Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling n°3 / 1st October - 31th December 2013 Contents Introduction Seahorses Sea 3 Sea Cucumbers 3 Queen Conches 3 Welcome to the third world tour of endangered Sharks 4 species embarked in the cruel limbo and maels- Marine Mammals 4 trom of international traffic. Marine Turtles 6 Domestic Reptiles: Health Hazards 8 Supposed to be aphrodisiacs, euphoria-indu- Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises 8 cing, lucky charms, good or bad omens, divina- Snakes 12 tory or miraculous, many animals are sacrificed Snake Venom 15 on the universal altar of superstition, even vul- Sauria 16 tures. The black flood of black magic brings in Crocodilians 18 Airsickness 18 great amounts of money to those who exploit Multi-Species Reptiles 19 common naïvety and is taking a stronger role in international trafficking of animals and animal Falconry 22 parts. In that sense, anti-superstition laws that Birds 26 are starting to be enacted in India despite vio- Pangolins 30 lent and sometimes murderous reactions are, to the eyes of the « On the Trail » detectives, posi- Anti-Superstition and Black Magic Laws 34 tive steps towards progress and the respect of Primates 36 human and animal rights. Felines 39 The Bengal Tiger 43 CITES* Appendices Bears 45 Appendix I : species threatened with extinction. Zebras 47 Trade in specimens of these species is permitted Hippopotamuses 47 only in exceptional circumstances and under im- Rhinoceroses 48 port and export permits. Pollution in Kruger Park 52 Appendix II : export permit required in order to Elephants 56 avoid utilization incompatible with the species survival. Import permit if required by national law. The Cyanide Channel – follow up 56 Appendix III : species that are protected in at The Eiffel and the Ivory Tower 69 least one country, which has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in controlling the trade. In Other Mammals 70 the case of trade from a State that included the species in Appendix III, an export permit of that Multi-Species 72 State is required. Pense-bêtes 77 * Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. 179 Member States. Mongooses 78 1 This edition was carried out by Robin des Bois with the encouragement and financial support of the Fondation Brigitte Bardot, the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux and the Fondation Franz Weber reconnue d’utilité publique 28, rue Vineuse - 75116 Paris Tél : 01 45 05 14 60 www.fondationbrigittebardot.fr On The Trail # 3. Robin des Bois 2 Seahorses Sea Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are all listed un- der Appendix II. © Manfred Altamirano © Manfred © Bruno Congar Isostichopus fuscus Robin des Bois Queen Conches AMERICA Seizure of 9,000 kg of queen conches (Strombus gigas, Appendix II) ASIA Caucedo Port, Province of Santo Domingo, Do- minican Republic Seizure of 93 seahorses October 2013 Mankundu, State of West Bengal, India The queen conches were divided into 233 crates. November 19, 2013 They were to be exported towards China by the Día The seahorses were destined for Sri Lanka where a Día Marisco Trading SRL company. Penalty for this medicinal values are attributed to them. 142 mol- offence is a fine than can reach 10 to 200 times the lusks from the nudibranchia order, Glaucus atlanti- minimum salary in the public sector and/or a 2 to cus or Glaucus marginatus, were equally part of the 10 years prison term. In the Dominican Republic, seizure. Their global commercial value is estimated several legal instruments regulate queen conch at Rs 2 lakh (US$ 3,209). fishing: the Constitution, the law 307-04 on fishing and aquaculture, law 64-00 on the environment and natural resources and Decree 499-09 that pro- hibits queen conch catches every year between the 1st of July and the 31st of October. © Templus © Caucedo.com Below, Glaucus atlanticus, above, Glaucus marginatus Sea Cucumbers Caucedo Container port Seizure of 97 boxes and 12 bags of queen AMERICA conches (Strombus gigas, Appendix II) Santo Domingo, Province of Santo Domingo, Seizure of brown sea cucumbers (Isostichopus Dominican Republic fuscus, Appendix III in Ecuador) December 2013 Puerto Grande, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, The sea products (26 tons) were in a different Ecuador container: 97 boxes of queen conches, 12 bags October 2013 of queen conches, 696 bags of fighting conches Members of the Direction of the Galapagos National (Strombus Pugilis), 6 bags of shark fins and 4 bags of Park counted the sea cucumbers one by one. Dried sea cucumbers. The cargo was supposed to be im- and salted, they were expected by Asian communi- ported to Vietnam by the Ximda Trading Company, ties in Asia and North America. There were 32,477. B&R Shipping and Trading Ltd was in charge of the expedition leaving Santo Domingo. 