ASPIN - ISON asteroid program: history, current state and future prospects L. Elenin1,2, I. Molotov1,2, V. Savanevych3, A. Bruhovetskiy4, Yu. Krugly5, V. Nevski2, Yu. Ivaschenko6, A. Yudin1,2 1. Keldysh Instute of Applied Mathemacs RAS 2. CJSC “ANC” 3. Kharkiv Naonal University of Radioelectronics 4. JSC “Hartron” Evoluon of Comet ISON. D. Peach (2013) 5. Instute of Astronomy of Kharkiv Naonal University 6. Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory ABSTRACT OBSERVATORIES OF THE ASPIN PROGRAM ASPIN (Asteroid Search and Photometry Iniave) - ISON asteroid program started in September 2003 at Andrushivka astronomical observatory (A50, Andrushivka, Ukraine). For these purposes was used Zeiss-600 telescope with small CCD camera. In 2009, telescope was upgraded by new full-format CCD camera and lens corrector, which increased FOV to 72’x72’. During first 7 years, observatory discovered more than 350 asteroids, include 2 NEAs. Unfortunately, at present me, when rivalry of surveys was growing up, Andrushivka forced to stop observaon in 2013, due to bad astroclimate and, as result, low magnitude limit. In 2014, we planning to install new, wide-field ORI-50M (0.5-m f/2.3) telescope at new site with good astroclimate condions. Aer that, survey program will resume. Next ISON observatory, which started own survey, was ISON-NM (H15, Mayhill, NM, USA). Survey work started in July 2010 and connues to this day. First telescope of this Andrushivka observatory was Centurion-18, 0.45-m f/2.8 with full-frame CCD camera. In September 2013 with telescope replaced by our new telescope Santel-400AN (0.4-m f/3) with Chuguev Khuraltogot Kislovodsk 105’x105’ FOV. Telescope installed at new AP 1600GTO mount. Both telescopes was controlling remotely from Moscow. At ISON-NM was discovered more than 1,400 Ussuriysk asteroids, include 5 NEOs and 2 comets – well-known C/2010 X1 (Elenin) , P/2011 NO1 (Elenin) . Obtained more than 450,000 observaons of small bodies. Except survey work, Simeiz Tien-Shan ISON-NM carry out photometric observaons of NEAs, obtained dozens lightcurves, determined rotaonal period for more than 20 NEAs, include extremely close and fast Mayhill Abastumani Majdanak rotators, such a 2012 KP24, 2012 KT42, 2012 LZ1 and Duende (2012 DA14) . Since April 2012, another observatory joined to ASPIN – ISON-Kislovodsk (D00, near Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia). At observatory installed one (and first) of two Santel-400AN telescopes with full-frame CCD camera, provided 105’x105’ FOV. At present me, ISON-Kislovodsk - second of all APSIN observatories by number of measurements and discoveries. For 2 years observatory discovered about 100 new asteroids, include 1 NEA and famous comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) . More than 80,000 measurements obtained. In 2013, ISON started using very wide-field telescope VT-73e (0.19-m f/1.5) with FOV 7°x4.5°, for chasing comets and bright NEAs. As first result – discovering new comet C/2013 V3 (Nevski) . Next step of ASPIN program was installaon of our biggest wide-field telescope Santel-650A (0.65-m f/2) in September 2013 at ISON-Ussuriysk observatory (C15). With 50x50mm CCD chip, FOV of telescope is 132’x132’. Test survey observaons started in December 2013. During first two months, obtained more than 10,000 measurements and 3 new asteroids discovered. Furthermore, we ready for producon absolutely new prototype (Project 400/500) of paired 0.4-m surveys telescopes with