#---% 0 a- @@@s BRATHAY Brathay Trust (A charitable company Iimited by guarantee) Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year ended 31 March 2016 %*4 Compaiiy Registration Number: 2814206; Charity registration number 1021586; BRATHAY n-r'r'r-r Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Yeat Ended 31 March 2016 i#t01'at W.* k4 11 1 a'-?' @@*i BRATHAY Contents Page Legal and Administrative Information 3 Trustees' Report 4 Structure, Governance and Management 4 Objectives and Activities 6 Achievements and Performances 19 Financial Review 22 Trustees" Responsibilities 26 Independent Auditor's Report to the Members of Brathay Trust 27 Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities 29 Balance Sheet 30 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 31 Notes to the Financial Statements 32 @@@: Company Registration Number: 2814206; Charity registration number 1021586; BRATHAY Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2016 '?T=rtp'r 2 BRATHAY Legal and Administrative Information Registered office Contact details Brathay Hall Website www.brathay.org.uk Ambleside Email [email protected] Cumbria Telephone 015394 33041 LA22 0HP Fax 015394 39701 Trustees and directors at the date of approval of this Other trustees and directors who served during report the year James Brady Name Date appointed Neil Braithwaite Marc A Pate s June 2015 Howard P Cooper CBE Malcolm Tillyer 14 December 2015 Charles Cowling Christopher C S Heaton Margaret A Ledwith Diane Millward Michelle Skeer Malcolm M Tyndall Executive team at the date of approval of this report Principal solicitors Godfrey C Owen (Chief Executive) Thomson Hayton Winkley Heather T Dixon (Finance Director & 114-116 Stricklandgate Company Secretary) BA Hons, FCA Kendal Cumbria LAg 4QA Bankers Investment advisors Cumberland Building Society Sanlam Cumberland House Bank House Cooper Way 55 Main Street Parkhouse Kirkby Lonsdale Carlisle Cumbria CA3 0JF LA6 2AH '@*' Company Registration Number: 2814206; Charity registration number 1021586; BRATHAY 'xr=r'rrr Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2016 lll0§§mlk'.0ll 3 Trustees' Report for the year ended 31 March 2016 BRATHAY Structure, Governance and Management Governing Document Brathay Trust (Brathay) was first constituted as a charity in 1946. It was incorporated on 30 April 1993 as a company Iimited by guarantee and is registered as a charity in England and Wales. Brathay was registered as a charity in Scotland (no: SCO38803) until 16 February when, at Brathay's request, it was removed from the Scottish Charity Register. Brathay is governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association and a Trust Deed. Organisational Structure Trustees of Brathay are also directors u nder the Companies Act. The Board of Trustees has responsibility for setting and monitoring performance of Brathay against the strategic objectives and meets a minimum of four times a year. The Trustees have one committee, the Finance and Investment Committee, with other matters being reported directly to the Board. Additionally a number of Trustees have responsibility for liaising with the Executive in key areas. Finance and Investment Committee Chair Christopher C S Heaton BA Hons, ACA (Treasurer) Members Neil Braithwaite BA, FRSA, ACA; Michelle Skeer; Diane Millward ACMA, (with effect from 1 April 2016) The Finance and Investment Committee considers specific issues in greater detail and makes recommendations on those issues to the Board as a whole. It routinely meets five times a year, receives reports on operational matters and ensures the implementation of strategic decisions. It undertakes the annual audit review and monitors the performance of the investment managers. It reviews, recommends and reports to the Board on issues of financial reporting, major projects, reserves management, investment management, internal financial controls, financial risk management and the monitoring of compliance with relevant Iaw, regulations and good practice. a- .i ?@*i Company ReBistration Number: 2814206; Charity registration number 1021 586; BRATHAY Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2016 'XI rrrr :*va:a+w 4 € e '!, Trustees' Report @@@i for the year ended 31 March 2016 BRATHAY Structure , Governance and Management Daily Operations The Board has a written schedule of matters reserved for decision by the whole Board, which include: the formulation and implementation of strategy * overseeing the implementation of the strategy through annual operating plans and budgets monitoring progress accepting ultimate responsibility for the sound professional, Iegal and financial management of the charity. Matters not reserved for decision by the Board are delegated either to the Finance and Investment Committee or to the Chief