IUCN Red List version 2021-2: Table 7 Last Updated: 04 September 2021 Table 7: Species changing IUCN Red List Status (2020-2021) Published listings of a species' status may change for a variety of reasons (genuine improvement or deterioration in status; new information being available that was not known at the time of the previous assessment; taxonomic changes; corrections to mistakes made in previous assessments, etc. To help Red List users interpret the changes between the Red List updates, a summary of species that have changed category between 2020 (IUCN Red List version 2020-3) and 2021 (IUCN Red List version 2021-2) and the reasons for these changes is provided in the table below. IUCN Red List Categories: EX - Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, CR - Critically Endangered [CR(PE) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct), CR(PEW) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild)], EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, LR/cd - Lower Risk/conservation dependent, NT - Near Threatened (includes LR/nt - Lower Risk/near threatened), DD - Data Deficient, LC - Least Concern (includes LR/lc - Lower Risk, least concern). Reasons for change: G - Genuine status change (genuine improvement or deterioration in the species' status); N - Non-genuine status change (i.e., status changes due to new information, improved knowledge of the criteria, incorrect data used previously, taxonomic revision, etc.); E - Previous listing was an Error. IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category MAMMALS (Mammalia) Alouatta sara Bolivian Red Howler Monkey LC NT G 2021-1 Aotus zonalis Panamanian Night Monkey DD NT N 2021-1 Cebus brunneus Venezuelan Brown Capuchin LC EN N 2021-2 Chalinolobus tuberculatus New Zealand Long-tailed Bat VU CR G 2021-1 Crocidura allex East African Highland Shrew VU LC N 2021-2 Crocidura buettikoferi Buettikofer's Shrew NT LC N 2021-2 Eonycteris major Greater Dawn Bat DD NT N 2021-1 Falsistrellus tasmaniensis Eastern False Pipistrelle LC VU N 2021-1 Harpyionycteris celebensis Sulawesi Harpy Fruit Bat VU NT N 2021-1 Hipposideros madurae Maduran Leaf-nosed Bat LC NT N 2021-2 Hipposideros sorenseni Sorensen's Leaf-nosed Bat VU EN N 2021-2 Hipposideros stenotis Northern Leaf-nosed Bat LC VU N 2021-1 Hyperoodon ampullatus Northern Bottlenose Whale DD NT N 2021-1 Kerivoula myrella Manus Island Woolly Bat DD VU N 2021-1 Loxodonta africana African Savanna Elephant VU EN N 2021-1 Mico leucippe Golden-white Bare-ear Marmoset VU LC N 2021-1 Miniopterus paululus Philippine Long-fingered Bat DD LC N 2021-2 Myotis frater Fraternal Myotis DD LC N 2021-2 Phoniscus papuensis Golden-tipped Bat LC VU G 2021-1 Plecturocebus olallae Olalla Brothers’ Titi EN CR G 2021-1 Plerotes anchietae D'Anchieta's Fruit Bat DD LC N 2021-1 Pteropus howensis Ontong Java Flying Fox DD CR N 2021-1 Saimiri oerstedii Black-crowned Central American Squirrel Monkey VU EN N 2021-1 Saimiri vanzolinii Black Squirrel Monkey VU EN N 2021-1 Scotonycteris zenkeri Zenker's Fruit Bat LC NT N 2021-1 Syconycteris carolinae Halmaheran Blossom Bat VU NT N 2021-1 Trachypithecus barbei Tenasserim Lutung DD VU N 2021-1 REPTILES (Reptilia) Aipysurus apraefrontalis Short-nosed