U, Vo.I No o6Ues NTMO see LiBa sunshine" 9 Vol. VI, No. 66 U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 9 October 1954 PO Promotions Hinge Parents, Teachers Meet Hurricane 'Hazel' Still Flirts With GTMO On Final Multiples In New School Auditorum Condition THREE In Effect Late last week, Mr. & Mrs. Guantanamo Bay had their first big A near capacity crowd of 300 hurricane With the coming of October, per- scare of the year as the eighth whirling lady of the year, parents and teachers filled the new Hurricane "Hazel" began blowing her way towards the Naval Base here. sonnel of the Naval Base who open-air assembly hall of the Naval participated in the Fleet-Wide ex- Then, Thursday, mid-morning, "Hazel" veered off her predicted course Base School during the second and headed west on a course in aminations for advancement in Parent-Teachers Association meet- direction of Venezuela while rating, are beginning to "sweat ing Tuesday. Guest speaker was New Daftaw Sught the the results. Although no de- New raft Law Sought residents of Guantanamo Bay out" Chaplain M. 0. Stephenson who breathed a sigh finite date when the results will of relief in rela- delivered an address on "The Im- weather. be received is available, it is ex- portance of Character Building of By SecretaryBy "of DefnseDefensenormal First word of Hurricane "Hazel" pected that the results will arrive the Child." here in early November with the Washington (RFPS) - Defense was received early Wednesday new rates becoming effective 16 Following the address by Chap- Secretary Charles E. Wilson told morning, and immediate action was Nov. or on the date of receipt. lain Stephenson, the regular busi- his press conference recently that taken as commands and communi- ness meeting was held, and the only he hopes to have a new draft law nations were alerted to be ready One of the biggest questions in subject that was brought before the by April the minds of many who took the 1, 1955. The present law to set Hurricane Condition THREE. association was on the question of will expire June 30, 1955. "Hazel" was first sighted by a test is, "Will I get a quota?" The ing the coming 1955 GTMO Car- quota system, which is based upon The problem is under study, he Naval reconnaissance flight just 75 a carnival booth for the PTA dur- said, and he expects officials to miles off the coast of Trinidad. a final multiple score earned by nival. begin the individual, is set up so that drafting proposed legisla- After three warnings had been re- when the quota of men to be ad- To round out the evening a pro- tion within the next 30 to 60 days. ceived and a course could be plot- He vanced is not large enough to ac- gram of very enjoyable entertain- hopes it will contain a system ted, it seemed very probable that commodate ment was presented by the teach- which will strengthen the reserve Hazel would hit Guantanamo Bay. all eligible personnel, forces by providing for compulsory the final multiple score and not ers. Mrs. E. H. Beiland and Mrs. As the whirling lady progressed, the test alone decides which men J. Armbruster sang a duet, "Trees" service. it picked up speed changing its will be advanced. followed by a laugh raising and The country, Mr. Wilson said, pace from.13 knots and hour te must face up to the need for. a 15 knots and later to 16. Its bre- The computation of final mul- side splitting comedy skit entitled "School Days". stronger reserve. "I don't think adth spread, and Wednesday night, tiple is based upon a set formula anyone would want to say you at 1800, as it covered a width of throughout the fleet. The inspiring highlight of the have got to keep 10 divisions of over 150 miles with 80 knot winds, The first factor in calculating the evening, however, was Chaplain extra . men in the active service Hurricane Condition THREE was final multiple is the test score Stephenson's address. Stressing for two years just because we set on the Naval Base. All base itself. To be advanced, the candi- strong character developement haven't got any decent reserve commands were notified by Coi- date must pass the test. Even if through the combined efforts of plan," he explained. This would be manner, Naval Base, to cancel all awards, honors, time in service and school, home, and church, Chaplain "the dumb way of doing it," he liberty and begin preliminary pre- time in pay grade give the candi- Stephenson said, "Our attitude to- added. cautions - still continuing with date a high multiple, he must pass ward authority, diety, and honesty Plans for universal military normal routine. the best before he can be advanced. will be transmitted to our boys training were discounted by the Late Wednesday night, another Added to the test score (the and girls through indirect indoc- Secretary