GF-20 I 9-R-0030 I. Solicitation No 2. Type 3. DIlIt' PO!!" UNIVERSITY.g~ Issued DISTRICT OF GF-20 19-R-0030 [ I 5""lo:d Bid COLUMBIA [ X] SI.."3Ic.."lI Proposal 317119 10(61 1851 4. Contract Number 5. Rcquisltlon/Purclulsc Request No. 6. Open Market with sct aside for SSE ROO l3129 [X 1 subcontracting (sec St.-clion M.l.6 [ ] SBE Set· Aside (Sec 8 .2 & 51.."(: . M) Mandatory 25% CBE subcontracting wilh Section M.2 5 and M. I 6 7. Inucd By: 8. Address Offer To: Uni"'c~ilY of the District of Columbia Mary Ann Harris, ChicfConlmcting Officer Office ofStrntcgic Sourcing and Procurement c'o James Jenkins, ScniorConlmct Specialist 4200 Connt..'C licut Avenue NW Bldg. 39 Suile 200C Umversity of the District of Columbia Washington, OC 20008 Office of Scmtcgic Sourcing and Procun:mcnt 4200 Conm."Clicul Avenue NW Bldg. 39 Suite 200C Washini!,lon. DC 20008 9. FOR A.Name B Telephone C. E-Mail Address INFORMATION CONTACT Jium ..'S Jenkins 202-274-5624 iam c.... .k nkinsta udc.(.-du IMPORTANT - The "Orreror" Section of this rorlll musl he rolllPlcced h,· lhe Orrcror SOLICIT A TION NOTE: In scaled bid solicitations "offer" and Offeror" mean "bid" and bidder" 10. St.-akd offers in "original plus 6 copies to perronn thc work R..-quired shall he r(.'CeiH-d :lot the place spl'Cific.>d in item 8, or hand carried to the bid counter locall..'tI at i1ddrcss shown in itt:m 8 not k'Ss than 2:0Q p...:..m. local time on II.Thc Univcrsitv rl"Q uircs (lerfonnancc or work describt.'tI in strict occonlancc wilh the rollo\\m ,. DESCRIPTION SECTION PAGE Solicitation OfferlAward Fonn A 1 Schedule for Construction. Alterations. Repair, Price B 2 Scope/Specificalions/Drawings C 3-4 Packaj!ing and Markings I p 5 Inspection and Acceptance E 6 Deliveries and Perfonnance 7 Contracl Adminislralion Da a 8-12 Special Conlract Requirem ts 13-17 Contracl Clauses 18-26 List of Attachmenls J 27 Represenlations, Cenificalions and Olher Statemenls of Bidders K 28 Instruclions 10 Bidders L 29-37 Evalualion Preference Points M 38-42 Attachment 1.10 (Statemenl of Work) 43-61 12. The contraclor shaJl begin perfonnance and complete aJl work within 82 calendar days from the date specified in the written r 1 Award r X 1 NTP. This period ofperfonnance is [ 1 Mandalory [ 1Ne gotiable. 13. The contraclor must furnish perfonnance and payment bonds. [ X 1y es, wilhin 10 calendar days afler receivin~ Ihe Nolice of IntenllO Award r x 1 NOI Applicable r 1 14. AdditIonal Solicitation Considerations A. AJI proposals are subjecl to the work requirements, provisions and clauses incorporated in this solicitation in fuJllext or by reference. B. A BID GUARANTEE [ X 1is required [ 1 is not required UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SOURCING AND PROCUREMENT Page 1 of61 GF-2019-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION B: CONTRACT TYPE, SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICE/COST B.1 The University of the District of Columbia Office of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement, on behalf of its Office of Capital Assets and Real Estate Services (the "University") is seeking a contractor to design-build and replace the gymnasium flooring in building number 47 at the Van Ness Campus. B.2 The University contemplates award of a fixed price contract as authorized by the District of Columbia Procurement Practices Reform Act of 20 I 0 (PPRA) Section 503 and the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR) Title 8B Section 3023.4. The contractor shall provide all of the services required by this solicitation. B.3 [PRICE SCHEDULE I Contract Line ITEM DESCRIPTION Total Price Item No. (CLlN) 0001 Remove the existing wood basketball court and di spose of it. 0002 Remove the urethane sub-nooring and dispose of it. 0003 [nstall a new wood nooring system throughout the gymnas ium. 0004 Stripe and paint the new noor for regulation play, and apply a finish. 0005 Make the necessary adjustments to the existing baskets. GRAND TOTAL PRICE The Offeror's Price Proposal shall include a detailed breakdown of the total cost proposed B.4 A~ offeror responding to this solicitation that is required tol subcontract shall be required to submit with its proposal, any subcontracting plan required by law. Proposals responding to this RFr may be rejected if the offeror fails to submit a sUbconracting plan that is required by law. B.S D~IGNATION OF SOLICITATION FOR THE SHE~ TERED MARKET This RFP is set aside for the Sheltered Market of D.C. Department of Small Local Business Development and includes applicable preference points for certified small business enterprise (SBE) offeror under the provisions of the "Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of2014", D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 e/ seq., as amended. Offerors MUST submit evidence of their DSLBD certification WITH their proposal at the time the proposal is submitted. Offcrors may apply for DSLBD certification on-line by going to and select "Get Certified." Questions about certification, email [email protected]. 