Hollyfort Gorey Leskinfere Ballycanew Parish Newsletter May 2018 Church wardens have been elected for the year ahead and sincerest thanks to everyone who served in the past year. The wardens this year are as follows: Gorey; Rectors warden Mrs. Ann Slator, people’s warden Mr. William Stedmond; Leskinfere; Rectors warden Mr. Jason Hill, people’s warden Mrs. Vivien Galkine; Hollyfort; Rectors warden Mr. Ted O’Morchoe, people’s warden Mr. David Noblett; Ballycanew; Rectors warden Mr. Ben Furney Jr, people’s warden Mr. Richard Swaine. Mrs. Dorothy Stedmond has given a huge amount to our parishes over the recent past but especially so in her selfless giving of her time to cover our organ playing whilst Mr. Harry Percival recovered from surgery. As well as her musical gifts Dorothy has given freely of her talents to the Mother’s Union, Girls Brigade, Mustard Seeds and parish events. Thank you Dorothy! Data protection or GDPR is coming into force across the EU from May 25th and in order to be compliant consent forms are available in the churches and from the Rector so please do fill one in and return it to the parish as soon as possible. As usual the many suffer for the transgressions of the few! Congratulations: to Mr. Simon Flett and Ms. Claire O’Gorman who were married in St. Luke’s Church Leskinfere on April 21st last; to Mr. Simon Bailey and Ms. Charlene Harvey who were married in St. Luke’s Church Leskinfere on April 25th last; to Ms. Michelle Swaine and Mr. Barry McGlynn who were married in St. Mogue’s Church Ballycanew on May 4th last; to. Ms. Patricia O’Morchoe and Mr. Tom Falconer Hall who were married in Chelsea Old Church in London on April 29th last: to Mr. John and Mrs. Sandra Rathwell on the baptism of their daughter Jessica Mary in St. Mogue’s Church Ballycanew on April 29th last; to Mr. Harry Furney who celebrated his 90th birthday on April 29th last. Parish contact details: Rector: Canon Mark Hayden 0539421383 mob: 0861602228 Email [email protected] Assistant Priest: The Rev’d Robert Stotesbury 0539426300 Emeritus Diocesan Reader: Mrs Margaret Stephens 0539383152. Diocesan Reader: Mrs Lesley Bayley 0858890029. Parish Reader: Mrs Rosemary Lacey 0539428966. Diocesan Reader: Mr Jason Smith 0871416389. Check out the parish Facebook page for regular updates of events. Parish Forward Planner: Tuesday May 8th MU Indoor members’ afternoon tea in the home of Mrs. Zeta Ferguson 2.30pm for 3pm. Saturday May 12th Car boot sale in grounds of Christ Church Old School-see advert. Tuesday May 15th Eco Dine to Help event in aid of Christ Church-see advert. Wednesday May 16th Mother’s Union Diocesan Festival Service Christ Church Gorey 7.30pm. Friday may 18th Beetle drive in aid of St. Edan’s National School-see advert. Sunday May 20th Annual Songs of Praise Christ Church Gorey 7pm. No 11.30am service. Friday June 1st and Saturday June 2nd Ticket sales at Altura Credit Union McDermott Street in aid of Christ Church Gorey. Please support! Ticket draw at parish sale on July 11th. Friday June 8th Ballycanew Parish Sale from 7pm. Wednesday June 20th Silver Jubilee Holy Communion service for Canon Mark in Christ Church Gorey at 8pm. Bishop Burrows is the guest preacher. All are welcome to attend. June 30th Fun and Fellowship Choir concert Christ Church Gorey 8pm. Tuesday July 3rd Leskinfere Parish sale from 7pm. Wednesday July 11th Gorey Parish sale from 7pm. Thursday August 2nd Kammerphilharmonie Köln Christ Church Gorey 8pm. Saturday August 11th Car boot sale Old School grounds Gorey from 9am. Wednesday August 15th Hollyfort Parish sale from 6pm. Gorey/Hollyfort Mother’s Union have had a busy time recently. Our March meeting was held on March 12th in Christ Church Old School. Members were invited to show examples of and to speak about their hobbies. It was most interesting and motivating. Our Diocesan Vice president Mrs. Lesley Bayley then led a very inspiring and timely meditation on ‘How to spring clean your spirit.’ We were also delighted to be joined by our Diocesan President The Rev’d Margaret Sykes. On Tuesday March 27th some members and friends attended the cinema to see the movie Mary Magdalene. We also had an outing to Wells House on April 16th and the photos above are from that event. The area meeting took place in Killanne on April 23rd and the guest speaker was The Rev’d Trevor Sargent. We will also be having a home baking cake stall at the parish car boot sale on May 12th next so come along and treat yourself! The rescheduled service for the Women’s World Day of Prayer was held in St. Michaels Church Gorey on April 13th last. Members of the congregations of St. Michael’s Parish, Gorey Methodist Church and Gorey Group of Parishes took part. The service was compiled by the women of Surinam in South America with the theme ‘All God’s Creation is very good.’ The account of the creation in the Book of genesis was read and between verses examples of the lives of seven women in Surinam from various backgrounds were narrated. Ms. Nola Farrell led the service and the meditation was given by Ms. Val Galloway. The hymns included the ‘Canticle of the Sun’ and also ‘The Day Thou Gavest’ which is sung every year to remind us that we are part of an international movement so that on the usual day, the first Friday of March, ‘the voice of prayer is never silent, nor dies the strain of praise away.’ Many thanks to all those who contributed to the success of this special service and next year it is hoped that it will take place in Gorey Methodist Church. Flowers in Christ Church; people are very welcome to donate floral arrangements to remember deceased loved ones on their anniversary or birthday. However it has come to the attention of the select vestry that on a number of occasions people have had their flowers moved or two families wanted the same date. If anyone wishing to donate flowers in this way could consult the Flower Rota on both notice boards and talk to the person on flower duty for that month then any such unfortunate incidents will be avoided. There are at least 4 points in the church where donated flowers can be placed and please make sure the Rector has a note of who the flowers are in memory of so that the person can be mentioned during the services on that Sunday. The Growlers Men’s Club: meetings take place in Christ Church Old School, Gorey from 8pm until late every second Tuesday and all future dates can be found listed in the church porches. Contact Lesley on 085-8890029 for more details. The Fun + Fellowship Choir: We meet every second Thursday from 7-8pm in Christ Church, Gorey. New members always welcome! Contact Lesley on 085-8890029 for more details. Position of Part-time Youth Officer: Gorey Group of Parishes invites applications for the position of a part-time Youth Officer. The Youth Club will be suitable for 3rd class children through to secondary school and will commence autumn 2018. This is a new position. The post is part-time position of 12 hours a month. Expressions of interest together with a C.V and references to Canon Mark Hayden, The Rectory, The Avenue, Gorey, Co Wexford before the 21.6.2018. Garda Vetting: In order for anyone to assist in parish events where young people are involved they must complete a Garda Vetting form. Please contact the Rector for a form and advice on how to complete it. Only those who have completed Garda vetting and Safe Guarding Trust training can be permitted to assist in youth events in the parishes. Our advertisers: please do take a look at the advertisements at the back of our newsletter because it is thanks to the support of these businesses that allows us to have such a colourful and impressive newsletter. If you do avail of the services of one of our advertisers please do let them know you saw their advert in the newsletter so that they know they are getting value for their investment! in the Old School grounds. In aid of Christ Church Gorey Saturday 12th May 2018 9am till 1pm. Gates open at 8am: Car €10, Van €15. Refreshments served. To book – Tel: 086 868 3525 Eco Dine to Help in aid of Christ Church Gorey. Tuesday May 15th from Midday till late! Come and enjoy an excellent meal whilst raising funds for the church at the same time. Booking is essential at 0539421100 Find us on Facebook ‘Gorey Group of Parishes’ for regular updates. SPREAD THE WORD: A Thriving, Vibrant Community Matters – Support Our Advertisers! 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Wexford Bathroom Ware Phone 053 9422800 053 94 22236 We stock a large range of Butlers Chocolates, Greeting Cards, Fully Escorted Group Pilgrimages Niclolas Mosse Pottery, Willow Tree Ornaments, Yankee Candles, The Holy Land Baby, Wedding, Communion & Confirmation Gifts Following in the Footsteps of Jesus Also agents for Lantz Wedding Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee, Nazareth Over 25 years serving the community Stationery 8 nights - €1,395pps October 6th, 10th, 18th & 26th 2018 9 nights - €1,550pps November 11th 2018 ඎඝඔඔඡඍඛඋකගඍඌඉඋඓඉඏඍඌඑඔඏකඑඕඉඏඍඛඑකඑගඝඉඔඌඑකඍඋගකඛඛඍකඞඑඋඍඛ ඎඕඉකඑඉඖඑඔඏකඑඕඉඏඍඛකඍඖගඐඍඏකඝඖඌඔඋඉඔඍඖඏඔඑඛඐඛඍඉඓඑඖඏ ඏඝඑඌඍඛඍඉඎඏඉඔඑඔඍඍඊඉගගකඑඟඑකඍඔඍඛඛඉඝඌඑඛඡඛගඍඕ ගඉචඍඛຽගඑඛ Open Day May 19th! (01) 878 8159 | WWW.MARIAN.IE Study theologyby Valentia House JOHN BASS TYRES Nursing Home Arklow Rd, Gorey, Co.
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