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THE COMPUTER PROGRAMS ARE FURNISMED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, RELIABILITY, USABILITY, OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE INFORMATION OR DATA CONTAINED IN THE PROGRAMS, OR FURNISHED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND TME UNITED STATES SHALL BE UNDER NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER TO ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP ENTITY BY REASON OF ANY USE MADE THEREOF. c X x Cx 2. THE PROGRAMS BELONG TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. THEREFORE, x C% THE RECIPIENT AGTEES NOT TO ASSERT ANY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS X CX PROGRAMS At40 ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TIIERETO, INCLUDING ALL x CX COPIES AND VERSIONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF, WILL BE DISCONTINUED x CX FROM USE OR DESTROYED UPON REQUEST BY THE GOVERNMENT. X rx 3. THE PROGRAMS'ARE TO BE USED ONLY IN TME PUBLIC INTEREST AND/OR THE ADVANCEPIENT OF SCIENCE AND WILL NOT BE USED BY THE RECIPIENT TO GAIN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OVER ANY CLIENT OR COMPETITOR. WHEREAS THE RECIPIENT MAY CHARGE CLIENTS FOR THE ORDINARY COSTS OF APPLYING THESE PROGRAEIS, THE RECIPIENT AGREES NOT TO LEVY A CHARGE, ROYALTY OR PROPRIETARY USAGE FEE UPON ANY CLIENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OR USE OF ANY PROGRAM RECEIVED, OR FOR ANY MODIFICATION OF SUCH PROGRAM BY THE RECIPIENT. ONLY MINOR OR TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS WILL BE MADE TO THE PROGRAMS (E.G., NECESSARY CORRECTIONS OR CHANGES IN THE FORMAT OF INPUT OR OUTPUT) WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE GOVERNMENT. THE PROGRAMS WILL NOT BE FURNISHED BY THE RECIPIENT TO ANY THIRD PARTY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. HOWEVER, INFORMATION ON THE SOURCE OF THE PROGRAMS WILL BE FURNISHED TO ANYONE REQUESTING SUCH INFORMATION. * 4. ALL DOCUMfNTS AND REPORTS CONVEYING INFORMATION OBTAIIIED AS x A RESULT OF TIE USE OF THE PROGRAMCS) BY THE RECIPIENT WILL x ACKNOWLEDGE THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEPARTllENT OF THE ARMY, AS x THE ORIGIN OF THE PROGRAM(S) AND FOR ANY ASSISTANCE RECEIVED IN x THEIR APPLIC4TION. x w Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE man Dsla Entsrsd) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORTWCUMENTATIONPAGE BEFORECOMPLETINGFORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 12. GovT I\ccEssIoN NO./ 3. REcIPtENT.s CATALOG NUMBER I Technical Report 5-75-5 4. TITLE (and SublltleJ 5. TYPE OF REPORT B PERIOD COVERED Final report WAVE EQUATION ANALYSES OF PILE DRIVING 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER I : D. Michael Holloway I I 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT. TASK AREA d WORK UNLT NUMBERS U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Soils and Pavements Laboratory Project 4A161102B52E Task 04, Work Unit 010 P. 0. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 391.80 Il. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE June 1975 Office, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Washington, D. C. 20314 105 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME B ADDRESS(II dlfferen( from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this loport) 1%. OECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRA~~NG SCHEDULE IS. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 101 <hie Report) I Distribution limited to U. S. Government agencies only; computer program documentation; June 1975. Other requests for this document must be re- ferred to U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. 