T A H I ✦✧ N ✦✧ E R ✦✧ E ✦✧ O P ✦✧ F I ✦✧ ✦✧ ✦✧ I ✦✧ ✦✧ S L C IFICA•ET•IMPE PAC RA A O C P A L F O C H E U S R E C C H O I D DAY OF CONVENTION BOOKLET 161ST CONV ENTION OF THE DIOCESE OF CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 15 & 16, 2010 is document lists items to be voted on at the 161st Diocesan Convention (October 15 & 16, 2010), including amendments to the canons of the diocese, resolutions, and nominees. TABLE OF CONTENTS AGENDA G-1 GUIDE BISHOP’S APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEE’S OF CONVENTION G-3 ELECTED COMMITTEE MEMBERS G-4 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL G-5 RULES OF ORDER G-7 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE DISPATCH OF BUSINESS G-13 LIST OF NOMINEES N-1 NOMINEES STANDING COMMITTEE / CLERGY N-3 STANDING COMMITTEE / LAY N-7 ECCLESIASTICAL COURT / CLERGY N-10 ECCLESIASTICAL COURT / LAY N-12 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / CLERGY N-14 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / LAY N-15 SECRETARY OF CONVENTION N-16 TREASURER OF CONVENTION N-17 PROVINCIAL SYNOD / CLERGY N-18 PROVINCIAL SYNOD / LAY N-20 GENERAL CONVENTION 2012 / CLERGY N-23 GENERAL CONVENTION 2012 / LAY N-32 CANON III, SECTION 3.06 C-1 REVISIONS CANON VI, SECTION 6.09 C-2 CANON CANON VIII, SECTION 8.02(d) and CANON XVI, SECTION 16.01(d) C-5 CANON IX, SECTIONS 9.01–9.05 C-7 CANON XIII, SECTION 13.08 C-10 CANON X V, SECTIONS 15.01–15.21 C-11 CANON XVI, SECTIONS 16.03 C-16 CANON XVIII, SECTION 18.02 C-18 CANON XXI, SECTIONS 21.01–21.02 C-20 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CANONS C-22 RESOLUTIONS REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE Res-1 STRATEGIES FOR PEACE IN ISRAEL/PALESTINE Res-2 ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF THE POOR Res-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS TREASURER’S REPORT TO CONVENTION F-1 FINANCE REPORT ON THE WINDING DOWN OF THE CORPORATION SOLE F-5 PROPOSED 2011 OPERATING BUDGET F-7 PROPOSED 2011 ASSESSMENT FORMULA F-11 PROPOSED 2011 SALARY RESOLUTION F-11 2011 CONGREGATIONAL GRADE STRUCTURE F-12 2011 CLERGY MINIMUM COMPENSATION F-13 DEANERIES TASK FORCE Rpts-1 REPORTS EPISCOPAL CHARITIES Rpts-2 GIFT PLANNING Rpts-3 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS TASK FORCE Rpts-4 OASIS CALIFORNIA Rpts-5 PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE Rpts-6 RACIAL RECONCILIATION TASK FORCE Rpts-7 DEPARTMENT OF WORLD MISSION Rpts-8 AGENDA FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15 will faithfully continue in the apostles’ teaching will seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving and fellowship, in breaking of bread and prayers. my neighbor as myself. I5:00 Informal Social Time: early registration, I 1:45 Baptismal Covenant, Gospel Reading dinner on the plaza & Song 7:00 Eucharist 1:50 Introduction of New Clergy 1:55 Bishop’s Appointments SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 2:00 Results of First Ballot 8:00 Registration 2:05 Second Ballot here there is evil, I will resist it. 2:10 Committee on Canons: Report & Action on Whenever I fall into sin, Canons (Part 2) IW will repent and return to the Lord. 2:35 Report of the Racial Reconciliation 9:00 Call to Order/Morning Prayer & Committee Bishop’s Address 2:45 Committee on Resolutions: Report & Action on Res. 2 — Gun Violence 9:40 Reection on Baptismal Covenant 2:55 Camps & Conferences Report 9:50 Opening reports 3:00 Faith Formation & Discernment for Ministry 1 0 : 0 0 Report of the Committee on Governance 3:10 Commission on Ministry 10:05 Executive Council & its mission 3:15 Recognitions of ministry — Deanery 1 0 : 1 5 S t a n d i n gCommittee & its mission Presidents & Area Ministers (part 1) 10:25 Nominations Committee Report 3:25 Break 1 0 : 4 0 F i r s tBallot 1 0 : 4 5 B r e a k will strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being. will proclaim by both Word and example the I3:40 Baptismal Covenant, Gospel Reading Good News of God in Christ. & Song I1 1 : 0 0 Baptismal Covenant, Gospel Reading 3:45 Personnel Practices Report & Song 3:50 Action on Salary Resolution 1 1 : 0 5 Report on the Millennium 3:55 Treasurer’s Report Development Goals 4:05 Action on Budget 11:1 5 Committee on Resolutions: Report & Action 4:10 Companion Diocese Committee & on Res. 1 — Needs of the Poor its mission 1 1 : 3 0 D e a n e r yTask Force Final Report 4:20 Committee on Resolutions: Report & Action 1 1 : 4 0 Committee on Canons: Report & Action on on Res. 3 — Israeli/Palestinian Peace Canons (Part 1) 4:30 Episcopal Charities – announcing Grants for 12:00 Report on Assessment Formula Proposal Deaneries 12:10 Margaret Wosser Courtesy Award 4:40 Results of Second Ballot 1 2 : 1 5 Lunch & discussion groups on 4:45 Recognitions of ministry — Deanery “stewardship of the diocese” in the Presidents & Area Ministers (part 2) context of the Baptismal Covenant 4:55 Blessing & Adjournment 20102010 D Diocesaniocesan C Conventiononvention Guide Guide C AHAPTERGENDA G-1 BISHOP’S APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES OF CONVENTION Committee on Credentials Archivist David Frangquist, Ex O©cio, Chair Michael Stroup Mary Louise Gotthold Melissa Ridlon Committee on Personnel Practices * Bruce O’Neill, Chair Committee on the Dispatch of Business Michael Barlowe Salying Wong, Chair Bruce Bearden Michael Barlowe Eric Hinds David Frangquist Lauren Pifke Valerie Pinkert Committee on Elections Jeannie ¬omas Hailey McKeefry Delmas, Chair Roulhac Austin Commission on Ministry * John Kirkley Class of 2011 Brian Barnes ** Committee on Resolutions Shelley Chesley Robert Birss, Chair Sally Mancini Carolyn Bolton John Kirkley Class of 2012 Mrs. E. J. Hilliard Judith Dunlap ** Carol Luther Melissa Ridlon Sean McConnell Craig Wirth Salying Wong Class of 2013 Committee on Canons Vicky Gray Christopher Hayes, Chair John Gruenig Margalynne Armstrong Hailey McKeefry Sandy Boone Paul Burrows Class of 2014 Robert Gieselmann Connie Lam M. Sylvia O. Vasquez Leonard Oakes Bertie Pearson Chancellor of the Diocese Christopher Hayes *Require con¯rmation by convention **Appointed to unexpired term 2010 Diocesan Convention Guide BISHOP’S APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES OF CONVENTION G-3 ELECTED COMMITTEE MEMBERS Standing Committee Committee on Governance Class of 2010 J. Peter Jensen, Chair Paul Evans, President David Frangquist Ron Culmer, Vice President Jill Honodel John Kirkley Class of 2011 Lay Luther Ron Johnson Melissa Ridlon Nina Pickerrell Class of 2012 Committee on Nominations Peggy Greene Ron Culmer, Chair (ex-o©cio) Bruce Smith Elected by Convention: Class of 2013 Mary Louise Gotthold, class of 2010 David Ota Vincent Jang, class of 2011 Bob Birss Elected by Standing Committee: Mark Spaulding, class of 2010 Ellen Ekström, class of 2011 Ecclesiastical Court Class of 2010 Elected by Executive Council: Paul Burrows Paul Burrows, class of 2010 Nancy Eswein Len Johnson, class of 2011 Martha McKenna Class of 2011 Committee on Program and Budget Barbara Bender Breck Bob McCaskill, Treasurer & Chair Phillip M. Jelle Roulhac Austin Shelton Ensley Class of 2009 Kathleen Ferrando Susan Champion J. Peter Jensen John Cumming Lauran Pifke Dianne Audrick Smith Consultant: Jim Forsyth, Controller G-4 ELECTED COMMITTEE MEMBERS Guide 2010 Diocesan Convention EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Bishop Marc Handley Andrus Class of 2010 Vicky Gray (Convention Rep.) Timothy Smith, Chair (Convention Rep.) Leonard Johnson (Alameda Deanery) Shelton Ensley (Contra Costa Deanery Kathleen Ferrando, Secretary (Marin Deanery) Paul Burrows (San Francisco Deanery) Class of 2011 David Lui (Convention Rep.) Dianne Audrick Smith, Vice Chair (Convention Rep.) Pamela Redding (Contra Costa Deanery) Roulhac Austin (San Francisco Deanery) Karen Swanson (Peninsula Deanery) Teri Minnis (Southern Alameda Deanery) Class of 2012 Lauran Pifke (Convention Rep.) J. Peter Jensen (Convention Rep.) Deborah White (Alameda Deanery) Jay Luther (Marin Deanery) Don Millikin (Peninsula Deanery) Richard Patenaude (Southern Alameda Deanery) Bishop’s Appointees Dewitt Bowman Melissa Ridlon Jay Watan Donald White Ex-ocio, Non-voting Members David Frangquist (Secretary of Convention) Christopher Hayes (Chancellor) Nina Pickerell (Standing Committee Rep.) Bob McCaskill (Treasurer) 2010 Diocesan Convention Guide EXECUTIVE COUNCIL G-5 RULES OF ORDER Before Convention included in the pre-convention materials distributed to the six deaneries. Section 1 - Procedure for Resolutions 1.3 ¬e several Deanery meetings at which such res- 1.1 Any resolution tobeconsidered bythe Convention, olutions are considered shall be open to all interested other than those necessary matters of procedure persons. Advance written notice of the time, date and and business of the Convention, must be received place of the meeting of such Deanery shall be given by the Chair of the Resolutions Committee at least by the Deanery Secretary to the proponents of the ninety (90) days prior to the opening of Convention. resolution and to other interested persons who have Resolutions may be submitted by any cleric or lay in writing requested such notice. It shall be open to delegate eligible to vote at the Convention, or by any the presiding o©cer at the Deanery meetings to call parish, mission, or other o©cially recognized dioc- for a straw vote, if desired, on resolutions after appro- esan organization. Included on the copy of the pro- priate discussion, but such vote shall not be binding posed resolution shall be the name and address of the on persons present who shall be entitled to vote at the proposer of the resolution. Convention. In the case of resolutions submitted by an organi- 1.4 ¬e Committee on Resolutions shall submit no zation, the resolution shall state the name of the more than ¯ve (5) resolutions to the Convention for Rector, Vicar, Chair, or other person duly authorized its consideration. ¬is rule shall not apply to by that organization to respond to questions and accept amendments to such resolutions.
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