extremely wide FOV - 11.2°x5.6° with Kodak KAF-4301 and 13.8°x6.9° with more expensive Fairchild CCD-486. In binocular mode, this instrument may cover about 2500 sq. degrees per night with limit magnitude about 20m. All data obtained during survey observaons processed by our CoLiTec package, in near real-me mode. Main features of processing pipeline: cosmec correcon, astrometric and photometric reducon, detecon of moving objects, idenficaon detected object with MPC database, interacve filtraon of detected objects by operator via GUI, sending all approved object to MPC or directly to NEOCP. Preparing sky coverage report. More info about CoLiTec - hp:// In addion to survey's telescopes, APSIN include a photometric and, in the near future – follow-up sub-networks. For photometric tasks, ISON used 0.4-2.6-m telescopes with small and moderate FOV. Already obtained hundreds lightcurves , defined rotaonal period for dozens NEAs, discovered 6 binary systems . Carried out observaons in support of the study YORP effect. Follow-up sub-network will be use medium aperture telescopes for astrometric support recently discovered NEAs and other unusual objects, by ISON network or objects posted at NEOCP by other observatories. Four 0.4-0.5-m telescopes already installed in Kislovodsk (Russia), Blagoveschensk (Russia), Khureltogot (Mongolia) and Sinaloa (Mexico). Survey telescopes (0.4-0.5m) Telescopes for photometric and follow-up observations (0.4-1.5m) OVERALL STATISTIC (2010-2014) Other telescopes of the ISON network № MPC Measurements Discoveries Observatory № MPC Measurements Discoveries Observatory 1. G96 8816410 75305 Mt. Lemmon Survey 1. G96 8816410 75305 Mt. Lemmon Survey 2. F51 7272036 47690 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala 2. F51 7272036 47690 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala 3. 703 7018660 11020 Catalina Sky Survey 3. 691 3732765 38267 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch SURVEY TELESCOPES 4. 704 5628876 2593 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico 4. C51 4084940 35079 WISE MPC code Observatory Telescope CCD FOV Image scl. Filters Coordinates Altitude 5. C51 4084940 35079 WISE 5. 703 7018660 11020 Catalina Sky Survey Andrushivka Astronomical ORI-500 F LI 50° 00’ 03” N 6. 691 3732765 38267 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch 6. W84 214528 7029 Cerro Tololo-DECam A50 148'x148' 4.27"/pix N/A 227 m 7. D29 1168416 918 Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station 7. I41 636686 4315 Palomar Mountain--PTF Observatory 0.5-m f/2.3 PL4301 28° 59’ 53” E 8. E12 872040 1260 Siding Spring Survey 8. 704 5628876 2593 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico SANTEL-650A F LI 43° 41’ 55” N C15 ISON-Ussuriysk Observatory 132'x132' 3.81"/pix N/A 279 m 9. I41 636686 4315 Palomar Mountain--PTF 9. 695 42994 2103 Kitt Peak 0.65-m f/2 PL4301 132° 09’ 56” E 10. H15 465779 1424 ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill 10. J75 408320 2006 OAM Observatory, La Sagra SANTEL-400AN F LI 43° 44’ 25” N 11. J75 408320 2006 OAM Observatory, La Sagra 11. J43 372784 1889 Oukaimeden Observatory, Marrakech D00 ISON-Kislovodsk Observatory 106'x106' 2.06"/pix BVRI 2 107 m 12. 926 398951 1668 Tenagra II Observatory, Nogales 12. 644 106972 1793 Palomar Mountain/NEAT 0.4-m f/3 ML09000 42° 39’ 13” E 13. J43 372784 1889 Oukaimeden Observatory, Marrakech 13. 926 398951 1668 Tenagra II Observatory, Nogales SANTEL-400AN F LI 32° 54’ 12” N H15 ISON-NM Observatory 106'х106' 1.55"/pix BVRICr 2 217 m 14. 