for use at this time. warning was received, and Hazel test being graded on a 0-80 basis trination at home and school, af- He said he saw no reason to wor- was still picking up speed and by the U.S. Naval Examining Cen- fecting their behavior, and, if given ry about training everybody for heading strong for Guantanamo ter) is the total active service in in a wholesome, kind, and loving six months when everybody was Bay. Meanwhile, precautionary years, multiplied by two. However, manner, will help build and mold needed for a two-year period. operations on the base continued. a maximum of 40 multiple points, the character." Secretary Wilson noted that the Early Thursday morning, Hur- or 20 years service has been set. business of rearming Germany and ricane warning No. 7 was received, Continuous service is not required During the business meeting, President of the PTA, LT T. H. holding Europe is hard to ap- and it looked bad for the base. Therefore, broken service is count praise. "Unless the people of Eu- Hazel still had not veered from ed in all computations. Cushman presented the proposal for sponsoring a PTA booth at the rope take a realistic look at the her straight and steady course and Candidates also receive multiple 1955 GTMO Carnival. A majority problems they face," he said, "I had gained speed and higher winds. credit for their service in the don't think there is anything we vote in favor of the booth followed, It looked almost as if Hurricane present pay grade with a maximum and LT D. J. Murphy was appoint- can do to hold Europe. The Eu- Condition TWO BAKER would be credit of 10 points. Since the num- ed to head the committee. ropeans have to want to hold their set and that evacuation to shelter ber of years in the pay grade is own countries and keep them free." might have to begin by yesterday multiplied by two, the maximum The attendance registration ban- morning. number of years that can be con- ner and first prize was won for St Thursday morning at 1000, how- sidered as multiple credit is five. the second time in succession by NewNewEnl Enlstmnent set olcSt ever, the outlook for Guantanamo Besides this, service prior to reduc- Mrs. H. P. McNeil's Nursery School PolicySe Bay in the path of onrushing Hazel class. Mrs. Phillip Dunmire's 1st tion in rating, for any reason, may a turn for the better as be counted in all computations. grade c 1 a s s and Mrs. R. P. FortookF orNavyReseves warning 7Able was received. Hazel Finally, candidates for advance- Schuler's 2nd grade class won sec- Washington (AFPS)-The Navy had lost speed, and her position ment in rating receive credit for ond and third place respectively. has annuonced new policies govern- was a considerable distance south certain service awards up to the ing the enlistment and re-enlist- of the estimated position at the maximum of 20 points. ment in the regular Navy of Navy time. Hurricane Condition THREE To show how it all works, take Reserve EM now on active duty. was still held in effect pending three examples, Freddie Furshlug- NavBase Receives Thanks These new policies-outlined in Frher warning. giner, Pete Potrzebie, and Joe BuPers Instruction 1130.4A, Sept. Fia onnHriae"a Jones who all took the examination For Salvation Army Donation 16-apply to EM on active duty zel" was moving on a West North- for advancement in rating to with theest course in the Caribbean sea. Boatswain Mate Second Class. The meant or in training and adminis- According to reports received from computation of their final multiples Recently, RADM Edmund B. trative billets with the Naval Re- Navy Radio in San Juan, the storm was as follows: serve organization (TAD). Taylor, Commander, Naval Base was estimated to be located at 14.1 Freddie Furshlugginer The instruction authorizes com- North, 72.4 West, moving at about Examination Score ---------- 40 received a thank you and acknowl- mending officers to discharge EM, 10 knots with winds of 100 knots Total Active Service Credit, 18 edgement letter from Major Tobias now serving on active duty, for within 50 miles of the center. All years -------------------- 36 Martinez of the Cuban Salvation purpose of immediate enlistment figures, however, were estimates, Service in Pay Grade Credit, Army thanking the naval base here or re-enlistment in the regular and Hurricane Condition THREE 7 years ------------------ 10 Navy. was still held in effect on the Nay- Award Credits -------------- 106 for their contribution. In addition the instruction out- al Base pending the time that it Pete Potrzebie The contribution which was made lines the procedures for the Would not be at all possible for Examination Score ----------- 75 changeover of EM serving in Hazel to hit Guantanamo Bay.
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