18 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES $9. KEY WORDS (Conlinua on revsr-0 aid. if necessary end !dcn(lly by block r3umber) Cohesive soils Pile driving Wave equations 20. ABSTRACT (Cor>(!nus on rav0r.e stdo I< nocoaaory md ldenlih bp block number) The one-dimensional wave equation analysis has been found to be superior to dynamic formulae and other available numerical techniques for analyzing impact pile-driving behavior. The results are usually acceptable for selection of efficient hammer-pile-soil systems; somewhat limited success has been attained in predicting pile bearing capacity, particularly for piles in cohesive soils. The most successful applications of wave equation solutions have involved the (Cant inued) -- FORM DD , 73 1473 EDITION OF I HOV 65 15 OBSOLETE Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Ihen Data Enlorod) Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PlGEmon Date Enlorad) 20. ABSTRACT (Continued). selection of compatible driving equipment and determination of pile driveabilit Evaluation of peak driving stresses has reduced the incidence of pile breakage. Computer programs from Texas A&M University were adapted to computer facilities at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. The wave equation theory was reviewed, and analytical solutions based on one-dimensional theory were described. Examples of wave equation applications to practical engineerin problems are presented. A time-sharing version of the Texas A&M design-oriente computer program is listed and usage guidelines are provided. - Unclassified IECUR\TY CLkSS1FlCATION OF THIS PIGE(Hnoo Data Enlared) CATEGORY B L ELEC~RON~CCWUVERPROGRA#AIISTRAC~ TITIC Or PROGRAY PROGRAM NO. jlave Equation Analyses of Pile Driving (TAMPOR) 741-F3-ROO07 PIKNCV S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Geotechnical- Laboratory, P. 0. Box 631, Vicksbu AU~NOR~I~ ,Yk&%#m~O ITATUI Or PR06RAu . - -. C*... .,A*' I. Michael Holloway June 1975 Init Op A. PURPOK Or PRWRAM One-dimcusional wave equation analysis for analyzing impact pile-driying . ' behavior. B. ?ROORAM IP~ClFlCATIONI Written in standard time-sharing FORTRAN. Program adapted from Texas A&M University programs and converted to a time- sharing mode. 0. KWIWINT OtTAlU G-635 computer with time-sharing capability. L. INhlT.W'rCUT See documentation described below. '1 Documentation contained in WES TR S-75-5, "Wave Equation Analyses of Pile Driving," by D. M. Holloway, June 1975. I I U(G~ORY 2883 I AUO 60 CIIIVIOUS 101T10NS A". O.IOL.7.. PREFACE The work reported herein was conducted at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) under the sponsorship of the Directorate of Military Construction, Office, Chief of Engineers, under Research in Military Engineering and Construction, Project 4A161102B52E, Task 04, Work Unit No. 010, Study of Pile-Driving Stresses by the a Wave Equation. This study was conducted and the report was prepared by Mr. D. M. Holloway of the Soil Mechanics Division (SMD) under the direction of Mr. C. L. McAnear, Chief, SMD, Soils and Pavements Laboratory (S&PL). Mr. J. P. Sale was Chief, S&PL. BG E. D. Peixotto, CE, and COL G. H. Hilt, CE, were Directors of WES during the course of this investigation and the preparation of this report. Mr. F. R. Brown was Technical Director. CONTENTS Page PREFACE ............................. 1 CONVERSION FACTORS. U . S . CUSTOMARY TO IETRIC (SI) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ........................ 3 .PART I: INTRODUCTION ...................... 4 PART 11: WAVE EQUATION THEORY ................. 6 One-Dimensional Wave Equation ............... 6 Assumptions ........................ 10 PART 111: MATHEMATICAL MODELS ................. 12 Finite Difference Method ................. 12 Smith's Numerical Model .................. 14 Electronic Analog Method ................. 23 Finite Element Method ................... 27 PART IV: MATERIAL BEHAVIOR REPRESENTATIONS ........... 32 Hammers .......................... 32 Driving Accessories .................... 36 Piling .......................... 38 Pile-Soil Interaction ................... 39 PART V: WAVE EQUATION APPLICATIONS ............... 45 Finite Difference Wave Equation Computer Program ..... 45 Basic Concepts ...................... 47 Equipment Selection .................... 50 Bearing Capacity Prediction ................ 52 Example Problems ..................... 59 PART VI: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............ 69 REFERENCES ........................... 71 TABLES 1-9 APPENDIX A: WAVE EQUATION COMPUTER PROGRAM TAMFOR ....... A1 Basic Parameters ..................... A2 Problem Parameters .................... A5 APPENDIX B: NOTATION ...................... B1 CONVERSION FACTORS, U.
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