645 249593 7 Apache Point-Sloan Digital Sky Survey 14. 291 192123 1564 LPL/Spacewatch II 0.4-m f/3 PL16803 105° 31’ 42” W 15. W84 214528 7029 Cerro Tololo-DECam 15. J04 165610 1562 ESA Optical Ground Station, Tenerife 16. 106 205161 310 Crni Vrh 16. 461 78916 1516 University of Szeged (Konkoly) 17. 291 192123 1564 LPL/Spacewatch II 17. H15 465779 1424 ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill 18. J04 165610 1562 ESA Optical Ground Station, Tenerife 18. E12 872040 1260 Siding Spring Survey 19. 644 106972 1793 Palomar Mountain/NEAT 19. 568 23937 1020 Mauna Kea 20. A14 106264 316 Les Engarouines Observatory 20. D29 1168416 918 Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station 21. D00 79390 95 ISON-Kislovodsk Observatory 21. G32 47775 804 Elena Remote Observatory 22. 461 78916 1516 University of Szeged (Konkoly) 22. 621 28075 579 Bergisch Gladbach 23. H21 75685 517 Astronomical Research Observatory 23. H21 75685 517 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield 24. A50 63450 113 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory 24. A77 39452 488 Observatoire Chante-Perdrix, Dauban 25. G92 51766 107 Jarnac Observatory, Vail 25. A14 106264 316 Les Engarouines Observatory 26. A24 50200 0 New Millennium Observatory 26. 106 205161 310 Crni Vrh 27. G32 47775 804 Elena Remote Observatory 27. 114 27738 246 Engelhardt Observatory 28. 695 42994 2103 Kitt Peak 28. B74 5482 220 Santa Maria de Montmagastrell 29. 807 42388 17 Cerro Tololo Observatory, La Serena 29. 300 18119 211 Bisei Spaceguard Center-BATTeRS 30. A77 39452 488 Observatoire Chante-Perdrix, Dauban 42. A50 63450 113 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory 49. C15 11970 3 ISON-Ussuriysk Observatory 45. D00 79390 95 ISON-Kislovodsk Observatory DISCOVERED NEAs Designation a e i q MOID H Discoverer ORI-500. Andrushivka Observatory (A50) SANTEL-650A. ISON-Ussuriysk (C15) SANTEL-400AN. ISON-Kislovodsk (D00) SANTEL-400AN. ISON-NM (H15) 2007 QA2 2.1569 0.4351 4.3704 1.2184 0.2066 20.7 A50 2008 KB12 2.7832 0.5825 26.8265 1.162 0.1591 21.5 A50 2010 RN80 2.2511 0.5394 8.7314 1.0368 0.0904 20.2 H15 PERSPECTIVE SURVEY BINOCULAR SYSTEM 2011 QY37 2.4904 0.5112 7.5634 1.2173 0.2699 18.5 H15 Project 400/500 2012 RQ16 2.355 0.4792 4.7812 1.2266 0.2319 20.8 D00 2013 TB80 2.8196 0.5455 12.7225 1.2816 0.302 17.6 H15 Aperture: 400 mm 2014 KH2 2.2495 0.5359 3.34 1.0441 0.0509 18.8 H15 Focal length: 500 mm Opcal system: Sonnefield Focal rao: f/1.25 DISCOVERED UNUSUAL OBJECTS FOV with Fairchild CCD-486 (61x61mm): 6.9°х6.9° (9.8° image diagonal) Designation a e i q H Discoverer FOV with Kodak KAF-4301 CCD (50x50mm): 5.6°x5.6° (7.9° image diagonal) (365756) 2010 WZ71 5.7124 0.5251 20.0034 2.7131 14.2 H15 Spectral range: 400-900 nm 2011 RC17 6.3104 0.5375 11.3157 2.9186 15.7 H15 Fracon of energy ensquared in 15 um pixel: 2013 UL10 9.9911 0.3795 19.1446 6.1995 12.8 H15 95% to 4° from axis, 78% on 4.9° from axis (CCD corner) Central obscuraon: 50% by diameter No vigneng ll 4.1° from axis, 86% relave illuminaon on 4.9° ORBITAL ELEMENTS DISTRIBUTION NEAs PHOTOMETRY Obtained more than one hundred lightcurves of NEAs, including: (3122) Florence, (20187) Janapichova, (25916) 2001 CP44, (162004) 1991 VE, (7888) 1993 UC, 1998 VO, (47035) 1998 WS, 2000 WN22, 2001 WC47, 2002 GT, 2003 GS, 2012 EG5, 2012 DX75, 2012 KP24, 2012 KT42, 2012 LZ1, 2012 QG42, 2012 TC4, 2012 DA14..
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