2 GF-2019-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION C: SPECIFICATlONS/wORK STATEMENT C.I SCOPE: The University of the District of Columbia is seeking a contractor that is certified by the DC Department of Local Small Business Development (DSLBD) to provide design build services and replace the gymnasium flooring in building #47 at its Van Ness Campus within eighty-two (82) calendar days from the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. C.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents are applicable to this procurement and are hereby incorporated by this reference: Item No. Document Type Title Date I Law District of Columbia Procurement 2010 Practices Reform Act 2 Regulation District of Columbia Municipal Regulations Title 8B 3 Contract Clauses Government of the District of January 2007 Columbia /standard Contract Provisions for Use With District of Columbia Government Construction Projects (Revised January 2007). I 4 Regulation General Deci~ion Number: February 8, 2019 pursuant to Law DC 190002, DC 2, Superseded General (Davis Bacon Decision Nur . ber: DC201 80002 Act) I 5 Law Living Wage I'\ct, January 1,2016 C.3 DEFINITIONS These terms when used in this RFP have the following meanings: C.3.1 Bid - The term "bid" means proposal. C.3.2 Bidder - The term "bidder" means offeror who has submitted a proposal in response to this solicitation. C.4 BACKGROUND/CHECKS The Offeror warrants that it will only assign employees who have passed a criminal background check to perform work under this contract. The background checks must demonstrate the worker(s) haslhave no convictions or pending criminal charges that would render the worker unsuitable for regular contact with children. 3 GF-2019-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 c.s STATEMENTOFWORK See Attachment J.I0 (Appendix A Description of Work) 4 GF-20 19-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION D: PACKAGING AND MARKING Not Applicable. \ I 5 GF-20 19-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION E: INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE E.I The inspection and acceptance requirements for this contract shall be governed by clause number eleven (II), Inspection and Acceptance of the Government of the District of Columbia's Standard Contract Provisions for use with Specifications for District of Columbia Construction Projects (Revised January 2007). I I \ \ 6 GF-20 19-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION F: PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES F.I TERM OF CONTRACT The term of the contract shall be from date specified in the Notice to Proceed not to exceed 82 calendar days thereafter. F.2 DELIVERABLES The Contractor shall perform the activities required to successfully complete the University's requirements and submit each deliverable to the Contract Administrator (CA) as scheduled by theCA. F.2.1 The Contractor shall submit to the University, as a deliverable, the report described in section H.5.5 that is required by the 51 % District Residents New Hires Requirements and First Source Employment Agreement. If the Contractor does not submit the report as part of the deliverables, final payment to the Contractor shall not be paid pursuant to section G.3.2. I \ 7 GF-2019-R-0030 for Design Build Services to Replace Gymnasium Flooring in Building 47 SECTION G: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Gl INVOICE PAYMENT G1.1 The University will make payments to the Contractor, upon the submission of proper invoices, at the prices stipulated in this contract, for supplies delivered and accepted or services performed and accepted, less any discounts, allowances or adjustments provided for in this contract. G1.2 The University will pay the Contractor on or before the 30th day after receiving a proper invoice from the Contractor. G2 INVOICE SUBMITTAL G2.1 The Contractor shall submit proper invoices on a monthly basis or as otherwise specified in Section GA. Invoices shall be prepared in duplicate and submitted to the agency Chief Financial Officer with concurrent copies to the CA specified in Section G.9 below. The address of the CFOis: University of the District of Columbia Office of the Controllerl Agency CFO 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW Bldg. 39 Suite 200B Washington, DC 20008 202-274-5488 G2.2 To constitute a proper invoice, the Contractor shall submit the following information on the invoice: j j G2.2.1 contractor'~ name, federal
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