January 27, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1829 H.R. 4755. A blll for the relief of Peter P. Horton, Remllda Horton, and James Hor­ Violeta Pobla.cion; to the Committee on the Karonls; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ton; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. H.R. 4756. A bUl for the relief of Zaven 0. H.R. 4767. A blll for the relief of Dr. Som­ By Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey: Kodjayan; to the Committee on the Judi­ sak P a.ppa.wuiat; to the Committee on the H.R. 4779. A bill for the relief of Giuseppe. ciary. Judiciary. Cordaro; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4757. A blll for the relief of Weronlka H.R . 4768. A blll for the relief of Cecma By Mr. VANDERJAGT: Marek; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Pelaez; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4780. A bill for the rellef of Shirouych H.R. 4758. A bill for the relief of Oulseppe H.R. 4769. A blll for the relief of Francesco Makarem!; to the Committee on the Judi­ Vitale; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Somma; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ciary. H.R . 4759. A bill for the relief of Salvatore H.R. 4770. A blll for the relle! of Basile and Vitale; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Palagla stavroupoulos; to the Committee on By Mr. ROONEY of New York: the Judiciary. PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 4771. A blll for the relief of Ioannls H.R. 4760. A blll for the relief of Rafael Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Antonio Pappa, bis wife, Clotlelde Consuelo Stoubos; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Teresa Burastero de Pappa, and their child­ H.R. 4772. A blll for the relief of utuseppe and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ren, Alejandra Andrea, Gabriela Araceli, Trimarchi; to the Committee on the Ju­ and referred as follows: Sergio Javier, and Fabian Rafael Pappa; to diciary. 35. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Henry the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SCHEUER: Stoner, Portland, Oreg., relative to the Armed By Mr. ST. ONGE: H .R. 4773. A b1ll for the relief of Elha.u Forces; to the Committee on Armed Services. Ma.Ilk and his wife Claire; to the Committee H.R. 4761. A b111 for the relief of Dennis J . on the Judiciary. 36. Also, petition of Gordon Levon Dollar, Relyea; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R . 4774. A blll for the relief of Tomasa Springfield, Mo., relative to redress of griev­ By Mr. SANDMAN: Rivera; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ances; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4762. A blll for the relief of Charles J. By Mr. SMITH of Iowa: 37. Also, petition of Benjamin L. Ehrlich, Culligan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4775. A bill for the relief of Giuseppe Chicago, Ill., relative to redress of grievances; H.R. 4763. A bill for the relief of F1111ppo Andreana; to the Committee on the Ju­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. D'Agostlno; to the Committee on the Judi­ diciary. 38. Also, petition of Charles B. Lucas, Oxon ciary. H .R. 4776. A blll for the rellef of Salvatore Hill, Md., relative to redress of grievances; H.R. 4764. A bill for the relief of Marlo Cusimano; to the Committee on the Ju­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. Errera; to the Committee on the Judiciary. diciary. 39. Also, petition of William B. Coleman, H.R. 4765. A b1ll for the relief of Vita H.R. 4777. A bill for the relief of Guido Jacksonville, Fla., relative to the Committee Fodera; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Fenu; to the Committee on the Judiciary. on Un-American Activities; to the Oommit· H.R. 4766. A b1ll for the relief of Eugene H.R. 4778. A bill for the relief of Dr. tee on Rules. SENATE-Monday, January 27, 1969 (Legislative day of Friday, January 10, 1969> The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, WAIVER OF CALL OF THE ary 19, 1969, as well as an article about on the expiration of the recess, and was CALENDAR Senator HARRIS and his lovely wife, La­ called to order by the Vice President. Donna, entitled "Man in the News: FRED The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the call of the HARRIS Riding Herd on Democrats," pub­ L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following lished in the New York Post of Saturday, prayer: legislative calendar, under rule VIII, be dispensed with. January 25, 1969. Everliving God, unto whom in all ages The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ There being no objection, the material men have lifted up their hearts in prayer, jection, it is so ordered. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, grant to all of us in this place a sense of as follows: the sacredness of every task, that while [From the New York Post, Jan. 25, 1969) we work we may worship, while we think TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE MORN­ MAN IN THE NEWS: FRED liARRis RIDING HERD we may pray, while we speak we may ING BUSINESS ON DEMOCRATS witness for Thee, that serving here we Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask (By Warren Hoge) may serve our Nation and serving our unanimous consent that a brief period WASHINGTON.--Only one thing was missing Nation we may serve all mankind. Re­ be allowed for the transaction of rou­ in the Humphrey command headquarters In ceive now, O Lord, the dedication of our tine morning business, with statements Minneapolls' Leamington Hotel early elec­ lives which we offer to Thee this day. therein llmited to 3 minutes. tion nlizht. In Thy holy name. Amen. The three television sets were In place. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ Telephones linked the suite with key lieu­ jection, it is so ordered. tenants. The co-chairman of the Democratic THE JOURNAL Presidential nominee's campaign, Minnesota Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I Sen. Walter Mondale, and his aides were MAN IN THE NEWS: SENATOR there and a burly friend of the Senator's ask unanimous consent that the Journal FRED HARRIS chauffeur stood at the door to keep out un­ of the proceedings of Friday, January 24, wanted guests. 1969, be approved. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, some Still awaited was the other half of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ days ago, the Democratic National Com­ campaign leadership, Sen. Fred Harris of jection, it is so ordered. mittee met and selected a new national Oklahoma. chairman. The man selected was one of Suddenly there was a commotion in the our colleagues, FRED HARRIS, the senior hallway. A short, somewhat overweight young MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Senator from Okahoma. man with shiny black hair parted razor­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ I am delighted with his appointment, straight down the middle was trying to con­ because if anyone can occupy a position vince the bouncer that he was a U.S. Sena­ dent of the United States submitting tor. It wasn't until Mondale came to the door nominations were communicated to the in the Senate and do an outstanding job and vouched for him that Sen. Harris was Senate by Mr. Geisler, one of his secre­ as the national chairman for our party admitted. taries. as well, it is Senator HARRIS. I assure him In addition to being co-chairman of Hum­ that he will have the full cooperation and phrey's campaign, Harris had also been an understanding of the Senate leadership activist member of the Kerner Commission EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED in the efforts he undertakes to strengthen on Civil Disorders and a frequently men­ As in executive session, the party, to invigorate it, and to bring tioned possiblllty for the Democratic Vice The VICE PRESIDENT laid before about a better understanding with the Presidential nomination. the Senate messages from the President younger people of this Nation. Now, at 38, he ls the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. of the United States submitting sundry Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ If all that wasn't immediately apparent to nominations, which were referred to the sent to have printed at this point in the the doorkeeper that night, it's understand­ appropriate committees. RECORD the transcript of the first TV ap­ able. (For nominations this day received, pearance by Senator HARRIS as national Harris ls a shirt.sleeves and feet-on-the­ see the end of Senate proceedings.> chairman, on "Face the Nation," Janu- desk type, a man with no time or taste tor 1830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 27, 1969 the excessive formality of traditional Sen­ "depending on the need or m y m ood ," Harris a udience wit h t he Chief Executive. She lives atorial demeanor. now reflects, lt was "either terribly deprived his life as earnest ly as he does. While others suited up for convention or richly educational." Though something ot a celebrity in Wash­ strategy conferences in Chicago last August, He received both undergraduate and law ington a nd a catch for Capital hostesses Harris came out in turtlenecks, slacks and degrees from the University ot Oklahoma now, Harris Is not likely to foresake his loafers. On other mornings, he often used to where he made his first political mark as an Oklahoma habits. A Southwestern twang stroll over to the McLean, Va. home ot his official of the Young Democratic Club. colors the resonant timbre of his speaking neighbor and friend, the late Robert Ken­ He h ad married his high-school sweetheart, voice and t hat part in the middle of his hair nedy, dressed in bathrobe and slippers.
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