Logics and Typ e Systems een wetenschapp elijke pro eve op het gebied van de wiskunde en informatica proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van do ctor aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen volgens b esluit van het College van Decanen in het op enbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag septemb er des namiddags te uur precies do or Jan Herman Geuvers geb oren mei te Deventer druk Universiteitsdrukkerij Nijmegen Promotor Professor dr H P Barendregt Logics and Typ e Systems Herman Geuvers Cover design Jean Bernard Ko eman cipgegevens Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag Geuvers Jan Herman Logics and typ e systems Jan Herman Geuvers Sl sn Nijmegen Universiteitsdrukkerij Nijmegen Pro efschrift Nijmegen Met lit opgreg ISBN Trefw logica vo or de informatica iv Contents Intro duction Natural Deduction Systems of Logic Intro duction The Logics Extensionality Some useful variants of the systems Some easy conservativity results Conservativity b etween the logics Truth table semantics for classical prop ositional logics Algebraic semantics for intuitionistic prop ositional logics Kripke semantics for intuitionistic prop ositional logics Formulasastyp es Intro duction The formulasastyp es notion a la Howard Completeness of the emb edding Comparison with other emb eddings Reduction of derivations and extensions to higher orders The formulasastyp es notion a la de Bruijn Pure Typ e Systems Intro duction Denitions Examples of Pure Typ e Systems and morphisms The cub e of typ ed lamb da calculi Logics as Pure Typ e Systems Morphisms b etween Pure Typ e Systems Inconsistent Pure Typ e Systems Meta theory of Pure Typ e Systems Sp ecifying the notions to b e studied Analyzing equality on the pseudoterms A list of prop erties for Pure Typ e Systems v vi CONTENTS CR for Intro duction The pro of of CR for normalizing systems Discussion The Calculus of Constructions Intro duction The cub e of typ ed lamb da calculi and the logic cub e Some more metatheory for CC Intuitions b ehind the Calculus of Constructions Formulasastyp es of logics into the cub e The formulasastyp es emb edding into CC The formulasastyp es emb edding into subsystems of CC Conservativity relations inside the cub e Consistency of contexts of CC Formulas ab out datatyp es in CC SN for in CC Intro duction Metatheory for CC with conversion The pro of of SN for in CC Obtaining SN for CC from SN for F Strong Normalization for reduction in F Discussion Conuence and Normalization Semantical version of the systems Acknowledgements First of all I would like to thank my sup ervisor Henk Barendregt not only for creating a stimulating research environment during the last four and a half years but also for letting me nd my own way in the jungle of interesting sub jects of research But mayb e most of all I should thank him for sharing his knowledge with me I am also very grateful to all those other researchers that I have b een able to talk to and to listen to Esp ecially the contact with in reverse alphab etical order Benjamin Werner Marco Swaen Thomas Streicher Randy Pollack Christine Paulin MarkJan Nederhof James McKinna Zhaohui Luo Bart Jacobs Philippa Gardner Gilles Dowek Thierry Co quand Stefano Berardi Bert van Benthem Jutting Erik Barendsen and Thorsten Altenkirch has b een b oth very pleasant and very fruitful In an earlier stage the contact with Wim Veldman has b een very imp ortant his lectures have guided me into the eld of logic and have stimulated my interest in foundational issues In particular with resp ect to the contents of this thesis I would furthermore like to thank the manuscript committee consisting of Rob Nederp elt JanWillem Klop and Thierry Co quand for their judgement Sp ecial thanks to Rob Neder p elt for his detailed comments on part of an earlier version of this work and to James McKinna for his valuable comments on English contents and typ os Erik a Barendsen deserves a very sp ecial thanks without his knowledge of L T X and E his willingness to always answer my technical questions this thesis would not b e as it is now A pleasant working environment is very valuable and almost a necessary con dition for a go o d result I would therefore like to thank the p eople from our faculty that have made work pleasant esp ecially those from the research groups foundations of computing science and parallelism and computational mo dels Last but not least I would like to thank Monique for her supp ort during the ups and the downs of the work on this thesis vii viii CONTENTS Prop ositio ns Dene the mapping from full onesorted rst order predicate logic to higher order prop osition logic as follows x x Rt t Rt t n n x x x x So for example xP x P x xP x P x The x on the left is an ob ject variable the x on the right a prop ositional variable Similarly the R on the left is a relation symb ol the R on the right a higher order variable In fact the range of the mapping is a very small extension of second order prop ositionl logic The mapping is sound but not complete There is no xed p oint combinator in the Pure Typ e System U Thanks to Benjamin Werner The system of higher order prop ositional logic PROP is a conservative extension of second order prop ositional logic PROP The pro of uses the fact that complete Heyting algebras constitute a sound and complete mo del for PROP If is a set of formulas and a formula of PROP such that PROP with derivation then it is in general not true that the normal form of which is obtained by eliminating cuts is a derivation of PROP In typ ed lamb da calculus this corresp onds to the following two facts Let b e a context and b e a typ e of Then M nfM ix x CONTENTS M N N Therefore it is not surprising that up to now there is no purely syntactical pro of of the conservativity of PROP over PROP The restriction of the typ ed lamb da calculus with recursive typ es to the calculus where one only allows abstractions over p ositive typ e schemes is not a real restriction For every typ e of one can construct a typ e of such that Hence all lamb da terms can b e given a typ e in The pro of of Corollary in Barendregt is not complete the part stating M has a nf M has a nf is indeed trivial but it is not true that contractions do not create new redexes It is wellknown that it is imp ossible to prove in the Calculus of Constructions Here and are the p olymorphic Church numerals In the inconsistent systems U and U the statement is of course provable but even with a pro of in normal form Let N b e the Pure Typ e System with conversion dened by S N A N N R N N N If N satises the ChurchRosser prop erty for reduction CR then all Pure Typ e Systems satisfy CR The relation with d t u if t t and u is a domain of t for some t d is in general not wellfounded on the set of welltyp ed terms of a Pure Typ e System A domain of t is a term that app ears in t as the typ e of a abstraction This causes a problem when trying to prove conuence of reduction in Pure Typ e Systems that are not normalizing CONTENTS xi Besides the dierence in income the most imp ortant dierence b etween AIOs and the oldstyle research trainees on Dutch universities is that the rst on top of the tasks of the oldstyle research trainees also have the duty to follow courses The AIOs should not demand from the universities that they organise courses as comp ensation for the nancial oer Instead they should try to keep their duties in terms of courses they have to attend as low as p ossible The exp erience of having deep insight is not the same as having deep insight The rst can b e attained by various means the second only by serious study xii CONTENTS Chapter Intro duction In this thesis we are concerned with systems of logic systems of typ es and the relations b etween them The systems of typ es should b e understo o d here as systems of typ ed lamb da calculus so in fact this thesis takes up the study of the relation b etween typ ed lamb da calculus and logic This is not a new sub ject a lot of research has b een done most of which is centered around the so called formulasastyp es emb edding from a logical system into a typ ed lamb da calculus This emb edding will also b e the main topic of this thesis The rst to describ e the formulasastyp es emb edding was Howard who also intro duced the terminology formulasastyp es Howard The manuscript of this pap er go es back to and a lot of ideas b ehind the emb edding go back even further esp ecially to Curry see Curry and Feys who was the rst to note the close connection b etween minimal prop osition logic and combi natory logic The article of Howard
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