.'emple • Beth-EI, Bro~d & Glenham Sts. fj ~dltorials ii T ·. Statesmen Or--? ... · . HE With due allowance for lap­ HERALD ses caused by excitement under stress, the American public has VOL. XVI No. 4 PROVIDENCE, R. L, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1941 5 CENTS ·THE COPY the right to demand that those - -------------=---------::---------------,-, -------------------- :~~.:i:!that designation s~:II ::n,~:::r~:dea:: by limiting To Dec,· de Pa Iest·, ne's Ro 11 In War their oratorical blows by the ru~~: ;[teg;::r ~:~~ recent vio- Four British Jews Labor Committee to Plan For Weizmann Coming 0rd ~:'ir°0~:0;~= inary good taSle. Cited for Bravery Campaign at Conference Sun. Here from England (1) Senator Burton K. Wheel- (h · I R h f er of Montana is guilty of the Honored For Helping Baruch Zuckerman, a member _e~ica esea~c or following inexcusable lapses: d of the Palestine" Delegation, and Britain to be Discussed (a) In a radio attack on the Injured in Air Rai S a noted Poa!c .Zion leader, will NEW YORK. Dr. Chaim !end-lease bill, Mr. Wheeler LONDON. - The George i\led- be principal speaker at a confer- Weizmann, President of the J ew- said: al was awarded this week lo ence of the National Labor Com- isb Agency for Palestine and of "Now we find these same in­ Barnett Lewis of London for mittee on Sunday aft ernoon, 2:30 the World Zionist Organization, ternational bankers with th eir conspicuous bravery during an o'clock, in the Narragansett Ho- · who has been engaged in import- fri~ds, the royal refugees, and air raid.- tel, having as his subj ect, "Pales- ant war work in a special chem- with the Sassoons of the Orient A large hi gh-explos ive bomb tine At The Present Time." ical laborator y at the British and with the Rothschilds and had fallen on three shops under i\lr. Zuckerman bas been idenli- Admiralty in England cluring _Lbe \Varburgs of Europe in another w hi ch there w ere two public fi ed with Jewish communal life past seven months, wili' fly to theme song . 'Our invest- air raid shelt ers cont aining more in this count ry for tbe past thirty tbe United States Crom Lisbon ments in India, Africa and Eu- than 60 persons. The roofs of years, havi ng served in various by Clipper thi s week for a rope must be preserved. Save the shelters collapsed and water capacities in the Joint Distribu- brief visit to this country. democracy !' " fl ooded them two-and-a-half fee t tion Comm itt ee, American Jfw- Dr. ,veizman n, who hp.d on a (b) Immediately after passage deep. One man was trapped and ish Co ngress and the Zi onist or- number of previous occasions of the lend-lease bill, th e press in dange r of drowning and four ganiza ti on. At the present time planned to come to the United quoted Mr. Wheeler thus: others were pinned by their legs he is touring th e country on be- States, was detained in London "The passage of the bill is a under roll ed steel joists. half of the Histadrut, Federa- BARUC H ZUC KERMA.i'\' by bis war duties and by vital victory for ~ir. Roosevelt and Lewis waded to the first man, lion of J ewish Workers and Pi- Principal Speaker developments with regard to the the international bankers." who had been injured by large oneers in Palestine. ________ ______ role of the Jewish communi~ (2) Senator Robert A. Taft of pi eces of brickwork and timber, Abraham Hamlin of Boston will of Palestine in tbe defense of tbe Ohio said several days ago that walk ed up tbe dangerous roof_ and also appea r as guest speaker at is being held to plan for the 16th Middle Eastern front. he rather would see Germany forced the brickwork away. Then the Sunday Conference, wbicb Annual Campaign for Funds, During his brief stay in this win than see the United States he tound tbe timber still holding which w ill b~ opened at the country Dr. Weizmann will con­ enter the war. (\Vould y0u re­ the man down, obtai ned a saw Wine Cargo Arrives Third Seder Ce lebration, to oc- fer with leading American scien­ vise that statement, Mr. Taft, a nd freed tbe man just as the cur on April 13 at the Narragan- lists regarding bis chemical re­ if the Nazis meant as certain water reached his bead. Here from Palestine sett Hotel. search for tbe British war effort death to your own close circle NEW YORK. - Aft er a voyage Three of the first six awards The committee arranging for and will discuss w ith American of relatives and friends as the of over 14,000 miles through Pal­ and commendations for civilian tbe Conference