PP3739/12/2000 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2000:20(4) Aliran Monthly 20(4) Page 1 COVER STORY When The Quitting Gets Tough Would Ling Liong Sik’s resignation really matter? by Khoo Boo Teik hen he realized last year that Barisan Nasional’s WWW political fortune rested heavily on non-Malay (read Chinese) support, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad favourably compared the Chinese with the Malays. Unlike the Malays, said he, the Chinese were rational and unemotional and knew what was good (BN) and what was bad (opposition) for them. Arguably BN’s retention of a large proportion of Chinese support in the November 1999 general elec- tion suggested that there were enough Chinese who were flat- replaceable loss’, ‘irreparable the United Malays National Or- tered thus by Mahathir. But damage’ or ‘betrayal of trust’. ganization (UMNO)? should anyone be persuaded that the Chinese are more rational and This emotional outflow was not If, however, Ling’s aim was to less emotional than ‘people of matched by rational or persuasive shield MCA against any fallout other races’? answers to key questions raised from a rumoured investigation by Ling’s announcement. linking his son, Lim Hee Leong, Chinese Opera with the latter’s ex-business part- Why, for example, should the MCA ner and now fugitive, Soh Chee Watch the ‘Chinese reactions’ to president quit his Cabinet post Wen – an ‘evil lie that can only the little opera the Malaysian Chi- now when his party had just per- come out of an evil mind’, accord- nese Association has been enact- formed very well in two succes- ing to Ling – why should the MCA ing since 22 May 2000, when sive general elections, something leadership so anxiously reject it? MCA president, Dr Ling Liong Sik, MCA had not been able to accom- announced he would resign as plish before November 1999? Divided And Minister of Transport. Disgruntled If Ling had intended to retire from Many in MCA, the Chinese com- politics altogether, why would he Speculative answers to these ques- munity and the Chinese-language keep his party post as if to emu- tions have not clarified the situa- press were ‘shocked’, ‘saddened’ late Musa Hitam who resigned as tion. They have only fueled sus- or ‘stunned’. Others could only deputy prime minister in 1986 but picions that MCA is internally di- speak in such strong terms as ‘ir- remained as Deputy President of vided and disgruntled at UMNO Aliran Monthly 20(4) Page 2 CONTENTS COVER STORY When the Quitting Gets Tough 222 FEATURES Aliran, Hakam And Suaram Meet Suhakam 666 Move With A Sense Of Urgency 777 Disappointing Composition 131313 Whither The Women's Movement? 151515 Reconsider Your Action, Webmasters 181818 Act Of Betrayal 232323 An Act Of Personal Vendetta? 262626 Tarnished Image Of Malaysia 272727 Justice In Jeopardy : Malaysia 2000 404040 REGULARS ALIRAN'S HOMEPAGE Thinking Allowed 191919 http://www.malaysia.net/aliran LettersLettersLetters 303030 Current Concerns 33 Printed byPrinted by Perfect Printing Sdn. Bhd. OTHERS No. 1235-D, Jalan Paya Terubong, Joint Memorandum To Suhakam 999 11060 Pulau Pinang. Subscription Form 383838 Aliran Needs Your Help 393939 ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Published by Guided by universal spiritual values, Aliran has been Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) striving for genuine unity by promoting social justice and human dignity since 1977. Membership is open 103, Medan Penaga, to all Malaysians above 21. If you are interested in 11600 Jelutong, joining Aliran, please contact the Hon Secretary at Penang, Malaysia. the address shown in this page. Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 Aliran Monthly 20(4) Page 3 while Ling’s leadership is less other than the individuals in- diminished. than unchallenged. volved in MCA’s factional fight- MCA: 1980s ing. Things became more muddled From mid- to late 1980s, when the when those who might have had A considerably more rational ap- bitter inter-ethnic politics of the a hand in provoking Ling’s deci- proach would seek to understand New Economic Policy reached its sion denied having done so. MCA’s present role in Malaysian height, MCA led a pitiable exist- politics. It is a very limited role as ence. It was half ignored by The prime minister, whose pre- a brief history of MCA will show. UMNO, more than half rejected by rogative in firing Cabinet minis- Chinese voters, taunted by ters is well established, said he MCA: Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia had persuaded Ling to stay but 1960s And 1970s (Gerakan) and perennially chal- accepted that ‘family matters’ lay lenged by the Democratic Action behind Ling’s motive to quit. MCA’s role has been progressively