Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) From: Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) Sent : Monday, May 22, 2017 3:39 PM To: Wroblewski, Jonathan; Morales, Michelle; Crowell, James (ODAG) Cc: Mann, James (CRM); Terwilliger, Zachary {OOAG) Subject : Meeting POC: Marcia Murphy, Nathalliel Gamble 202-514-2101 Atten-clees: ODAG,: DAG Rosenstein, James CroweU, Zach TerwilLiger CRM: Jamie Mann OPL: Jonathan Wroblew ski, Michelle Morales Judge Amy St 'Eve Hote: This meeting is limited to the invited attendees only. Yo u are not authori:ted to forward this invrta1ion. If you believe other ioclividuaJs should be included, please contact the ODAG Front Office. Document ID: 0.7.22218.197169 20190702-0000157 i@WM11riiffidt1ifif'if■-------------------------- From: (b)(6) Lisa Emsel. US Comis Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:17 PM To: Rosenstein, Rod (USAMD) Subject: Another name Rod, I don't know how far you have gotten, but another name you might consider with bipartisan credentials and relevant experience is _ _ Larry Silberman Document ID: 0.7.22218.38168 20190702-0003375 -•'(U_s_A_o_c)____________________ From: (b )(6) {USADC) Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 1:04 PM To: Raman, Sujit (ODAG); Cardwell, Christine (ODAG); Schools, Scott {ODAG); Rosenstein, Rod (OOAG) Ce: Atwe ll, Tonya (ODAG); Lofthus, Lee J (JMD) Subject: RE: Correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General Attachments: (b)( 6) Good afternoon: (b)(6) Thanks, (b)( 6) Special Assistant U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney's Office for the District ofColumbia Civil Division 555 Fourth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 (b)(6) From: Atw ell, Tonya (ODAG} (mai lto:[email protected]) Sent: Thursday, May 18, 201712:16 PM To: (b )(6) Subject: Correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General Importance: High Document ID: 0.7.22218.29598 20190702-0003385 Dear_ , Please see attached for correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding your (b)(6) Please, confirm a receipt ofthese materials. Thank you, Tonya Atwell Staff Assistant Document ID: 0.7.22218.29598 20190702-0003386 U. S. Department of Justice Office of the Deputy Attorney General Assoc iate Deputy Attorney General Washington, D.C. 20530 May 18, 2017 (b)(6) Dear (b)(6) of the Deputy Attorney General, and will address your Document ID: 0.7.22218.29598-000001 20190702-0003387 I look forward to hearing from you. Ji man Associate Deputy Attorney General Document ID: 0.7.22218.29598-000001 20190702-0003388 OIG, Evaluation and Inspect.ions Division (OIG) From: OIG, Evaluation and Inspections Division (OIG) Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 6:28 PM Subject= Formal Draft Management Advisory Memorandum Attachments: Formal Draft Management Advisory Memorandum.pdf; Formal Draft Management Advisory Memorandum - Tracked Changes.pdf The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) plans to issue a Management Advisory Memorandum to the Department to accompany a final report on the hand.ling of sexual harassment and misconduct allegations by the Department's Civil Division. We previously provided your office a draft of the Management Advisory Memorandum for technical comments. For your convenience, we have included in this email a version that shows the t racked changes made to the formal draft in response to the technical comments we received. Recipien ts of this formal draft must not disclose its contents fo r purposes other than official review and comment. Please provide any additional comments to the formal draft report by May 19, 2017, so that we may consider it before issuing the final Management Advisory Memorandum. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Nina Pelletier, Assistant Inspector General, Evaluation and Inspections, at (202) 616-4620. Please be advised that this is a non-monitored email accou nt. Do not reply to this email. Address all inquiries to Ms. Pelletier directly. Attachment: • Formal Draft Management Advisory Memorandum - Tracked Changes • Formal Draft Management Advisory Memorandum Document ID: 0.7.22218.28289 20190702-0005261 Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) From: Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) Sent : Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:34 PM To: Murphy, Marcia (OD.AG} Cc: Terwilliger, Zachary (ODAG); Crowell, James (ODAG) Subject: Re: RJR-GBCRemarks 5.15.17.docx Sure. On May 16, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Murphy, Marcia {ODAG) <[email protected]> wrote: OK to send these remarks to the GBC? <RJR-G BCRe-marks 5.15.17.docx> Document ID: 0.7.22218.8179 20190702-0005287 RemarksofRodJ.Rosenstein(asprepared) Upon Acceptanceofthe Howard “Pete” RawlingsCourage in PublicServiceAward GreaterBaltimoreCommittee May15,2017 Good evening. It’sniceto bin Baltimore. e Iwanttoreadyouaq uotefrom anewspaperarticle: “SomesayRodRosenstein’sjobisoneofthemost