includes : Solo­ J ewisb leaders plans for enab- Nazis mean to certain others of esti ne and Syria, across tbe des­ gallantry in Hampstead have gone mon Lightman, Morris W. Sb~­ ling Palestine to give maximum your constituency- Protestant, ert to Basrab in Iraq, then by sea to Jews. Sector Warden Joseph ham, Samuel Shpreche,, Harry aid to tbe cause of British in tbe Catholic and Jewish?) around the Cape of Good Hope, Levy was the first Hampstead Chae!, J oseph Biller, Israel Res­ Middle East. Dr. Weizmann's (3)' The former Senator Rush a cargo of ,Vine from Palestine warden to receive the British nick, Mrs. Rose Beeber, Arthur visit is or special importance in Holt of West Virginia, address• has arrived in New York and will Empire Medal. With a bomb Korman and Alter Bayman. view of tbe recent developments ing a Mothers of Sons meeting be placed on tbe market in time having just exploded and the air in Southeaster n 1'urope and in · .J --4~-,....._JL Em.e_ry \"Auditorium in Cinc:Jn­ [or_ P.as.soyer _hnlida>\ ac:.cor.dint1 so- t11 icl;: with dust that it ·was Syria which have placed Paies- - -­ nati Saturday evening, Ma.rch to an announcement by Robert line 1h a strategic position in the 8th, said: difficult to see, be entered a col­ Szold, Co-Chairman and Treasur­ Vichy To Hand re lapsing building and brought out prosecution of tbe war by tbe "I am getting sick and tired er of the ,Emergency Committee British in the Eastern Mediter­ of seeing the refugees enjoying several persons, including some for Zionist Affairs. injured. He himself was burl 'Jewish Question' ranean. Tbe world-renowned prosperity and life in this coun­ The loss of European markets VICHY. - A more strict en­ J ewish leader, wbo served as the try and then tr ying to involve and trapped. for Palestine products, especiall y forcement of tbe anti-Jewish re­ Director of the chemical labora- us and take us over to the war oranges and wine, has had. an stri cti ons was seen this ,veek in tories at tbe British Admiralty they try lo escape. Let's char- . Gestapo Re arrest adverse effect on tbe economy of tbe announcement by tbe Petain during the First World War from ter a boat for the refugees and • Palestine, it was stated by,Mr. Government of the appointment 1916 to 1919, will remain in this let them fight." J --. h L d Szold. Tbe shipment of wine and of a general commissariat to deal country for only a short period, (4) Senator Rufus C. Holman ew1s ea er shipments of Palestine products with "the Jewish question" in un­ as · be expects to return to Lon- of Oregon, in the lease-lend bill which are expected to arrive in occupied France. The move was don as quickly as possible to debate, said: ZUR ICH. - Dr. Otto Hirsch, Am erica, will help to remedy tbe linked with discussions between carry on his war duties. "Adolf Hitler has broken the principal leader of tbe Jews in situati on. Vice-Premier Admiral Darlan At tbe present time tbe Daniel control of international bankers Germany, bas been arrested and tbe Nazi authorities. Sieff Chemical Research Institute and traders over the rewards again by the Gestapo, and other CALLED "ERRA.i'<D BOY" The news was regarded as an in Palestine, of wbicb Dr. Weiz­ for the labor or the common peo­ Jewish leaders have bee n called ZURICH. - The Gernian radio attempt to speed enforcement of mann is tbe bead, is engaged in ple of Germany." up for compulsory labor servlce, bas denounced Wendell Will­ tbe anti-Jewish statute of Octo­ scientific work to aid the British The Messrs. Wheeler, Taft, it was lea rned here this week. L. ber 18 w bicb barred Jews from forces in the Middle East. Holman and Holt· ought to know Fearing intensified anti-Jew­ ki e for accepting an a,vard of the Jewish War Veterans of tbe Government posts, armed forces, the Nazis love them dearly for ish measures, threatened if the Unit ed States, terming hin1 "a n motion pictures, newspapers and such beautiful "i nside jobs" of aid-to-Britain bill passed at 1400 Shuttle Between errand boy for world Jewry." publishing. tu rning one group or Ameri..cans Washington, Jews in Berlin were against another. In fact, emin­ spurring eff orts to emgirate. Hungary, Rumania ent Nazis already have predicted Two groups of C,e rm nn Jews who NEW YORK. - Fourteen bj-m­ 11,at the German capture of-Am­ had succeeded in obtaining visas Goldman to Tour. S. America dred Jews, including women and erica will be an inside job.
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