Party (DAP). Ling’s chief rivals in MCA, who reduced since 1959 when its might have rejoiced over his de- president, Dr Lim Chong Eu, Three crises in 1985-87 brought parture took affront at any hint failed to secure one-third of the MCA’s position to a new low. BN that Ling had ‘sacrificed’ his Cabi- Alliance’s parliamentary nomina- threatened to expel MCA because net post to appease them. tions. For his pain, Dr Lim was the latter could not resolve the all- edged out of power and led his out battle between the Neo Yee Pan Ling himself befuddled matters by supporters out of MCA. The MCA and Tan Koon Swan factions. But taking a two-week vacation to rump they left behind accommo- no sooner had Tan Koon Swan ponder the wisdom of his an- dated itself to a ‘less-than-equal’ won the MCA presidency than he nouncement after having said position vis-à-vis UMNO. had to go to jail in Singapore for that his decision was ‘final’. criminal breach of trust. At the Then came the 1969 election. MCA August 1986 general election, Non-transparent was so badly beaten that some of MCA was thrashed by DAP. Politics its leaders wanted to stay out of government to ‘teach the Chinese In response, some MCA leaders Not for the first time, therefore, a lesson’. Some UMNO politi- superficially united with DAP to non-transparent conduct at high cians, including the defeated Dr oppose certain government poli- levels in the political system has Mahathir, wanted to keep MCA cies. This move coincided with left the public floundering in un- out since it could no longer claim UMNO’s own Team A-Team B certainty while the politicians to be ‘the party of the Chinese’. In split to produce a level of play what they alone regard as the event, the National Operations interethnic tension not seen since deep, deep games. Council ruled after 13 May 1969 1969. It in no small way contrib- with token MCA representation. uted to Operasi Lalang, the mass Malaysians should finish with Only when NOC returned power arrests of 27 October 1987. this kind of shabby treatment. The to the Alliance in 1972 did MCA Chinese community in particular become part of the government Recovering doesn’t benefit from uninformed again. And Riding High? worries that its future is tied to the ‘hidden truth’ behind some ‘irre- When the Alliance was replaced The 1990 election once again saw placeable’ politician’s ‘to-be-con- with BN in 1974, MCA withdrew MCA badly bruised, even com- firmed half-withdrawal’. from the government to ponder its pletely defeated in Penang. future. With Lee San Choon suc- A strictly unemotional response to ceeding Tan Siew Sin as party Only in 1995 did MCA recover the riddle of Ling’s announce- president, however, MCA joined from its electoral reverses. But ment would simply note that the the enlarged coalition, no doubt there is more than a small truth in answer will eventually surface – aware that the party’s influence Muhammad Muhammad Taib’s but to no great shakes for anyone vis-à-vis UMNO had been further recent curt reminder that MCA’s Aliran Monthly 20(4) Page 4 recovery perhaps owed more to UMNO’s Dominance Those who think that Ling’s an- an unprecedented Chinese adu- nouncement arose from MCA’s lation of Mahathir than to the par- Time and time again UMNO lead- unhappiness at not receiving ty’s reinvigoration. ers have insisted that the reality of more Cabinet and government BN politics is UMNO’s dominance. posts surely underestimate the Of course, MCA is riding high to- It is a basic plank of Mahathir’s realism of many MCA leaders who day – especially given UMNO’s political thinking and practice that were dependent on UMNO- 1999 electoral setback – but in UMNO alone can rule the country backed ‘safe seats’ until recently. truth that’s only possible because but coalition allows a modicum of its aspiration as a party has sunk ‘power sharing’ with other, obvi- MCA leaders know that Mahathir quite low. ously junior, parties. was being frank in saying MCA has been given its quota of Cabi- At its height, MCA was part of the Parties which couldn’t accept net and government posts. The Alliance which negotiated the UMNO’s dominance – such as quota was not reduced when terms for Merdeka. In the early Parti Islam Se-Malaysia in the MCA was down and out, but years of Alliance rule, MCA had 1970s, or Parti Bersatu Sabah in won’t be increased when MCA strong influence over financial 1990 – couldn’t expect to stay long does much better, at any rate not and economic policies, and con- in BN. at UMNO’s expense. tributed to the determination of politically sensitive policies on After November 1999, for the first That helps to explain why, after education, language and culture.
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