PRAWN IN CAPE MAY...CAUTIOUSLY SOUTH STATION MARKET - COMMON • SEE PAGE 14 THE BEST OF THE CREST • SEE PAGE 17 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Who said that? By George Dickie museums, I find in the flight of a good drive.” Identify the authors of 7) “Most ball games are the following quotes: lost, not won.” 1) “I’m not a role model 8) “Everybody loves suc- cess, but they hate suc- ... Just because I dunk cessful people.” a basketball doesn’t 9) “I know I am getting mean I should raise your better at golf because I kids.” am hitting fewer specta- 2) “You wouldn’t have tors. ” won if we’d beaten you.” 10) “All hockey players 3) “I went to a fight the are bilingual. They know other night, and a hockey English and profanity.” game broke out.” 4) “Pro football is like Answers: nuclear warfare. There 1) Charles Barkley are no winners, only sur- 2) Yogi Berra vivors.” 3) Rodney Dangerfield 5) “I don’t get nervous 4) Frank Gifford in any situation. There’s 5) Shaquille O’Neal no such thing as nerves 6) Arnold Palmer when you’re playing 7) Casey Stengel games.” 8) John McEnroe 6) “What other people 9) Gerald Ford may find in poetry or art 10) Gordie Howe WORD SEARCH G ATTSALASCMWVAH D RUHPDFNL HTOEZF W HIVCROXSOSDRWK E LLTELJUNNMYRAJ F IDRTWAKEGUEKRL A RHNRYARWAVRIJY W MIYOZRIKOXLQAC Z ALEKIOFCEAYJNE J KLXNANREMXVKAC I ROHEDEWALTERSU J GNAHDSKLKODQIA T RONNIETTYERJVL B ENUY LONDONUVLA W TPIRNHPOGACEBK A WIFAZOKERONHUV “Bulletproof” on The CW (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Aaron (Bishop) (Noel) Clarke Undercover (Cops) Ronnie (Pike) (Ashley) Walters (Best) Friends Nell (McBride) (Christina) Chong Moral (Code) Arjana (Pike) (Lashana) Lynch London Kamali (Khan) (Mandeep) Dhillon Gritty PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of June 14 - June 20, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Who said that? By George Dickie museums, I find in the flight of a good drive.” Identify the authors of 7) “Most ball games are the following quotes: lost, not won.” 1) “I’m not a role model 8) “Everybody loves suc- cess, but they hate suc- ... Just because I dunk cessful people.” a basketball doesn’t 9) “I know I am getting mean I should raise your better at golf because I kids.” am hitting fewer specta- 2) “You wouldn’t have tors. ” won if we’d beaten you.” 10) “All hockey players 3) “I went to a fight the are bilingual. They know other night, and a hockey English and profanity.” game broke out.” 4) “Pro football is like Answers: nuclear warfare. There 1) Charles Barkley are no winners, only sur- 2) Yogi Berra vivors.” 3) Rodney Dangerfield 5) “I don’t get nervous 4) Frank Gifford in any situation. There’s 5) Shaquille O’Neal no such thing as nerves 6) Arnold Palmer when you’re playing 7) Casey Stengel games.” 8) John McEnroe 6) “What other people 9) Gerald Ford may find in poetry or art 10) Gordie Howe WORD SEARCH G A T T S A L A S C M W V A H D R U H P D F N L H T O E Z F W H I V C R O X S O S D R W K E L L T E L J U N N M Y R A J F I D R T W A K E G U E K R L A R H N R Y A R W A V R I J Y W M I Y O Z R I K O X L Q A C Z A L E K I O F C E A Y J N E J K L X N A N R E M X V K A C I R O H E D E W A L T E R S U J G N A H D S K L K O D Q I A T R O N N I E T T Y E R J V L B E N U Y L O N D O N U V L A W T P I R N H P O G A C E B K A W I F A Z O K E R O N H U V “Bulletproof” on The CW (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Aaron (Bishop) (Noel) Clarke Undercover (Cops) Ronnie (Pike) (Ashley) Walters (Best) Friends Nell (McBride) (Christina) Chong Moral (Code) Arjana (Pike) (Lashana) Lynch London Kamali (Khan) (Mandeep) Dhillon Gritty PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of June 14 - June 20, 2020. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 Opening June 15th for Outside Dining! Now Taking Reservations TAKEOUT AND OUTSIDE DINING OPEN 7 DAYS 4PM TILL CLOSING WITH OUR FULL MENU! EARLY BIRD MENU 15% OFF EVERY ENTREE! 