May 18, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 12667 our country. His decision to reenlist in Born in New York City, DeLuise en- District Of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Army following his time in tered acting at an early age. Although Canada, the Dominican Republic, Italy, the Marine Corps demonstrates a deep discouraged at first, he persisted in and Swaziland. The Adrian Dominican commitment to duty and service for finding his way in the field of enter- Sisters currently number more than which his country will forever be grate- tainment and into the hearts of his 900 and are involved in ministries pri- ful. He, and the thousands of brave men fans. His hard work and dedication marily in areas of education, health and women of the U.S. Armed Forces earned him many entertaining and care, and social work. The congrega- serving today, deserve America’s high- prestigious acting roles in film, tele- tion currently sponsors two univer- est honor and recognition. vision, and theater. Many films which sities, including Siena Heights Univer- Specialist Hamilton is survived by feature Dom DeLuise, such as ‘‘The sity; two hospital systems; a long-term his wife Stacey; his father and step- Cannonball Run,’’ ‘‘Blazing Saddles,’’ health care facility; three congrega- mother Chuck and Kathy Hamilton; his ‘‘History of the World Part 1,’’ and tion-owned schools; and two retreat mother Karen Hamilton; and his broth- ‘‘Spaceballs’’ have become classics in centers. ers Jon and Adam. He will be missed their own right and will ensure that fu- The Adrian Dominican Sisters have dearly by all those who knew him. ture generations will enjoy and appre- impacted many throughout its rich his- I ask my colleagues to join me and ciate his talent. tory, and I am truly delighted to recog- all Americans in honoring U.S. Army Later in life, DeLuise worked toward nize this impressive milestone, as well SPC Craig Hamilton. furthering his love for the culinary as their many important contributions f arts and establishing himself as a chef. over the years. Their influence and His efforts resulted in the publishing of service to the community are apparent CELEBRATING TUNISIAN two successful cookbooks: ‘‘Eat This It and appreciated by the many who have AMERICAN DAY Will Make You Feel Better!’’ and ‘‘Eat benefitted from their many spiritual Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, I ask This Too! It’ll Also Make You Feel and outreach efforts. I know my col- my colleagues to join me in celebrating Good.’’ leagues join me in congratulating Adri- Tunisian American Day on May 27. I invite all of my colleagues to join an Dominican Sisters on 125 years of This annual celebration is in recogni- me in recognizing and honoring dedicated service, and I wish them con- tion of the many contributions that Dominick ‘‘Dom’’ DeLuise for his tinued success as they build upon their Tunisian Americans have made to en- work, which touched the lives of gen- legacy of accomplishment and excel- rich our culture and society. erations of Americans. He is survived lence.∑ The United States has maintained by his wife of 54 years, Carol Arthur, f diplomatic relations with Tunisia for and his three sons, Peter, David and more than two centuries. On March 26, Michael.∑ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT 1799, the first agreement of friendship f Messages from the President of the and trade was concluded between the 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE United States were communicated to United States and Tunisia. The first ADRIAN DOMINICAN SISTERS the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his American consulate was established in secretaries. Tunis, the Tunisian capital, on Janu- ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, serv- f ary 20, 1800. On May 17, 1956, the United ice to your community and to those States was the first major power to most in need is one of the most impor- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED recognize the sovereign state of Tuni- tant legacies we can leave as individ- As in executive session the Presiding sia. Throughout the years, the United uals or as institutions. It is with this Officer laid before the Senate messages States and Tunisia have forged an ami- in mind that I am honored to congratu- from the President of the United cable and enduring relationship that is late the Adrian Dominican Sisters, the States submitting sundry nominations based on a common commitment to the Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary which were referred to the appropriate ideals of democracy and liberty. as they celebrate their 125th anniver- committees. Currently, there are more than 13,500 sary today. Guided by the humble yet (The nominations received today are Americans of Tunisian descent residing inspiring mission to seek truth, make printed at the end of the Senate pro- in the United States. The Tunisian peace, and reverence life, this con- ceedings.) American community has made invalu- gregation has made a profound and en- f able contributions to improving our during impact on many lives. cultural diversity by sharing their The Adrian Dominicans trace their REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION proud heritage and rich cultural tradi- history back to the establishment of OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY tions. the Holy Cross convent in 1233. A pres- THAT WAS ORIGINALLY DE- As Tunisian Americans gather to cel- ence in the United States was estab- CLARED IN EXECUTIVE ORDER ebrate Tunisian American Day, I wish lished in 1853 with the arrival in New 13047 OF MAY 20, 1997, WITH RE- them a joyous and inspiring day and York of three sisters from this con- SPECT TO BURMA, AS RECEIVED thank them for their contributions to vent. Since the establishment of a hos- DURING AN ADJOURNMENT OF cultural diversity. pital for injured railroad workers in THE SENATE ON MAY 15, 2009— 1884 to meet a pressing need in the f PM 19 Adrian community, the sisters of this The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS congregation have devoted their en- fore the Senate the following message ergy, talent, and efforts in pursuit of from the President of the United meeting the spiritual, educational, and States, together with an accompanying REMEMBERING DOM DELUISE practical needs of those within the report; which was referred to the Com- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, Cali- Adrian community and those far be- mittee on Banking, Housing, and fornia and our Nation have lost one of yond its borders. Mother Camilla Mad- Urban Affairs: our most talented entertainers. den was the first mother provincial, Dominick ‘‘Dom’’ DeLuise, a wonderful and she became the first mother gen- To the Congress of the United States: comedian and chef who entertained eral when the province became an inde- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- America with his delightful sense of pendent congregation in 1923. gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides humor, recently passed away. I would Adrian has grown steadily since its for the automatic termination of a na- like to take a few moments to recog- founding and has not only maintained tional emergency unless, prior to the nize Dom DeLuise’s many accomplish- a presence in Adrian, but has branched anniversary date of its declaration, the ments and the tremendous impact he out into communities far beyond President publishes in the Federal Reg- made on our lives. through ministries in 31 States, the ister and transmits to the Congress a VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:53 Sep 12, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S18MY9.000 S18MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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