Sea Snake CR DD N 2021-2 Aipysurus foliosquama Leaf-scaled Sea Snake CR DD N 2021-2 Amblyodipsas rodhaini Rodhain's Purple-glossed Snake DD LC N 2021-1 Anolis armouri Black-throated Stout Anole NT EN N 2021-2 Anolis cusuco EN CR N 2021-2 Anolis longiceps Navassa Anole VU LC N 2021-2 Anolis maculigula Rueda's Anole VU NT N 2021-2 Anolis monticola La Hotte Bush Anole NT VU N 2021-2 Anolis pinchoti Crab Cay Anole VU LC N 2021-2 Asaccus caudivolvulus Emirati Leaf-toed Gecko LC CR N 2021-2 Atractaspis reticulata Mole Viper DD LC N 2021-1 Bavayia crassicollis Strand Bavayia DD VU N 2021-2 Bavayia cyclura Forest Bavayia DD EN N 2021-2 Bavayia exsuccida Sclerophyll Bavayia EN CR N 2021-2 Bavayia montana Montane Bavayia DD EN N 2021-2 Bavayia ornata Ornate Bavayia EN CR N 2021-2 Bavayia pulchella Pretty Bavayia NT EN N 2021-2 Bavayia sauvagii Sauvage's Bavayia DD EN N 2021-2 Boiga beddomei Beddome's Cat Snake DD LC N 2021-2 Caledoniscincus orestes Panié Litter Skink EN VU N 2021-2 Caledoniscincus terma Mandjélia litter skink VU DD N 2021-2 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category Centrochelys sulcata African Spurred Tortoise VU EN G 2021-1 Chilabothrus angulifer Cuban Boa LR/nt LC N 2021-2 Chilabothrus monensis Mona Island Boa EN NT G 2021-2 Cnemaspis nilagirica Nilgiri Day Gecko DD NT N 2021-2 Cnemaspis yercaudensis Yercaud Day Gecko LC EN G 2021-2 Cordylus rivae Ethiopian Girdled Lizard LC DD N 2021-1 Cryptoblepharus ater Black Snake-eyed Skink DD VU N 2021-2 Cynisca schaeferi Cameroon Worm Lizard DD EN N 2021-2 Cyrtodactylus jeyporensis Jeypore Ground Gecko CR EN N 2021-2 Dierogekko insularis Islands Striped Gecko NT EN N 2021-2 Dierogekko nehoueensis Striped Gekko CR EN N 2021-2 Elapsoidea chelazzii Somali Garter Snake EN DD N 2021-1 Epibator greeri Greers Tree Skink DD EN N 2021-2 Eunectes deschauenseei Dark Spotted Anaconda DD LC N 2021-2 Eurydactylodes occidentalis CR EN N 2021-2 Eurydactylodes symmetricus Large-scaled Chameleon Gecko EN NT N 2021-2 Gekko scabridus Yunnan Gecko DD LC N 2021-2 Geoscincus haraldmeieri Meier's Skink CR DD N 2021-2 Gopherus agassizii Mojave Desert Tortoise VU CR N 2021-2 Hardella thurjii Crowned River Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Hemidactylus makolowodei DD EN N 2021-2 Hemidactylus sataraensis Satara Gecko VU CR G 2021-2 Hemidactylus smithi Smith's Leaf-toed Gecko DD LC N 2021-1 Heosemys annandalii Yellow-headed Temple Turtle EN CR N 2021-1 Heosemys grandis Giant Asian Pond Turtle VU CR G 2021-2 Indotestudo forstenii Forsten's Tortoise EN CR G 2021-2 Kinixys homeana Home's Hinge-back Tortoise VU CR G 2021-2 Leptosiaphos rhodurus Red Five-toed Skink DD LC N 2021-2 Letheobia feae St. Thomas' Beaked Snake LC DD N 2021-2 Letheobia stejnegeri Stejneger's Beaked Snake DD LC N 2021-1 Lissemys punctata Indian Flapshell Turtle LR/lc VU N 2021-1 Lissemys scutata Burmese Flapshell Turtle DD LC N 2021-1 Lycophidion acutirostre Mozambique Wolf Snake LC DD N 2021-2 Malayemys subtrijuga Mekong Snail-eating Turtle VU NT N 2021-1 Manouria impressa Impressed Tortoise VU EN G 2021-2 Marmorosphax montana Montane Marble-throated Skink VU EN N 2021-2 Marmorosphax taom CR EN N 2021-2 Mauremys mutica Yellow Pond Turtle EN CR G 2021-2 