4 to 5:30 CALL 609-552-0002 IF BUSY CALL 904-554-5351 * Reviews Appreciated on TripAdvisor, Yelp, Etc. * PAGE 10 BBQ CHAMPIONSHIP & BLUES FEST POSTPONED New Jersey State Barbecue Champion- Barbecue Champi- ship and Anglesea onship and Anglesea Blues Festival. Blues Festival Post- poned Until 2021 “The safety of our volunteers, vendors, It is with a heavy heart competitors, musi- that the Anglesea Vol- cians and attendees unteer Fire Company has always been our No. 1 announces the top concern. We have postponement of the attempted, in the New Jersey State midst of a global pan- PAGE 11 BBQ CHAMPIONSHIP & BLUES FEST POSTPONED demic, to navigate the lack of any clear any longer,” the vol- merous contractors, the logistics of pro- timeline as to when unteer fi re company vendors, suppliers ducing a fi rst-class and to what extent said in a release. and volunteers. It event that thousands those restrictions is not, and cannot, of people anticipate may be lifted over “Producing an event be produced over- each year. Simply put, the next fi ve weeks, of our size requires night. We have no the current govern- makes it impossible the coordination and doubt that many will ment restrictions, and to delay this decision mobilization of nu- be disappointed by PAGE 12 BBQ CHAMPIONSHIP & BLUES FEST POSTPONED the postponement of we will be back big- the event, while oth- ger and better than ers may applaud it. ever on July 9, 10 & No matter where you 11, 2021.” 609-522- fall, rest assured that 0901 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 "We're just a Little Bar on a Big Island" OPEN FOR TAKE-OUT PLEASE CALL AHEAD. FRI, SAT & SUN NOON-8PM WITH OUR FULL MENU & PACKAGE GOODS OPEN NOON-MIDNIGHT STARTING MON, JUNE 15 FOR OUTSIDE DINING & LIBATIONS Try Our Fresh Homemade Pork & Spinach Sandwich! Park Blvd at Pine • WildWood • 729-9487 PAGE 15 FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 12, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 (3-CBS) News CBS Inside Ed. ET MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å Blue Bloods News Late Show-Colbert (6-ABC) News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Shark Tank 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News J. Kimmel Nightline (10-NBC) News News News Holly World of Dance Å The Wall Å Dateline NBC Å News Tonight Show (17-MNT) black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Gold Mod Fam Mom Gold Mom Action News Mod Fam Two Men Two Men (23-PBS) News Newsline One/One News Doctor Blake Vera “Dark Road” Å Drive-Hist News One/One World (29-FOX) The Six ClassH Extra TMZ Å WWE Friday Night SmackDown Fox 29 News at 10 News TMZ Å Dish Nat. (57-CW) FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Masters Masters Whose? Whose? News News Broke Girl King Mike (A&E) (5:00) Live PD “Live PD -- 06.06.20” Å Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 06.12.20” (In Stereo Live) Å Live PD (AMC) (4:30) ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Å ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980) Å Friday ››‡ “Footloose” (1984) Kevin Bacon. (CNN) Situation Room E. B. OutFront Cuomo Prime Time Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Cuomo (DISC) Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Gold Rush Å Mysteries of Deep Mysteries of Deep Sea Gold (DISN) Jessie Raven Raven Sydney Sydney Coop Sydney Bunk’d Bunk’d Gabby Sydney Coop Just Roll (ESPN) SportsCenter Å ESPN Original Documentaries Movie SportsCenter Å SportCtr (ESPN2) UFC Live Å UEFA Euro 2016 From July 10, 2016. Å UEFA Euro 2012 From July 1, 2012. Å Last Dan. (FNEWS) Special Report The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity (Live) Å The Ingraham Angle Fox News at Night Tucker (FX) “Maze Runner” ››‡ “Maze Runner: The Death Cure” (2018) Dylan O’Brien. ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) Chris Pine. (HBO) “Bad Education” (2019) Allison Janney. ››› “Doubt” (2008) Meryl Streep. ‘PG-13’ Real, Bill Maher I Know This Much Real Time (HIST) American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pickers (ION) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA (LIFE) ›› “Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club” ›› “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” (2012) “Madea (MAX) “Marine” ›› “Sanctum” (2011) Richard Roxburgh. ››‡ “Happy Death Day 2U” Trackers Å Trackers Å “Mule” (NBCSPA) Lunch Talk Live Å Phillies 2008 Classics Å Phillies The Mike Missanelli Show (In Stereo) Å (NICK) Casagran Loud Sponge. Sponge. Dylan Bloopers Group Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (PARMT) Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) Å ››‡ “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987) Eddie Murphy.
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