELEAVEN.COM | VOL. 35, NO. 33 | APRIL 4, 2014 LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE MCSORLEY Roeland Park’s Bishop Miege head baseball coach Will Gorden (far left) leads a clinic for kids ages 7-14. The clinic was followed by games with St. James Academy, Lenexa, all to benefit a cancer foundation called Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Rivals team up against cancer Game benefits Alex’s Lemonade Stand By Jessica Langdon Alex died in 2004, but lives on through the [email protected] foundation, which has raised more than $75 million and helped fund more than 375 pedi- ANSAS CITY, Kan. — atric cancer research projects. It also helps Baseball players from two families who have to travel for treatments by rival high schools went supplying things like gas cards to ease their to bat for children facing burden. cancer this past weekend, Miege senior Macie Heller and St. James and it’s safe to say they hit seniors Emma Blowey, Anne Marie Gart- it out of the ballpark with ner and Mara Kubicki attended a leadership this one. academy through the foundation last year, KBishop Miege High School in Roeland Park and now lead the Lemon Clubs at their re- and St. James Academy in Lenexa faced off spective schools to benefit the foundation. on March 29 at a “Strike Out Cancer” event Christy and Joe Heller — Macie’s parents at Community America Ballpark, home to — purchased the event opportunity at Com- the T-Bones, in Kansas City, Kan., to benefit munity America Stadium at Miege’s annual Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. auction. The nationwide foundation has grown out First on the roster for the March 29 event of the lemonade stand that 4-year-old Alex- was an hourlong mini-clinic for children LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE MCSORLEY andra “Alex” Scott, who had neuroblastoma, ages 7-14. For only $10, kids could attend the This young man shows off his pitching form in front of one of the clinic started back in 2000 to raise funds to find a coaches at the March 29 cancer research benefit at Community America >> See “EVENT” on page 4 cure for all children with cancer. Ballpark in Kansas City, Kan. The Leaven 04-04-14.indd 1 4/1/14 4:04 PM 2 archbishop THELEAVEN.COM | APRIL 4, 2014 APRIL 4, 2014 | THELEAVEN.COM second Front page 3 LIFE WIll BE VICTORIOUS Finish out Lent strong with special holy Week activities arch Mad- CALENDAR SHARING ness spills Holy Week Mass schedule for the Community of the Lamb arcHBISHOP over into NAUMANN M The liturgy of the Holy Week in the Community of the Lamb April! is conceived as a retreat in which we are invited to follow Je- April 4 sus step by step in his passion, death and resurrection. There- KEXS radiothon I hope you are doing ARCHBISHOP fore the offices are more numerous and more developed than PRIORITIES better than me with your those celebrated in parishes. Most of the offices are followed Confirmation — St. Michael NCAA brackets. My cousins JOSEPH F. NAUMANN by eucharistic adoration. the Archangel, Leawood always run a family pool, archbishop makes April 5 which this year had 101 par- For a complete listing of the Little Sisters’ Holy Week sched- Dedication of new building ticipants. Only three of the in preparing individuals for ule, call them at (913) 621-1727. If you wish to join the Little — Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 101 could still actually win. the reception of the sacra- Sisters for the liturgies of Holy Week, call at least 24 hours Topeka pastoral visit to My 91-year-old mother is ments, e.g., programs for ahead of time so that they may print enough booklets. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE BOllIG one and my niece Dee Dee parents presenting children April 6 Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann meets with leaders of Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Par- is another. Meanwhile, I am for baptism, for first com- Palm Sunday, April 13 Scout Mass — Cathedral of ish in Leavenworth. He listened to their reports about the parish’s progress in meeting the five municants, for those to be 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.: Third Office of the Palms Leavenworth parishes in the middle of the pack of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kan. confirmed, and for engaged 6 - 8:50 p.m.: Mass of the Passion archdiocesan pastoral goals he set out when he first arrived in the archdiocese. losers. By Joe Bollig couples. It is also beautiful April 7 If my mother were to [email protected] win, this would be her to see the regular care that Holy Thursday, April 17 Confirmation — Most Pure second victory in the pool’s is provided to parishioners 7:30 - 8:45 a.m.: Monastic Office Heart of Mary, Topeka who are sick or elderly, 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.: Feast of the Church EAVENWORTH— 38-year history. I have never When Archbishop Jo- finished in the top 10! If you especially the opportunity 6 – 8:30 p.m.: The Lord’s Supper April 8 afforded them to receive Approx. 