Mauremys sinensis Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle EN CR G 2021-2 Monopeltis guentheri Western Congo Worm Lizard DD LC N 2021-2 Monopeltis jugularis Gaboon Worm Lizard DD LC N 2021-2 Morenia ocellata Burmese Eyed Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Morenia petersi Indian Eyed Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nannoscincus rankini Rankin's Dwarf Skink VU CR N 2021-2 Nilssonia formosa Burmese Peacock Softshell EN CR N 2021-1 Nilssonia gangetica Indian Softshell Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nilssonia hurum Indian Peacock Softshell Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nilssonia leithii Leith's Softshell Turtle VU CR G 2021-1 Nilssonia nigricans Black Softshell Turtle EW CR N 2021-1 Oedodera marmorata Marbled Gecko CR EN N 2021-2 Oligosoma infrapunctatum Speckled Skink LR/nt CR(PE) N 2021-2 Oligosoma notosaurus Southern Skink DD LC N 2021-2 Palea steindachneri Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Panaspis annobonensis Annobon Lidless Skink CR DD N 2021-2 Panaspis cabindae Cabinda Lidless Skink DD LC N 2021-2 Pangshura sylhetensis Assam Roofed Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Pangshura tecta Indian Roofed Turtle LR/lc VU N 2021-1 Paniegekko madjo High Elevation Bavayia NT EN G 2021-2 Pelochelys cantorii Asian Giant Softshell Turtle EN CR N 2021-2 Phasmasaurus maruia Maruia Maquis Skink EN VU N 2021-2 Phoboscincus bocourti Bocourt’s Terrific Skink EN CR N 2021-2 Platysaurus imperator Imperial Flat Lizard VU NT N 2021-2 Platysternon megacephalum Big-headed Turtle EN CR G 2021-2 Pseuderemias striatus Peters' Sand Lizard DD LC N 2021-1 Python regius Ball Python LC NT N 2021-2 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus Rough-snouted Giant Gecko EN VU N 2021-2 Rhampholeon chapmanorum Chapman's Pygmy Chameleon CR(PE) CR N 2021-1 Rhinophis drummondhayi Drummond-hay's Earth Snake NT EN N 2021-2 Rhinophis oxyrhynchus Schneider's Earth Snake LC DD N 2021-2 Ristella rurkii Rurk's Ristella DD NT N 2021-2 Sacalia quadriocellata Four-eyed Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Scincopus fasciatus Peters' Banded Skink DD LC N 2021-1 Siebenrockiella crassicollis Black Marsh Turtle VU EN G 2021-2 Sigaloseps deplanchei Deplanche's Shiny Skink NT LC N 2021-2 Sigaloseps ruficauda Red-tailed Shiny Skink VU CR N 2021-2 Trachylepis bayonii Bayon's Skink DD LC N 2021-2 Tropidophis hendersoni Cuban Khaki Trope CR EN N 2021-2 Urocotyledon weileri Weiler's Gecko DD EN N 2021-1 Uropeltis arcticeps Tirunelveli Earth Snake LC DD N 2021-2 Uropeltis ceylanica Cuvier's Shieldtail LC DD N 2021-2 Varanus bengalensis Bengal Monitor Lizard LC NT N 2021-2 Varanus flavescens Yellow Monitor LR/lc EN G 2021-2 Varanus komodoensis Komodo Dragon VU EN G 2021-2 Xenocalamus michellii Michell's Quill-snouted Snake DD LC N 2021-1 Zygaspis kafuensis DD LC N 2021-2 AMPHIBIANS (Amphibia) Allobates algorei Spotted Nurse Frog LC NT G 2021-1 Allobates chalcopis Martinique Volcano Frog VU CR G 2021-1 Amolops archotaphus Doi Inthanon Rock Frog LC DD N 2021-1 Anomaloglossus praderioi Sapito Niñera De Praderio DD EN N 2021-1 Anomaloglossus roraima
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