3 On The Trail # 3. Robin des Bois Sharks an endangered species. Only male narwhals have this ‘tusk’, a left outer tooth that can reach up to 3 OCEANIA meters in length. Gender-targeted hunting is just another issue that affects the future of species. The Captain of the Hu Yu 911 sentenced to 4 months suspended prison term, a 5 million CFP francs fine (US$ 56 893) and confiscation of his long liner and cargo. Between Belep, Province North, New-Caledonia and Vanuatu November 2013 The Hu Yu 911, home port Shanghai, was hailed in © Glenn Williams New-Caledonia’s Exclusive Economic Zone under French administration in the Pacific Ocean. The Hu Yu 911 was undertaking fishing operations. The hulls contained 40 tons of yellow fin tuna, 7 sharks and 4 tons of shark fins. The Chinese captain was presented before the Noumea Court on November 20. He was sentenced to 4 months suspended pri- Seizure of 1.4 kg of dolphin meat (family Delphi- son term and a US$ 57,000 fine. The Court did not nidae, Appendix I or II) follow his argument according to which 62 km long Chimbote, Region of Ancash, Peru lines were not discriminate and it was not possible October 2013 to prevent sharks from being attracted to the bait. The meat was seized on the La Perla Market in Capture of all shark species is banned in the New Chimbote. The seller will be charged as stated by Caledonian EEZ, that is to say 1,245,000 km2. national law protecting dolphins and other marine Inspection of the Hu Yu 911 reignited the debate on mammals. This is law n°26585 from 1996 prohibi- the pillage of resources carried out by the Chinese ting capture and sale. fleet stationed in Vanuatu. The exact situation of The Chimbote fishing port is specialized in fish the demarcation line between the Vanuatu EEZ and meal. The port was recently set under the direction the Neo-Caledonian one, subject of controvercy, of the Regional Ancash Government who projects was brought up on this occasion. to have it modernized and become the main port for national and Brazilian exports. The first stage of this project already requires US$ 88 million invest- Marine Mammals ment out of an estimated total of US$ 300 million. AMERICA OPERATION LONGTOOTH Conviction of a man fined US$ 385,000 for traf- ficking 250 narwhal tusks (Monodon monoceros, Appendix II) St. Stephen, Province of New Brunswick, Canada © laprimeraperu.pe October 2013 He made a total of US$ 700,000 off the backs of narwhals, more precisely off narwhal tusks. Since 2003, he illegally exported and sold 250 tusks to 8 American clients in Maine and Hawaii. Gregory Logan used a trailer with a hidden compartment to tie tusks to the bottom and smuggle them across the border. The court of St. Stephen declared a US$ Seizure of 1.5 kg of dried dolphin meat (family 385,000 fine and 4 months of house arrest to the Delphinidae, Appendix I ot II) Canadian citizen who owns 2 houses, one in the Callao, Region of Lima, Peru Province of New Brunswick and the other in the October 2013 Province of Alberta. His arrest took place thanks to Dolphin is in style in Peru 1.5 kg of dried dolphin the cooperation between the U.S. and Canadian meat had been seized in the restaurant El Colo- services. Operation Longtooth, to date, failed to rao in Callao. According to the Mundo Azul NGO, shed light on the complicity that allowed Logan to 15,000 dolphins are illegally caught each year off capture 250 narwhal tusks, marine mammals that Peru. They can then be found on market stalls but only Inuit communities have the right to hunt to en- dolphin meat and fat is also used as bait for shark sure their right to livelihood. The import of narwhal fishing. tusks is banned in the United States. The narwhal is On The Trail # 3. Robin des Bois 4 ASIA Seizure of a dugong (Dugong dugon, Appendix I) Periapattinam, State of Tamil Nadu, India December 10, 2013 The dugong is listed in Appendix I of CITES since 2000, which forbids to export individuals live or © El Reportero Vecinal © El Reportero chopped to pieces. This one who’s 3 pieces were being carried by rickshaw had been caught in the Mannar gulf. The peaceful sea-water herbivore is victim of the destruction of sea-floor algae by trawling and so- called by catches. Dugong meat is sold for Rs 600 per kilogram (US$/kg 10). Complete nonsense tails say the meat has aphrodisiac and youth properties. El Colorao restaurant, Callao EUROPE Investigations opened following the sale of dol- phin meat (famiy Delphinidae, Appendix II) Rome and Civitavecchia, Italy December 2013 So it was no joke. Rumors have been going around for several years.
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