Executive. Monthly reports are provided to Trustees, and the Chief Executive and Finance Director attend meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Chief Executive is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the financial performance and charitable impact of Brathay. Trustee Recruitment When recruiting new Trustees, the board Iooks for individuals with skills and experience which are of value to Brathay. Trustees, staff and other interested parties may nominate a person for consideration as a Trustee. Potential new Trustees meet with the Chair, Chief Executive and Trustees before being elected to the Board. They are provided with information about Brathay and visit either the head office in Ambleside or one of our regional offices. Newly appointed Trustees hold office until the AGM following their appointment, whereupon they are eligible for re-election for a term of two years, followed by up to two further terms of four years. Thereafter they are not eligible for re-election. There are no other constitutional provisions relating to appointments. Trustee Induction and Training On appointment, Trustees complete an induction programme that includes familiarisation with the purposes and operation of Brathay, appreciation of current issues and guidance on relevant policies such as conflict of interest, safeguarding and child protection. Whilst there is currently no formal training and development programme for Trustees, board performance reviews are carried out regularly. '@*'? Company Registration Number: 2814206; Charity registratIon number 1021586; BRATHAY L Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 3) March 2016 Ii T'Jr'rTX a s € w '% Trustees' Report a@*? for the year ended 31 March 2016 BRATHAY Objectives and Activities Subsidiary Activities Brathay has one wholly-owned subsidiary company, Brathay Services Ltd. Brathay Services Ltd delivers much of Brathay's work with organisations. With effect from 1 April 2015 it also delivers some of Brathay's work with young people. Additionally it runs a Iicensed bar and small shop at Brathay Hall for the benefit of programme participants; provides accommodation to individuals and conference delegates and runs some activity days for groups. A charging structure has been agreed between Brathay and the subsidiary so that Brathay is paid a reasonable sum for the resources used. The company"s profits are covenanted to Brathay in accordance with Gift Aid rules. As a result of its activities Brathay Services Ltd covenanted [981,000 to Brathay during the year (2014 - 2015: El,098,000). Further details can be found in note 15. Brathay Exploration Trust Limited Brathay Exploration Trust Limited (BET) was a charity, independent of Brathay Trust, whose objects were to * Provide educational and training opportunities nationally and internationally through the promotion, organisation and support of expeditions or other recreational activities of an enterprising or exploratory nature to increase environmental understanding and awareness within a framework of safe practice. * Advance the education of the public in subjects relating to the study of the physical and natural environment in particular by the promotion or support of scientific research and investigation provided that the useful results of such research or investigation are disseminated for public benefit. Following a critical evaluation of their business plan, in Iate spring 2015 Trustees of BET approached Brathay about a possible merger and BET members approved a proposal to wind up the charity and transfer its assets and resources to Brathay Trust. This merger took place on 1 November 2015. The key assets and liabilities transferred were the lease of Shackleton Lodge from the Francis C Scott Charitable Trust plus debtors, creditors and bank balances. The transfers of these assets and liabilities are included in these accounts by way of a donation, shown as an exceptional income item within the Statement of Financial Activities on Page 29. Brathay Trust is committed to ensuring the mission of BET continues following the merger. Partnerships Brathay recognises the fundamental importance of effective partnerships in ensuring it delivers its objectives and has a wide range of partnerships within the public, private and charitable sectors. Partners are central to Brathay's work with children and young people. They include funders, customers, Local Authorities, other charities, youth organisations, local community groups and young people. 'W Company Registration Number: 2814206; Charity registration number 1021586; BRATHAY 'XT -rY'( r Trustees' Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 March 2016 iw'--i smk 6 jp--. ? e '!, Trustees' Report @@@%s for the year ended
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