Special Supplement: ISRAEL AT 60 See Pages 37-60 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 36 25 IYAR 5768 rcsnc ,arp MAY 30, 2008 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK NORPAC MAKES AN IMPACT Praying Like Angels BY LARRY GORDON Yochanan Gordon 26 MindBiz Esther Mann, LMSW 28 Is Losing Winning? Loose Lips What happened to acknowl- into disarray. Hannah Reich Berman 30 edging defeat—not necessarily At this point in the failure, but just that you may Democratic party competition Daf Yomi Insights have been bested or that the for the nomination and oppor- Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 73 next guy won and you didn’t? tunity to run for President of You don’t have to say you the United States, it certainly World Of Real Estate lost, but at least accede to the would have been in the party’s Anessa V. Cohen 86 notion that you may not have interest for someone to with- Nearly 1,000 people from Jewish communities around the U.S. went to won. This idea of declaring draw—that is, Mrs. Clinton— Washington DC last week as part of the annual NORPAC mission to victory—that is, some kind of and, even if hesitantly and Washington. The event engages senators and congressmen on agenda items including Israel and other subjects important to the American Jewish triumph—regardless of the begrudgingly, support her sen- community. Pictured above (L–R): Shevy Cooperberg, Jodi Cooperberg, reality of defeat is relatively Rabbi Yotav Eliach, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Caroline Stern, David Klatt, new, and it throws a great deal Continued on Page 5 and Trudy Stern. See Page 91 BONFIRES HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE The Book Of Numbers Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 85 CBEY farewell dinner for BY SHMUEL KATZ BY LARRY GORDON have the time or patience to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosner. sit calmly and read while See Page 90 Lag BaOmer is a big deal I have to admit that most of indulging in it. here in Israel. The entire the time I don’t even think But there I was on that par- country becomes a huge bon- about it. But for some reason ticular morning perusing the fire with almost everyone par- it struck me. There I was, sit- pages of the New York Times, ticipating—religious and non- ting at my kitchen table early nibbling and sipping and read- religious alike. That is part of one morning, sipping a cup of ing. I was reading about the the thrill of living here, know- coffee and working on a small devastation, the loss of life, ing that almost the entire dietetic chocolate muffin. the prospect of even greater country has a similar heritage While a cup of coffee (or sev- loss of life, the starvation, and and, believers or not, they eral cups of the stuff) is part the onset of rapidly spreading of my morning ritual—it’s the Continued on Page 10 American way—I don’t always Continued on Page 18 Singing and dancing for Israel. See Pages 72, 87 Nothing Like Shalva LAWRENCE TO Olmert Not RAMAT GAN Resigning BY TOBY KLEIN Prime Minister Ehud GREENWALD Olmert does not intend to step down from his post, as Benji Gabler grew up in Defense Minister Ehud Lawrence and went to school Barak called for him to do on at DRS. He came to Israel six Wednesday morning. “I have years ago as a single young no intention at all of resign- man and served in the army as ing, and I am not going any- Gabriel DuBow landed a a spokesman for the American where,” the prime minister position as bat boy for a day at press. It was an exciting job. said Wednesday evening. He Shea, courtesy of Kulanu. “Before they do any kind of also claimed again that he See Page 68 operation, they also coordi- has done nothing wrong and nate with the spokesperson, that the claims of the media CANDLE LIGHTING including before they plan to are untrue. May 30 – 8:00 PM At the Shalva Center in Jerusalem, mentally and physically challenged assassinate a terrorist, so as Earlier, a source in Olmert’s June 6 – 8:05 PM children and their families receive much appreciated education and support in programs that have become worldwide models. See Page 65 Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 23 2 May 30, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 30, 2008 3 4 May 30, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES FROM THE EDITOR Continued from Front Cover atorial colleague Barack Obama for the nomination. From the perspective of the party and party unity as well as the drive to win back the White House, that would probably be the wise thing to do. But that does not seem to be happening, nor does it look like it will be happening any- time very soon. I believe that it’s clear that neither Mrs. Clinton nor Mr. Obama are really or deeply concerned about what’s best for the country. The fashion in which they are conducting them- selves in this campaign says that they certainly do want what’s in the best interest of the American people—but not if it obstructs or eclipses whatever it is that is best for themselves. In Israel it seems that Prime Minister Olmert con- ducts his private as well as governmental business along the same lines. The top prior- ity is what is best for Mr. Olmert; his comforts, his desires, the way he sees Israel’s future. Then, only after that, do the best inter- ests of the people of Israel come into consideration. If Olmert accepted cash pay- ments from an American busi- nessman, is that the only one that he either solicited or accepted money from? What about other philanthropists or businesspeople, and those from other parts of the world? Both the Clinton–Obama situation and the Olmert affair are rapidly becoming events that are more about self- centeredness and per- sonal interests than anything else. There’s no question in my mind that being persecut- ed or prosecuted has its sup- porters and fans. All you have to do is hang in there long enough and the tide begins to turn; a segment of the public begins to empathize with your circumstances, even turning their opinions around to where they begin to tell pollsters that the person in question should be given another chance. Look at the case of Congressman Vito Fossella of Staten Island. Stopped by police while driving under the influence of alcohol, Fossella was arrested and then bailed out by a woman from a Virginia suburb outside of Washington DC. Soon after that it was learned that Fossella, who is married and has three young children on Staten Island, also had a child with the woman in Virginia. He quickly held a press con- Continued on Page 6 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 30, 2008 5 FROM THE EDITOR Continued from Page 5 ference to apologize and later said that he would not seek reelection in the fall for his seat—the only Republican seat in the New York Congressional delegation. But then the poll numbers began to turn for Fossella. So, he had two families; he didn’t have three families, just two—one more than most people. So, some won- dered, why shouldn’t he run? He’s otherwise a good man, and who doesn’t make a mis- take in judgment every now and then (sometimes again and again)? Fossella became emboldened and is now plan- ning on going to court to claim that he was not intoxi- cated when he was stopped by police and that the breath- alyzer used to gauge his blood alcohol level had malfunc- tioned. Here’s the pattern: Mess up, get caught, claim you’re the victim, and then declare victory. Is there any wonder that there is no quality leader- ship today, here in the U.S. or in Israel? The Democrats have this country believing that the last eight years, the entire tenure of the administration of George Bush, has brought the biggest disaster upon this country. Starting with the war in Iraq and ending with the uncharted territory of a volatile economy with—for the first time ever—gasoline prices way over $4.00 per gal- lon and only going up further. From a Democratic per- spective, the country desper- ately needs to change course, to redirect the entire philo- sophical thrust of where we are headed. But the Democrats are bogged down in a personal struggle between two people who feel they’ve been destined by whatever it is they believe in, aside from themselves, to lead. Olmert’s story is not that much different. We’ve learned through recent testi- mony that he was a man who liked to enjoy himself— preferably at the expense of others—and it mattered little how high the cost was. In fact, it seems (if the testimo- ny was accurate and not meant to mislead) that Olmert really cared deeply about little else. He may have been temporarily sidetracked by the Gaza withdrawal in 2005 and the Second Lebanon War in 2006, but that didn’t get in his way of insisting on money to fly first- class, stay in the finest hotels, take an expensive vacation to Italy—and who knows what Continued on Page 8 6 May 30, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 30, 2008 7 FROM THE EDITOR was elected to lead.
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