1:20 – 2:50 a.m.: The Arrest of Jesus Priests Personnel meeting seph F. Naumann began need help with your NCAA his first round of pasto- brackets next year, I am holy Communion in their Good Friday, April 18 Confirmation — Sacred ral visits in 2004, the fo- planning to set up a consult- homes. 10 – 11 a.m.: The Trial of Jesus Heart, Shawnee cus was on sharing with ing service provided by my Each parish is unique and 11:15 a.m. - 3 p.m.: The Crucifixion - (Procession in the neigh- parishioners his five pastoral priori- mother. has its own special charac- April 9 L borhood, weather permitting) ties for the archdiocese. ter. There is a true beauty Curia meeting — Savior Pas- Last week, this column 3:45 - 5:30 p.m.: Celebration of the Cross Now, he’s asking parishioners to in our small town and rural toral Center was devoted to my reflec- 6:30 – 9 p.m.: The Burial of Jesus (in French) with Communion share their priorities with him — tion upon some of the great parishes. There is a special closeness in these com- St. Lawrence Center advisory whether they reflect their parish’s blessings that have occurred Holy Saturday, April 19 achievements or its challenges. in the Archdiocese of Kan- munities where each and council meeting — University 6 – 9 a.m.: The Descent of Jesus into Hades of Kansas Archbishop Naumann continued sas City in Kansas during every member is involved 11:30 p.m. – 4 a.m.: Easter Vigil and valued. In these smaller his second round of pastoral visits the past 10 years. I acknowl- April 10 communities, no one carries begun in 2012 with a visit on March edged that my list of 15 Easter Sunday, April 20 Religious Alliance Against any burden alone. It is won- 23 to Immaculate Conception-St. could hardly be considered 4:30 – 7:30 a.m.: Office of the Resurrection Pornography conference call Joseph Parish in Leavenworth. His derful to see how the entire 11:00 a.m.: Easter Mass comprehensive. One of my first pastoral visit to the parish was glaring omissions was the community rallies to help 5:30 p.m.: Second Vespers Administrative Team meeting and support any member in 2005. vitality of our parish com- During his visit, the archbishop who is experiencing some Confirmation for Christ the munities. was the main celebrant and homilist I am currently in my sec- adversity. One area of growth for and to take advantage of King, Our Lady & St. Rose, In our larger urban and every parish is to become the opportunities that are and Blessed Sacrament at the Sunday morning Mass. After ond round of pastoral visits Mass, he met with parish high school to parishes. I receive a lot suburban parishes, there more evangelizing com- already there. I also ask — Christ the King Church, Kansas City, Kan. youth to give a talk and answer ques- of hope from these visits as are so many opportunities munities. Our three most your prayers for the Holy that are available to aid recent popes have all been Spirit to guide our efforts tions. I catch a glimpse of the im- April 11 challenging us as individ- to discern what steps we Later, he had lunch with parish mense amount of good that parishioners in their spiritu- Lenten Day of Reflection need to take for our parishes ministry leaders and pastor Father is happening in our parishes al growth, such as: 1) Bible uals and communities to for chancery staff — Savior participate in the new evan- to become more effective David McEvoy, O.Carm., after which on a weekly — really, a daily studies; 2) men’s groups Pastoral Center LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE BOllIG that offer programs like gelization. evangelizing communities. the parish leaders presented their — basis. reports on how the parish was im- Archbishop Naumann was the main celebrant and homilist at the morning Mass on March 23 at Immaculate Conception Church, historic site of That Man is You; 3) School It is natural for parish Again this year, I invite April 12 Of course, the most plementing the five pastoral priori- the second cathedral. It was his second pastoral visit to Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Parish, which merged in 2007. important experiences that of Faith classes; 4) wom- communities to become you during Holy Week to Abbot’s Table reception and en’s groups like Women of self-absorbed with just participate in one of the dinner ties and the regional pastoral plan of secular employment — that there “We’re trying to expose parishes all of our parishes offer are 2006.
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