precariouspositionsin publicservice.” That was writtenin2007.I wasU.S.AttorneyforMarylandatthe time,sosomethingsdonochanged. Iamthe37 th DeputyAttorneyGeneraloftheUnitedStates.Thepositionhasexistedfor67years. You dothemath. Itisparticularlyhumblingtobeheretoreceivethisawardbecausesomanypeoplewhodeserveitmore thanIdohaveearnedthisaward,including-PaulSarbanesandBarbaraMikulskiwhoareresponsible formebeingU.S.Attorney,ElijahCummings,FredBealefeld,whoresponsibleforhelpingmetoreduce violentcrimeinBaltimore,andofcourse,PeteRawlings. Afterthe10thdayonmynewjobawell-meaningfriendtexte dme, “you need to getoutofthere.” And Iwas remindedofaquotationbyThomasPaine atthefoundingoftherepub lic. He wrote, “the Summer soldierand the sunshinepatriotwill, in crisis, shrinkform the serviceoftheircountry.” AndI responded tomyfriend, “there no is place Iwould e.” ratherb Whatiscourageingovernment? Certainlystandingonprinciple. Ignoringthetyrannyofthenewscycle. Resistingtheurgetospin,andremainingfocusedonthethingsthatmatter. Dailynewspapersandendlesstalkshowsarenotthefinalverdictofhistory. To paraphraseWillRogers: The troublewith some peopleisnotso much whattheyDON’Tknow. It’s whattheyTHINKtheyknowthatjustain’tso. ManypeoplehaveofferedmeunsolicitedadviceoverthepastfewdaysaboutwhatIshoulddoto promotemypersonalreputation. ButItookanoathtopreserve,protectanddefendtheConstitutionoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thereisnothinginthatoathaboutmyreputation. Ifyouaskme,oneofthemainproblemsinWashington,D.C.isthateverybodyissobusyrunningaround tryingto protecttheirreputation, instead ofprotectingour repub lic, whichiswhatthey’resupposed to bedoing. That’senough outWashington,ab D.C. For12years,IdroveonehoureachwaytoworkhereinBaltimoreCitytoworkwithsomanyofyouto improveBaltimore. IamproudofwhatweaccomplishedinBaltimore. IloveBaltimore. Foralong time,wewereallworkingtogethertobuildasafeBaltimore. Acitywhereourchildren allofour children-canliveinsafety. Document ID: 0.7.22218.136553-000001 20190702-0005289 Butsomethinghasgonewrong. Ourmurderrateisheadedtoarecordhigh. ThelastcaseIworkedonbeforeleavingtownthreeweeksagoinvolvedthemurderofafouryearold girl,McKenzieElliott. TheynamedastreetafterherinBaltimore,andputupasign. Icameheretonighttotellyouthatweneedtohavethecouragetorestoresafetytoourstreets. Thisis notapoliticalissue. Thisisnotapartisanissue. Thisisacommitmentweallneedtoshare. Thisispoliceweek. Weneedtohavethecouragetosupportlawenforcement. Eventhoughtheyarenotperfect. Even thoughtheyarenotalwaysright. Weneedthemnow. Weneedthemnowmorethanever. Wearedoingwhatwecantosupportyouwithfederalagents,butafewdozenfederalagentscannot replacehundredsofBaltimoreCityPoliceofficers. Youneedtosupportthosepoliceofficers. Youneed togetthemoutonthestreetwheretheycanprotectkidslikeMcKenzieElliott,wheretheycanclear drugdealersoffstreetcornerssothatpeoplecanliveinsafety. Iknowthesepoliceofficers. I prosecutedsomepoliceofficers.ButmostofthepoliceofficersyouhavehereinBaltimoreCityare honorablepeoplewhoaretryingtodotherightthing. Theydeserveyoursupportandtheyneedyour support. Sopleasegivethemyoursupport. Thisawardisaboutcourage. IworkwithlawenforcementofficersandIcantellyouthatwhatour policeofficersdoeverydayonthestreets-thatistruecourage. Nobodyeverdiedfromabadnews story. Havethe couragetogettough on crime. Please, let’sstoporderingstreetsignsformurdered children. IwanttothankDonFryforhissuperbleadershipoftheGreaterBaltimoreCommittee. Theyaredoinga lotofgreatthingsforyou. Iamverygratefulforthisaward. ButIhavetoconfess,I didn’t deserveitinApril. don’t I deserveit tonight. ButIwilltrytoearnit. Thankyou. Document ID: 0.7.22218.136553-000001 20190702-0005290 Murphy, Marcia (ODAG) From: Murphy, Marcia {ODAG} Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:19 PM To: Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) Subject:. RE: Video of Mr. Rosenstein award and his speech mlllllllll4is my direct number. From: Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 4:18 PM To: Murphy, Marcia (ODAG) <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Video of Mr. Rosenstein award and his speech What is your phone number? On May16, 2:017, at 11:28AM, Murphy, Marcia (ODAG) <mmurphy@>wrote: FYI.•. From: Mark Guidera [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 201710:21 AM To: Murphy, Marcia (ODAG} <[email protected]> Subject: Video of Mr. Rosenstein award and his speech Marcia: Mr. Rosenstein award and his speech: user10242217/review/217619002/f84f9951bd The speech begins at4:00. The speech has gotten some news pick up (local print press was allowed in), and I now have a request from ABC in D.C. for a copy of the video. We typically provide local and national precSS with this, but let me know of any concerns. I am advising the DOJ Public A ffairs Office as well. -Mark Mark Guidera Vice President~ Communications & Marketing Greater Baltimore Comn:rittee 111 S. Calvert Street
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